T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team - Week 13



  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    , I think I am going to stop eating my exercise calories. I know this isn't the way MFP recommends but a month of not losing weight is frustrating and I just keep thinking I have to be doing something wrong.

    You know it's worth a shot to give it a try for a couple of weeks, since you've held out long enough to make sure this was a trend and not just "that week", ya know? Your body has adjusted and you are not the large size some of us are, where we have more wiggle room (or is that jiggle room???) with the cals, sometimes for smaller people it does take going below what is recommended for it to work. And you know enough now I think to know that if you lose it, you have the potential to gain it right back once you start eating a more healthy number of cals.

    This is cracking me up, the traveling pants... :happy: What fun! Let's PM each other our addresses if you want something sent to you and someone says they have your size. :wink: Don't personally want to post my info in the forum, since it's not at all secure...

    LI4G keeps promising me clothes... then she is saying, well, I can wear it a little longer... bummer! I was with her shopping for all that cute stuff last year, I keep waiting for it to come my way!!!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Back for a second before I go to bed ~

    Indianagranny ~ You are awesome ~ I really enjoy your posts, your positive attitude, and the fact that you always have an encouraging word to share!

    Sheila - forgot to tell you how fab you look! You go you hottie! I'm sooo proud for you and how well you are doing!

    Li4g- mmmmmmmm kabobs! One of my favs - especially with the pineapple!

    Jamie - Hope you have a great week - sounds like you are doing all the right things - Don't you wish our bodies could verbalize what the need to make this all work??? That would be sooooo much easier for all of us!!

    Prayerful - can't wait to hear how the marathon went! Praying you are healthy and happy with your effort - I know all you have to do is try and that alone impresses me ~ I can't even fathom what it takes to run a 1/2 marathon let alone a marathon!

    I agree with adopt4 - all address info should be pm'd and not put on the thread - safety first:bigsmile:
  • healthymom2009
    Hey gang, tried to read everyone's posts but can't remember a thing except travelling pants!

    I exercised (wogged) today for 60 minutes. Part of it was into the wind - that should count double.:grumble: Had chinese food and one small piece of cake to celebrate a birthday. I saved calories today by skipping snacks and eating lots of salad for lunch - it wasn't hard 'cause I wasn't that hungry today.

    I tried on lots of summer clothes from the back of my closet today. Felt so good to try on things that are "roomy". I could not wear them last summer. All the winter clothes are going in the basement. I WILL NOT BE WEARING THEM AGAIN. (sorry I had to yell at myself). In the past I have kept several sizes because I was yo-yoing up and down the scale. This time it's for good. :mad: I do not want all my hard work to be lost on losing the same pounds over and over. That is why I joined mfp. I can keep at it rather than go for 12 weeks and then quit a Curves or Weight Watchers. You girls are great.

    Must say goodnight now. I'm sorry I don't contribute much to the conversation lately but I do feel good when I post because it keeps me accountable and trying hard.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Indiana- Pass on the extra boobage anytime!! I just noticd that my boobs are FINALLY sticking out farther than my tummy. I never, ever thought THAT was possible!

    Adopt4- Thought you would appreciate this one after your training sessions the past couple days.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Team - Thank You all for all the wonderful comments and encouragement...

    Inianagranny - You are doing Great...Keep up all your hard work but please becareful of the pain I dont want you to hurt yourself and get set back... like I almost did...

    Jamie - I know its hard not to get discouraged but you might have to try different things to see what works for you... I personally eat 1200 - 1500 calories now and I dont eat my exercise calories back and the dr. said that is why I am losing about 5 pounds week.. just try it and she what happens.. good luck and dont get fusterated even though its easy to do..

    Dewdrop - thank you I am glad your back... I sure will tell my daughter... she is 8 yrs old and she skates against 10,12,14 and sometimes 16 yr's she travels to different area's in Michigan she has gone to Ohio, Chicago, Colorado for her synconize ice skating... but my mother has gone with her...

    AJ - what a beautiful poem and thank you for those sweet comments...

    Li4g - I got my daughter a membership at the gym cuz she wanted one and I figured it could be our bonding time together since she is the middle child and all!!!! but when she goes with me she dont want to be there as long as me and she will sit on the bench and it bothers me so I stop and go home and so thats why I personaly like going to the gym by myself... just so that I am not holding anyone up and I can go at my pass.. not to make her mad...

    healthymom - glad to see your still here with us.. we would miss you if you stoped posting...

    I know I missed a few Team members but I have to go back and read.. cuz it is late and I am way past my bed time..

    Good Night all - and I could use the 24's adopt so I pm'd you my address so let me know...

    I have size 28's and 30's if anyone wants them.. I even have some scrubs if you know anyone who needs them..

    I think this is going to be fun...Team of the Traveling Pants I cant believe I thought of that LOL...
    Thanks Team...

