Kerri's top 10 reasons why you're not losing weight



  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I have a question!

    My scale won't weigh anything under ten pounds, does that mean it's inaccurate? ;)

    But seriously, I tried the dumbbell trick, and it doesn't register ten pounds. ): I don't have another dumbbell (used two 5 pound ones) so I'm not sure how else to test the silly thing.

    lol that's really odd! try this: stand on it. remember the number. now stand on it again holding your 2 dumbbells. is the new number the old number plus 10? if it is then it's accurate. The only things is if it's not you can't really adjust it to be accurate... but at least you'll know!
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    This post was FABULOUS! I posted it to my blog (with credit to you, of course!) I added a few things myself based on my personal beliefs and a few of the responses:

    1) In regards to food and exercise, be sure you're being honest with yourself! Did you REALLY work out hard enough to count all those calories burned? And if so, did you reward yourself with a nice, big cupcake or with something that would help give you more fuel for your body? I am guilty of the cupcake on a few occasions. Recently, I went for a walk pre-dinner so I could afford to eat at a pizza place with my husband. There's nothing wrong with doing it from time to time, just make sure it's not your habit.

    2) With number seven, I think it should also be mentioned that your diet should have a variety. Lots of protein, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. If you're eating 1000 calories a day in simple carbohydrates, you aren't doing yourself any favors!

    3) If you're under any type of stress at all, including illness, give your body a break! It's speaking to you and it's saying "leave me alone".

    4) DRINK YOUR WATER!!! I notice that water has so many benefits with weight loss and my number one motivation is that the weeks when I drown myself in water, I lose the most weight! If you aren't used to drinking it, start small. Give yourself a goal of 2 glasses a day and work your way up. If you have been eating a lot of sodium, the best way to counter-act the water retention is to flush it out with water.

    5) Remember that there are some things out of your control that can cause you to maintain or gain weight. Medications, illnesses, genetic conditions, etc. Again, be HONEST with yourself about what you've really tried and never, ever be afraid to talk with your doctor. They might be able to help switch your medications or put you on a new one that is more weight-friendly!
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I have a question!

    My scale won't weigh anything under ten pounds, does that mean it's inaccurate? ;)

    But seriously, I tried the dumbbell trick, and it doesn't register ten pounds. ): I don't have another dumbbell (used two 5 pound ones) so I'm not sure how else to test the silly thing.

    lol that's really odd! try this: stand on it. remember the number. now stand on it again holding your 2 dumbbells. is the new number the old number plus 10? if it is then it's accurate. The only things is if it's not you can't really adjust it to be accurate... but at least you'll know!

    Oh goodness! You're a smart cookie! I'm going to try that!!
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
  • I've been away from the boards for a week or so and just now found this post....its one of those that should be required reading for everyone.

    I love seeing your progress and how you've reached your look amazing! Such great motivation for me to keep at it! Thanks for the thoughts.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Bumpity bump bump bump! :bigsmile:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I've been away from the boards for a week or so and just now found this post....its one of those that should be required reading for everyone.

    I love seeing your progress and how you've reached your look amazing! Such great motivation for me to keep at it! Thanks for the thoughts.

    aw, thanks :flowerforyou:
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Dear Kerri,

    I loved this! Thank you!

    Maybe one more to add might be that you really do not need to lose weight to begin with. Maybe some women need to tone up to "feel better" but their actual weight is just fine. I am somewhat concerned when I (occasionally) see a very thin woman in a picture with a weight loss goal of 10 or more pounds.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    I definitely agree with this, although it is hard for us to know if the photo is current. I mean maybe they want to get back to that size by losing weight. I do definitely think this is something people should consider though. It's important to ask yourself WHY you want to lose weight, For many it is health related, which is probably the most valid reason. If you are within your healthy BMI zone it becomes fuzzier- what is too thin, what is right for the individual. It should never ever be someone's goal to be underweight.

    Also, if it is just a shoulder & head shot... you might not see that some people are pear or apple shaped. I know right now people see my face and say I'm thin but my stomach, hips and inner thighs they don't see... and there lies the problem :huh:
  • tomyhealth
    tomyhealth Posts: 181
    Thanks!!! Love the info:smile:
  • bumping because of a couple of threads i saw this morning.
  • Great post! Thanks!
  • Noday543
    Noday543 Posts: 15
    Just saving this!!! Thanks for the great advice!
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    B U M P :flowerforyou:
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Thanks! Very helpful
  • vannie18
    vannie18 Posts: 55
    :smile: Great post!! Thanks.
  • bluekb1994
    bluekb1994 Posts: 32 Member
    I know I am late in reading this but it poped back up just in time!! It's been 2 weeks on MFP and I haven't lost anything (nor have I gained:smile: )
    But all your remainders are spot on and reminded me it is a slow process and I need to take a look back at what I have been eating and my work outs and see if there is any tweeking to be done.

    I am glad I joined the site and glad I say this post! Thanks!!

  • Loma
    Loma Posts: 31 Member
    great tips! dumb question.....what does it mean to bump?:flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    great tips! dumb question.....what does it mean to bump?:flowerforyou:

    Just that anytime you post on a thread, it bumps that thread to the top of the Recent Posts list.
    So if you have nothing to add but just wanna bring the thread back to the top for the benefit of others, a lot of people will just say "bump".

    And soooooo not a dumb question! :flowerforyou:
  • Loma
    Loma Posts: 31 Member

    great tips! dumb question.....what does it mean to bump?

    Just that anytime you post on a thread, it bumps that thread to the top of the Recent Posts list.
    So if you have nothing to add but just wanna bring the thread back to the top for the benefit of others, a lot of people will just say "bump".

    And soooooo not a dumb question!

    Thanks so much!:flowerforyou:
  • librarygirl
    librarygirl Posts: 182 Member
    Great post. This is why I rarely weigh myself. I am all about how I look in my clothes or in my mirror without clothes than how much I weigh. I just weighed myself yesterday in a month and found that I lost 11lbs!! But I didn't need the scale to know that I lost weight. I can fit into jeans I haven't been able to wear in a year! I decided to go by inches and not the scale.

    I also wanted to add that you could be packing on the pounds or not losing the weight by not drinking enough water. You should drink a minimum1/2 your body weight in water to lose weight. So if you are 200lbs, you should drink 100oz of water a day. It flushe of 8, 8oz glass of water a day or 64oz. I spoke with my chiropractor who told me you should drink s your system and removes toxins which allow your body to absorb nutrients better and ultimately allows your body to drop those lbs!!
    I'm confused because I'm currently reading the book 'The Eat-clean diet' and the author quotes a doctor who says one ounce of water for every pound of scale weight? I guess the ultimate goal is to drink enough so that the urine is pale yellow or clear.
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