Big Blue Team WEEK 1



  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    What exactly is Plyo? I looked it up a bit and it seems they just jump around a lot haha
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Hi all. Well, last night, I started to get sick and am still sick. Wanted to check in a bit then off to bed again for me. My hubby is sick too, but the kids are not, so not sure what's going on there. Anyway, do 5 minutes of extra working out for me haha.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    What exactly is Plyo? I looked it up a bit and it seems they just jump around a lot haha

    Yea it's also known as jump training. It's pretty intense though!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I think Plyo would be the death of me!!!! :laugh: Great job for doing it!

    So I posted in another thread but I am going to repeat.....

    I have been saying for the past few weeks I want to run a 5k by the time I am 40 - well why wait...I'll be 38 in July and I have found a 5k in Oct (Race for the Cure) - when I found it I actually cried...knowing that I CAN DO IT!!! Well not physically yet, but I WILL DO IT!!!!!!! I've printed off the Couch to 5k program and I am starting it today. It will be very emotional for me to actually accomplish the 5K itself but to also do it as a breast cancer survivor will be amazing. The last Relay for Life that I walked in the survivors lap I was SO emotional so I can imagine that I will be crying when I finish - but I will finish! I am so excited to have set this goal....

    Here I go.........
  • AZWildcatnNC
    AZWildcatnNC Posts: 178 Member
    Okay so I go on the record that I usually hit my 8 glasses of water and then karma got me and I only got 6 in yesterday (not including coffee). Starting earlier today to get those 8 in.

    I'm also up for the exercise challenge mentioned earlier in the thread this week. Need to keep motivating myself to move more and not just from the dinner table to the couch to the tv if you get my meaning :wink:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I think Plyo would be the death of me!!!! :laugh: Great job for doing it!

    So I posted in another thread but I am going to repeat.....

    I have been saying for the past few weeks I want to run a 5k by the time I am 40 - well why wait...I'll be 38 in July and I have found a 5k in Oct (Race for the Cure) - when I found it I actually cried...knowing that I CAN DO IT!!! Well not physically yet, but I WILL DO IT!!!!!!! I've printed off the Couch to 5k program and I am starting it today. It will be very emotional for me to actually accomplish the 5K itself but to also do it as a breast cancer survivor will be amazing. The last Relay for Life that I walked in the survivors lap I was SO emotional so I can imagine that I will be crying when I finish - but I will finish! I am so excited to have set this goal....

    Here I go.........

    That's so amazing!! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I'd like to find a Couch to 5k buddy near me. My sister and I started it a couple years back and would go to a local high school late at night and it was so much fun!

    Don't forget...if you google 'couch to 5k podcasts', people have put together groups of songs for each day or week, with signals in them so you know when to run and walk (i'm not sure if they're beeps or what), but that will keep you from having to watch a timer or something. :drinker:
  • ccoker
    ccoker Posts: 21 Member
    I'm excited about the water challenge; I never seem to get the full 8 glasses. Could someone clarify for me what does and does not count as water. I know I sound dumb but does plain iced tea, or coffee count towards water? What about flavored waters crystal light etc?

    Rach, I sent you my start weight but I'll post it here as well 184.2 OMG there it is in public YIPES!
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    184!! LUCKY!!! I WISH I was there right now! arrrrrrrrrrrg!!

    To me water is plain jain water... but I think others here have been using Crystal light... I wouldnt consider coffee to be water haha or juices.. but im not sure what the "rules" are :tongue:
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    I just sent my starting weight in....177. Icky.
    I did good on my water yesterday. I ended up sucking 3 glasses down an hour before bed so I had to get up and go to the bathroom a couple times. Today is much better since I already have 4 glasses done and its not even lunch time yet. Gotta get back to work!

  • kreitz96
    kreitz96 Posts: 7
    is it to late to join your team? i just started today and found the post. I am having a hard time anymore trying to stay on track with any sort of plan and could really use the friendship and motivation. thanks!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    is it to late to join your team? i just started today and found the post. I am having a hard time anymore trying to stay on track with any sort of plan and could really use the friendship and motivation. thanks!

