Determined December challenge : P



  • checking in for today, did a double workout and stayed on track with food for the most part, though i feel like ive been good with my calorie intake and haven't been losing anything, I've been in a plateau for the past 9 months and i feel like i just can't get out of it!! Any suggestions?
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Oops- I meant to check in but the day escaped me. Nothing to report though. Wednesday is my cheat day. If I get any sleep, I will be going to the gym too.
  • Good morning everyone :smile:

    dream2play Yes thats a hard one to call. Hopefully it will stop her next time before she gets behind the wheel.

    elimay brrrrrr is right!

    kerryannk A bit of OJ always helps me when the late night brain chatter wont stop, hugs for your brother.

    clover5 Happy Birthday, hope it was happy and the cake was delish!

    deebear Thanks... hope the vertigo is better today for you!!

    For Tues
    160/ 560 oz water
    1/7 days stay with in my calories- no
    9/28 serv fruits & vegs
    121/200 work out mins
    26,675/70,000 steps
    2/7 days log in everyday good or bad.

    I added 500 cals of HM gingersnap cookies early in the day and never regained, I went over 120 cals.

    Were they worth it ..... NOPE :noway:

    Here's to having a awesome Wednesday for everyone, stay warm! :drinker:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good morning. Tuesday went well.

    Log calories - yes
    Eat less than burn - no, but only over by a couple hundred, so not disappointed
    Exercise - no - oh well, to day is a new day.
    Enjoy holiday season - Yes.

    Family took me to Applebees for dinner. I chose to go there because they have their diet menu. I can make that work. I wish more restaurants would offer that kind of a menu.
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Didn't make it to the gym this morning because my little one slept in. Today I intend to enjoy and over-indulge because it's my birthday. So, tomorrow I will try to get back on track. Have a great day!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodmorning :bigsmile:
    Im in a hurry but a fast check in I dont even have time to read the posts till tonight. Im going out to lunch with sis and I already chose and logged my food so it should work out fine.

    Have an awesome day everyone see you tonight :drinker: Barely have time to finish coffee.
  • amsw1275 - Happy Birthday!

    Good Afternoon everyone,

    Hope everyone's day is going well so far. It's cold and raining where i live in PA today and they say it might turn into snow tonight. I am so excited about hopefully getting snow finally!!! :love: I'm really trying towards my goal calories for the day. Yesterday i think was the closest i have got to it so far and i was still under by a few hundred. But today is another day and trying again! :smile: Today i am delivering my presents to the drop off for the 2 kids i adopted fro Christmas! YAY! Then later on today going to Karate and really going to give it my all today because i really need to work on my objectives for my belt test. I have a lot of work ahead of me but i think i should be okay. :happy:

    Well got to get back to work now. Best of luck to everyone and have a great day!

    Brandi :wink:

  • mkath4
    mkath4 Posts: 85 Member
    Hello everyone. Sounds like we are all doing a great job checking in. Hope everyone is doing well.
    Did great yesterday with food! I tend to over eat at night, but am really trying to be good. Under my calorie goal slightly.
    Goals for today: continue with good healthy eating.
    Hope to have lost 1-2 pounds at my Friday weigh in.
  • Dishes done, laundry moving. Always a challenge to get my water intake when I'm not at work. Pardon me while I go fill up!
  • Hi everyone! Today went fairly well for me. I didn't get to exercise like I hoped, but I didn't allow that to deter me.

    I am so impressed with how well everyone is doing! It's great! You are all my motivation!
  • DeeBear
    DeeBear Posts: 107 Member
    Did not do well at all. Just could not seem to find my rhythm. Oh well tomorrow is a new day. Feeling really sluggish, must be the 5 inches of snow we got on Monday and the 2 on its way for tomorrow. I do not like winter at all.
    Hope everyone is having a GREAT day.
    See you all tomorrow. Will try to sing a happier tune.
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Just a quick check in as the family is visiting...that means the calories are in the red :angry:

    Went out for a 30 minute walk and did the bike trainer for 60 minutes before work. I also did 15 minutes of strength training.

    No traveling today so I didn't have to worry about the I left work early today.

    Hope everyone had a great day!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Just checking in long enough to say I'm at a convention and have no time to check in... goals have been out the window for the past two days, but I am doing a lot of walking, drinking water, and getting up early... we won't talk about the eating, though...
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodnight everyone !!!!!!! I bombed today went out to eat 2 times. I cleaned for 4 hrs so my excersize Is in.
    My beautiful daughter is here and we are planning a trip too Maui her and I for next Dec. ish woooo hoooo
    We are going to swim laps tommorow morning its our little excersize we do together when she is here, We use kick boards and swim next to each other and talk for an hour.
    Im making anouther turkey tommorow night and then friday night its Pizza party with cake for my sons grad party., I will just have to plan ahead to make good choices.

    DeeBear hope you feel better :flowerforyou: You are so sweet I care about you too !!!! so glad Ive gotten to know you :smile:
    A Happy song for you :wink: "heres a little song I wrote ,you dont have to sing it note for note, dont worry be happy" :laugh: Just a little help from your friends have a great tommorow :happy:

    Everyone is doing really great !!!!!! Im going to get back on tract tommorow:angry: Goodnight everyone and sweet dreams :yawn:
  • babybellyfat
    babybellyfat Posts: 1,102 Member
    Sorry but i have failed. The water drinking just wont do :(
  • Logging in for Wed- day 3
    240/ 560 oz water
    2/7 days stay with in my calories
    14/28 serv fruits & vegs
    152/200 work out mins
    39,647/70,000 steps
    3/7 days log in everyday good or bad.

    DeeBear Hang in there.:smile:

    Elimay Swimming sounds like fun. Enjoy!

    Another day .. to learn to make good choices, :smile: Have a good one all!
  • Hello Everyone,

    So far today i got a new work computer (which was very much needed) so that is so good news and i went and got my new drivers licenses.:happy: Anyway, I really want to start crunching down on my work outs and get more intense with them because i want to feel my best two Thursdays from now for my 24th birthday! Worked out really hard yesterday and my ab muscles are really feeling it today. 3 out of the 4 main work outs we did at my martial arts class last night focused on ab muscles but i feel really good about the workout. I did cave a little bit last night though, i stopped on my way to karate at Starbucks and got a grande soy peppermint mocha frappuccino. :frown: I didn't finish it though but it was still really good! :tongue: When i got home i had a healthy dinner and 3 cups of water which made me feel good, my meals are becoming more healthy and that's good. I'm starting to feel more energetic since changing over to a healthier diet, i feel like i can do so much more everyday. :smile: I am waiting and excited for an intense workout tonight and i really am going to push myself to try my best at it!

    Goals update:
    Really trying to meet my 1200 calories everyday
    Workout harder and longer
    More Veggies and Fruits.
    Even though no karate on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday do a good, long workout.
    Walk around more at work when not busy, or just stand up and do some stretches at my desk.

    Lets keep up the energy!

    Have a great day everyone!
    Brandi :wink:

  • I hope I can still join. I'm looking for some motiviation :smile:

    my goals are
    1. Stay close to 1200 and not go over
    2. excirse once a day (thats kind hard sometimes when I have a million things going on)
    3. Cutting pop out of my life I'm slowing cutting my self off I have went from pop everyday to once a week
    4. I'm really trying to cut out the sweets but its so hard right now with it being the holiday season and my co-workers are always bringing in something to snack on :sad:

    Checking in everyday will not be a problem because I'm addicted to this website.
    I really can't think of a good habit right now.
  • This seems to be a hard week for us all. I'm just grateful that we have each other for this, because I know without you guys, it would only be worse for me.

    Water intake has been fairly consistent for me. But I've been very emotional, and last night I did some emotional eating. I'm not going to beat myself up over it. I honestly felt like I needed it at the time.

    I look forward to some balance in December and am hopeful knowing I have the power and strength to make that happen.
  • cjgp
    cjgp Posts: 1
    Hello. I would love to join this challenge. I have been away from MFP for awhile and I am looking for motivation.
    1. One of my goals is to excercise for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week.
    2. Stick to my calorie and nutrition goals.
    3. Cut down on soda. I am down to one a day and I can feel a difference already.

    Looking forward to this challenge.