You Let Yourself Go



  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Well said. I'm so sorry you have had the life you had for so long, and I'm so proud of you for changing your lifestyle. You are gonna rock this!! You ARE a beautiful person!!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Oh gosh.. YOU guys made me cry. To read so many of you are proud of me makes my heart swell. That touches me more than I can say. The only one who's ever said they where proud of me was my mom (and I often wondered if she meant it or if it's just something that moms are like supposed to say lol). But to hear all of you say that to me - it really clicked in me that I'm actually doing this ...and that I can KEEP DOING THIS!

    Thank you!
  • gemini2267
    gemini2267 Posts: 74 Member
    You are an excellent writer. I was captivated. Good for you.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    What an inspirational post! I went through a smilar way of life. I hate having to buy men's sizes just to be able to wear something. My goal is to never shop at Lane Bryant again!

    Good luck to you in your journey.
  • mzkynd
    mzkynd Posts: 63
    What a wonderful perspective you have!! Keep letting yourself go, hikes and farmer's market's sound lovely to me :)
  • saimabhaidani
    saimabhaidani Posts: 145 Member
    You CAN let yourself go, and keep at it!

    I am so proud of you!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    edit: read the quote in my profile pic
  • aweightymatter
    I kind of hate that expression “you let yourself go”. I didn’t go anywhere. I was never THEIR to begin with. I was born nearly 10 pounds to a diabetic mother.

    The original post is very inspiring! That first sentence stuck out to me -- do you think there is a correlation between a high birth weight and tendency towards overweight later on? I too was almost 10 lbs at birth, and my mother had gestational diabetes.
  • kareokemom5
    I am so motivated by your post. I recently just came back to the website. I too grew up fat and have no idea what it is like to be thin. The way you look at as knowing what it is like to be fat just puts things in persceptive. I would like to share in your journey to "Let yourself Go"! :flowerforyou:
  • rachelmarie1
    rachelmarie1 Posts: 201 Member
    Great Post! thank you so much for sharing. You sound very committed and I KNOW you can do it!
  • flamegirl72
    flamegirl72 Posts: 143 Member
    You are fabulous! That was a great post!
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    really enjoyed reading this, you made me tear a bit, you should be a writer!!! wow on the weight loss, your doing great!!
  • stevemcqueengirl
    stevemcqueengirl Posts: 189 Member
    What a great post, both heartbreaking and inspiring. I oved it and your view of letting your self go. Here is to the journey where we do let ourselves go.
  • tsjourney
    tsjourney Posts: 156 Member
    That was the most awesome, truest post I have seen yet! Wow, you really put into words what I am sure a lot of people are feeling on this site! Thanks for the encouragement and the post! Keep going!! :-)
  • Camarasaurus145
    So well said. Thank you for sharing, incredible.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I kind of hate that expression “you let yourself go”. I didn’t go anywhere. I was never THEIR to begin with. I was born nearly 10 pounds to a diabetic mother.

    The original post is very inspiring! That first sentence stuck out to me -- do you think there is a correlation between a high birth weight and tendency towards overweight later on? I too was almost 10 lbs at birth, and my mother had gestational diabetes.

    I do think it definitely leans to a person more likely to be obese as they grow up. The thing is, we never lose fat cells. Once they are formed they can shrink, but they never leave, they are there forever unless we have them sucked out with liposuction. *shudders* That's why people who have once put on weight are more likely to put on weight again, because those fat cells are always there, the body always waiting for a surplus of energy (calories) so they can refill those cells again.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    You CAN let yourself go, and keep at it!

    I am so proud of you!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    edit: read the quote in my profile pic

    hahah I clicked on your profile so I can read your profile pic quote! It's very inspirational! :) Thank you!
  • Kelene616
    Kelene616 Posts: 166 Member
    That brought a tear to my eye. What an inspiration you are! And truly a beautiful person! Let yourself go girl and be damn proud of it! Best wishes and all my love... xoxo
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    That brought a tear to my eye. What an inspiration you are! And truly a beautiful person! Let yourself go girl and be damn proud of it! Best wishes and all my love... xoxo

    Thank you so much, Kelene! :D That's sweet of you to say so! :heart:
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I kind of hate that expression “you let yourself go”. I didn’t go anywhere. I was never THEIR to begin with. I was born nearly 10 pounds to a diabetic mother. I was a very fat baby who became a fat toddler, a fat child, a fat pre-teen, a fat teen. I weighed 300 pounds by the time I was in high school.

    I have never had one single day in my entire life that I wasn't fat. I guess when you’ve never been thin you don’t know what you’re missing. But I DO know what I would be missing if I was no longer fat.

    I would be missing the stares and dirty looks of strangers as I pass them in the store or on the street. I would be missing the snarky remarks of sales girls telling me "we don't carry anything in YOUR size". I would be missing having to assess that flimsy chair at a friend's house, wondering if I sit, will it hold me? Missing the comments of friends and family asking if I've been exercising and eating right. Missing going through pair after pair of jeans because my touching thighs keep rubbing holes in them. Missing going through life never knowing what my style is, because I've always just had to settle for what I could find that would fit me. Missing the judgmental smirks of strangers if I dare eat anything other than a salad. Missing never going swimming in 20 years because I would make people sick if I wore a bathing suit. Missing never being able to enjoy a nice long soak in a bath because most tubs are too narrow and squeeze my hips. Missing going through the hottest summer months sweltering in jeans and big shirts. Missing chairs with arms that pinch and poke and dig into me like medieval torture devices. Missing clothes that are either too tight or lay on me like a potato sack - nothing every fitting right.

    Those are just a few of the things I want to go the rest of my life “missing”. So ok, I don't know what I'm missing not being thin? But I will be happy going the rest of my life missing what it's like being fat.

    I never did Let Myself Go. But now I fully intend to. I Let Myself Go …down the fresh fruit and vegetable isle instead of the chips isle. I Let Myself Go down the street for a walk. I let Let Myself Go to the farmer's market instead of a fast food joint. I Let Myself Go for a hike instead of the movies. For the first time in my life I really am "letting myself go". And you know what? I'm pretty proud of that. :)

    Good for you! I was the "fat girl" in school. I was the one who no one liked! I know your pain and I feel what you say! I am glad you are many people to support you and be your friend! You can count me in because I know what you mean! Good luck and great spirits!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Good for you! I was the "fat girl" in school. I was the one who no one liked! I know your pain and I feel what you say! I am glad you are many people to support you and be your friend! You can count me in because I know what you mean! Good luck and great spirits!

    Thank you! :D As much as it pains me that there are others that know what it's like to go through some of what I did (and still am), it's also so comforting to know that I'm not alone in this.

    I'm glad you guys are with me on this journey!