name one, really random, strange fact about yourself



  • cherdan
    cherdan Posts: 162 Member
    When I was 3 or 4 years old, I was obsessed with this toy xylophone I had. (I was an only child for a long time, needless to say.) One day, I slipped and fell on it. It sliced through the bottom right of my lower lip, deep enough that my pediatrician told my mom to take me to the ER to have it stitched up. She opted not to and let it heal naturally. I still have a scar from it. Cool story :)
  • Addicted2carbs
    Ok I will reveal my Husband is related to a very well known Canadian serial Killer, they are cousins, and no he is not at all proud of it, it has caused his life to be sheer living hell because of the surname, and no I will not reveal who it is.
  • SetecAstronomy
    SetecAstronomy Posts: 470 Member
    Austin Powers isn't the only one who puts the "GRRRR!" in...
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I cannot leave my house if it is not clean and tidy with the beds made and the dishwasher on or unloaded. not even to pop to the post office or something. My husband calls it show home syndrome!
  • foxygirlact
    foxygirlact Posts: 98 Member
    Tomatoes are my all time favourite food. I eat them like apples and buy bags and bags of them every week
  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member
    Both of my middle fingers are crooked. Left one is crooked to the left, right one is crooked to the right. I'm so self conscious about it!

    Me too big time!
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    I have OCD
  • foxygirlact
    foxygirlact Posts: 98 Member
    I LOVE to pop pimples! Even random peoples...

    me too! I used to love popping my boyfriends pimples. I even have a pimple popper game on my phone!
  • Kslice39
    Kslice39 Posts: 146
    I can't use a qtip or my toothbrush unless it's wet first
    I HAVE TO sleep with a fan on at all times(even in winter)
    I have to touch the outlets to know and reassure myself that there isn't going to be a fire when I leave
    I am DEATHLY afraid of the dentist, literally to the point where I can't even call without being in tears and have to be tricked to go and put out just to get my teeth cleaned
    I hiccup all the time, but it will be only one hiccup
    I have a photographic memory about where things are ex: car keys, remote, where's the butte inthe fridge, etc
    I talk to my dog as if he's a person and feel as if he understands and actually responds back to me and even refer to him as my son
    I have to run and jump on the bed for fear someone is going to drag me under the bed
    I can't touch laundry fresh out o the dryer(it's like nails on a chalkboard feeling)
    I eat my food in pieces(like I rip a sandwich up instead of taking a bite of t)
    I never feel tired, I can literally stay up for days at a time when I don't take sleeping pills
    I will eat just about anything with ranch and/or peanut butter on it
    I am deathly afraid of snails and slugs and immediately burst into tears if I see one
    I know ASL and when I'm driving I sign/fingerspell every sign I pass(I HAVE to!) I also try and interpret the songs on the radio into ASL

    Im probably the weirdest person ever and could list a million more lol it doesn't help that I have OCD...
    I must say I really am enjoying this post!
  • OpGetSexy
    I hate eating with forks unless it's a salad.
    At home, I only eat out of bowls.
    I am deathly afraid of Knights.

    I guess we are all a little weird*

    : )
  • heresmyinsidevoice
    heresmyinsidevoice Posts: 311 Member
    Eating sweet pickles will make me instantaneously vomit.

    Even though blood, guts and gore do not bother me to see them, any medical/biology-type video which depicts blood platelets moving through the veins will make me faint, and I don't know why. I loved taking biology in high school, but would really dread when we'd get to the unit on blood, veins and arteries.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    I'm obsessed with serial killers/serial murderers/homicides/ and the show 'the first 48' and anything related. I can handle gore that most grown men would faint at the site of. My fiance is slightly scared of me I think?

    I'm the same way - I actually had an internship at the coroner's office and had to pick up dead bodies :) most of my friends think i'm quite morbid lol

    My friends too :) glad I wasn't alone with my morbid fascination ;). I saw an autopsy performed live, and got to assist. It was awesome. I am currently reading my latest non fiction book on serial murderers.
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    When I was a teenager, I was a hockey FANATIC... my life goal was to marry a hockey player and have his babies
    I cried every single day of Kindergarten when my mom dropped me off. Every. single. day.
    I'm afraid of geese. Every time I take my kids to feed ducks, its like the geese can smell the fear on me and they stalk me. I'm afraid to turn my back on those sneaky *kitten* because I'm convinced they'll chase me and bite me.

    I was bit my a goose a few days ago...
    And I would introduce you to teemu selanne but he is married (I used to babysit his son, eetu)
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    I love the smell of puppy breath.
  • rebeccaME207
    rebeccaME207 Posts: 90 Member
    I can not stand styrofoam! The sound, when people touch it , or rub it it! Makes me feel a "nails on a chalk board" feeling! Just typing this and thinking about it is bothersome!
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    I can't be touched on my navel. You know the whole "I'm funny and I'm gonna stick my finger in your belly button game?" -- that usually results in a reflexive punch from my right hand to offending party.

    Similar but with a less violent outcome, I can't abide being touched on my Achilles' heel.*

    (* Damn that f'ing kid in Pet Semetary.)

    Same for me with the belly button - ewwww hate them!!!
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    the sound of teeth clinking on a spoon/fork etc - it makes me feel sick....
  • Jugsie23
    Some of these are hilarious!

    I get so angry and shake with rage if anyone fills a kettle using the spout rather than opening the kettle up by the lid.

    I Hoover at least 3 times a day.

    I was the first (and last) woman to be married at the top of Blackpool Tower!
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    I am allergic to toothpaste - and I can't stand the stuff (despite having to use it obviously) - I cannot abide people cleaning their teeth anywhere else but the bathroom and will go off my nut if anyone were to try walking out of there - and god forbid, talking while doing it!!!! I think this has made me hate mint products too - and I HATE people chewing gum due to it.
  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    I can write mirror images, forward with my right hand backward with my left hand, at the same time.

    When I was in first grade I was ambidextrous. When my right hand got tired I would switch to the left. I thought this was normal, but my first grade teacher thought I was left-handed and stopped me from writing with my right. The only thing is I am really right handed. To this day I write with my left and do everything else right-handed. I think this has caused me to be dyslexic.