    Just send me your start weight! :flowerforyou:
  • kreitz96
    kreitz96 Posts: 7
    my start weight is 198.8... yuck. but at least i am below my pre-pregnancy weight already. :) thanks for letting me join.... :)
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    To me, water is also just water. I allow myself one non-caffeinated, non-carbonated and calorie free drink to count as a water when I just can't seem to get that 8th glass in.

    A few tips to help get that water in:
    ~Use a straw!!! Use a really fat straw! It goes down before you know it and you can mindlessly sip on it.
    ~Keep your water handy. Use a container that is easy for you to take with you everywhere, especially at the computer or your desk.
    ~If you really don't like water, squeeze a little lemon into it. Some people use cucumbers, oranges, lime and mint. Freeze small pieces of the fruit and use them as ice cubes.
    ~Exercise! You naturally crave water when you work out and I know I can suck down two glasses while working out very easily.

    Anyone else have more tips to add to this?
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Thats what I do.. I keep a litre of water with me at all times... At my PC desk is the best... Im one of those ppl who eat when they are bored... I just drink it because its there! I also drink a lot of water when im around other ppl.. I guess when im nervous it helps me out hahaha
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    I just read an article about people who "don't like" water. Evidently the great majority of those people are people who have retrained their body to crave drinks other than water. Basically, they have been drinking "non-water" drinks for so long that when they are thirsty, their bodies crave whatever fluids they have been drinking becaause they have trained their bodies to recognize that fluid as water. I know it kind of rambles, but if you retrain your body to "like" water again, it will be easier. They said you should try to drink a glass of water after you work out and "any time you are thirsty" instead of grabbing a diet soda or coffee. A lot of the drinks we drink instead of water trick our bodies into undesireable effects. "Diet soda" tricks your body into thinking it has just consumed sugar and releases insulin just like regular soda. Coffee isn't as bad as they used to think, but the amount of caffiene in coffee still acts as a minor diuretic so instead of retaining the water for your body to use, you will pass a small amount before your body can absorb it. Also, the 8 glasses a day thing is a myth, too. Evidently there is no scientific grounding in the 8 glasses a day claim. It ws put out there as a guideline to get people to drink "more" water. Personal water intake differs greatly, but active people and athletes (like all of us here) should consume more water than inactive people. You should weigh yourself before and after your excercise and whatever the weight difference is, add 16 oz of water per lb of weight lost. Thi will ensure you add the right amount of water you just sweated out as well as ensure that your body hs the right amount of water to repair your injured muscles and cells.
  • kreitz96
    kreitz96 Posts: 7
    When I previously done WW, my leader had told us that you should always try to drink ice cold water rather than room temp water as your body will burn a few calories bringing the water to your body temp. Not sure if this is really true or not....
  • bbogart
    bbogart Posts: 113
    When I previously done WW, my leader had told us that you should always try to drink ice cold water rather than room temp water as your body will burn a few calories bringing the water to your body temp. Not sure if this is really true or not....

    I have heard the same thing, but I haven't found anything corroborating the statements...I'll keep looking, though.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    When I previously done WW, my leader had told us that you should always try to drink ice cold water rather than room temp water as your body will burn a few calories bringing the water to your body temp. Not sure if this is really true or not....

    I think there's some truth to that, but the calorie burn is so minimal it doesn't make much of an impact. I think whatever it takes to get your water in, do it! I don't like ice cold water... I find room temp goes down easier and I can drink more of it. :drinker:
  • kbehrends
    kbehrends Posts: 12
    I sent my starting weight but it changed:mad: so post it here 229. I am so excited about the water challenge that I have already finished all but 8 oz for my daily intake:happy:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    I personally LOVE water! Its the ONLY thing I drink (besides milk in my cereal).
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