Big Blue Team WEEK 1



  • becbec71
    becbec71 Posts: 136
    I am trying to get up the motivation to get in on the neighborhood garage sale. I have some stuff set aside and alot more to go through. I work best under pressure though. It will be a busy weekend, one child has a softball game, another has to go for lab work and xrays. then the boys will probably be roaming the neighbor hood on thier bikes bringing home other peoples junk form the yard sale. ughh. Plan on getting through all of 30 day shread. I am up to half way there. And that was on a full stomach after dinner last night. I need to get a new scale too. Mine has been on its last legs for a while and it is finally decided it was dead. I need to get one before wed huh?

    Starting todays water now. I have to get in my coffee first. Interesting to know about what the water we consume weighs. And another reason why my loss seems bigger at home then at weigh in at curves.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello beautiful blues!! :flowerforyou:

    I just read EVERYTHING. :noway: :laugh: I love it!!!! I'm glad to see everybody is doing so well and drinking their water!! I got in about 12 glasses yesterday and I'm starting on my 5th one of the day today!

    Just found out yesterday that I'm going to the beach on June 19th with my boyfriend and another couple. I'm a little scared. I hate being seen in my bathing suit... and the other girl that's going with us is a size 1. For once, I'd like to ENJOY the beach instead of dread it. :ohwell: I'm worried about my legs... they're nowhere near what I'd like them to look like... :indifferent: *stressin'!*

    I went to the mall with a friend last night. He had surgery a few days ago, has been stuck at home and wanted to get out. We stopped in the food court and got Chinese. :sick: I did good, though... I think. I got rice, mixed veggies and general tso's chicken. I didn't eat much of the rice and that was the biggest portion of the plate... so I really didn't eat THAT much at all. The only thing is, it was really high in sodium.
  • christy559
    christy559 Posts: 105
    Hey Blues!

    TGIF...last week I posted on the message boards about eating a has taken almost the whole week to work it off.

    I have this pattern..when I begin to get close to a goal and feel successful, I blow it. Now I know its' all in my head, so this weekend, I am not blowing it.

    I am closer to my goal than ever and I will not sabotage myself!!

    Have a great weekend!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    christy559 - I struggle with the same thing. I think for me, it boils down to whether I feel that I'm worth it or not. I know that I AM, but after beating ourselves down for so long, sometimes it's hard to stand up tall and say I deserve to be happy and healthy. You absolutely deserve this change! :flowerforyou:

    leigh - I know how the beach thing feels! Last time I went I was 13 or 14 and dreaded every minute of it. I was a KID and all I was worried about was how 'fat' I was. I don't even own a pair of shorts, and don't think my legs have seen the light of day for many years! I swear they're so white I glow in the dark!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    becbec - I'd LOVE to have a garage sale, but I've never lived anywhere that did organized ones. I asked for a scale for Christmas one year, and my bf's mom gave him the most shocked look ever when I opened the one he got me. Like "you seriously bought your GIRLFRIEND a SCALE!?!?". We had to explain that it was my idea. :laugh:

    chrissy - Thanks for the precut idea...I am pretty lazy... :tongue:

    shannahrose - Oooh date night sounds like fun! I LOVE the old Veronica Mars show so my bf and I get it from netflix, and have one night a week that we watch a couple episodes. We're almost done the last season, so we're gonna have to find something else. Probably Arrested Development. I could watch that over and over! :happy:

    Boy am I chatty today! Slow day at work. I just noticed that my office smells like new shoes......and now I want new shoes. :laugh: Maybe that'll be my reward when I hit 190. :bigsmile:
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    lcorrel... buy a really cute sarong to hide your hips/legs. That's what I do and it works great hehe.

    bec... I just had a yard sale a couple weeks ago and made over $250! So it's worth it to dig and find things. Most of what sold really well was the kids' old toys, kids' clothes, and big items like the Rockband we never play anymore, dog igloo, fire pit. good luck!

    I felt better yesterday but didn't want to push my luck, so had a pretty lazy day, but as I said, I have been drinking my water! Today, I'm ready to attempt exercise and see if I can make it without getting myself sick again. wish me luck haha.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    lcorrel... buy a really cute sarong to hide your hips/legs. That's what I do and it works great hehe.

    bec... I just had a yard sale a couple weeks ago and made over $250! So it's worth it to dig and find things. Most of what sold really well was the kids' old toys, kids' clothes, and big items like the Rockband we never play anymore, dog igloo, fire pit. good luck!

    I felt better yesterday but didn't want to push my luck, so had a pretty lazy day, but as I said, I have been drinking my water! Today, I'm ready to attempt exercise and see if I can make it without getting myself sick again. wish me luck haha.

