Do you ever get tired of food??



  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    No, I love food and never get tired of it. Incidentally, I've never been overweight either. I think it's hard to get tired of food if you like vegetables, because there's so much variety. I also think it's hard to get tired of food if you cook your own and embrace all sorts of different styles and cuisines. If you do these things you'll always be satisfied and won't feel the need to consume excess calories. The people I know with the biggest food/weight issues are picky eaters who only have a small radius of things they like and will cook; I'd be sick of food too if I were them.

    I will concede that logging calories gets tedious. I usually don't do it on the weekends for that reason.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    i get sick of seeing whats in my faves! lol why cant they make air chocolate or something? lol 3 muskateers come closest lol
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I effing love food.


    this is awesomeness in its purest form
    MAGNIFIEDME Posts: 52 Member
    I too hate food, I love to eat it but I'm certainly getting to the point where I'm frustrated beyond belief over how much time and effort I put into planning daily meals. But I have to plan otherwise I graze - weekends are the worst and if I'm off work for a couple days vacation it's even worse. At this point I stopped logging for a couple days - didn't even come to the website and you know what I gained three pounds. I swear I didn't eat any more than I normally did but i didn't eat any veggies for most of my meals.
    You can't seriously be telling me that by cutting down on my veggies from 8cups a day to 3cups a day that i'm going to gain weight. That is retarded.
    I'm so fed up with measuring food, cooking food, logging food, thinking about food, i'm even dreaming about what i'm going to cook for the next day. I'm consumed by the food I eat and if you take a look at my food diary it's not horrible at all. My nails are breaking so my hubby said i'm not getting enough calcium when in fact I know I am if not more.
    I'm trying to not think of a diet, i'm trying to think of a lifestyle change and the only way i'm going to maintain is to keep logging my food for the rest of my life.

    Is this truly what I signed up for? Truth be told I've only been on MFP for a couple months now but I've been logging my food for four years now and I can tell you with my eyes clothes how much calories my food contains, how much fibre, what is good veggies and what have a higher glycemic index or good carb vs bad carb. WHATEVER!!!

    I'm so happy to see i'm not alone, I keep reading posts where everyone seems to be so happy to be on track and being successful.

    I hate food now, it consumes my day - somehow I doubt that can be good for me on a mental and physical level.
    MAGNIFIEDME Posts: 52 Member
    I think I'm going to have sushi for supper on Wednesday night, there _ I said it - gives me something to look forward to - may even put a little jump in my step for the next couple days you never know
  • Dustinryan24
    Dustinryan24 Posts: 233 Member
    eat healthy every 2 hours and you shouldn't go hungry.
    thats what i do.. im never hungry, and im at the point that i simply eat for purpose to get my protein in for the day.
    people at work are like "damn you eat enough food to feed an army" but im probably eating less calories than everyone saying those things. 6 meals a day is the best way to go. i dont care what people say
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    I LOVE FOOD!!! That is all I ever think about!!! this website is the best, it helps me control my LOVE for food! ALL DAY I THINK ABOUT FOOD!!! MY co-workers call me "KAT-SNACKS" I ALWAYS WANT A SNACK!!!! LOL! sorry, I wish i were more like you though :(
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    eat healthy every 2 hours and you shouldn't go hungry.
    thats what i do.. im never hungry, and im at the point that i simply eat for purpose to get my protein in for the day.
    people at work are like "damn you eat enough food to feed an army" but im probably eating less calories than everyone saying those things. 6 meals a day is the best way to go. i dont care what people say

    I agree 100%.
  • SheRa1964
    No, I love food (probably a tad bit more than normal). Only thing that makes me mad is that my appetite is so big. I'm gaining right now, and still hungry all the time.

    I'm with you I have a voracious appetite.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    eat healthy every 2 hours and you shouldn't go hungry.
    thats what i do.. im never hungry, and im at the point that i simply eat for purpose to get my protein in for the day.
    people at work are like "damn you eat enough food to feed an army" but im probably eating less calories than everyone saying those things. 6 meals a day is the best way to go. i dont care what people say

    I agree 100%.

