November Turkey Trot 10 lb Challenge



  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    First off, I did not weigh in yet, because my scale isn't working. I will have to get another one tomorrow. But, I did get my miles in 43miles for this week. I hope I havn't gained, I even got in a Thanksgiving workout, my trainer came in early and we all burned off as much as possible, and repeated it again today. I hope it kept the number stable. I will find out tomorrow.

    On another note. My NSV was that my workout clothes today were so freaking lose, I think I need to go done a size. I was losing my pants, with my jumping jacks. And my shirt is no longer snug, but loose and flapping everywhere. Oh yeah, Oh Yeah!! I will know if all this working out pays off tomorrow, when I go shopping. fingers crossed. I STILL DO NOT ENJOY SHOPPING, RIGHT NOW.

    If I do not make it to Onederland by Christmas, I might be a little sad. :frown:
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Great job everyone. I know the holidays are getting some members down. I planned for the holiday and was expecting it, so I am happy with "spinning my wheels"...but at least I maintained this week and did not gain. Not quite to onederland yet, but it will come.
    My NSV's this month. New clothes and not from the women's section, 3 sizes over all, and including an entire cup size on my bra. Finally, I made my final benchmark to join a master swim program at the beginning of January. I finally swam my 2000 yards in 59 minutes.
  • TokiDokiGirl12
    TokiDokiGirl12 Posts: 73 Member
    Fantastic job everyone!!!

    November was a challenging month for me, but I did have an overall loss of 3.5 lbs!! Looking forward to December and keeping on track. My goal is to lose 10 lbs by New Years! :)
  • carhicks
    carhicks Posts: 1,894 Member
    Woo Hoo, I did it. I lost my 10 pounds that I was hoping to lose. I also logged over 200 miles. I drank lots of water and added some new exercise to my routine. It was a wonderful way to keep me on track this month. Thanks everyone. Carla
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    So....How'd everyone do?! I didn't get anywhere CLOSE to 10 lbs lost, BUT I can now see a teeny tiny bit of space between my legs when I stand with my feet hip width apart - I've NEVER been able to see any space there!!

    Thanks for joining my challenge, everyone, and a big thank you to those who have been with me for several months. I wish you all the best and encourage you to continue doing challenges and continue working hard. Hard work and dedication (stolen from Dolvett Quince!) are the two things that will get you to your goal. :drinker:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Congrats, Carla!!!

    NSV: I just ordered new clothes online, in a smaller size than I usually wear, and everything fit perfectly!
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    TOM bloat is finally gone! down to 297.6.... I was only .4 off from 10! I will take it! I haven't worked out since thanksgiving I came down with a horrible cold...and letting my body rejuvenate...but getting ready to get back into gear again!

    Thanks for this challenge!

    ETA: my NSV is I can put both of my twinklets into my jeans with me at the same time :) My jeans I was wearing last year at this time! :)
  • NHLove88
    NHLove88 Posts: 75 Member
    I only lost 2.8 lbs this month, it's not what I was hoping for but it's better than nothing. lol

    Congrats to everyone on their weight loss, :)
  • I didn't reach my goal of losing five pounds. I yo-yoed all month thanks to poor eating choices. Halloween candy did me in a couple days. There will be no large candy purchase in my house over Christmas and I already have some healthy plans for Christmas dinner. My husband is very supportive of that. :)

    I also didn't get all my scheduled workouts in. But I'm still working at it and am confident that December and January will not do me in. I've established a healthier lifestyle thanks to Team Beachbody and MFP. That won't change in spite of the holidays and New Year's cruise. There's a gym on the ship!

    Good luck to everyone in December!
  • sbeckum91
    sbeckum91 Posts: 43 Member
    I reached my goal. I'm so proud of myself. It was really hard, what with school being crazy this month and Thanksgiving, but somehow I did it. I don't usually meet my goals so I'm super excited meeting them in November.

    NSV: The shock on my families faces when I went home for the holidays, particularly my sister's. It was nice getting the attention and being congratulated on my weight loss during Thanksgiving day.
  • zumbawhit
    zumbawhit Posts: 115 Member
    189.9 miles this month! :-)

    It was fun, ya'll!!! Thanks for the support... I'm sure we'll meet again!!!
  • Hmm, My NSV for November would probably be that I saw a friend I hadn't seen in forever, and she noticed that I had lost some weight and said that I looked good...not many people have said anything, but that's cool when they do :). Plus, I like when they don't, mostly because I don't take compliments well and don't know what to say other than thanks and feel weird lol. It was an alright month :)
  • tishaloses
    tishaloses Posts: 234 Member