    Nite Nite...
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Jamie, what the heck, give it a try. If you feel faint, or have headaches, you are probably not eating enough. Well, traveling pants, hmmm... Since I am nearly as tall as LI4G, I am pretty sure I will have to pass on everyone elses pants. And, NO ONE wants my pants. Unless we made a tent out of them..... :wink: It will be a minute before I am in those 30s, Sheila, and then you are too darn short, I fear. :happy: But, I am happy to report that I have actually lost at least 3 pant sizes, and as many as 5 depending on the brand and style. And did I mention I am weighing less than I have in several yearrs? I figured out that the last time I weighed this much was prolly 2003.

    There, now I feel better. I was feeling left out of the pants. :wink:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    This weekend we cleaned out the garage, ran errands, today I fixed a huge and healthy late lunch and my daughter and her boyfriend and my son were all here. I was really nice.

    As a matter of fact, lulu, you are always nice! Typos or no typos, the statement stays :happy: .
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Morning Team - Hope everyone has a Great Monday!!!! although I think I am going to go back to bed for few cuz I got didnt go to bed until after 1 and up at 5:30 Hubby and the kids just left for work and school... so I think I am going to crash for about an hour...or two... anyway Have a GREAT Monday!!!

    Kristi - you just let me know when ever your Ready... I would be glad to send them your way!!!!

    well Team I am Leaving on Vacation in one week and 4 days.... I am getting excited.. I was trying things on in my closet and nothing really fits... boy doe that feel good in a way!!! I am about to raid my daughters clothes!!! lol never thought I would ever say that... I put one of my t-shirts on and they are starting to fall down to my knee's they look like night gowns... they could be mini dresses LMAO!!! hubby wouldnt let me out of the house with very little on lol..

    okay off to take a nap before I start my day...

  • manda1111
    manda1111 Posts: 113
    I just got back from a meditation retreat this wekkend. It was wonderful to be out in nature and learn to be quiet. i did half a day in total silence and it was really wonderful just to listen to myself and my heart. I made a pact with myself that I would not give up on my morning yoga just becasue I was in a different environment. So I got up both mornings at 5am (my normal wake up time) and practiced for about 30 min before the day started at 6am. It was a great way to start the day and it helped me stay focused and keep my body comfortable though out the different mostly sitting meditations. I'm glad I didn't quit on ymself that definalty was the old Manda. I would have not done it flet bad and then been discouraged when I did get back that I was "behind" or "lacking" some how. But now I just love me and if that means giving and taking a little becasue I'm different each day than that is what I'm going to do to love myself more.

    I hope you all have a blessed week.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I'm up, didn't have the motivation to exercise. Someone please kick me in butt so that when I get home from work it's here and I will exercise.

    I'm feeling a lot down:huh: and I don't know why..
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Good Morning Team.... Its me and I am up.. I went to take a nap but that never happened phone call after phone call and text after text.. so so much for my nap!! I miz well just get moving... but man I am in that mood where I just want to sleep....

    I need to wake my butt up!!

    chat later

  • indianagranny
    indianagranny Posts: 863
    Good Morning

    Jamie - try not eating back all of your exercise calories. I 'm am hoping this might work for you. that is what I have been trying all weekend. without exercise I am listed to eat 1550 calories and I have been exercising enough to earn 1000 calories. whereas in the past, I would eat at least 3/4's to all, I now stop my calories in around 1900. in my earlier post, I posted I had not gained this weekend but infact lost .2 pounds. Don't yell at me anyone, cause I have a fear of numbers going up like they did one weekend (5.7 pounds up ) and me not catching it, although I wasn't going to I stepped on the scale this morning and I was down 2 more pounds. I am not changing ticker only on Fridays. But Jamie, although it is me, it worked. I suggest trying it. the scale had only moved up for me in about three weeks. I am not saying I will be down 2 pounds by Friday because weight varies but you sure can bet I will kick my self in gear to try and keep it off. I hope it works for you too. Let us know

    Lulu - thanks for the comments - I enjoy your post - miss you when you are not on - but I have realized you are a very busy woman.

    Sheila - thanks for the words of warning. I got through yesterday fine - I babied it big time but got plenty of exercise in. it is my knee - it is a old injury that has flaird up so I will be doing stuff different for a while and wear my brace.

    Anita - you can and will do this - if this is not the day you take off from exercising, YOU WILL DO SOME EXERCISING tonight after work. if you decide to take the day off, enjoy it.

    LI4G - consider the boobage coming your way. I can now look down , believe it or not and see my toes- neither stomach nor boobs in my way.

    Kristi - I know what you mean about the weight and years back. my son will be 27 years old and it has been at least that long since I have weighed this amount. it is sad but I can't change things now. I can only move forward and enjoy life now.

    Adopt4 - I hate to ask but did your headaches go away. I was wondering. I had beenhaving some but I haven't had one in a long time.

    Manda - glad to see you are back and posted.

