

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning, It was a balmy 41 degrees and drizzling at 6 AM when the dogs and I went out for our walk. We walked for almost two hours, the first hour in the dark. My hands and legs were wet when I got home, but my feet were dry and toasty in their new boots. Each day I feel faster and more agile. I changed out of the wet jeans so Jake and I could do yoga to get the day started right.

    :flowerforyou: Later he put on football (Seattle vs Chicago) and I put on curling on TV
    what a contrast in sports (sort of like the contrast between yoga and zumba as exercise).

    :flowerforyou: I am still reading “Younger Next Year”. It has been very informative and inspirational except that so far the top two : recommendations are things I don’t want to do (join a gym and buy a heart rate monitor). I am so far convinced that I can achieve the same results without a huge outlay of money that I don’t’ have.

    :flowerforyou: Jake is headed out to have lunch with a friend so I have the house to myself for an hour or two……he just walked the dogs so they should leave me alone until mid afternoon when I’ll be glad to take them out for a longer walk.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I've scanned the new posts as far back as I could. It seems as if we have highs including weight losses, new grandbabies, etc, "oatmeal" stress and other lows. Warm hugs to all.

    In one day I did all my Christmas shopping and got groceries. Hubby cleaned the fridge as it was empty. So a lot got done around here for the holidays. My MIL is coming on Tuesday instead of Thursday, so it was a good thing I had not gone shopping yet. Everywhere was mobbed.

    Between now and January 3rd I am just going to focus on logging, posting and getting back into exercising like I use to. On the 3rd I will start an ernest diet again. Between now and then I will just try to be reasonable and lot bring back any bad habits.

    My last Aunt is in the hospital and I only hope she gets to come home for one more holiday with her family. Last year Mom lost a sister and a brother around the holidays and it was hard. My mom, Dad and Aunt Lu are the last ones of the previous generation in our entire family. Most of their friends are already gone. It is a real eye opener on life.

    May we all enjoy the ones we love this holiday season.

  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Barbie, you need some foul weather gear pants to pull on over those blue jeans. Can usually be found economically at big hardware stores or more expesively at boating gear stores.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Jeannie, you are great! You made Chicklet's situation much easier to process with those two words, "oatmeal stress". Loved that! We have to laugh or we'll cry.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone,

    :frown: It's quite cold here in the UK and was a bit frosty this morning when walking the dogs, but not too bad, so I was quite surprised that when I went out the front door a few hours later to do some more Christmas Shopping I skidded on the icy path and fell down quicker than you could say Christmas Pudding!! Luckily I didn't hurt myself too much, I was just shaken up. I couldn't believe how slippy it had become.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back Susan, lovely to hear from you again. I need to get back to logging and tracking food too, I've fallen by the wayside in that department and need to get back.

    :flowerforyou: I went on a Christmas dinner last Friday, and think I did quite well, I only had 1 alcoloic drink and had sea bass as the main meal, now I just need to be careful on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and not eat too many chocolates/biscuits.

    I've finished work now until January 4th, so hopfully I'll be able to keep in touch with you on a more regular basis. It always helps to read the posts as it makes me feel motivated to do better (at least for a little while :ohwell: )

    Have a good day everyone.

    Viv xx
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Do I have to start a new "thread" for my exercises, another new one for what is going on in my life that day, etc?
    No. A thread works exact as it does now. All a group does is put all our threads in one place without all the other threads that we don't care about for things like "HCG Diet" and "Have 100 pounds to lose" and "Biggest Loser Challenge" that are also in "Motivation and Support".

    Basically, right now we have our thread in "Motivation and Support" along with about 100 other active threads. Think of that as a "group" but not one we control. If we had our own group, we would put our thread in "50+ Women Group" (or whatever we call it) and then there would only be our threads in there and no one else's so it would be easy to find ours all the time and we'd know which one was current too because we could pin it to the top because we'd have control.

    The group owner could do things like lock last month's thread once we were done with it, too.
    MacMadame - I would think that the problem of someone pulling up an older thread could be solved by titling the threads something like "Jan 2010, Jan 2011", in other words, if you see an older year, you would know that that isn't the current thread.
    Except every month when we switch to a new thread, people come along and post in the old one even though it has the wrong month. :laugh:

    But what I was trying to say was not that a group would solve that problem but that when we start a new thread, sometimes it takes a while for me to find it because it gets buried on page 2 or 3 of "Motivation and Support".
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Do I have to start a new "thread" for my exercises, another new one for what is going on in my life that day, etc?
    No. A thread works exact as it does now. All a group does is put all our threads in one place without all the other threads that we don't care about for things like "HCG Diet" and "Have 100 pounds to lose" and "Biggest Loser Challenge" that are also in "Motivation and Support".

