Determined December challenge : P

:flowerforyou: Determined December challenge :bigsmile:

1 : Pick 2 or 3 goals of your choice { these can be updated every week if needed}
2 : Check in every day good or bad :wink: Even if its just to say hello.
3 : Pick a good habit you want to work on ( does'nt have to be diet related}
4 : One free day a week { you do not have to take it, but its there if you need it}

If you let me know you want me to ,I will send a little message as a reminder if I havent seen you for a day or 2 sometimes people forget, I will only do that if you ask for it I dont want to bug anyone :ohwell:

Lets be determined to make December a succssesful month !!!!!!!!

My goals

1 : stay under 1500 calories
2 : drink 64 ounces of water
3 : excercize 30 mins a day I have had this goal the last 3 months and its my habbit to excersize almost every day now.
4 : water pic my teeth before bed Good habit !!!!!!
5 : free day I will choose week to week

Now its your turn :wink:


  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    I'm going to try this again. Will post more tonight. Off to work for now. Thanks Elimay59. Ankle surgery kind of did me in for the month of November. Did not gain anything but did not lose. I guess that is an accomplishment in itself. LATER!
  • rudd13
    rudd13 Posts: 5 Member
    Sure, can always use more motivation. :-)

    Ok, 1.: Goals.

    -Stick to salads, at least one a day, like my multivitamin!
    -Remain within nutrient, not only calorie goals. (at least when it comes to sugar and such).
    -Cardio, cardio, cardio, if nothing else, everyday! Walk, jog, bike, swim, jump some rope, hula hoop, something!
    **edit** - Here's one that is less body related... Clean out my closet! I am an out of control clothing packrat. I need to let go of the things I haven't worn in years, try on everything, and separate things to be kept, tailored, and tossed. Ultimate goal is half the closet/dresser GONE.

    2.: Check-in daily.

    No problem here, I always log... Even the horrible, horrible binge type days. Sigh.

    3.: Good habit.

    This is one I'm determined to start. I have two little at home calesthetic type routines to be repeated 2-3+ times daily. So my hopefully new habit will be to wake up each morning, stretch, feed the pup, potty and do one of the two routines however many times, alternating between the two daily. Followed by a dog walk or jog. Maybe an hour per morning? And a great way to jump start my day and efforts. This will take will, but I hear it takes 2 weeks to create a habit, I hope this routine becomes a solid one!

    4.: Free day.

    I'm hoping to stick to ONE, (uno, um, ich!) free day a week if that, and not going wild on said day. I know being a little bad doesn't have to derail everything!

    Good luck to you!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    You know I'm in Elimay - you should have a career in the motivation of others :happy:

    Will have a think about what goals I will work towards and then post again later. I am thinking about easing up on the exercise a little just in the run up to Christmas, as I have so much to do and extra hours at work also. Its actually starting to stress me out, so if I reduce the exercise then that's one less pressure.
  • macjenkins
    macjenkins Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in! I need something to keep me motivated since I started my new job. Going from part-time to full-time has taken it's toll. I have to learn how to balance everything that needs done.


    30 mins of exercise a day / 50 crunches & pushups-- WITH OR WITHOUT THE GYM
    Drink 64oz of water a day
    Stay within my calorie goal

    Good habit-

    Take the stairs at work all the time not just when I feel like it

    Free day- This may differ from week to week. My hubby works out of town and is usually home on the weekends. I'll be bad then lol.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome everyone :flowerforyou:

    Some great goals !!!!!! Reachable goals are so helpful when you reach them you feel empowered to do even more :tongue:
    DeeBear I know you had a rough month with surgery so glad you are here again :bigsmile:

    Sammy you are so sweet thank you :smile: . I Love people !!!!! and it really does help me when I am encouraging others :wink:

    I had some ups and downs too but it was really helpful to get back on tract when I had the goal of checking in good or bad :happy:

    Lets have an awesome month. Determined December challenge friends :wink:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I'd like to join and try this!


