Co-Sleeping with kids



  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    The spare bedroom. It worked well for us. I enjoyed being close to the kids and he grew up sharing beds in Mexico, so it wasn't a big deal for him. Our kids have grown up fine so far...confident and independent...and have a really close bond with us.

    This was my and my mans situation as well, he's also from Mexico. Not only that, but I have major paranoia when it comes to leaving my son in an entirely different room all alone at night. I've heard way too many horror stories, and you never know what kind of crazy *kitten* people you got around you. Anyways, soon we plan on getting my son his own bed, but putting it right next to ours. I don't see any issues with it, aside from the fact that there might a an 8 or 9 year old in our bed later down the road LOL but that doesn't bother either one of us. Our son is only 3 years old, but so far he's showing us confidence and independence as well.

    As for the sex part, we wait till the kid falls asleep then slip out and use the second room sometimes, other times we'll lay out blankets on the living room floor and do our thing there. And I don't agree with whoever it was that says married people don't have a sex life... my man and I do it 3+ times a week, sometimes as much as twice a day, and we've been together for 7 years so far. ;) To a woman, a healthy relationship means honesty and communication. To a man, it means sex on the regular. lmao

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    We have grown up time all the time! We have co slept from the beginning. Kids who co sleep generally sleep really well. My little one falls asleep almost immediately at about 10p and sleep til around 10a no matter what is going on!!
    a. You can turn lights off.
    b. It introduces adventure (aka finding other places than your bed)
    c. co sleeping is NOT coddling by any means. It makes your child more confident, they sleep more peacefully, YOU as a parent sleep better, easier to nurse, decreases risk of SIDS, helps with family closeness and self esteem, and SO many more benefits. When you a coddle a child it is to their detriment. Trust me it is WAY different.
    d. I babywear and co sleep. 'mainstream' parents say that this makes you child want to be held all the time and not want to entertain themselves but this is not the case. My child actually tends to be more independent than other babies who do not co sleep or are worn. I have a 10 week old and a friend of mine has a 13 week old. Between the two of them my lo is perfectly content with being away from me. My friends son has to be attached to his mother at all times or he cries like crazy. This is the only example so its not just different kids having different behavior issues. Do some research and you'll see info that backs up what i'm saying!
  • RyanDanielle5101
    Thanks for all the comments, seems the kitchen is the favorite. I've always just wondered, I've read about it before and thought how a relationship may change with such a big change like a child in the bed. Most of you are all still married so it can't be that bad:smile:
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    Well the relationship change happens anyway with kids
    Its all in what works for the family
    For us it is the only way to get sleep
    i know when shes ready we will have our bed back
    Like somone said earlier....they are only little for a short time.
    And i appreciate positive curiosity minus judgment

  • Qcrazy
    Qcrazy Posts: 19
    Ill be the odd one out Co-Sleeping is stupid, and down right laziness. If you know how many baby's die each year from being smothered to death I do not think anyone would do it. They can label it SIDS all day long but a majority of those cases are the mother (you) Smothering the life out of your own child. Yes it is a accident, but it is preventable. I would go as far as saying it is like letting your kid ride around with out a car seat. We would not do that.

    My anger on this subject comes from knowing 2 people that "accidently" Killed their baby's and seeing it tear their life apart, both of them. It could happen to anybody. Do you know how you would feel to kill you own child?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Ill be the odd one out Co-Sleeping is stupid, and down right laziness. If you know how many baby's die each year from being smothered to death I do not think anyone would do it. They can label it SIDS all day long but a majority of those cases are the mother (you) Smothering the life out of your own child. Yes it is a accident, but it is preventable. I would go as far as saying it is like letting your kid ride around with out a car seat. We would not do that.

    My anger on this subject comes from knowing 2 people that "accidently" Killed their baby's and seeing it tear their life apart, both of them. It could happen to anybody. Do you know how you would feel to kill you own child?

    Fewer babies die from being smothered than die of cot death because they are in a different room to their parents. Far more babies die from falling asleep on sofas with babies due to flame retardants in the fabrics. The number of babies who die in bed with mothers who are non-smokers, don't drink and haven't taken sleeping pills is negligible.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Ill be the odd one out Co-Sleeping is stupid, and down right laziness. If you know how many baby's die each year from being smothered to death I do not think anyone would do it. They can label it SIDS all day long but a majority of those cases are the mother (you) Smothering the life out of your own child. Yes it is a accident, but it is preventable. I would go as far as saying it is like letting your kid ride around with out a car seat. We would not do that.

    My anger on this subject comes from knowing 2 people that "accidently" Killed their baby's and seeing it tear their life apart, both of them. It could happen to anybody. Do you know how you would feel to kill you own child?

    Had either of these people been drinking or taking any sedating medication (even legally prescribed medication)?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Fewer babies die from being smothered than die of cot death because they are in a different room to their parents. Far more babies die from falling asleep on sofas with babies due to flame retardants in the fabrics. The number of babies who die in bed with mothers who are non-smokers, don't drink and haven't taken sleeping pills is negligible.

    Tell the parents who wake up to their dead newborn, entirely due to their own fault, how negligible that one death is.

    ALSO this topic was discussed in DEBATABLE DEBATING! The MFP group for people who'd rather argue than work at their jobs...

    I love giving out plugs!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Yeah, I'm not a fan of the family bed, no matter what my dogs think. I do, however, love to go get my son in the morning (on the weekends or days off) and bring him into bed for some family snuggle time. It's something that's special. I want my kids to know that I am always available for them when they need me, but feel secure and independent enough to let me sleep as wildly as I want. I puch, kick, and jump in my sleep so my bed isn't always a safe place for the less robust anyway.
  • lcchrt
    lcchrt Posts: 234 Member
    Ill be the odd one out Co-Sleeping is stupid, and down right laziness. If you know how many baby's die each year from being smothered to death I do not think anyone would do it. They can label it SIDS all day long but a majority of those cases are the mother (you) Smothering the life out of your own child. Yes it is a accident, but it is preventable. I would go as far as saying it is like letting your kid ride around with out a car seat. We would not do that.