    Basically, right now we have our thread in "Motivation and Support" along with about 100 other active threads. Think of that as a "group" but not one we control. If we had our own group, we would put our thread in "50+ Women Group" (or whatever we call it) and then there would only be our threads in there and no one else's so it would be easy to find ours all the time and we'd know which one was current too because we could pin it to the top because we'd have control.

    The group owner could do things like lock last month's thread once we were done with it, too.

    Thanks for this explanation Mac .... using the group like that just to keep all our monthly threads in one place sounds like a really good idea.... if I have understood you correctly this means we just keep one monthly thread still.... the group that I have used in the past didn't work like that .... instead people were posting new topics all over the place under the group and it was really hard to keep up with them all and in fact it seems to have lost the momentum as it was so fragmented and isn't very active now at all.

    Hello to everyone..... christmas is almost here.... I've been a bit low over the past couple of days.... I actually find this time of year quite hard.... I like it in some ways but I also get a bit down.... bit of a fragmented family ....not my kids and husband but I my old family.... haven't spoken to my sister in the UK for 2 years now.... haven't spoken to my 80 year old father for about 8 years (long stories) .... a brother who is very disinterested in anything family and is trying his hardest to think of an excuse not to come over on christmas day... and I lost my mother 2 years ago.... and my husbands family is a bit similar....don't get me wrong my family now is fantastic... 2 great sons with gorgeous girlfriends, husband of 21 years still going strong.... but I am not a greatly social person and it can be hard at this time of year when everyone's focus seems to be a great whirlwind of social events and I'm not going to any.... not that I really want to .... its just a complicated time for me emotionally....

    Sorry .... just helped to vent a bit ...I am grateful for all the good I have in my life and know that there are many people here who have very real struggles much more than I do.... and I am thinking of you all.

    I am thankful for this wonderful group everyday... you have added so much to my life :drinker: :drinker:

    Best wishes to all, Lisa:heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Thanks for this explanation Mac .... using the group like that just to keep all our monthly threads in one place sounds like a really good idea.... if I have understood you correctly this means we just keep one monthly thread still.... the group that I have used in the past didn't work like that .... instead people were posting new topics all over the place under the group and it was really hard to keep up with them all and in fact it seems to have lost the momentum as it was so fragmented and isn't very active now at all.
    I think it would be something we could decide. Obviously, we couldn't stop people from starting new threads but if everyone posts in the Monthly Conversation thread most of the time, that's the one that's going to live on while the other threads would die out.

    I'm in another group on here and we do have multiple threads but the reality is that we all post in one thread 90% of the time. We didn't decide on that. It's just the way it worked out. :laugh:
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Everyone:

    Hope you all are well!

    I went to my siblings Christmas yesterday and did well food wise, well pretty well :wink: It was a good time. My Dad's sister was there, she is a nun and she is 90, in amazing shape, and Dad's brother and his wife were there too, so it was nice to see them too. It was a great day. That is the part of Christmas that I truly love, seeing people that you don't see all the time :love:

    I actually lost weight this last week when I have not lost in over 3 weeks, I have just stayed the same - no gain, no loss, then this week, I lost .6, I think it was. Not much, but I will take it :laugh:

    My little granddaughter with the pneumonia is much better, thanks everyone for the wishes. Her daddy, my son, comes home from his posting tonight. Thank heavens. He is back in Canada already, he is in the base where they land, a couple of hours from the home base and he should see my DIL and granddaughter around 10 tonight. So, I am glad to hear he is "home" safe :smile:

    I took my other granddaughter for her pedi/mani and that was cute. I will try to post a picture if I can figure out how to do that. :grumble:

    I am swamped at work but only 2 more days of of work to go - IF we can get everything done in those 2 days. Then we close down on Thursday early and we are closed to Jan. 3rd. I cannot wait for the break!!!

    Our weather is rainly and cool but not snowy or cold. I hope you all are not suffering either.