    Glad you're feeling a bit better! :flowerforyou:
  • MyKids04
    MyKids04 Posts: 178 Member
    Good morning everyone. Was to busy to come on yesterday but it was way funny. I was lieing in bed last night thinking about everything I had to do today and I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs and drank my last two cups of water. My husband was like what is your problem and I said I almost forgot I had two more cups to drink.

    I have 3 in as of right now. I was really unable to get in a good workout yesterday but I am going to kick butt tonight no excusses.

    If I can't get back on today I want everyone to have a blessed weekend and Happy Mommy's Day
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Wow! You people are up early! :laugh: Well unless you all live in the east then its not too bad!

    Today I just plan on staying within my cals and drinking all my water... I work tonight again which seems to be my downfall lately.
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    leigh - I know how the beach thing feels! Last time I went I was 13 or 14 and dreaded every minute of it. I was a KID and all I was worried about was how 'fat' I was. I don't even own a pair of shorts, and don't think my legs have seen the light of day for many years! I swear they're so white I glow in the dark!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I don't own shorts, either! I wore capri-like pants last year while I was pregnant because it was HOT! and I didn't really care if anyone thought I was fat. Pregnant women can get away with pretty much anything! But my legs probably glow in the dark, too! I always used to say that I put Casper to shame. :wink: And I couldn't tell you the last time I went to the beach in a bathing suit. Not even on my honeymoon cruise did I EVER put on my swimsuit. Maybe if we go on a cruise next year I'll be close enough to my goal to feel good in one! I'm not sure if that feeling ever goes away, though!
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    Hey Everyone! Thought maybe if I start posting once in a while, it might help me stay more motivated. I've been getting my 8+ glasses of water every day. I did a zumba class and ran 1 1/2 miles this morning. I am a little surprised at what a difference just keeping track of my food on here makes. I really don't work out any more than I used to, but I know what I'm putting into my body...and I'm more careful about what I put in there. I've lost weight every week I've been on here so far. Even though it's only 3's a start. I hope you all are doing well and best of luck. Drink that water!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    leigh- I think the sarong is a good idea - but remember at the beach there are all shapes and's not like a pool at a fitness center...

    also those people who think we shouldn't be in a bathing suit- they are ugly forever and we can lose weight!!! :laugh:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just found out I passed Macroeconomics!!! It might've been with a really cruddy grade (low 60's) but that's what I get for not participating throughout the term. I'm just glad I can put it behind me and really concentrate on my next classes. Time to bring that GPA back up!!

    4 cups of water in so far...almost lunch time! :drinker:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    also those people who think we shouldn't be in a bathing suit- they are ugly forever and we can lose weight!!! :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • becbec71
    becbec71 Posts: 136
    lcorrel... buy a really cute sarong to hide your hips/legs. That's what I do and it works great hehe.

    bec... I just had a yard sale a couple weeks ago and made over $250! So it's worth it to dig and find things. Most of what sold really well was the kids' old toys, kids' clothes, and big items like the Rockband we never play anymore, dog igloo, fire pit. good luck!

    I felt better yesterday but didn't want to push my luck, so had a pretty lazy day, but as I said, I have been drinking my water! Today, I'm ready to attempt exercise and see if I can make it without getting myself sick again. wish me luck haha.

    Thats what I am hoping for!! I just took 3 bags of clothes to GW though :( Well I dont feel that bad about that though. I plan on selling pretty cheap just to get rid of the clutter. Will prepare for next years ahead of time!! Of course I will have my current clothes to get rid of by then huh? hehe.
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    bec, that's right, you'll have larger sizes to sell hehe. I priced my stuff really low too, which is why I think I sold so much. My friend didn't price her stuff as low (we did it together) and didn't make NEAR as much as I did. Those quarters add up!

    Well, 4 glasses down the hatch and about to drink another cause I just mopped my whole house and worked up a sweat! haha
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    YaY, Rach!!! not-tagged-smiley-11140.gif I hope I can join you in the celebration of passing an Economics class soon!!!!!! Only mine is the History of Economics... tired-sleeping-smiley-17370.gif
  • etandit
    etandit Posts: 35
    :smile: Well, it is Friday. i am now at 192.8 down from 199.8 on April 28th. This is when I get worried. I have not in the past been able to get below 190 then give up and i go back up to around 200-206 pounds. :cry:

    THIS time i am NOT going to weight in again until next Tuesday at the required time. Hopefully, this will help, and then next week I hope not to weight in again until the following Tuesday. I plan on staying focused and not giving in to numbers. :drinker: I have also lost 2 inches from my waist line but am still way up there!. I hope everyone has a geat weekend and stayes focused
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just took my paycheck to the bank on my lunch break, and on the receipt I got back, one of the girls inside had written "I love your music! =)". I have no idea who she was, but it toootally made my day!!! :bigsmile:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Wow!! Thats SO awesome Rach!! :bigsmile:
  • AngelaBeaulieu
    AngelaBeaulieu Posts: 109 Member