Weight Loss Surgery--I CANNOT Believe I Am Posting This!



  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    It sounds to me like you've already made up your mind.

    You know it's taken me a while to lose close to 120lbs, but I wouldn't trade the journey or the process for anything. During this time I've discovered how strong and capable I am, I've developed self confidence and have taken control of my life. I've leant alot about myself during this process and I love my healthy, fit, sexy life! I'm not going to credit any stupid surgery - I did this, ME! I am my greatest accomplishment!

    Sure, you can have a medical procedure and completely alter the way you live your life for the rest of your days, or you can change your life yourself and gain so much pride and respect for yourself that way. So the pills made you put on weight, so what, you have the power to change your own life for the better.

    Don't choose the knife. Do it slowly, live a health filled enjoyable life. I've done it, so can you.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I guess I still feel that the weight gain is not my fault......I blame it on the medications. So that is why I feel the surgery is for me. My story is a little different. I was taking very strong meds for a while to balance me out.

    Only you are going to be able to take this decision - but it doesn't seem to me to me one that should be made lightly. For what it's worth, here are my thoughts on the matter:

    I believe it is pretty major surgery with a reasonable chance of unpleasant side effects.

    If the main reason you think you might do it is because it's free (almost)..... is that a good reason? Only you can decide that, but for me that's a bit worrying.

    If your weight gain is from medical intervention which didn't work out the way you want, looking to medical intervention to fix the weight problem sounds like a risky strategy.

    I know it seems overwhelming when you have a lot of weight to lose. I started out wanting to lose around 50 pounds and I honestly didn't beleiee I could do it. That was in January and here I am in December 45 pounds lighter. It hasn't always been easy and I've certainly fallen off the wagon more times that I can count. But, persistance has seen results for me and I bet it could for you too. Focusing on the end point (which might seem invisible) is depressing. Making a short term goal ("I am going to eat healthy snacks today" or "I am going to walk for 20 mins today") is much more likely to bring you success in the short term. Then, before you know it, those small achievements will have added up to a BIG success!

    Good luck with making this decision.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I would never recommend WLS for anyone who has less than 100 lbs to lose.

    Here's the deal with Weight Loss Surgery - most people who get it gain the weight back within 5 years. Because WLS doesn't address the problem. It forces you to eat less, but doesn't get to the heart of the issues of why you are over weight nor does it teach you how to eat normally for the long run.
  • venetianz
    venetianz Posts: 78 Member
    I though you were going to say you weigh 400lbs but only 230? My little piece of advice is. I was 133 pounds last year this time, I am now 196lbs. It took me 12 months to lose 37lbs and i am really happy about it. Try to look up a diet that the people who have gone through with the procedure are eating now, because i know they are forced to eat smaller portionsa, not by choice. Try to eat what they eat for the next 12 weeks and see if that wont help you lose atleast 20lbs, if it works, stick with it you will not need the surgery, i really hope you dont go through it because honestly being 230lbs is not that big
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I have actually had weight loss surgery, so...

    You may want to actually talk with people who have had the different surgeries and learn from their experiences. Not all surgeries for weight loss are gastric bypasses. There is the vertical sleeve gastrectomy (not a bypass, and the surgery I had); the lap band; or, either of the two main gastric bypass surgeries to choose from. Talk to a weight loss surgeon who does them all to get the best information.

    For myself, I lost 127 pounds and have easily kept it off for over a year. I have had no lasting ill side effects, scarring, etc. The surgery was done laproscopically and was not some dramatic event whereby I was slit from end to end and in the hospital for weeks. I no longer have apnea, a fatty liver, a swollen spleen and/or asthma.

    I have entirely changed my eating habits and exercise habits because that's what it takes to be successful in the weight loss arena with or without surgery. Having the surgery was--and continues to be-- a great tool but it isn't a panacea. I diet and exercise like everyone else, only, I have some advantages on my side now that allow me to maintain the weight loss I could never maintain before.

    I'm happy to talk to you privately and to steer you toward some informative websites. Do your research, understand your options, understand what your life will be like afterward, talk to people who have been successful and unsuccessful in the WLS arena and then make your decision!

    In my opinion, it's a personal path and not something to leave up to strangers to talk you into or out of in a public forum.

    Good luck!
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    Is there any physical reason that you can't lose this weight on your own other than "it's hard"?