    Well, I hope you all are okay, My Friends. I will talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Ugh. Stomach flu has hit our house. Seeing as I am a person who does NOT handle vomit well (my kids knew to clean up after themselves by age 6) it is not a pretty thing. My husband is ..... well a man and he is whining. I am just avoiding him. And food. I expect a weight loss from this but it's sure to come blazing back when this passes. It started with my son-in-law and lasts about 36 hours. My husband is almost over it and I'm just starting. Might make for an interesting Christmas. :(
  • gracevdhart
    I am Carol and I am a newbie!.....as of a few minutes ago. I have a friend who will help me get things rolling but I am in the 50+ catagory so thought I would find those of similiar age because we have "issues" some others might not. Have a long ways to go to goal but I need to take off 5# before I can get to 65. Thanks in advance for your help & support!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hi Carol!
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    good evening ladies, just missing two items from my Christmas list(i want to get two of my sons heat ticket)went to get the tickets but the computer was down:explode: so i'll check tomorrow, but all else is done.....with the exceptions of my sons, i got my familly members gifts cards to their favorite store or resturant....all the Christmas cards are signed and ready to given out....just waiting for the 24th and 25th to get here:love::drinker: :drinker: ....need to do some cardio tomorrow since i only did weights today....i need me some cardio....well have a wonderful night all

    @1960lisa....i also get a bit blue this time of the year.....when i got divorced i didnt make new friends so i understand when you say there's lots going but not for you...just enjoy what you can.... try and just focus on your family...be well

    @cahtys01...how wonderful that your son is "home" safe and sound...glad you enjoy your Christmas with your siblings

    @marcelynh....sorry... feel better, drink(if you can )lots of liquids...

    @gracevdhart...welcome, carol....this is a greatgroup of supportive women, good luck on your journey

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Marcelyn - don't you DARE to butt out. We want you! You don't need to tell me how hard December is. I can't wait for these holidays to be over!

    Hey there Jules! My December goal is to not gain (much) weight. So far, so good. Like I said the other day, the Wii says I've gained but my weekly weigh in says that I didn't gain nor lose from last week. So who really knows? I do know that my pants are still fitting. I got rid of a size 8P Lee jeans, they were just too tight, for a 10P. Wish now that I had kept the 8P, even if not to wear out but to just measure myself.

    Did an hour of pilates today. Tomorrow I'll take the extreme pump class.

    Just walked around my block (Sun). I'm in charge of getting information to update our neighborhood directory, I had a form which I gave to one of our neighbors who is the mailman here.

    I went to Adli's today (Mon) to get some butterscotch chips. Do you know that they were all sold out? Last year they had them for a few months after Christmas, but they told me that they don't expect to get any more in, that it's a seasonal thing. I know I can buy them at another food store, I just liked theirs (and the price)

    Jeannie - I hope your aunt gets to come home for the holiday. I bet that would really make her feel good.

    Viv - OUCH!!!! Glad you weren't hurt real bad

    Did an hour of the extremepump class today. Tomorrow we have our meeting at the Y, then I'll take a spinning class. I'll probably do a little food shopping just to kill some time before I play mahjongg.

    In a sense, I'm just waiting to be off this board at the Y. I honestly feel that money is being spent on new programs (which means new equipment, installation of the equipment, paying to train employees to use the equipment) when things like clocks and doors on bathroom stalls gets put on the back burner.

    I'm feeling a bit "rushed" for the holiday. See, I'm the personh who jlikes to have things ready. By now I would like to have had the tree decorated, presents wrapped, and just concentrate on the cooking. But that's not happening. I know part of it is due to the fact that Vince had his surgery in early Nov. so that put our outside decorating backj some which in turn puts the inside decorating back. But I know also that when Jess comes down Thurs she's going to want to do some baking (she already told me that she did). I'd like to concentrate on the cooking, but it looks like that's going to have to be fit in.

    MacMadame - thanks jfor the info about the treads in groups. I like the idea of knowing that you can post 90% of the time in one thread and most people do.

    Vince got me a new computer for Christmas. It has Windows 7 on it. I'm trying to figure it all out. This is the first day that I've used it.

    Welcome Carol!

    Cathy - how wonderful your son is home!

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • gracevdhart
    Thanks for the nice welcome! Just trying to find my way around the site! I will be posting more about me soon.
  • kathiemcn

    @1960lisa....i also get a bit blue this time of the year.....when i got divorced i didnt make new friends so i understand when you say there's lots going but not for you...just enjoy what you can.... try and just focus on your family...be well

    Pam, I am divorced too, and have to share custody, and have a lot of friends in the same boat, so I understand how you feel. I am also estranged from my sister like Cathy and Lisa, so I understand that too,and how the "shrinking"of your family affects you at this time of year. But, as Lisa says, we have to focus on the positives and know that lots of people find it a little hard at this time of year.

    Kathie :flowerforyou:
  • kathiemcn

    I'm feeling a bit "rushed" for the holiday. See, I'm the personh who jlikes to have things ready. By now I would like to have had the tree decorated, presents wrapped, and just concentrate on the cooking. But that's not happening. I know part of it is due to the fact that Vince had his surgery in early Nov. so that put our outside decorating backj some which in turn puts the inside decorating back.

    Same here! I am usually super organised before Christmas, and this year I had to take a day off work (tomorrow) to at least get the house in some sort of order. And we only started putting the tree up this afternoon...and I haven't wrapped or shopped...noy like me AT ALL! I had surgery in late November and a week totally out of action, and two weeks with no exercise or lifting, so that really set me back too. Crazy times...but I'm sure we'll both get there in the end!

    Happy Christmas!

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :explode: You can tell I've not been on for a while - I've just lost my post agghhhh! :ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    The weather here is not so frosty this morning thank goodness, I must admit that I ache a bit this morning from my fall yesterday. I found out later that my dad fell on the ice walking to his car, so I’ll check on him later.

    I’m another one feeling “rushed” this year, I think I’ve got everything now, I just need to tick things off my list to be sure. I ended up spending a lot of money in the supermarket last night buying wine and chocolates for people, just to add to the bits and pieces I’d already bought.

    Someone mentioned buying gift vouchers - I think that is a really good idea and will do that next year. At least then they can buy what they like instead of what I think they’ll like (if you know what I mean)

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Marceline , Julie and Carol

    :flowerforyou: Michele we have Windows 7 and it takes a bit of getting used to. We have a different version at work too, so sometimes I get very confused and can’t find things on my lap top because they are not where I think they should be. Good Luck.

    :flowerforyou: Chiclet I hope things are okay with you and that you are coping well. It’s stressful enough at this time of year.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie hope your aunt gets home for Christmas, I lost another uncle in November. Who’d have thought that after losing Derrick last year just before Christmas that we’d lose Tommy before the next one. So sad. I didn’t understand the meaning of the Oatmeal stress until Jipsyjudy mentioned it. (I’m a bit slow) .

    I finally put the Christmas Tree up yesterday afternoon, unfortunately the lights don’t work, so I may buy some new ones in the January Sales. The kittens knocked the Christmas tree over with an hour! :angry: So probably a good job no lights on it this year. I managed to keep the tree upright for the rest of the evening - it was a close call a few times and I had to extract a kitten from around the branches. I think they got the message when I used a firm “no” (who am I kidding) :huh: but DD had to come down during the night because she heard a loud noise - yes it was the tree on the floor with the baubles everywhere. I didn’t hear a thing honest. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: This morning I need to tidy up the living room and fix the baubles back on the tree DD just stood the tree upright and went back to bed!

    I’d better get a move on, I promised I wouldn’t spend too long on the computer when there’s still so much to do.

    Have a good day
    Viv x
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I know this is all about me but I am excited. I am down 5 pounds today. I know it is all water weight but down is down!
    I had signed up to weight watchers on line but I cancelled. I find this site is the same if not better and free as well.

    Now only if I do not cave into temptation and go back to my old indulgent ways over the holidays.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    I haven't posted much but I am still lurking and reading everything. I started a couple of posts over the weekend but my computer phantomly goes back a page and I lose it. I just took it as a sign and didn't bother posting. (My keys are still sticky too). Nothing much going on holiday wise. No real presents to buy or wrap and no decorating this year at all. We will be gone between christmas daya nd New years so why bother. That and my house is a full on disaster area still so no place to put decorations. I hope the hypnosis will help me get my act together and maybe reclaim my house from all the accumulation of junk. We are making progress but it is soooo slow. Any way, happy holidays to all, I will be lighting a Yule log (at least my version of one) on the 22nd to celebrate the new beginning.

    Much love,
    Robin and the Bodi pup