Determined December challenge : P



  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Hi Everyone! It's so inspiring to see how well everyone is doing - it definitely makes me work harder when I see y'all sticking with it and meeting your goals (or trying hard) in spite of the obstacles life throws at it. My week is off to a good start - although I overslept a little this morning, I did get in an hour of exercise, 6 glasses of water, and all of my fruits and veggies, and was under calories for the day! No decluttering, but I'm packing for a trip tomorrow... priorities :-)
  • Hope everyone is having a good night!
    Well, sadly i'm still not waking up when i want to yet. Still need to work on that. I'm still trying to be strong at work for the nine hours i am there and trying not to eat any of the junk food that is everywhere, so far i am not doing to bad with that. Still having the problems with trying to not be tired at work. But on to good things today. I went to my karate class and found out that i was finally up for my first belt, i was very excited about that. And then i came home and had a very healthy dinner and a bottle of water. I weighed myself today and lost a pound, every pound counts. Other than that i had a rather boring day. Nothing really happening.
    Good night everyone!

  • checking in for today! I missed a few days but this weekend was pretty hectic! I'll try to be on top of it this week!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodnight everyone :yawn:
    I was really tired and hungry today think I got it out of my system though:wink:
    Nice to see you back mononez:smile:
    good job on the loss dreamtoplay:smile:
    Yay DeeBear :happy:
    Good job everyone you are hanging in there rough month, But you are doing it :bigsmile: Some great goals and workouts !!!!! Jenergy that is awesome whatever works .
    theanongit great day for you YAY !!!!
    See you all tommorow !!!!!!!
  • Had a better day yesterday. Right on target..... for once .:tongue: Happy Tuesday everyone and lets make it a accountable one!

    80/ 560 oz water
    1/7 days stay with in my calories
    5/28 serv fruits & vegs
    40/200 work out mins
    13597/70,000 steps
    1/7 days log in everyday good or bad.
  • Jenergy so glad you are okay. Must have been pretty scary

    Deebear Thank you :smile: but this well wish is for our pal Dream2play.
  • Good Morning Everyone,

    Thank you to Elimay, Istnlondry and Jenergy! Everything is going well with the car accident. Took it to the insurance company and got everything reported from it. Now just have to take the car to the shop and make sure that no damage was done to the underside. Going to get the hardly noticeable unless shown to a person scratches fixed up because my father said it's not coming out of our money and it is a way to teach a lesson for the girl that hit me, hopefully she will learn to not drink and drive. Even though my car was the one that got hit and we called the police on her i feel i did a good thing, because later when her friends showed up they were talking about how she has a young kid and i believe it was better that she is just getting a dui and reckless driving then going out and probably getting in a worse accident and possibly killing someone or herself. She ran over three curbs and they think she may have ran into a pole also before she hit me, just imagining what could have happened if she actually got out onto the open road after that. I think paying the fines would be better than what could have happened.

    The two kids i adopted for Christmas, their presents are going to the drop off location tomorrow to be wrapped and delivered! :)

    Anyway to today, Still not waking up when I want too but at least i am beginning to not feel so tired during the day anymore. I want to start trying to get closer to my 1200 calories a day, after i'm done with my karate everyday i am so far away from it and I really want to try to get closer to it.

    Another thing i am working on is when i get to the point that i feel full i stop eating what i have. I use to feel really bad when eating with people (especially if they made the food) if i didn't eat everything i had on my plate but now i am not pushing myself to eat everything and my body is feeling better when i don't eat everything.

    I am also really cutting my snacking down a lot. If i get hungry between meals usually i will grab some veggies and munch on them for a little bit and that will hold me over until my next meal. I'm really trying to stay away from chips and candy, i know with chips i get to the point that they taste so good i really don't want to stop eating them so i really try not to have them sitting around.

    Lastly i am really trying to get more water in during the day. I still am having trouble with it but am getting a lot better with grabbing a water instead of a soda or sports drink. :)

    Have a great day everyone!!!

  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning Its cold outside brrrrrrrrr :noway: but Im thinking serious about my walk /run otherwise I will do my video or bike latter.
    I work today so I will pack my lunch.
    Dream to play its good she will olearn a hard lesson before she hurts someone dont feel bad glad you are ok .
    Good job Jenergy :happy: thank you happy tuesday to you too :happy:
    Are we determined in dec. YES :bigsmile: I will check in latter !!!!!!! its am here
  • mkath4
    mkath4 Posts: 85 Member
    Off to a good start today~! Did 50 min on the stair stepper and just now having a fruit and veggie smoothie. Weigh in on Thursday. Hope everyone is doing well.
  • Life happens!