    If you go on to get the surgery with this mindset you're just going to gain back any weight that you lose anyway...Quit making excuses. It's up to you, you can get where you want to be of you do what needs to be done.

    How are you gonna try and take a shortcut when you've hardly put in any effort into doing it yourself?
  • ccmccoy09
    ccmccoy09 Posts: 284 Member
    I see you've already lost 12 pounds. That's a great start! How long has it taken you to lose 12 pounds? Are you sticking to your healthy eating plan? Logging your food, drinks and exercise honestly?

    Natural weight loss is a long process and is a long-term solution. WLS is a quick fix and comes with all sorts of quick-fix problems, including surgical complications, regaining the weight, and the very common overly-stretchy skin. It can also bring increased depression, especially if you LOVE food (like so many of us do!) and loss of identity. Talk about this possibility with your mental health provider.

    A couple more thing to reflect on as you make your decision:
    1. You were embarrassed to post this and are quick to explain the reasons WLS is right for you even if people don't agree with it. Why are you embarrassed and defensive?

    2. Just because it's covered by insurance and/or pushed by your doctor doesn't mean it is safe and appropriate for you, or that you should do it. Money makes the world go round, and the medical field is no different. Major pharmaceutical companies pay a lot of money to make sure their products are promoted by docs and covered by insurance. Remember how "safe" and widely-prescribed Fen-Phen was? See also, Vioxx, Yaz, Depakote, Bendectin.

    Do what's right for you. If that happens to be WLS, embrace your decision. It's your body!
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    Please think long and hard before you do this!!!

    I know three women who have done this. All require B-12 and other vitamin therapy's.

    All of them have saggy skin.

    Two of them look fifteen years older than they are.

    None of them are fit.

    You can do this on your own. If you were so obese that you were in danger of hurting yourself by exercising, then I would say go for it. Or in other words, if your weight was so high, that you were disabled by it. That is who this surgery is really meant for.

    Obviously you want people to tell you the truth or you wouldn't have posted this.

    Eat healthy, exercise. Just be healthy. You cannot be healthy while only being able to consume a small amount of food for the rest of your life.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm going to add this in. Any type of surgery no matter how minor involves the risk of dying, This can be from blood clots, allergic reactions to the medicine or negligence. It's incredibly small but it's there and you need to factor it in.

    I would also add it's taken me two years to lose my 36 lbs. I wish it was going quicker but it isn't and it can be done. Weight loss is incredibly hard but it has taught me how to eat and that actually I'm worth all this effort.

    And in fact if you're not willing to put the time and effort in before hand you're not going to lose it all and keep it off afterwards. I know a couple of people (here comes the bro science) that have had weight loss surgery and failed to keep it off because they aren't putting the effort in. They aren't constantly challenging what they know or pushing themselves. You still have to make the choice to lose. The surgery can't do that for you.
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    I started at your weight just 10 weeks of better (not great) eating and basic exercise x 3 per week. I have lost 27lbs already that is already 1/3 of the way to my main goal !

    If I can do that and my eating and exercise level has not been great and I have problems with my thyroid levels, anyone can. IT is just a matter of logging every mouthful and moving more.

    Two things I would suggest.

    1. Try to break your goal into managable chunks. I never have more than 10 lbs to lose on my ticker/mind, it helps keep me motivated. When I reach my third goal of 30 lbs lost i.e. 210 lbs. I'll reset my goal to 200lbs. If I kept thinking of the 100lbs I had to lose at the beginning I would never get there but working on losing just another 10 lbs is doable.

    2. Why not give yourself the 6 months you need to attend the WLS classes before you can have surgery anyway and tell yourself you will follow a sensible healthy food intake and exercise for that 6 month period and see what happens. I bet you can get 50% of your weight loss in that time. Don't worry about dropping your BMI and weight pre surgery, we all know how easy it is too put weight back on again. !
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    2. Why not give yourself the 6 months you need to attend the WLS classes before you can have surgery anyway and tell yourself you will follow a sensible healthy food intake and exercise for that 6 month period and see what happens. I bet you can get 50% of your weight loss in that time.

    I was thinking this as well. During the time that you attend those classes, go on a sensible reduced calorie diet and exercise. When the classes are over, you will most likely have lost enough weight to not "need" the surgery, you will have gained the knowledge it takes to keep the weight off, and the exercise you will have performed will have strengthened your heart, lungs, and skeletal muscles (which is one thing that the surgery can NOT do for you!) You will have gained confidence in yourself to keep going. And then you will decide that it is not really that hard to lose the weight naturally, and you will be healthier for it without having invasive surgery that alters your organs for the rest of your days.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I guess I still feel that the weight gain is not my fault......I blame it on the medications. So that is why I feel the surgery is for me. My story is a little different. I was taking very strong meds for a while to balance me out.