    Yep! I eat all day long, 6 or more meals and like the second poster, I just keep an eye on my protein! I cut out all the "empty calories" (diet foods are a no no) and eat real food, in smaller quantities for the most part. Every now and then, I'll eat some candy or a cookie or something like that but not too often.
  • karrysgirl
    My weight has yo-yo'd my whole life. Losing it has never really been that difficult, but gaining it certainly hasnt been either. Now when I say yo-yo I dont mean 10-15 pounds...Im talking full end of the spectrum gaining and losing. ive done crash diets, "changed" my lifestyle, everything and never kept it off. So here I am again, with an insane amount of weight to lose. And now Im 40, my body is changing and so is my health. I cant afford to yo-yo anymore. So, call it silly, but I really looked at the relationship I had with food. Ive heard the advice to detach yourself from food, its fuel for the body, nothing more. I was willing to accept that. But I was raised in a family were we celebrate with food! I never thought of myself as an emotional eater but honestly, I eat when Im happy. And Ive been very happy they last few years! : / I used to LOVE to cook, but I lost that. Living on a budget I was thinking "what can I make with hamburger tonight?" I loved my kids through food, thinking I was an awesome mom by always making their favorites. but even I got bored making sloppy joes and tuna casseroles week after week. The deal is I dont WANT to stop loving food. im not willing to sacrifice the joy of my family pot luck get togethers. And I still want to see smiles around my dinner table at night, followed by "thanks mom, that was yummy!" So I have scoured the internet for great tasting, family friendly, healthy meals. we go out to eat, but I plan ahead. if its a restaurant Im not familiar with, I google the menu and choose my best choice before I go (pizza hut veggie lovers thin crust is only 170 calories and cures that pizza craving I get from time to time) . I have discovered foods that I didnt think I ever liked, and rediscovered my joy of cooking!!! And because its healthy, I am loving my family even more through food! We have what I call "naughty" days (dont believe me? You shoulda been at my house Thanksgiving stuffed mushrooms were to die for!) The thing is, I dont flip out over those days...and yes, I even journal those days too! But its all right there in front of me: that, yeah, I had a not so healthy day...but Im making more healthy choices than unhealthy ones. im working out (at 5 am which totally sucks, but I feel so much better the rest of the day). Im drinking alot more water, which gives me more energy than coffee, but not so much that I feel water-logged. lol. And I definately recommend eating more often. it is true that our body needs fuel...every few hours. So eat smaller portions more often. You may still feel hungry from time to time, but your body will adjust. I highly recommend a handful of nuts, almonds are my fave choice! I think the main thing is I had to change my attitude. I finally decided that I had to have control over food, instead of food having control over me. Hope this helps...and hoping that soon you find your "happy happy joy joy" :)
  • TrekkerCynthia
    TrekkerCynthia Posts: 155 Member
    No, I really don't. But, since you are venting, I would like to say that I am sick of FOOD commercials and restaraunts jumping on each others band wagons to produce the same exact thing, ONLY different because it has "their special sauce" (usually ranch, ranch, or more ranch) or Asiago cheese or some kind of special bun that only THEY use. It cracks me up and makes me want to avoid them even more. I like to find a hole-n-the-wall joint and rediscover the joy of food!

    Good plan.
  • MissMags2
    Saw your post and totally know how you feel. And yes, I can relate.

    Hang in there it does get better, and eventually you will find an eating plan that fits for you.

    I eat every two hours, watch my portions, watch my sugar no more than 9grams a snack,
    calories no more than 150 calories per snack. It works, you feel like you are eating too much
    but you're not. Good Luck!

    Congrats on your 88 lbs. lost...keep up the good work.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    No, I really don't. But, since you are venting, I would like to say that I am sick of FOOD commercials and restaraunts jumping on each others band wagons to produce the same exact thing, ONLY different because it has "their special sauce" (usually ranch, ranch, or more ranch) or Asiago cheese or some kind of special bun that only THEY use. It cracks me up and makes me want to avoid them even more. I like to find a hole-n-the-wall joint and rediscover the joy of food!

    Good plan.