    My anger on this subject comes from knowing 2 people that "accidently" Killed their baby's and seeing it tear their life apart, both of them. It could happen to anybody. Do you know how you would feel to kill you own child?

    Fewer babies die from being smothered than die of cot death because they are in a different room to their parents. Far more babies die from falling asleep on sofas with babies due to flame retardants in the fabrics. The number of babies who die in bed with mothers who are non-smokers, don't drink and haven't taken sleeping pills is negligible.

    I agree! Look at the statistics before you angrily judge. Actually 'safe co sleeping' is safer than crib sleeping. People need to be educated on safe co sleeping instead of saying that all of it is dangerous. Not having fluffy bedding, not smoking/drinking, etc are all safe. We bed share and absolutely love it. When my lo sleeps with me I am VERY aware of what is going on around me. One little peep or snore and I am instantly awake. If she even kicks her feet I am awake. It is all about the way you allow your children to sleep. Sleeping in a drop side crib or in a crib with a bumper has caused MORE deaths and bumpers are still sold.
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    I have never co-slept with my kids (they have when they are sick or have had a bad dream). I personally do not think it is a good idea (just my opinion, I'm not trying to bash anyone at all) but I guess my one question to those who have done or do this is: When do you and your husband or significant have grown up time? I can't imagine what it can do to a couple’s sex life to have a child or children in your bed every night.

    If you don't co-sleep and you're not planning on it, why do you care how and where other people do it? You're really opening a can of worms here.

    I am purely curious as to how two married people have fun when a child is sleeping with them.

    Married people don't have sex. So for fun, they just move to another room while the kid sleeps and play video games. Then ***** and moan at each other.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    As discussed in the Debating Group (hint hint), my issue is with parents who have their children sleep with them to fill a void. For example, a single mom being lonely at night so she has her child sleep in the bed with her. And at what age is it no longer cute, but becomes weird?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Fewer babies die from being smothered than die of cot death because they are in a different room to their parents. Far more babies die from falling asleep on sofas with babies due to flame retardants in the fabrics. The number of babies who die in bed with mothers who are non-smokers, don't drink and haven't taken sleeping pills is negligible.

    Tell the parents who wake up to their dead newborn, entirely due to their own fault, how negligible that one death is.

    ALSO this topic was discussed in DEBATABLE DEBATING! The MFP group for people who'd rather argue than work at their jobs...

    I love giving out plugs!

    Sorry, but that's rubbish. I know people who's babies have died of cot death because they WEREN'T in their parent's bed. Some babies die. It's harsh, but it's a fact. You can't blame the parents for that one. They'll be blaming themselves.
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    I love co-sleeping with my babies. I follow the safe co-sleeping guidelines and have between 1 and 3 children in with us every night.. We start with the baby in bed every night and as they get older they move into their own bed in their own room and visit us from time to time.

    Our 5.5 yo is pretty much in her own room 99% of the time. Middle child 3.5 yo is moving into his own bed, sleeps in his own bed 7.30pm till early hours and joins us. Baby at 1.5 yo is in bed with us 100% except naps in her own bed.

    As for the sex question, surely you don't only have sex in bed at night, plenty of other rooms in a house.

    Qcrazy, I am sorry for your friends losses. Sadly every year many babies die and sometimes from preventable accidents both in beds and alone in cots too, nothing in life is 100% risk free, I wish it was.

    That is why I feel it is important everyone is given the information about safe co sleeping rules, hopefully that will reduce the number of accidents in parents beds, just like we mothers are given information about the 'back to sleep' campaign and other such safety matters.
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    Our beds too noisy anyway so we never use it for sex!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    can move them to the floor for that time period or now we have a mattress next to our bed and he sleeps over there mostly... I have never had issues with cosleeping and still having relations with my husband. Having the energy is far more of an issue than cosleeping lol

    am i the only one that finds THIS statement the most disturbing of all?
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    As discussed in the Debating Group (hint hint), my issue is with parents who have their children sleep with them to fill a void. For example, a single mom being lonely at night so she has her child sleep in the bed with her. And at what age is it no longer cute, but becomes weird?
    I'm a single mom(kinda) however I NEVER get lonely enough I want them to sleep with me. My bed is my bed. Their beds are their beds.
    On the weekends I have them we will have "campouts" where we all sleep on the floor. But quite honestly I try to sneak into my bed still.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    My daughter slept with us. I'd nurse her to sleep then we'd *kitten* on the couch in the livingroom.

    It's not really rocketscience. You can have "relations" outside of the bedroom.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Sorry, but that's rubbish. I know people who's babies have died of cot death because they WEREN'T in their parent's bed. Some babies die. It's harsh, but it's a fact. You can't blame the parents for that one. They'll be blaming themselves.

    It's not rubbish at all. Newborns die from co-sleeping. Period. Not many. But do you want to tell the parents of a dead baby that for comfort?

    Yes SIDS is terrible and we're not entirely sure how to prevent it. We DO know how to prevent parents from rolling over onto their babies. Put them in a crib.

    Odds are everything will be fine when cosleeping. The odds are also good that you'll win at Russian Roulette. It's the times you don't that REALLY bite you on the *kitten*.

    Just because kids can die from numerous different causes is no reason to ignore simple safety precautions that can save their lives.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    What about people who sleep with their dogs? Is that even weirder or less weird?