    You will still have to take responsibility with or without medication. I do know one lady who got this done last year. She lost 40 pounds and then put it right back on. If is possible to stretch your stomach back out.
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I personally have had a hard time losing weight. I've had my thyroid tested, I've been tested for diabetes and found out I was perfectly fine. I spent the first two months and lost 10lbs, then hit a plateau and gave up for about two months. I didn't gain my weight back because I had learned to eat better already, but when I came back I spent 85 days trying to lose just five little pounds. I didn't give up... I came close to and cried MANY times. Believe me was it hard to stick to it. I found out I needed to eat within 50-100 of my calorie goal every day, not being short 200-300 as I was most often.

    Since then I've lost a few pounds, and it was the biggest success I've had so far. Seriously I think that its very empowering and life-changing making it through all these obstacles without drastic surgeries. In the end, I will have done it safely, not taken any big risks and proved to myself that I could do it.

    Make sure you don't make the decision too quickly Sweetie and either way good luck ;)
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    Honestly, from your posts you really don't sound like you're in a good place to make this kind of decision. Your medications may have made it easier for you to gain weight but ultimately you're responsible for what you put in your body. If the "it's not my fault" attitude remains it won't matter if you have WLS or not, the weight will come back. You said you're on new meds now. If that's the case how quickly are you losing weight? Your ticker says you're 12 lbs down. Are you actively trying or is it just through a change in meds? If you're not really putting any effort into losing weight naturally then I don't think you should even consider surgery. Also, if you do have surgery and you lose 100 lbs rapidly are you prepared for what that's going to do your skin? It won't have time to recover and then you'll have that to deal with. You've mentioned the depression/meds thing so what will looking in the mirror and seeing a bunch of hanging skin do to you? Will you then be seeing if your insurance will cover excess skin removal? I don't mean to sound too harsh but the quick fix isn't always the best way to go and even if you have the surgery and lose a bunch of weight, the "old you" may not be what you end up with. Good luck with whatever decision you make:)

  • Mom2Asa
    Mom2Asa Posts: 109 Member
    I wouldn't do it and here is why:

    1. A family friend had one you are talking about and she is no longer with us. She did have complications with a laproscopic operation and didn't get the chance to loose weight, she lost her life instead. As with any surgery there is that risk but it was not the initial surgery that killed her nor was it right away. A small infection right after the surgery started it and when it was all said and done she was brain dead and on life support. So would I do it?? NO!!

    2. An aunt had one of the surgries you speak of, she had her stomach cliped. While she did loose weight--a 2 month old eats more than she does and she also had complications. Unexpected vomiting if she ate one ounce to much. She could only eat 4 oz!! 4 oz--Do you know how much that is???? Not much. She could barely function she was so run down and tired because 4 oz is not enough to fuel your body-EVER!! While she has lost a lot of weight, she looks nasty!! She did not think she needed to workout but rather make it easy and just get the surgery so after the surgery she did not workout either and she has more hanging skin that Fat Bas**rd on Austin Powers--it's gross becuase she is not in shape--just skinny now. She looks fraile and like she is withering away. Her grandkids now eat tiny amounts for fear they will get "fat" and they are not getting the nourishment their bodies need to grow and a year later it is starting to show in the grandkids!! They are not growing like they were, they are always tired because they do not eat enough. Please think about others around you if you have this done, especially kids and the example you are setting for them.

    I was 5'9, size 6 and 135lbs- 7years ago before an accident, an accident that left me with serious nerve damange and constant pain and I could not workout. I took one medication that put 30lbs on in less than 3 months!! 30lbs I am still carrying. Before I knew it medications added over 80lbs so I know how that feels. I am in my 30's and just had my first child so let's add more. I felt terrible, my thyroid doesn't work and I don't loose weight.

