***Shorty's 12 Week Challenge***Open



  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Weighing in for 11/28 at 132.4

    I'm a little shocked I *lost* weight over Thanksgiving weekend with the amount I ate. I'll take it though!
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    i feel i have the biggest loser award this week wrongly lol. my last week weight was 219 and this week was 217.6 i didnt lose 4 pounds. it would have been nice too lol.
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    Olive my weight got switched around on the chart too. Sorry I will post what I weigh from now on verses what I lost in hopes too make it easier on you.
    I fee bad for saying anything. Sorry for being a pain, but thanks for making the chart. It is motivational! and I feel like it is something to keep me accountable. I hope you had a good holiday! Thanks again!
  • SweetVaness
    SweetVaness Posts: 30 Member
    Would like to join...

    Height 5'4
    Current Starting Weight 161.2
    12 Week Challenge Goal ~ 15
  • SweetVaness
    SweetVaness Posts: 30 Member
    Would like to join...

    Height 5'4
    Current Starting Weight 161.2
    12 Week Challenge Goal ~ 15
  • manda127
    manda127 Posts: 145
    Hi all!

    Just letting you know I won't be weighing in this week as the scales I've been using for this are at work and I'm on annual leave this week

    Good luck to all for the weigh in on Friday, I'll be back weighing in as usual next week xxx
  • empressM
    @Oliveoil - Sorry you've been so sick hon! That sounds awful. I'm all for flu shots. I know that the whole immunization issue can be sticky, but for me (and my family) it works. I can't remember the last time I had the flu. **knocks on wood…

    @Little_Ms - I've only been on here for about 6 weeks and I'm down almost 7 pounds! Much better results than I had on my last two weight loss attempts this year. I've been counting calories, and exercising everyday. And, I eat back most of my "earned" exercise calories too.

    I haven't weighed myself this week (I've been weighing myself on Mondays like I used to before) so we will have to see if I'm still moving in the right direction.
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    I hope everyone was able to put their full effort into their goal whether they were sick or just busy! I wish everyone the best for tomorrow! GOOD LUCK!!!! Hope you are down to where you wanted to be!
  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
    It's Friday morning in Japan, and I weighed in at 61.8kg, down by 0.2kg from last week. Slow and steady...
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    This is a happy weigh in for me!!!!!! I lost 2.4 pounds. 5.8 Pounds to go and I won't be consider over weight anymore. I think I can definitely meet that goal by the time our 12 week challenge is up easy. And my hope is we continue on with another 12 week challenge because I am definitely not going to be at my goal weight yet. Cheers to Olive for making our team come together! On a personal note I am bouncing off the walls hyper today because my husband is going to be home in 10 days from is deployment! I just go the news the other day he is going to come home 2 days earlier then I expected!

    Last Friday: 141.2
    This Friday: 138.8

    Anyone else stuck with snow this weekend? I hope everyone has met their goals and has a great upcoming weekend! Good luck with getting everything prepared for the holidays!
  • shanna0413
    shanna0413 Posts: 600 Member
    217 today. a loss of .6 pounds
  • yasemasuyo
    yasemasuyo Posts: 177 Member
    This is a happy weigh in for me!!!!!! I lost 2.4 pounds. 5.8 Pounds to go and I won't be consider over weight anymore. I think I can definitely meet that goal by the time our 12 week challenge is up easy. And my hope is we continue on with another 12 week challenge because I am definitely not going to be at my goal weight yet. Cheers to Olive for making our team come together! On a personal note I am bouncing off the walls hyper today because my husband is going to be home in 10 days from is deployment! I just go the news the other day he is going to come home 2 days earlier then I expected!

    What a happy post! Congratulations on your fantastic weightloss! And what wonderful news that your husband is coming home safe and sound! How long has he been away? No wonder you are in a celebratory mood! :-D
  • bnbandy
    bnbandy Posts: 25 Member
    I guess Thanksgiving caught up with me. Gained .6 this week so I'm at 158.6.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    Went from 132.4 to 130.8 this week!

    And I thought I would gain after all that Thanksgiving indulgence!
  • empressM
    @WillandAway-- Congrats!! Great weigh-in and great news--that is so exciting. :)

    I'm up this week. Still not sure what the deal is. I'm staying under my calories (I was even good for Thanksgiving) and I'm getting cardio everyday, but I've gained.

    This week is 122.2 up .6lbs.

    My scale is so inconsistent (I got several different weights today, as much as 3 pounds difference), but I hesitate to blame it. I just wish I knew what the magical formal for loss was. Of course, if I knew that I'd be skinny, rich and famous.

  • DeterminedToBeHealthy
    Hi all. Lost 0.4 lbs this week.
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,064 Member
    Hi y'all.
    Got the scale to move, again... it's been a long time.
    I lost 1/2 pound. 144.5 pounds.
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    yasemasuyo my husband has been gone six months. He is only coming home for three week because then he has to leave for training, but I am so happy I get to see him even if it is just for a bit! How is Japan?

    EmpressM thanks for the congrats. I was stuck at 140 for 13 days. I didn't consume more than 1250 calorie each day and I made sure I burnt a 1,000 calories every day also, but the scale wouldn't budge. At Thankgiving I thought what the heck I will just eat what I want and skip working out because it was the holidays. Granted I gained a pound the next day, but my pig out helped me in the long run. My weight recently has been coming down reasonably fast. I weighed in at 136.4 today. So maybe a cheat day will work for you? But over all it seems you have been losing weight consistently each weigh in so just try not to get frustrated, but if you have been doing the same thing each day maybe considering switching things up! Good Luck!
  • janet5432
    janet5432 Posts: 39 Member
    Friday I was 180.8. I am pretty sure that I gained it back after letting my diet get sabatoged on our weekend vacation. I did lose weight on our work weight in so I get a ticket for the drawing.

    Hoping to get back to the Y this week. I hate winter it is so hard to wake up in the morning or have enegry in the evening when it is dark all the time:( (I have no windows at work so I only see sunlight a little bit during Dec.
  • WillandAway
    WillandAway Posts: 24 Member
    Last Week's Weight: 138.8
    This Week's Weight: 136

    2.8 pounds lost! Another good week! Hope everyone else is satisfied with their weigh in's!