    Drink at least 6 glasses of water a day (I know it's supposed to be 8, but right now I'm lucky if I get 3...)
    Exercise at least 30 minutes a day
    Get at least 2 veggie and 2 fruit servings a day
    (non-diet related - inspired by rudd13) Declutter home and clean out closets


    Get up and moving by 6:30 am (I work for myself, from home, and it's far too easy to sleep late, but the day goes so much better when I get up and moving early).
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Sounds great :happy: We are nearing the start , are we ready to be determined ? see you soon :wink:
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Goals for December.
    1. Drink 2 liters of water a day.
    2. Stay at 1,200 or less a day.
    3. Exercise 30 minutes a day.
    4. One cheat day a week but keep it reasonable.
    5. Log in everyday.
    6. NO MORE EXCUSES!!!!!!
  • Hi, I was looking for a December type challenge to join. Glad I found one! (:

    Goals for December:
    1. Lose at least 2 pounds a week SW: 230
    2. No soda
    3. Exercise a minimum of 45 minutes a day
    4. Log in Everyday
    5. Be happy, smile, and work hard.. everyday!
  • I am in
    My goals
    1 : stay under 1200 calories
    2 : drink 3 liter of water a day
    3 : excercize at least 30 mins a day and at least 315 mins per week.
    4 : Excercise calories (3500 min per week)
    5 : No sugar in food or drink
    6: No oil in food
    7: No tea
    8: No coffee
    9: 1% fat milk instead of 2%
    10: Lose at least 8 #
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    welcome everyone !!!!!!! nice goals I especially like smile and be happy , very good. we are going to have an awesome month :bigsmile:
  • I can definitely use some motivation and accountability for December. I hope I can still join this December challenge.

    My goals:
    1) stay within my calorie goal each day
    2) exercise at least 30 minutes 6 days/week
    3) log in and track on MFP everyday

    Good habit:
    -go to bed before 11

    Here's hoping we all can keep our motivation going! :)

  • I can definitely use some motivation and accountability for December. I hope I can still join this December challenge.

    My goals:
    1) stay within my calorie goal each day
    2) exercise at least 30 minutes 6 days/week
    3) log in and track on MFP everyday

    Good habit:
    -go to bed before 11

    Here's hoping we all can keep our motivation going! :)

  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome mamamia :smile: Yes Im still letting people join my november challenge the more the merrier . Nice goals :wink: Thursday is our start date its getting close.

    I stay up to late too that is a good one . I deleted angry birds off my phone, I could not stop playing it Dumb but true . I was up till 2am last night :grumble: Ha Ha Ha Im 52 you would think I would have out grown that :ohwell:

    Look forward to the month :smile:
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    My goals:
    1) stay under 1200
    2) exercise at least 30mins a day
    3) drink 8 glasses of water every day

    Free day: sat and sun!

    Good habit:
    Do all the goals!!!
  • sammylc
    sammylc Posts: 420 Member
    November hasn't ended well for me, my energy levels have really dropped meaning that I haven't exercised properly for the last week. Will be stocking up on vitamin supplements tomorrow and hope to start December feeling a bit better. I'm completing extra hours at work and so want to set myself easier goals this month, here goes:

    1. stay under calorie allowance each day
    2. include 2 or 3 portions fruit/veg each day
    3. log in each day (no problem, MFP is an addiction!!)
    4. half hour cardio 3 or 4 times per week, on top of my usual working to and from school/shops/work

    Good habit - the caffeine reduction didn't last long in November so much easier habit this month. Be Organised. So much to get done this month, I need to keep track of everything.

    Great to see some new faces on Elimay's challenge, look forward to getting to know you all.

    Sam x
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm in!

    1. Get at least 30 minutes of cardio 2-3 times per week
    2. Watch portion sizes (and limit the chips to once a week)
    3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day

    Healthy Habit: Make sure to get one non-starchy vegetable or fruit at each meal

    Free Day: date night
  • sumnerfan
    sumnerfan Posts: 244 Member
    This is exactly the kind of challenge I have been looking for. Thank you so much for starting this thread. Please oh please email me if I go MIA. Sometimes I slip into a funk.

    1. Meet or be under calorie goal set by MFP not including exercise calories
    2. Go to the fitness center 3 times per week
    3. Drink 4 glassfuls of water each day at school

    Healthy habit: Practice positive self talk to boost mood and self esteem

    I'm not sure about a free day.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Welcome new challenge friends and old ones :wink: Im looking forward to the month cant believe its already december :noway:

    Glad this will work for you sumnerfan , I will email you but you will have to send me your email sounds good. Your welcome :happy:

    Looks like everyone has reachable goals good job !!!!!!!!

    Lets be determined in Dec :bigsmile:
  • This challenge looks great!!! And the extra motivation and support during the holidays sounds awesome! :) Okay here I go:

    1. Goals:
    - Stay under/meet my daily allotted MFP calories
    - lose 4 inches from my waist
    - improve my 5K time by 2min/ mile

    2 . Check in
    -Sounds good to me!

    3 : Good habit
    - Get better at following up and following through, less procrastination!!!

    4 : Free day
    - Will determine week by week, oh and Christmas of course!

    If I forget please bug me about it!! haha :)