    Cyndeebee - where are you girl? I know you need a quiet day but not this quiet.

    well I have done my easy walk away tapes going to log my food for rest of day and do some weights on the upper body and maybe some wallaways. Sheila you willwake up now cause I am getting close to needing that bed.

    you all have a good day.
  • indianagranny
    indianagranny Posts: 863
    I hate it when my finger slips. but not to waste the post Adopt4 I want to borrow the workout fairy when you are done I think?
  • AJWaddlesOn
    AJWaddlesOn Posts: 39
    Good mornin' all! Today was my weigh in day and I am down 1.5 lbs/5.5lbs total. Not bad for 2 weeks. But I have to admit, it's pretty anticlimactic posting on Monday instead of Friday with all of you. Think I will change my weigh in to Fri so I can be a part of the group!! Will just have to work harder to stay on track thru the weekend.
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Good morning, team! First of all - Anita, Sheila - off yer lazy butts! Otherwise, penguins1.gif
    That'll wake you up and get you movin'!

    Lisa, are you just getting back from work? If so, I have fluffed the pillow and turned down the douvet. Pretty sure I spelled that wrong. But, that is your fault for having something besides a quilt or bed spread. :laugh:

    Jamie let us know how the experiment goes. I know this is gonna happen for you!

    Manda - good to have you back! Sounds like you spent a wonderful weekend. We all need to spend time getting in touch with who we really are - sometimes its so hard to hang onto us! If ya get what I mean.

    Sheila, correction, you are NOT getting excited for your vacation - you have BEEN excited for weeks, and now you are getting MORE excited. (So are we!) Are you packed? Don't forget your camera, we want vaction pics when you get back!

    Go AJ!!! Yay! You are on the way! Here is a happy thought for you, since last week, I slapped you on the back of the head! th4g6906.jpg

    Everyone else - how are you ?

    I wanted to mention my breakfast. It was very good! I had a spinach, artichoke omelette with a little (.2 oz.) parmesan cheese. Yummy. Now, off to exercise.
  • indianagranny
    indianagranny Posts: 863
    WTG AJ Congratulations on the loss. Keep up thegood work

    Kristi - actually cause Anita used to exercise before she went to work - I exercised before I posted . maybe I should have posted and then exercised and maybe she would be in the mood. oh well she is definitely doing it - EXERCISING - that is when she gets home. we might need Lulu to help us out is she goes soft on us when she gets home

    ok thanks for turning the whatever down cause the only exercising I got left in me - is hitting the bed
  • DWray44
    DWray44 Posts: 76
    Hope everyone had a great weekend! Sorry for my absence on here, but it was a hectic one!
    I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon to find out the results from the MRI I had on Friday, so keep your fingers crossed for me!

    Unfortunately, I didn't have a weight loss last week, so here are my stats:
    SW/GW/CW- 275/180/265 -0 lbs
    BMI- not sure of my current BMI, but my goal is to be in a healthy range

    Congratulations Sheila:drinker: I'm really proud of you!
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    I really am excited for vacation, just because last year I was a size 30 / 32 and now I am a 22 / 24 and I get to see my husbands family... I am going to try and take pictures like Li4g- her pic were like a profsional!!! no I am not packed as yet cuz I need some smaller clothes!!! I raided my daughters closet this morning.. and I found two scorts that are a 22 and I tryed them on!!! and they fit!!! I am not sure how to tell my daughter!!! cuz I did it while she was at school and I dont want her to feel bad and I want them for vacation??? I really cant believe How much I have lost..

    well Team I am off to the gym...who knows maybe I will be in a 20 by next week!!! LOL one can only hope!!!

  • DWray44
    DWray44 Posts: 76
    I really am excited for vacation, just because last year I was a size 30 / 32 and now I am a 22 / 24 and I get to see my husbands family... I am going to try and take pictures like Li4g- her pic were like a profsional!!! no I am not packed as yet cuz I need some smaller clothes!!! I raided my daughters closet this morning.. and I found two scorts that are a 22 and I tryed them on!!! and they fit!!! I am not sure how to tell my daughter!!! cuz I did it while she was at school and I dont want her to feel bad and I want them for vacation??? I really cant believe How much I have lost..

    well Team I am off to the gym...who knows maybe I will be in a 20 by next week!!! LOL one can only hope!!!


    That's awesome Sheila!! Congratulations! I am still frustrated as crap about not being able to do as much exercising, but am still doing good on my calorie intake. I'm hoping to need to buy some new clothes myself! :bigsmile:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    This weekend we cleaned out the garage, ran errands, today I fixed a huge and healthy late lunch and my daughter and her boyfriend and my son were all here. I was really nice.

    As a matter of fact, lulu, you are always nice! Typos or no typos, the statement stays :happy: .

    Bwaaaahahahaha! That's funny as heck - I didn't even realize I'd made that typo- hahaha - but, yeah, I WAS really nice and fussed over everyone ~ love it when they are here ~ and "it" was really nice! hahaha - freudian maybe???

    And thanks dewdrop!:blushing: