we are all going to put the weight back on!!



  • lexibelk
    lexibelk Posts: 83 Member
    Or if you say " I need help to lose weight" his response is "when you go shopping park at the other end of the parking lot and walk" wth

    I just think of Jillian Michaels' in 30DS when she's all "“So often we are told, just take the stairs. That is a false message of lethargy ! If you want results, they ain't coming' for free!”

    I love this quote! Truth hurts, haha!
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    My nutritionist loves MFP. She was very pleased to find out I had already been using it. Yay.
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    I would think whatever works for an individual is worth taking a look at, i.e. Weight Watchers, MFP, etc. I love this website.
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    My doctor told me to weigh myself after I eat everything and if I see the scale go up then "no more food that day." That's about how long it took me to figure out that most Drs don't know squat.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    That is kind of funny since my friends dietitian recommended her to use this site. That is why I joined. But some are clueless I believe.
  • AEinAL
    AEinAL Posts: 4 Member
    maybe we will--maybe we won't...it is up to us in the end. making me log my food is definalty an eye opener. cause if i don't want to log it that means i shouldn't be eating it.
    whatever avenue works-use it until it doesn't anymore.
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    I am nurse practitioner and I RECOMMEND MFP to my patients! I think it's a wonderful way to monitor yourself, and it can fit any lifestyle, culture, economic level, etc. Please know that there are some health care providers out there who base what they do on actual scientific data, and everything I learned school supports methods like MFP! It works if you work it right!
  • emy10284
    emy10284 Posts: 171 Member
    Or if you say " I need help to lose weight" his response is "when you go shopping park at the other end of the parking lot and walk" wth

    I just think of Jillian Michaels' in 30DS when she's all "“So often we are told, just take the stairs. That is a false message of lethargy ! If you want results, they ain't coming' for free!”

    yes!!! agreed!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I've been married to the same guy for 11 years, and it's a proven fact -- your partner WILL NOT hear this kind of advice if YOU say it. However, if someone ELSE tell them the same thing, they will suddenly have a REVELATION: "Hey, guess what I found out today????" It must be a glitch in the chromosomes. What's even worse is if they suddenly believe it when their MOTHER says it. :noway:

    Just pat him on the head and say, "That's nice, dear." :laugh: And then share the laugh with your girl buds.

    Haha ooh Tina you are SOOO right on this one. I think I am married to the example. My husband was told by me (a board certified nurse practitioner and clinical lipid specialist) that he needs to take fish oil and vit d and a multivitamin, but he never did. Saw his doctor (ummm who I recommended and am good friends with) and during the appt he must have mentioned those things are good and my husband went out and bought them right away and insists he has to take them because the doctor told him they were good... umm really!

    And despite my pleas for him to eat better and exercise he did not do it ... until one day he just did ... and he has quietly lost about 30 pounds..
  • I know 5 dietitians as friends. All 5 use apps when dealing w people to help develop eating plans and nutritional goals. That dietititan is full of something that doesnt smell good. Pro sport teams, the Biggest Loser ppl, everyone......computers are helped to generate plans---nice and simple.
  • holly_v
    holly_v Posts: 292 Member
    what was that fact again about people who write down their food?
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    My doctor told me to weigh myself after I eat everything and if I see the scale go up then "no more food that day." That's about how long it took me to figure out that most Drs don't know squat.

    Wow! That is the worst advice I have ever seen ... amazing!
  • Yakarobed
    Yakarobed Posts: 13 Member
    It's shocking how clueless Doctors can be about weight loss!!!

    I don't think doctor's want us to be healthy they will be without jobs.....

    I really believe this is true of doctors and prescription drug companies. I recently stopped taking a medication because when I asked my doctor if I still needed to be on it his reply was "well it won't hurt you". I was stunned at his answer...
  • bmacholiday
    bmacholiday Posts: 210 Member
    Hmmmm....is this application stupid because she gets paid to give out advice that is being giving away online for free :ohwell:
    Some people...

    ^^^ This ^^^
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I am nurse practitioner and I RECOMMEND MFP to my patients! I think it's a wonderful way to monitor yourself, and it can fit any lifestyle, culture, economic level, etc. Please know that there are some health care providers out there who base what they do on actual scientific data, and everything I learned school supports methods like MFP! It works if you work it right!

    Agree - I am a nurse practitioner and a Clinical Lipid Specialist and I do alot of diet and exercise counseling. I strongly recmmend MFP to all of my patients (but perhaps necessarily folllowing the calorie goals but instead customizng them). We talk in depth about logging and calorie counting - all of my patient have their BMR calculated by the Harris Benedict formula and then we discuss physical activity and try to estimate a good calorie goal. I literally pull up MFP in exam rooms and show my patients the website (using my account) and how to log their food. They have had some amazing successes and I will continue to recommend this site in the future.

    Not all health care providers are trained on nutrition ... and some just say whatever they think sounds good or assume that the patient isnt motivated or worse yet dont want to take the time to discuss it. Just a thought...
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Maybe she's angry about all the money she could be making with all of us:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    that's funny ... tell me another one.

    In the meantime get a second opinion
  • It's shocking how clueless Doctors can be about weight loss!!!

    True...my doctor doesn't even know wha weight watchers is...:embarassed:

    Or if you say " I need help to lose weight" his response is "when you go shopping park at the other end of the parking lot and walk" wth

    once when i asked my dr help with losng weight, he gave me a script for Duromine.... i couldnt believe it!!!
  • BethN77
    BethN77 Posts: 12 Member
    No, not everyone will put it back on! It's not a fad or crash diet. *We* are actually eating real food (as opposed to shake or other non-realistic & non-sustainable fads), paying attention to what we eat, how we eat, portion sizes, & our exercise regimen. How can your husband deny your incredible results??? :noway:

    My husband also doesn't hear me when I tell him anything, but will when someone else does, even his parents who have always been wrong about whatever. So, I feel ya on that. He did, however, see my results & how much more mindful I am of food & exercise. He does MFP, too! :happy: (I started with Weight Watchers & then changed to MFP, he just went straight to MFP!). I'm happy he did!

    When I talked to my Dr in Jan 2011 about losing weight, she did up my height, activity (at the time I was physically limited), & such and said to limit my calories to 1200, to try WW or Jenny Craig. MFP says 1200. I actually like counting my calories as opposed to counting points. As much as WW really did help me to begin with, MFP and livestrong.com have taught me more about eating right & exercising & how those 2 everyday factors actually impact me.

    I hope your husband sees what you've accomplished for what it really is and gives you the credit you deserve for staying with it!! And hopefully, your example will lead to him becoming healthy, too.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    I didn't read through all the posts. This is kind of interesting though as my dietician had the exact opposite opinion when I showed her MFP and we looked at my food diaries on here and she thought it was an excellent tool and a great way to be aware of what I'm eating. She also said that she saw as I noticed I was missing things, etc, I adjusted my eating accordingly. I agree that is an excellent tool.
    According to my partners dietician that is!

    He was sent to see her to help him lose weight. He told her what I have been doing and she said that the whole concept was a ridiculous idea and no one should be told by an app or website how much they can eat and that it will just lead to me gaining it all back. He was loving telling me this as he has never liked the fact I'm on here logging my food and have been since February.

    Just as I was about to tell him its not stupid ect as he carried on about how ridiculous mfp is he turns round and says "so she told me I should have 1500 cals a day!". I would have pointed out that's exactly the same as what I'm doing but thought it would be a waste of breath

    Gave me a laugh though!