    In 2 months I have lost 26lbs, I am now running, YES RUNNING, 4 miles a day. 3 weeks ago I could barely run .5 of a mile. and prior to 2 months ago I coudn't run at all due to pain. I have less pain and feel great. I am watching what I eat now, I am using MFP to hold me accountable and I do get help from an All-in-one supplement I found 2 months ago. I am not trying to sell it in the post so that is all anyone needs to know about it but it was enough to make me feel better with less pain so I am taking advantage of it and working out. So without it I would not be working out due to pain but at the same time it does not make me work out--- I DO, it does not make me watch what I eat--I DO, it does not hold me accountable-- I DO!!! It just helps me feel better, have less pain and want to get healthy for my now 7 mo old becuase I want to be here!! 2 months ago I weighed 216 and I am now down to 190!!
  • Harkins86
    Harkins86 Posts: 58 Member
    I think this needs serious consideration on your part. It's not the easy way out. The only real issue on the table for me is the fact that it is major surgery that has a mortality rate. You could die during the surgery or due to complications later on. Is it worth the risk for a quick fix? Think about it.

    Good luck with whatever you choose

    Best wishes
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    my opinion only. I don't judge people their choices.....
    I have watched a friend go thru the whole process over the last 2 yrs. She got a lap band and based on observation and talking with her I would not do it myself and here is why...

    1. I could lose 30 lbs if i was on only a liquid diet for 10 weeks. (over a month of that is BEFORE the surgery) she was miserable.

    2. She has had many side effects....horrible constipation, vomiting with no warning when trying to swallow a bite of food, hair is thinner, she does not look healthy

    3. She has gained weight back...not all of it but some. It does not fix the problem of eating unhealthy things.

    I will say also that she does not regret her decision to do it. I am happy she is happy with the outcome but I believe she could have achieved the same results without the surgery.
    ^^^^All of this, but replace "a friend" with "my husband."

    I would never consider surgery for myself unless I KNEW I had tried as hard as I could to do it on my own. Realistically I knew I'd never committed to it long enough to lose any real weight. I made a deal with myself that I'd try again & give it at least 6 months before reconsidering surgery. In that 6 months I'd lost 50 lbs so my decision had pretty much been made.

    You are right, losing 100+ lbs is overwhelming. Ultimately I'm trying to lose more than that too. No one can do that, right? It sounds impossible. That's why you start with 5 lbs. Ignore the other 95+ for the time being & focus on losing 5. Surely you can handle that. However long it takes, do what you gotta do to lose that 5.

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    ...so in the end I will not lose a whole lot of money if I gain it all back.
    I feel if a person is already thinking to themselves, "if I gain it all back, I won't be out a whole lot of money" then that person most definitely is NOT ready for such a huge decision.

    No, I would not do it personally.. I'm doing very well here on MFP eating healthy and working out and I never regret not having gone the surgery route.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Yes the classes are for maintaining weight loss, and also an evaluation, psych evaluation, etc etc etc. All these things to make sure you are qualified.

    I understand that I need to change my eating habits and fitness habits......but like I said, losing 100 pounds is overwhelming. It is like I need a jump start of some sorts to get me moving in the right direction. The reason I am considering it is because like I said my insurance covers it...and I just pay a very small percentage of it...so in the end I will not lose a whole lot of money if I gain it all back.

    I feel weak...you guys who are doing it the natural way are strong and brave. I know this is the easy way out.

    "The natural way" - yes losing 100lbs is daunting (had 100lbs to lose myself)...so forget the big number. My first goal was to lose weight, ANY weight, break it up into mini goals. Set your ticker for smaller amounts so youre not overwhelmed.

    You still have exactly the same work to do whether it is by bariatric surgery or "the natural way" Its only easier because you physically can't consume the quantity of food. An occasional pig out is part of life...never being able to eat a full meal again is a bad trade off in my opinion.

    If you really cannot see yourself ever being able to control portion sizes yourself then yes, look into it but if you can get in the right mindset I'd strongly advise that you forget the big number, join a challenge or 2 and crash your way thru some mini goals.
  • Katbuck77
    Hey, I think you need to really discuss this with your doctor and get a second opinion. I know people who have had this operation and have gained the weight all back and then some. If you are having a hard time loosing due to a physical ailment, rather than difficulty in disciplining yourself, it may be beneficial as long as it's not something causing you to gain because you will continue to gain even after the surgery. My friends said that your stomach can stretch back out which is what happened to them. If you are having a hard time disciplining yourself that is altogether different. Don't get the surgery as a way to discipline yourself. You will be sure to gain it back. God can be a great help in this area. Not to sound cheesy but it really helps. Read Acts 2:38. If you want to know more let me know.