Determined December challenge : P



  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well I haven't been very good about checking in!! I am on a roll lately, incase I forget to mention it, I will be out of town from 12/9-14th so don't forget about me!

    It is so cool being a part of such a BIG challenge group! I hope you have been doing great Elimay!! Here's to a great rest of everyone's week!!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Hello everyone !!!!!!!! My daughter is here so I didnt have a chance to check in earlier today, I am making good choices. I swam for an hr and did the shred so way over goal on excersize woooooo hooooo. I love working out with my girl . My little grandson is here too he puts up with me kissing him everytime I walk by :heart: I cant get enough he is 4 in march.

    we will miss you Istnlondry :frown: but have so much fun :bigsmile:

    Welcome new ones glad to have you :flowerforyou:

    Gratefull for you too kerry :smile: it really helps having support from others .we have an awesome group !!!!!!

    You have a great day to dreamto play :flowerforyou: Thank you. I will check in tonight I will have a housefull overnight and for dinner . ITS A BEAUTIFUL DAY :bigsmile:
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Well I haven't been very good about checking in!! I am on a roll lately, incase I forget to mention it, I will be out of town from 12/9-14th so don't forget about me!

    It is so cool being a part of such a BIG challenge group! I hope you have been doing great Elimay!! Here's to a great rest of everyone's week!!
    We couldnt forget about you :happy: you help to make it an awesome group :wink: Im doing good thank you :bigsmile:
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Good evening friends,

    Yesterday I was over on calories and didn't exercise either - double negative - :ohwell: Oh well. Cant win them all.
    I did log my calories though. I get credit for logging even if I go over. :bigsmile:

    Today is looking better, but it's too early to call it done. In fact, it's time to make dinner.

    Welcome to the newbies. This is helping get through December. Checking in helps me to stay on track. My big ambition for December in not to gain weight.
  • amsw1275
    amsw1275 Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks for the birthday wish Dream to Play. I definitely enjoyed yesterday, and tried to do better today. This week has been a bust as far as exercise. Today though I have been better regarding water. Went over on calories, and definitely had too many carbs today. So, hopefully tomorrow will be better. Night!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Happy Birthday answ1275!:flowerforyou:
  • I did very well today. I'm quite proud of myself. My whole family went out to eat at McDonalds, but instead of getting something to eat, I just sipped on water. I'm so glad I didn't ruin my night by eating that gross food.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day tomorrow! Oh, and happy birthday answ1275!
  • Much better day for me today. I stayed within my calorie goal, tracked my food intake and am currently exercising on my elliptical (which makes for some interesting typing). I was low in water, but overall I am super excited to feel back on track with my goals.

    Good luck all for Friday!

  • mkath4
    mkath4 Posts: 85 Member
    Did well with my calorie and exercise goals this week. Weigh in day is Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  • Did pretty good today, I ran for a half an hour and stayed under my calorie goal yay! Oh and i lost a 1/2 inch off my waist double yay!
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    Goodnight everyone you are doing great. Mononez good job on the 1/2 inch :happy:

    I have had a housefull didnt log food today there was no time and now time for bed :yawn:

    See everyone tomorow :flowerforyou:
  • Wionderwoman101
    Wionderwoman101 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey this is great!

    1 Goals: work out 30min/day, drink 2 litres water

    2 : Check in daily with completed food log

    3 : Good habit: floss teeth

    4 : Free 1/2 day: Sunday

    Look forward to meeting our goals together with the support of each other!!
  • hawkeyegal1995
    hawkeyegal1995 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Morning all!

    Missed checking in for Thursday.....I was exhausted by the time I got home. Had another long day in the car - 12 hours of work but with all my overtime this week, i didn't really get paid for any of it. I ended up falling asleep before 8 I was so spent.....I was over on my calories as one meeting was over a lunch buffet-tried to watch what I ate and guessed so I hopefully I over estimated.

    I have been thinking that I may need to adjust my weight loss goals for a while and cut way back. Right now I am at 1200 and honestly forcing myself to exercise more just to get to eat more. Plus the scale is not moving anyway-I figured I am too stressed and exhausted and my body is just fighting it.

    Hope everyone had a great Friday!!!
  • I was doing really good yesterday during the day but when I got off work at 7:00 it kinda went down hill. By the time my boyfriend got home at 7:30 we did a few errans and then we ate at 9. I hate eatting that late because I go to sleep at 9:30 and I haven't exercised in 2 days :frown: but I did get some furits and veggies last night at the store. I'm hoping today will go good as well...

    Well have a nice day everyone
  • Logging in for Thurs- day 4
    320/ 560 oz water
    2/7 days stay with in my calories - no over 382
    18.5/28 serv fruits & vegs
    185/200 work out mins
    50,930/70,000 steps
    4/7 days log in everyday good or bad.

    Keep up the good work everyone :smile:
  • Happy Birthday answ1275 :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies :flowerforyou:
  • :smile: So today I signed up for a weight loss challenge in my department at work our first weigh in is Dec 30th and it ends in Feb. I hope this really gets me movitated I really need it
  • Hey everyone! Good afternoon,

    Today isn't going to well for me. This morning i had two pieces of toast with honey peanut butter on them and that was at 9am and now it is 1pm and i'm not even close to being hungry. Normally by time lunch hits my stomach is growling and saying feed me! but right now nothing at all. Any ideas on this? :indifferent: Anyway, yesterday during karate i was working really hard at karate and cut my knuckles open a bit. :ohwell: But i am getting closer to getting my belt so that is good. Today i have no karate and nothing all weekend so i really need to workout a lot at home. I have some great wii and x-box kinect games that make you work pretty hard so i will probably do a couple hours of those each day. :happy: Well i'm going to try and eat something and hope it goes well. Talk to everyone later or tomorrow.

    Have a great day everyone! :tongue:

  • Got a letter in the mail saying that my gym is changing owners/locations. It's a super nice gym, but it's twice as far away! I think I'm going to cancel the membership and take advantage of my free weights and videos at home. There's plenty of good places around here if I want to start up again, one right across the street that offers a spin class every morning! Man... I just got excited to go to that! And that's the first time in weeks I got a little burst of electricity inside about working out!

    Housework got done today! Very exciting!
    I still need to put the tree up!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Hey everyone! Good afternoon,

    i'm not even close to being hungry.

    Then don't eat.