What is your ideal weight?



  • I'm 5'1.5" and currently weigh 160. I feel my best anywhere between 115 and 130. I know that seems like a large gap, but it depends upon how much muscle mass I have at the time. Once I'm in that weight range, the more muscle I build, the more I weigh, that's just a fact. And I'm not that worried about my curves. I've always had lots of them, no matter what my weight. So, I'm currently striving to break into the130's just to get all this excess fat off, then I'll go from there.
  • I am 5'6 and 118. I would like to be 115. I have a very small frame. Don't worry about curves because I have never had any, even when I was 125 - 130 pounds. Everything goes straight to my belly.

    I'm a medium frame so I'm at 130 and comfy but like you, everything goes to my tummy. Why couldnt it be to my boobs?!?!? :sad:
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    Reading this thread is making me wonder if I should re-think my goal... I'm 5'8" and currently 146 lbs, with a goal of 138 lbs, but really the goal is to be tighter and more toned! So perhaps I shouldn't have a weight goal in mind as much as my body fat percentage goal (which is <22% - currently at around 25%)
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Im 5'9" 189 right now...would like to be 150
  • I don't know my exact ideal weight but I reckon somewhere around 130-135. I don't want to be super skinny. I still want my curves! I'm 5'1'.
  • ukkiosan
    ukkiosan Posts: 62 Member
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    I'm right there with ya - 5'8" - currently 208lbs and I was happy and felt pretty good at 175, but we'll see how it goes when I get there, I may want to be a bit more toned.
    I'm 5'8 currently 209 lbs, ideal weight and healthiest weight is 170 lbs
  • My current height is 5'6" and current weight is 159lbs. I'm hoping to get down to 132lbs one day, that would be perfect! :D
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    My ideal weight is the one where I feel sexy and not so self conscious.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Would LOVE to be 145/150 - - I'm 5'9''
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    i'm 5" 0.25" (yes i'll take that quarter inch!) and I don't know! I think 125-120 range but could be higher. i will never have had as much muscle as I will this time around.

    I'm currently 164 lb, my lowest weight in last two years has been 147 and my lowest weight in 7 years has been 135 lbs (and I looked good except for my tummy...wish I had had the tummy tuck at this weight).

    I'd like to get down to 145, get a tummy tuck and then see and feel how much more I need to lose...
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    About 140 or 18-20% body fat. I'm 5'9".
  • I am 5'7" and 151 pounds. My GW is 130 pounds. I might keep going when I hit 130, I am all about seeing how my body feels.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I'm 5'9 and currently 152. I'm still not completely happy with my bod and have my goal weight set at 135. However, I will continue to assess as I get closer and I will stop if I like what I see.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I am currently 212 pounds (:grumble: ) and 5' 4". My ideal weight is 145 (ish). I still felt large at the weight, but looking back at pictures, I looked perfect. Not too skinny, not to large. I had curves, but they weren't so curvy! :laugh:
  • I am 5'6" and I would like to get back to 115lbs. I am currently 127.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I am 5' 7". My goal was 140 I am bouncing between 135 and 139 since August and pretty happy with that. I would consider 130-135 depending on where my body decides to lose it. LOL
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    My ideal weight is a size 4.

    What the scale says means nothing.
  • rfuchs
    rfuchs Posts: 55 Member
    I am 5'4" and would love to weigh 125. I am 139ish right now so we will see. I am not sure what is really possible after hav
  • rfuchs
    rfuchs Posts: 55 Member
    I am 5'4" and would love to weigh 125. I am 139ish right now so we will see. I am not sure what is really possible after hav