    It's the portion sizes that completely blow me away at restaurants! Meals that should feed two or more people are served as a single size. And then...folks eat the whole thing!
  • dropofhope
    My only advice is be nicer to yourself. You're human and not perfect, don't let perfection get in the way of progress. Don't try to tackle everything at once! If today you ate 100 less calories than you did yesterday, then today was an awesome day!

    I love food, but I can't eat everything that I want. I ate peanut butter oatmeal cookies for breakfast today because I was lazy yesterday and did not go food shopping. Because I ate those cookies, I couldn't have a donut at lunch. Instead of chicken parmesan tonight, I will make chicken pesto instead because I can't have the breading and cheese due to those darn cookies this morning. I will be over my calories for today, but I was in control of everything I put in my mouth and I made conscious choices today. I consider that a success!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Wouldn't it just be easier if food was taken as a pill?

    Sign me up. Sadly, the closest thing to that is a feeding tube, so I guess I'll have to go on spending money and time on food. I would rather not need too, though.

    I'd also rather not need sleep and climate control, come to think of it. Human bodies are annoying. Will trade mine for cyborg body, preferably one with eye lasers.
  • cofakid
    cofakid Posts: 213 Member
    (mini vent) Sometimes I get so sick of food, trying to figure out what to eat and how much to eat, whats the right way to eat.. It gets so frustrating and tiring.. I alternate between wanting to give up and just eat everything in sight and give up and just try to not eat anymore.. (yeah good luck with that one huh)

    It makes me angry when some days I am so hungry i just want to eat and eat but can't because it says my calories are gone so I sit and starve wanting to cry.. wracking my brain over what I can eat on a day that nothing fills me up... but the next day struggling to even get in more than 1000 calories because I have no apetite.. I hate when I eat a nice healthy balanced meal.. turkey burgers (no bread), broccoli and a nice healthy rice i'm still left starving, even after eating seconds if i needed too.. im not satisfied... but i can go to the local pizza shop and have 2 slices (and a bajillion calories) and a cup of watermelon and feel full and satisfied.. I feel defeated when ive gone to the gym 4-5 times a week and worked myself to the bone and watch calories and do all the right things but still seem to gain, or yo yo or just not lose at all...

    I hate that no one else seems to have these issues or feelings.. all I ever see is happy happy joy joy.. diets going great stuff.. not that I want to dwell on the negative but sometimes it helps to know your not the only one struggling with a certain thing.. A good WITH the bad.. I'm going through or I had this problem BUT this is what helped me.. sn:// water does NOT feel everyone up, all it does to me is make me feel vaguely ill and all sloshy inside and even hungrier...

    sigh.. ok mini vent done..

    Thank you.. just needed to get it out and I don't think my co worker who's 100 lbs. if shes an ounce would appreciate me screaming all that then dissolving into a puddle of tears... *secret* sometimes I go and stand in front of the vending machine and just look... I don't even like most of the stuff in there but it's comforting to look at it.. smh.. I hate food!!!

    i was feeling the same way. tired of watching and weighing everything i eat just wanting to be able to eat without thinking about it, just grab wat feels right, not can i afford the calories.
    and i was the same torn between wanting to give up and eat wat i want and wanting to just not eat at all..
    i felt all my mfp friends had it all under control and manage their diet well and after almost 6 month im still struggling - and i felt i was the only one.

    than i had a really good look at my eating habbits and WHY im struggling. i took some time to analyse where im going wrong and work out a plan to fix it. Now i feel really good. i feel like i only have one or two problems and if i stick to my new plan i will abolish them.

    id say take some time out to really *kitten* where you are going wrong and why u want to just eat anything and see what you find.

    Its a tough balance but u've got to be a littlr bit lieniant so u dont binge later on, but not so lieniant that ur binging anyway....

    Good luck! I'm sure u can get through this
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    Wouldn't it just be easier if food was taken as a pill?

    Sign me up. Sadly, the closest thing to that is a feeding tube, so I guess I'll have to go on spending money and time on food. I would rather not need too, though.

    I'd also rather not need sleep and climate control, come to think of it. Human bodies are annoying. Will trade mine for cyborg body, preferably one with eye lasers.

    I find this very sad. Food is one of life's pleasures!