Embarrasing couple behavior



  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    My husband & I are also high five people, plus we are always holding hands, if one of us is going the other derection in a store we kiss each other first. 7yrs married this Dec. Dated for about 10yrs. :smile:
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    My hubby and I give each other crap all the time! We have a blast. Sometimes the tellers at Walmart look at us as if we're nuts. Even if we are 30 sometimes we act like 16 yr old kids in high school. It keeps us young and honestly we don't really fight. Just get on each others nerves once n awhile but I'm blessed! 11 years we've been married and I looking forward to growing old with him!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    We've been known to hold hands and skip in public but mostly it's to get our teens back for the toddler years. :D
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    We quote movies and t.v. shows ALL THE TIME. We also add in our own little things about each other into regular songs. When one of us leaves for work or whatever, we do "I love you" in sign language. We say 'I Love You' all the time throughout the day, and we've been married 10 years, and I have been his "Sexymamajama" even longer. :heart:
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    My wife and I are the couple who (generally) order the same meals as each other whenever we go out to eat. It's usually not intentional, we just have similar tastes and wants... Our first date was exactly this way... I called her a biter and we've been doing it ever since :)

    We usually pick the two things off the menu we like and then share some of it.

    We also use 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' to make decisions. No big life changing decisions, but if we aren't in agreement on something, we 'Rock, Paper, Scissors' and the person who loses has to abide by the decision and not complain.

    Oh, and we have a game that if we recognise a character from a TV show from another show, and can prove it using IMDB then we get a point.

    We don't add points, or use them for anything....
  • When someone else is coming towards us in a store aisle, I like to expel silent farts and then walk away suddenly, leaving her as the assumed guilty party.

    My husband has done this to me more than once!
  • oftheearth
    oftheearth Posts: 104 Member
    I realized this last weekend. We're the couple that high fives eachother.

    Yep, that's us.

    Spill your weird couple things.

    We don't have any public things, but we do this weird thing when we find our feet or hands tangled together in bed where we "clap", each using one appendage...it's great fun! We joke about doing it at a public event someday instead of clapping seperately.
  • We have a silly thing that we do in public....
    One of us will out of the blue do a full side face lick on the other one. LOL Yeah I know its gross, but it is also silly, ppl look at us like we are crazy, we are usually dying laughing about it, and we are just silly like that. It's kind of like our own 'tag your it' battle!!
    Yeah we are goofy...lol

    LMAO my fiance does this to me he calls them puppy kisses!! He also gives me vacuum kisses, which is where he suction kisses my cheek. He gives me "dry williams" which is a wet willie without the spit lol. He enjoys trying to aggravate me, but I secretly love it:)
  • We argue about who loves the other more....daily. And I probably tell my husband I love him like 100 times a day...and we have been married 7 1/2 years. I hope our odd behavior never changes ;)

    Yep, this. And we've been married for almost 5 years. :)
    We do that. And we finally found a way to solve it. We fight for who's day it is to love more. We shared Thanksgiving and today is his day.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    My friends tease me that my husband are made for each other because we will mimimic odd sounds back and forth. The sad thing is that we will do it for hours especially in the car. Its not something we plan but we build off of each other.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    At restaurants or bars we play "whats their story".

    Oh my gosh! We do this too!! LOL :laugh:
  • wow. im jealous :(
    Ive been married 22 years and we dont do any of these things. ...maybe tonight when he gets home ill slap him on his *kitten* and ask how his flight was? *sighs*
  • We say "hi" to each other all day long. We will be sitting next to each other watching an hour tv show and say "hi" to each other 5 times during the show. We just say "hi" at random times all the time. Everyone around us thinks we are nuts. I'm not sure why we do it, but it just happens. :tongue:

    I do this too with my boyfriend; along with the answer to the random "what?", I can no longer say "nothing", early on he asked me to say "I'm beautiful" so now it has become a habit, I have to catch myself replying that way to my family.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    We fist bump, we don't high five. My boyfriend isn't overly affectionate but he will grab my @ss in public to get a reaction from me. I do the sneaky silent farts and walk away, very funny.

    We also people watch and make up stories about their lives.
  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    When we are about to eat, we "clink" forks or spoons before we start eating, like how some folks clink glasses together before a drink.