Pregnant and smoking



  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    Poll: How many women here are anti-smoking but pro-choice?

    I don't think that smoking is good for the baby, or any person, but if a woman smokes her whole pregnancy or partially while she's trying to quit, or goes cold turkey is her own decision, so I'm not necessarily pro-smoking or anti-smoking, I'm pro-mind your own dang business :) And also pro-choice.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Poll: How many women here are anti-smoking but pro-choice?

    I just read this thread from beginning to end, and wondered the whole time when this would come up!
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
    Poll: How many women here are anti-smoking but pro-choice?

    I just read this thread from beginning to end, and wondered the whole time when this would come up!

    Actually brought it up waaaay back around page 2:flowerforyou:
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
    Sorry...I just saw this too about someone saying that it's to each their own. Sorry to say though...that if someone has a kid that is disabled because they chose to does affect all of us. We pay for their health that's why I say smoking while pregnant is child abuse...and ...probably abuse of the system as well.

    So wrong on so many levels. Actually not in the mood to drop my IQ by 40 to reply to this.... Maybe after another drink I could reply:drinker:
  • jenscot25
    jenscot25 Posts: 124 Member
    Poll: How many women here are anti-smoking but pro-choice?

    I don't think that smoking is good for the baby, or any person, but if a woman smokes her whole pregnancy or partially while she's trying to quit, or goes cold turkey is her own decision, so I'm not necessarily pro-smoking or anti-smoking, I'm pro-mind your own dang business :) And also pro-choice.

    *Stands up and begins slow clap*
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    Gosh, being pregnant was the only way I could quit. I loved smoking and I didn't care about my own health so much. But the thought of my child being born with asthma or some other respiratory issue and knowing my smoking may have caused it made it so worth it for me to quit. It was hard...especially the second time..but I did it! And though it was harder the second time, I was able to make it stick and I have been smoke free for about 14 years now. I don't ever even miss it!
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Many years ago (when I was still a smoker) i visited a friend who's younger sister was pregnant. She had quit smoking obviously, and me, her sister who I was visiting and her mother all had the courtesy to smoke outside. The BF/Fiance/Babydaddy whatever.. smoked in the house and blew cigarette smoke in her face as a joke. It took every ounce of strength I had in my body to not rip his throat out right then and there.........

    I know what it's like... I smoked for 10 years.. i quit 5 years ago... but if someone has made that decision to quit (especially for a baby) don't smoke around them and dont blow smoke at them... for the love of god.....
  • KeegansMomma
    It makes me sad when I see pregnant women smoking. My neighbors daughter would take drags off of other people's cigs when she was pregnant with her son (whom I've watched for the last 2 years). It made me mad and sad. I realise that quitting smoking isn't easy (I have a sister who smokes and even the e-cigs haven't helped her quit the habit).
  • uLinx
    uLinx Posts: 148
    It's a personal decision, but smoking itself is always selfish.

    ALWAYS!!! Smokers may say they don't hurt anyone but themselves. Well, guys, STOP FOOLING YOURSELVES!!! Smoke that crap, but drop that ****.

    Sorry, but my mother died because of cigarettes. Now, it's my father's turn and I'm going all over that again. Well. They were selfish and they regretted it when they saw what it could cause to the people they love.

    So, please, if you want, do smoke! And enjoy it! And kill yourself enjoying it! BUT NEVER EVER THINK IT'S SOMETHING THAT ONLY CONCERNS YOU! It just isn't.
  • springfield5780
    I quit smoking gradually at the beginning of my first pregnancy, at the advice of my doctor, I quit completely when i was 4 months pregnant (took a while because I was 16 and slightly stupid) Then my boyfriend was killed and I went into a tailspin of depression and the doctor advised me to start smoking again because it was a crutch for me before and it would help to get me less stressed. So I started smoking again, not very often, but I smoked maybe one a week when I felt the depression setting in real strong. She was born completely healthy and still rarely goes to the doctor, rarely gets a cold. My second one, I smoked and was on birth control until I was 5 months pregnant, which was when I found out I was pregnant, it took me maybe 3 weeks to quit smoking completely with her, and I had her 2 months early, induced because she had utero growth retardation, she was 8 weeks early, 4lbs 5oz, but her lungs were fully developed and other than being premature, she was perfectly healthy. I didn't smoke at all with my 3rd (she was planned) and she was born with RSV. I don't smoke in the house, I don't smoke in the car and I don't allow others to do it either when my kids are around. I'm not saying one has to do with the other, mind you, you shouldn't smoke when your pregnant, common sense, but to each their own.

