Horse Burgers



  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I responded to a post about this on FB and got demonized for my opinion. I have no problem with it as long as the horses are treated humanely in life but I feel that way about all animals even ones raised for consumption. As far as eating cats and dogs.. well, we already put down thousands of them. maybe we should just start exporting them. (*waits to be yelled at and told I'm evil*)

    The humane methods used by US shelters (phenobarbital) to put dogs and cats to sleep leave the corpse unfit for human consumption. If consuming the corpse didn't kill you, you'd wake up hours later with one hell of a headache.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    When I was vacationing in France, I couldn't interpret what I was ordering on the menu - so thought I was ordering some kind of meat dish. It was chewy and tasted like meat. We finally pulled out the French - English dictionary and realized we'd been eating horse meat.

    Even though American's might turn their noses up at many items found in other countries (hagus, snails (escargot), kidney) etc. I'm always willing to give new tastes a try.

    I do draw the line at eating BUGS or Spiders. oh,, and Soylent Green (people)
  • cowgirllisa86
    cowgirllisa86 Posts: 57 Member
    I have been raised with horses since i was pretty young, and i enjoy them very much, and own a couple equines right now :) I personally wouldnt eat horse meat but on the otherhand im not 100% against it being for human consumption being that its better than horses that people dont want or cant afford to feed starving to death....
  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    Why is eating horse such a bad thing? We have no problems eating cows, pigs, turtles, rabbits, deer, sheep, chocolate rabbits, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, fish, crabs, bison, ostrich plus various other birds, frogs, gummy worms, and the list can can go on and on. But horse eww!

    Speak for yourself. I don't eat any.
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I don't know why people think a horse burger would be gross. I'd try one. I've had an ostrich burger before.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
  • JeffHackney
    JeffHackney Posts: 81 Member
    Well when I went to Spain I went to a restaurant after a bull fight. I noticed that a lot of people was eating bull testicles. So I thought I would try it. Well my plate came out and I noticed mine was smaller than everyone else's. So I asked the waiter about it and said, well senior, sometimes the bull wins.
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Horses being pets also leads to the problem of not knowing what sort of meds and supplements they have been on prior to being slaughtered. Some random horse that ended up at an auction (race horses for example) could have been loaded up with bute (horse asprin) prior to the sale. Bute is toxic to humans. Without individual testing of every horse, you just don't know what you're getting.

    This. When you consider many of the horses sent to slaughter are racehorses (not old, not necessarily lame), you're getting a whole lot more than you might be bargaining for when you eat it! Mmmm, bute! Yummy nitrofurazone! DMSO! Lasix! Hey maybe have some the night before you weigh in, it'll help flush some of the water out of your system! Just the tip of the iceberg there! Bon appétit! Makes the antibiotic residue and growth hormones you're getting from commercial grade beef, etc. seem pretty harmless by comparison.

    Not scare tactics, just education. I've worked with racehorses for over twenty years. :wink: Not really something you'd want a pet to consume, let alone consume yourself! But I could be wrong. :flowerforyou:
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    When I was vacationing in France, I couldn't interpret what I was ordering on the menu - so thought I was ordering some kind of meat dish. It was chewy and tasted like meat. We finally pulled out the French - English dictionary and realized we'd been eating horse meat.

    Even though American's might turn their noses up at many items found in other countries (hagus, snails (escargot), kidney) etc. I'm always willing to give new tastes a try.

    I do draw the line at eating BUGS or Spiders. oh,, and Soylent Green (people)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I've eaten a crocodile burger and a camel burger - I can't say I loved either of them, but they weren't terrible.

    I wouldn't say I'd never eat a horse burger, but it's pretty unlikely and a definite NO if it came from McDonalds!
    Especially not if it is the McD's right next to the racecourse.......
  • radix89
    radix89 Posts: 48 Member
    Am I likely to try horse meat? Not really, however despite what a ton of blog spam is saying eating horse meat was only banned in a few states. It was the slaughter houses that were shut down. Small amounts of horsemeat has been legally imported mainly for ethnic populations that don't have the same qualms. Selling home slaughtered horse meat became an issue after the slaughter houses were shut down and why many automatically assumed eating it was banned.

    An article with some of this info from before the new rules:
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Noo, I love horses :(

    These horses were being slaughtered anyway. Read up on it.

    Sorry but I find your naivity on the meat and bi-product trade astounding.. So would you eat a horse that was riddled with cancer or some other disease and being PTS for health reasons? Well it's dying anyway right?
  • Robide
    Robide Posts: 101 Member
    I'd certainly try it. I mean, if Alastair Overeem practically lives on the stuff, it can't be bad! From what I know about it, it is low fat, high protein..... So basically, the ultimate meat.

    I'm not so concerned about it coming from horses, so long as, along with any meat I shop for, I know it is free range and humanely treated.

    Having said all of this, if I was in a shop and had the choice between Horse and Osterich, Osterich meat would win every time. That stuff is amazing!
  • NickyJones
    NickyJones Posts: 60 Member
    One of my first days in Japan, the higher-ups decided to have a laugh and ordered some horse for us at a local restaurant. It's really tasty raw. I'd skip the entrails though, too chewy. :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I'd try a horse burger. If it's good, I'd eat more, if it wasn't, I wouldn't.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    When I was vacationing in France, I couldn't interpret what I was ordering on the menu - so thought I was ordering some kind of meat dish. It was chewy and tasted like meat. We finally pulled out the French - English dictionary and realized we'd been eating horse meat.

    Even though American's might turn their noses up at many items found in other countries (hagus, snails (escargot), kidney) etc. I'm always willing to give new tastes a try.

    I do draw the line at eating BUGS or Spiders. oh,, and Soylent Green (people)
    Cannibalism - solves two world problems at once (over population, and, lack of food). It's a win/win situation :devil:
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    When I was vacationing in France, I couldn't interpret what I was ordering on the menu - so thought I was ordering some kind of meat dish. It was chewy and tasted like meat. We finally pulled out the French - English dictionary and realized we'd been eating horse meat.

    Even though American's might turn their noses up at many items found in other countries (hagus, snails (escargot), kidney) etc. I'm always willing to give new tastes a try.

    I do draw the line at eating BUGS or Spiders. oh,, and Soylent Green (people)
    Cannibalism - solves two world problems at once (over population, and, lack of food). It's a win/win situation :devil:
    Gives a whole new meaning to the term "Eat Me"!
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteousreused
    I would eat people if it were legal.
  • VinVenture
    Horse burger sounds delicious! Horse meat is so sweet and savoury, horse meat salami is my favourite, we get it maybe once a year from a local farm. (Farmers markets here mostly sell their own smoked meats, and cheese :) )

    Fine, I'd be sceptical from mcDonalds, but if Gourmet Burger Kitchen (best. burger place. ever.) offered it, I'd try it right away. Boar burger, lamb burger, they're all tasty. Fine, boar was very succulent, much better than lamb, but horse? If you haven't tried it, you're losing a culinary experience.