    Saturday I threw myself off the wagon when I over-served myself, because my boyfriend with out with his friends. Which led to quite a few sugary drinks, an empty wallet, and then... FOURTH MEAL at Taco Bell.

    Sunday I had gone to a baby shower with my mom and she mentioned that my brother has been acting really really strange and she think it would help him feel better if I came and paid them a visit. So, two restaurant meals later (and far, far too many cigarettes) we are now in this desparate scramble to find my brother the help he needs.

    I plan on back tracking and logging all of my consumption from Saturday to today. Yesterday felt more stable, but the stress and extra baggage in my brain is messing with my sleep. Hoping to get back on the path this evening with a good night's rest and tackling all that dirty laundry and dishes tomorrow on my day off!

    I hope you are having a lovely day. Keep your chin up!
    I said to my brother, and I'll say it to you all, "We're not giving up on you. Don't give up on yourself."
  • alright, all my bad bad choices are up for me to see! i feel better. sigh.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Yesterday was a success.
    I logged my calories, ate less than I burned, exercised (step aerobics and strength training with Denise Austin on TV), got the Christmas dishes out to use for the rest of the month.

    I want to lose slowly without being obsessive. No 20 pound goal, just eat less than I burn, even if only by a little. I gain weight by eating and extra 50 or 100 calories per day, so it seems that I should be able to lose at the same rate. I'll might go over today though. It's my birthday. I'm 51 and I'm going to eat cake.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Life happens!

    Saturday I threw myself off the wagon when I over-served myself, because my boyfriend with out with his friends. Which led to quite a few sugary drinks, an empty wallet, and then... FOURTH MEAL at Taco Bell.

    Sunday I had gone to a baby shower with my mom and she mentioned that my brother has been acting really really strange and she think it would help him feel better if I came and paid them a visit. So, two restaurant meals later (and far, far too many cigarettes) we are now in this desparate scramble to find my brother the help he needs.

    I plan on back tracking and logging all of my consumption from Saturday to today. Yesterday felt more stable, but the stress and extra baggage in my brain is messing with my sleep. Hoping to get back on the path this evening with a good night's rest and tackling all that dirty laundry and dishes tomorrow on my day off!

    I hope you are having a lovely day. Keep your chin up!
    I said to my brother, and I'll say it to you all, "We're not giving up on you. Don't give up on yourself."

    Sweet thank you we wont give up on you either :wink: Hope your brother is ok !!!!! He has a good caring family what ever it is that will help so much.
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Darn it. Thanks for letting me know. Glad you are okay too Jenergy.
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Glad you are okay Dream2play.
  • Bummer of a day for me...over my calories already and haven't even had dinner. I procrastinated exercising and I feel crummy. At least I have been logging my food today. It is so hard to stay motivated. :(
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    As you can all tell, I have no clue what I am doing. Must be all this healthy eating and exercise and water consumption. Today I was having terrible bouts of vertigo. Then I ate my lunch and felt a lot better. I don't think I am eating too little. Maybe just eating more sensibly, my body is freaking out.
    Anywho, I JUST HOPE THAT EVERYONE IS OKAY! I really care about this group of people. I enjoy reading everyone's posts and learning about you all. I think that it is great that we can tell each other about our families.
    Had another good day.
    Will talk to everyone again tomorrow.
    Day 5 is in the books.
  • Today was dissappointing. I did really well until one of my family members brought pizza home. Pizza is a rare treat for my family because of financial issues, so I felt sort of guilted into eating it. I only meant to have one piece, but then one turned into three. I almost about to grab a fourth piece, but I was able to refrain from doing so. I was still able to stay under in my calories though, so that's good. Other than that, I had a successful day.

    I hope everyone else has had a great day!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Hey gang!

    Well my Tuesday was okay-nothing stellar but made it through. I didn't get in any strength training but spent time on the spin bike and elliptical. I was in the green on calories. I was actually in my office most of the day and steered clear of the treats. As for my cooking goal-I ate leftovers again and then decided that there was no way I could eat 2 more nights of this and it went into the trash! Guess I will have to try and cook tomorrow!

    Tomorrow is a new day so hope everyone makes the most of it.
  • It's my birthday. I'm 51 and I'm going to eat cake.

    Happy Birthday!!!!!