name one, really random, strange fact about yourself



  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    i can't even contemplate going to bed if the closet door is open. must. go. close. it.

    haha this is me! except mine is because there is a window in our closet and I have to sleep in the COMPLETE dark. even the light on the alarm clock has to be turned off.
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    I still have two baby teeth.

    Nice! I still have one!
  • i can crack my left wrist really loud any time i want just by waving my hand.
  • cbbarge
    cbbarge Posts: 250 Member
    I have a terrible phobia of going up escalators.

    Not a terrible phobia but a very healthy respect, same with moving sidewalks. I always think I'm going to fall off the end.
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I hate country music, but my voice is on a Tonya Tucker album in the background making "bar room noises" - clinking beer bottles, whooping it up. That is the danger of being drunk at a recording studio in Tennessee.
  • a boat anchor fell on my head when I was 8 yrs old because my crazy grandpa used to store them ON TOP OF THE PATIO OVERHANG!!!!! (love him though!)
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    I wont flush the toilet in the middle of the night.
  • I have green freckles on my right arm. I had them since birth and its only 6 of them but its really random lol

    That is the oddest thing I have ever heard lol

    As for me, my middle toes are stuck together which I think is super cool and was actually disappointed that my son wasn't born with nifty toes lol
  • ja4bs
    ja4bs Posts: 30
    I HAVE to have a spoon in my cup when drinking a hot beverage!

    I do too!! Mainly hot chocolate.

    I have to have a spoon too!
  • Both of my middle fingers are crooked. Left one is crooked to the left, right one is crooked to the right. I'm so self conscious about it!

    haha, mine too but its my pointer fingers
  • I have a self-made dimple in my left cheek. It was accidentally created by falling out of a 2 story playhouse on roller skates when I was 2.

    That's your face cheek or...? :laugh:
    Haha, yeah face! Altho that reminds of another interesting story.... I'll have to save that one for a more private thread :laugh:

    Wow, I'm a perv I guess cuz I did not even think abo0ut your face when I read that. Totally forgot that a face has cheeks
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I have a brown freckle on the palm of my left hand about 1.5" from my wrist line & a red freckle on the bottom section (palmside) of my right hand's ring finger.

    I also have a hole in front of my right ear that goes nowhere into my head but it's large enough that I can stick the post of a stud earring in it.

    I can only pop the 2nd toe on each foot, none of my other toes (I have to bend them sideways) and I can pop each hip by standing and then raising my leg like a dog peeing on a fire hydrant.

    My middle name is Brook and purposefully spelled without the 'e' on the end because of my Native American heritage on my dad's side - thankfully, my mom fought with my dad before I was born, because he had chosen the middle name 'Greentree'.

    I choose which magazines I advertise in by the way the paper and ink smells and the HP ink we use at work smells like par boiled peanuts.
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    I cannot stand it when someone folds a piece of paper and runs their fingers along the crease. It seriously disturbs me to the point where I could get violent if they don't stop.
  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Orange juice makes me sleepy.

    I can't eat grape jelly. I think it's really creepy because it's the one food item that just sits in the fridge until you don't know how old it is anymore.
  • MissO﹠A
    MissO﹠A Posts: 906 Member
    I can't be touched on my navel. You know the whole "I'm funny and I'm gonna stick my finger in your belly button game?" -- that usually results in a reflexive punch from my right hand to offending party.

    Similar but with a less violent outcome, I can't abide being touched on my Achilles' heel.*

    (* Damn that f'ing kid in Pet Semetary.)
  • I could do that when I was younger. I smoked then and I could hold my breath and blow hard and smoke would come out of my eyes!

    My son came up to me one day and said..."I can breath out my eyes mom!" Didnt believe him til I felt the air coming out of there...told him "just because you can doesn't mean ya should!"
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    I can't be touched on my navel. You know the whole "I'm funny and I'm gonna stick my finger in your belly button game?" -- that usually results in a reflexive punch from my right hand to offending party.

    Similar but with a less violent outcome, I can't abide being touched on my Achilles' heel.*

    (* Damn that f'ing kid in Pet Semetary.)
    Same here, don't like the belly button being messed with. Mine actually hurts when people mess with it.
  • i cannot feel anything with the tips of my left arm... i'm a freak of nature :( lol

    If I have an itch on my wrist I have to scratch the skin on my forearm right below my elbow to make the itch go away. Ulnar nerve injuries are odd things.
  • SimplyShanRunning
    SimplyShanRunning Posts: 885 Member
    Hmm. Well my eyes change color depending on my mood

    I can lock both ankles behind my head and walk on my hands

    I was named after a River in Ireland but Ive never been ****e Ive neer even been on a plane

    thats enough for now
  • I have an obsession with serial killers from every time period.
    Hope thats not too random or strange... :ohwell: