So, do you have a gym crush?



  • I see new candy everyday because I go to several locations and different times but dangs they look good and too young lol
  • jenmfpal
    jenmfpal Posts: 124
    I love going to the gym and honestly the flirting is part of the fun! Knowing I'm going to see my boys helps me get out of bed at 3:30 in the morning. I've got a lot of energy in the morning, and I say hello to everyone in the gym (male or female). Being friendly has helped me break the ice so now I'm friends with all my gym crushes. I also go to the gym at night, sometimes, then I just keep to myself and lust from afar....
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Okay so.... I was doing some crunches on the floor and my crush came over and got on the treadmill in front of me. I grabbed my phone, turned off the camera sound and snapped a picture! Except, the camera sound went off anyways, he turned around, I scrambled to look like I had hit the wrong button. ha! He laughed and I went back to my crunches. *phew*

    There ya go! haha

    Ah! I had forgotten about this post and my stalkerish ways. I'm on my way to see this dude now... :)
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    I've only been to the town gym once. There was only 3 people there, me, my friend and a 40yr old woman.

    I didn't develop a crush that day.

    Hey whats wrong with 40yr old women!
    :grumble: :laugh: :tongue:

    I work out at home, so no eye candy for me
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    not really sure I paid too much attention to anyone else in the gym. I try to get in, get my workout done and get out. But, my trainer's not too hard on the eyes....
  • GeminiFairy89
    GeminiFairy89 Posts: 45 Member
    I do!My Zumba instructor! But I know he is gay . But makes me happy when he is there! Makes me shake my booty more haha.
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I have a gym crush, he's actually the reason why I started going to the gym at the college in the first place. He is absolutely gorgeous Arms to die for a chest that is hot. Long lean muscular legs. I love to watch him lift. Except for the one time I about fell flat on my face on the treadmill watching him lift. I have hooked up with him twice and my my my it was heaven. :blushing:
  • shannoninBC
    shannoninBC Posts: 345 Member
    Oh I sure do. He's a firefighter and unbelievably hot.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I go to a small local gym that's a 3-minute walk from work and all the other members are female or old. There's one super cute trainer, but he's always training someone else (not working out himself) and he's married anyway, so who cares? :frown:

    I used to go to a Planet Fitness and there was a guy there who looked a lot like my ex... that was some pretty good motivation. I kind of miss it. *sniffle*

    *EDIT* he looked like my ex did back when we were together and he was hot... before he gained 30 lbs and grew terrible facial hair. wahaha
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Definitely. :D Haha. Luckily, after months of admiring from afar we eventually talked some and started dating. But before we would just always make eye contact and he would smile. I looked forward to going to the gym to see him. Hopefully that doesn't sound too creepy!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Lately I've been doing such intense workouts I get downright tunnel vision! But there is this one guy, kind of short, built, dark hair...he always watches when I use the prowler lol :devil:
  • poeticallydevine
    poeticallydevine Posts: 56 Member
    like some of you i have a few but there is one in particular. he usually wears a muscle shirt where i can always see his cut arms but this one day when we were in the weight area, a caught him lifting up his shirt to reveal his 8 pack. i played it off all nonchalant like whatever.. but inside i swear i was melting like ice in Texas 120 degree summer weather. i think he did it on purpose because he did it twice just in case i missed it the first time and he can see me facing his way in the gym mirror. a couple of times he has caught me looking at him. lol , oh well , I enjoy the workout show he puts on.
  • poeticallydevine
    poeticallydevine Posts: 56 Member
    Definitely. :D Haha. Luckily, after months of admiring from afar we eventually talked some and started dating. But before we would just always make eye contact and he would smile. I looked forward to going to the gym to see him. Hopefully that doesn't sound too creepy!

    not at all, I feel the same way... any little encouragement to get to the gym is always good
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Sort of. She'd an older women (40s) but she does free weights and is one of the few that I trust to spot me. Nice fit body too.

    Just someone that knows what she's doing, I respect as a fellow gym goer and has a fit body.
  • I'm so glad I'm not the only one! I get to see my gym crush every Thursday and it's often the highlight of my week. I don't know his name or really anything about him, but he's such a good motivation.
    I love hearing from people who have ended up dating/married to their gym crush. Gives a girl hope!
  • Huge crush on one of my crossfit trainers. We're both single. I wish I had the guts to do something about it.
  • FrankenBeanz
    FrankenBeanz Posts: 176 Member
    I married my last major Gym crush, and then we stopped going and piled on the lbs! back to square 1! and there are a few not so bad looking guys at my gym... none that stand out though.

    I have to say though - songbyrdsweet - your body is amaaaaaaaaaazing!
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    i see a hulk loking guy every time i look in the mirror.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I barely notice other people in the gym, and yes, mine has mirrored walls in the free weights section, to the point where people I know from classes have said that they have seen me on a particular day and I had no idea they were there..
  • diodelcibo
    diodelcibo Posts: 2,564 Member