How many calories does everyone eat a day?

amitch17 Posts: 13 Member
I am on medication that makes it hard for me to even eat 900 calories a day.
Im 268 pounds so I dont think i need as much, i also dont do very much activity wise.
I was just wondering what was the optimal calorie intake for you to be successful, and if you had to experiment with different amounts to find what worked for your body before loosing the weight most effectivley.


  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I'm eating 1300 per day which is a 20% calorie deficit for me. I'm 35, 5'7" and weigh 128 right now. My goal weight is around 118 or so... not sure anymore. The 1300 per day seems to be working for me.
  • KokomoJoe
    I eat over 2,000 which is a deficit for me.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    Right around 3000

    I need more than most to account for high activity and muscle building.
    I've lost over 60 lbs with 15 more to go!
  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    1960 but I hardly ever eat them all, usually around 1800
  • theunimpossible
    I eat about 1500 - 1800.
    With excercise, I can usually make my calorie goal of 1200 :)
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    Generally 1600, but I can eat as much as I want usually and not gain a pound
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    mine really ranges from 800 - 1400 depending on the day, mostly tho, under 1000. (before anyone slams me, I am on a doctor supervised diet, I eat more on exercise days, listening to my body etc...)

    all very individual, keep that in mind.
  • gmann1973
    when bulking around 3500-4000cals cutting(which Im doing now) 2200
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I've been netting between 1400-1600 lately. A month ago, I was netting 1200. I have a weigh in on Tuesday, so I guess I'll see how it's been going for me!
  • echoica
    echoica Posts: 339 Member
    My target is set at 1600 but I aim for around 1200-1400 as my level of exercise is really inconsistent ;) I have lost these 41lbs in the past 7 weeks doing this but I am over 300lbs so naturally I would lose more faster...
  • mcptsr1
    I eat around 1200-1500 max. Plus I exercise all of the time. I am a personal trainer and group ex. instructor. I don't really count the exercise calories burned as high as this site calculates, nor do I like the idea that they are counting my non starchy veggies as calories against my totals. You have to know your own body and how it reacts! Dont count so much on the exercise to burn the excess calories. Eat enough(and healthy) and you should be fine. I am hypothyroid as well, so it takes me much longer to lose. I am 127 now and holding my weight with eating no more than 1500. I can lose on 1200. You need 1200 minimum to run the body's every day functioning. The calories you pick should be full of nutrients and fiber whenever possible. You will be fine, Just don"t under eat!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Right now I am around 145lbs and maintaining - I currently consume 2300-2500 net calories a day. At the beginning of the year, I'm going to try and lose at least another 5-10lbs (or so). I plan to drop to around 2100-2200 net a day.
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I net between 1200 and 1800 depending on if I could make it to the gym.
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I'm supposed to eat 1400 calories a day. Before exercising, I very rarely ate this much, I would try to stay over 1200 but under 1400. Since I started exercising, I'm going by the net calories, so I will eat about 1450 cal's but with my exercise, my net calories are around 1150-1250 range. A lot of times it depends on if I'm still hungry as to whether I add calories by having a glass of milk before bed.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'm at 1200 a day. Sometimes I eat bout 1300 though & still lose. I'm 5'3 & 144ish
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    when bulking around 3500-4000cals cutting(which Im doing now) 2200

    I am an expert on "bulking" - lol
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    At the moment, 2800 net to build muscle / gain weight.

    When I'm cutting it will be about 2100 net. My maintenance is approx. 2400.
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    I'm still holding at 1200. Some days its enough, some days I am hungrier so I go over. I've lost 18 pounds in 2 months so I guess its working. Will add more in after the holidays...I want to lose a few more before the holidays and surprise my parents. They don't know how much I've lost and we haven't seen each other since the beginning of August.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    X + 1200 where X equals however many I burned off exercising that day. (Give or take an oopsie day here and there!)
  • DesertSunsetRain
    I know you say that your medication is making it difficult to eat a lot, but the more you weigh the more calories you need. Not to say that you will need 4000 or something, but probably at least 1500. If you start starving yourself (anything under than your BMR) your metabolism will slow down to adjust and your weight loss will either stop or be verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry slow. In a few months you'll be wondering why you're only eating 900 calories and not losing any weight.
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