    Now, my three step children, their mom smoked when she was pregnant, smoked in the house, in the car... they get colds pretty often as compared to my natural children, but still generally healthy as compared to other random kids.

    Now, that said, my step kids were in a car accident with their mother about 6 years ago, my daughter took the impact and she has traumatic brain injury and left side paralysis.

    So though I don't condone her smoking in the house when the kids are there for visitation, I'm honestly more scared of the ride home with her than anything else.

    For the chick that said that all smokers are rude, I'll make a note of that, I was unaware, but I will try to work harder to live up to your expectations of me. All this time I've been trying to help out people like you (the dreaded non-smokers) by not smoking in public places and if you walk into my space I'll move away and blow my smoke the other way, and if you have a kid and walk by me, I'll hold my smoke in, that's right, I don't breath until that kid is well past me. Had I known that we are all rude, in order to gain the approval of my smoking peers, I would have tried harder to inconvenience all the perfect non smokers in the world.

    And to the person that said we are bad parents because we smoke and aren't setting a good example, I would have to assumet that you have never said a bad word in front of your kid, drank and alcoholic beverage, or had an argument with your spouse where the kids could hear you, or lord forbid overate until you had to end up on weight loss forum. Surely you are here because you are perfect in every way and only looking for cyber friendships because you feel the need to spread your perfection through the internet.

    I think I love you! LOL

    I am an Ex Smoker...Smoked with first kid...she had blood sugar issues in NICU 5 days I was assured it had nothing to do with smoking but I never forgave myself for it and she has been healthy since (She is 11). As soon as I found out I was pregnant with my son I threw the pack away because if not he would wind up in NICU with blood sugar problems obviously!!! He is the one that has breathing issues! ( and btw Im pretty sure he gave me asthma! *giggle*)

    When I did smoke I also held my breath if someone walked by...I always prayed they would hurry because either that or I was gonna pass out with lungs full of smoke! I am a proud non smoker but I do not condemn a current smoker and quite honestly if I had not developed a case of asthma that landed me in the ER for 5 hours I would probably still be a smoker!
  • mrsrice86
    mrsrice86 Posts: 79 Member
    As soon as i had an idea i was pregnant the first time (before i was even certain), i quit straight away. Didn't cut down, i just stopped. And even though i could previously smoke upto 40 a day, i found it so easy!! All i had to do was think about my little growing baby.
    I personally wasn't prepared to cause any un-necessary risks.

    I also didn't start up again after having my first, and have now been a non smoker for almost 3 years which i am very proud of!

    I don't agree with smoking when pregnant, and i never will.

    Simple as that really!!
  • Kandace_Riopel
    Kandace_Riopel Posts: 80 Member
    i quit cold turkey the day i found out with my first and than just never smoked again! ... my SIL is on methadone and intentionally got pregnant i flipped on her. ANY foreign substance introduced to the womb has an affect on the developing fetus and we have been entrusted with making the BEST choices to help our children strive to be all they can be. smoking is a choice, so let the child make the choice for themselves. dont introduce **** into the womb that is unhealthy and can and will affect their health one day!
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    Sorry...I just saw this too about someone saying that it's to each their own. Sorry to say though...that if someone has a kid that is disabled because they chose to does affect all of us. We pay for their health that's why I say smoking while pregnant is child abuse...and ...probably abuse of the system as well.

    So wrong on so many levels. Actually not in the mood to drop my IQ by 40 to reply to this.... Maybe after another drink I could reply:drinker:

    Holy crap! I missed this completely. I have a disabled child, not because of smoking, but disabled none the less, however, according to the state, she's not considered disabled because we make too much money. But seeing how you pay for her health care, I will be looking forward to recieving that check. Because she cost ME a pretty penny every year. And talking about abusing the system, she was on medicaid for a little while right after the accident, because savings only goes so far, and after about $32,000 out of pocket, medicaid was needed. After everything was looking up, we started working again and the state advised us that one of us should quit our job so we could maintain her disability status and recieve medicaid and social security. WTF? Sorry not gonna happen.

    You should think about what your saying before you post, generalizations just makes you look ignorant. I pray that you never have the "burden" of having to support and love a disabled child.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Seems to me someone who "can't handle stress" enough to quit smoking while pregnant, probably isn't all that cut out to be a parent!

    Not trying to be a judgemental b*tch..personally I'm a smoker and don't have (and don't want) kids, so I'm not cut out to be a parent either...but it seems like its something you should be willing to give up if you wanted to have a healthy kid badly enough!
  • Munque
    Munque Posts: 123
    I don't think it's so much about not being able to handle stress as it is the stress your body goes through while in withdrawls.

    I enjoy smoking, we've talked about quitting a couple of times for health reasons, and because of the amount of money spent on it, but the truth is, me and my husband enjoy smoking, we also enjoy having the 15 minutes alone on the front porch (kids aren't allowed to come out when we are smoking). And sure family life can be stressful, I personally don't get overly stressed about my kids, they are good kids and still too young for me to have to worry about them not coming home on time after a date, or having them experiment with drugs or drink, it's coming though my oldest son is almost 15 and my oldest daughter is 14. But so far I don't have much cause to stress too much. So I'm not following the whole "if you can't handle stress you shouldn't be a parent" I'm more of a "if you don't know how to be a good parent, you shouldn't be a parent". Because you know I have minor frustrations, when we have the good sibling rivalry going on, and I stay calm and talk to the kids about it before punishing them, my husband gets too frustrated and walks away. So I guess because he doesn't deal well with what I see as minor frustrations, this makes him a bad parent? I can't agree with that, he's helping me raise 6 kids, all who almost always make straight A's, all who decide to save their holiday and birthday money so the family can go to Disney world some day, all who come home from school everyday and do homework, then chores without a single complaint (most of the time). All who bennd over backwards to help out with their sister when we are running late for school and work. They are awesome kids, bad parents don't make as great of kids as what we have.
  • 08caseyk
    Sorry...I just saw this too about someone saying that it's to each their own. Sorry to say though...that if someone has a kid that is disabled because they chose to does affect all of us. We pay for their health that's why I say smoking while pregnant is child abuse...and ...probably abuse of the system as well.

    So wrong on so many levels. Actually not in the mood to drop my IQ by 40 to reply to this.... Maybe after another drink I could reply:drinker:

    Holy crap! I missed this completely. I have a disabled child, not because of smoking, but disabled none the less, however, according to the state, she's not considered disabled because we make too much money. But seeing how you pay for her health care, I will be looking forward to recieving that check. Because she cost ME a pretty penny every year. And talking about abusing the system, she was on medicaid for a little while right after the accident, because savings only goes so far, and after about $32,000 out of pocket, medicaid was needed. After everything was looking up, we started working again and the state advised us that one of us should quit our job so we could maintain her disability status and recieve medicaid and social security. WTF? Sorry not gonna happen.

    You should think about what your saying before you post, generalizations just makes you look ignorant. I pray that you never have the "burden" of having to support and love a disabled child.

    I aswell have a disabled child. And YES she does have medicaid. But my taxes pay into it as well just like my taxes will probably pay for you when your older and have health issues. I don't agree with mothers smoking while pregnant or around kids. But if they did and something were to happen to make their child disabled, i would gladly let them take my taxes for their health care. EVERY CHILD deserves insurance and a chance at healthy. Yes some of us have to pay for it, but if you were in that situation and you needed the insurance i'm sure you would take it. And i'm sure they would feel bad anough about causing their child to get sick without you making them feel like a system abuser or a burden. Everyone makes mistakes. No need to rub it in their faces and make them feel bad.