What is your most embarrassing moment at the gym?



  • when i kicked my trainer in the *kitten* and it felt like two 35 pound plate weights clinking together #greatass
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    fell off the treadmill......on my last 15 seconds.........i felt so stupid i was doing ''HIIT".....picked up my water bottle and left with my head down haha
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Doing the spinal twist thing the wrong way, and my 2nd Body Balance class and the instructor is gesturing to turn the other way and I was sooo thick and not getting it. Eventually I was like "WHAT ?, OH ! THAT WAY !".
  • Oh I have several lol....

    One time I was on an arc trainer and I had been on it for about an hour and a half. I was using the arm things and I bent my head down to pick up my phone or something and hit my head on the arm movers (I don't know what you call them). Needless to say, I hit my head so hard I started bleeding. Luckily my boyfriend at the time worked there and was working. Unfortunately for me he just laughed.

    I have this navy blue dry fit shirt that I wear sometimes when I work out. Well I've noticed that I've worn it inside out several times lol.

    Tripped on the treadmill several times.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Running, kicking butt, broke wind. I had to leave. Im so paranoid about it now lol.
  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    On the squat machine and right in the middle of my set, I let out a loud, reverberating fart.
    When I turned to see if anybody noticed, everybody was glaring right at me - some laughing, some scowling and others just owl eyed.

    I hate doing that, especially in front of ladies.
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i accidentally walked into the gents changing room instead of the ladies and didnt even realise where i was until i was greeted by naked men. luckily their backs were turned to me so i swifty made a u-turn and hoped they didnt notice me.

    also recently the girl next to me on the treadmill made a wrong step and slipped off backway. i am not sure who was more embarrassed, her for having the accident or me for bursting out laughing and almost fell off my machine as a result. she was laughing at herself too so i guess i couldnt really help but laugh
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    Whilst pregnant I maintained my fitness by road walking for 2 hours, and doing weights at the gym for 30 mins, 4-5 days per week....

    when I was about I was 7-8 months pregnant I laid down on a flat bench to do dumbell chest press... That all went well, until I tried sitting up. As my baby belly was quite 'rounded' I found it hard to sit straight up.... I leaned a little to the side whilst 'clambering' off the bench..
    but managed to roll off the bench, and landed on my knees and hands, still holding the dumbells!
    The gym was quite busy, and a number of people rushed over to me and asked if i was okay.... I was physically fine.... just a little embarassed!! :ohwell:

    After that day, I didnt bother using a flat bench until the baby was born!!!! :laugh:
  • Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    Wow that has me beat.
  • I was trying to keep a low profile in the back of the room during a body pump class, I was a beginner. I had situated myself in front of the fan as it was the only place left and halfway through the class ripped a pretty serious SBD...so much for the low profile!

    That's funny. :laugh:
    Hope no one gagged
  • It was after I had lost a few pounds and I hadn't realized how big my yoga pants had gotten on me. I sped up to do a sprint interval on the treadmill, had my ipod hooked up to the waist of them and down they went! I was going too fast to do much so I was awkwardly fumbling to stop the machine while grabbing at my pants as to not completely expose my bum. It didn't work well. Chick next to me got quite the peep show :laugh:

    I've done this! I don't own any remotely flattering underwear either, so the whole row behind me got to see my sexay black granny pants.

    So embarrassing. Funny!!
  • fell off the treadmill......on my last 15 seconds.........i felt so stupid i was doing ''HIIT".....picked up my water bottle and left with my head down haha
    LMBO! funny!
  • On the squat machine and right in the middle of my set, I let out a loud, reverberating fart.
    When I turned to see if anybody noticed, everybody was glaring right at me - some laughing, some scowling and others just owl eyed.

    I hate doing that, especially in front of ladies.
    LMBO! good one!
  • On the squat machine and right in the middle of my set, I let out a loud, reverberating fart.
    When I turned to see if anybody noticed, everybody was glaring right at me - some laughing, some scowling and others just owl eyed.

    I hate doing that, especially in front of ladies

    I'm guilty of that too. I think everyone in the gym should be required to have their head phones on at all times. :smile:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Accidently belting out part of "Copacabana" before I realized that I was singing out loud :blushing:

    I'm not sure what was worse..the fact that I'm basically tone-deaf, or the fact that some people now know I have Barry Manilow on my iPod :noway:
  • Ran into the squat bar.... wasn't looking.. : / was mirin someone.... had a big bump on the side of my head >.<
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.

    Anyone else recalling the Seinfeld episode where Elaine fell on Teri Hatcher in the steam room?
  • holzjw1482
    holzjw1482 Posts: 120 Member
    Okay here is one that almost kept me from returning to the gym. Spin class and the instructor tells us to go to the standing position. After about 20 seconds one of the pedals breaks off. It sheared right off at the bolt. Anyone who has done spinning knows that the pedals don't just stop on a dime. Luckily I didn't fall and was able to quick sit down while one leg is trying to slow the wheel down and the other leg is trying to avoid getting sliced open by the sharp metal sticking out of the crank arm. It was pretty demoralizing seeing how the reason I was there was to lose weight and I felt like a total fat *kitten* for breaking the bike.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    My most embarrassing gym moment was in a group toning class at the gym, using those stretchy resistance bands. We were doing some exercise with our arms behind our heads, and my ponytail got tangled up in the resistance band. I couldn't get it out and was dancing and prancing around, wiggling my arms and trying not to pull my hair. A woman behind me finally took pity on me and helped untangle my hair. I was embarrassed but just went back to the exercises and pretended nothing untoward had happened!
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    It was after I had lost a few pounds and I hadn't realized how big my yoga pants had gotten on me. I sped up to do a sprint interval on the treadmill, had my ipod hooked up to the waist of them and down they went! I was going too fast to do much so I was awkwardly fumbling to stop the machine while grabbing at my pants as to not completely expose my bum. It didn't work well. Chick next to me got quite the peep show :laugh:

    I don't wear underwear when I workout so I have to be sure that my pants are super tight fitting. I wore a size too big yoga pants to cycling on Monday and was constantly checking to be sure I wasn't mooning the hottie behind me.