How am I supposed to drink 8 cups of water!



  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I certainly drink all my water and then some. I carry flavor packets to add since I get bored with plain water after a while. But it is easy and a habit that you will is a necessary habit too.

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    I have a 74.4 oz water bottle/jug and I drink 3-4 of these a day!! I love it and its my norm I've been drinking water like this for 19 weeks and I am perfectly healthy...u just have to start out with a small bottle of water and make yourself drink one before u eat everytime u will get it I'm take babysteps...water flushes far so the more the merrier...I spoke to a nutritionist and as long as u aren't getting major headaches,passing out,etc tons of water is fine u just pee,sweat,etc the water out granted I go to the bathroom 15-20 times a day...but its all good;)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Drink up. You really do need the water. :drinker:
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Now if u r stupid and chug 8 liters of water in one sitting yes that's dangerous and u might not live to write about it but if u drink 8 liters in the course of a day that's diff u pee and sweat it out common get smarter people!!;)
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I keep a 1litre bottle on my desk - I fill it as soon as I get to work and try to drink it by lunchtime. Then after lunch, I fill it again and try to finish it before I go home. The guy in the cubicle opposite me is a water-drinker, so every time I catch his eye we have a drink together. It makes me laugh some days - he tries to catch my eye so that he can force me to drink!!

    Some days I do really well. Other days, I just can't do it. But the important thing is that I try. You can too!!
  • lala4u
    lala4u Posts: 16 Member
    i went that web site and im not drinking 17 glasses are you crazy! you can drown lol. no way.. im fine with 8-9 cups a day
  • Kamin321
    Kamin321 Posts: 14 Member
    I flavor my water to get it down ... I use the Mio liquid cause you can put just a little in it to give it a good flavor. I usually drink 6 to 8 cups a day. That website said I should be drinking 15 cups ... not sure I can really do that ... but I am going to increase my water intake a bit .. perhaps to 10 cups and see if it also helps with my weight loss
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    ALWAYS have a bottle of water with you. You will automatically sip from it even if you don't feel thirsty. Or get in the habit of downing 2 cups worth at every meal or something.

    I always drink my water out of a glass that holds 2 cups and I always try to down them pretty fast so then I'll end up drinking more.
  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    One sip at a time, sport.

    I'm up to a gallon a day. Hail to the chief!
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Lots of folks actually drink more. 8 cups is just a marketing gimic / rule of thumb. To determine how much water you should be drinking use this calculator. There are lots of factors. It is hard to do for about 3 days but after that you become reaquainted with thirst and after about 3 weeks, you don't know how you ever lived without it. And there are so many benefits. You just can't imagine.

    Drink up!

    Awesome!! Thank you!!
  • sugiravi
    I absolutely have trouble with this! I don't mind the drinking, it's all the peeing that bothers me. I don't want to be the girl who's running to the bathroom in the middle of something important, I'd rather just have a cup of coffee in the morning, a bottle of water at lunch, then not have to worry about too many interruptions during my day. When I get home I'm popping bottles but I rarely ever get to 8 cups. It's something I need to work on, clearly, all the comments have given me something to think about :)
  • monkeymouse74
    I have 4x 750ml water bottle's with the pop up lid. (easy to carry one) 1 bottle=3 cups.

    I start as soon as I wake up. by mid morning I've finnished 1, then I go onto 2nd one. That's done by lunch, then I start 3rd one. As long as I get half way through this, I'm happy, but I tend to finnish that by mid afternoon, Then 4th one takes me through to bed time. :drinker:

    If I dont have my water available now, I almost feel paniced! My body screams for it! :smile:

    At first you run to the loo all the time, but then your body gets used to it and you adjust. I't just a matter of doing it.:smile:
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    To be completely fair, MFP does say they 'recommend' that you drink at least 8 cups of water a day.

    I always take recommendations as I do speed bumps in an older car - they're suggestions ;)

    Our friends the urologists will tell you that if your urine has any color, you're not getting enough water. To get it clear, you pretty much have to shoot for 8+ cups per day.

    I take a liter bottle to work every day and finish it before I leave for home. I have a 16-oz glass with dinner, and usually another one after dinner (plus, these days, a cup of mint tea) on days I don't work out. On days I DO work out, I consume at least 20 oz during the workout, and usually another 16 oz later. Then again, I don't drink soda or iced tea or lemonade or milk or juice, and haven't for years. Alcohol is also pretty rare for me. I know people who don't drink much... but I'm thirsty a lot of the time!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Now if u r stupid and chug 8 liters of water in one sitting yes that's dangerous and u might not live to write about it but if u drink 8 liters in the course of a day that's diff u pee and sweat it out common get smarter people!!;)

    Actually, there does come a point (and I'd imagine that 8 liters could be it, for some folks) where your kidneys just can't keep up. Your blood sodium levels drop too far (the fancy term for this is "hyponatremia"), and you put yourself at risk for seizures, brain swelling, and death, in that order, if it gets too severe. Frankly, even mild hyponatremia isn't great for you. As I posted above, if your urine is clear (or very faint yellow), you're in the ballpark. No reason to harm yourself just because you're supposed to drink water -- as with everything, there's a happy medium!
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I had a hard time with it as well. My trick is Crystal Light. I get those little packets to put in your water bottle and dump it into a 32 oz. bottle. The sweet taste makes me want to drink it and it's only 10 calories for 4 cups of water. Doing that makes it easier for me to get in my 8 cups a day.
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    I get a pint (570ml) in right when i get up, then have a water bottle on my desk which i sip at, it's 800ml and i don't leave my desk for lunch til i have finished it, then when i come back from lunch i refill and don't go home til it is done and then when i get home i normally have another. This is before my 1 cup of tea and the odd hot choccie or coffee.

    I used to hate water, now i tolerate it and i feel so much better, i started out with fizzy flavoured stuff and worked up from there.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    I have a bottle of water at my desk at work, and sometimes I put a bottle of water in my handbag when I'm casually walking around.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    Lol. I was told by my doctor that I drink TOO much water (upwards of 8 LITERS a day.)

    I can't imagine how anyone can not drink enough.

    8 litres... wow, that's dangerous, I'm glad you talked to the doctor about it!
    Water is essential - but not that much.

    OMG 8 litres!!!! LOL I'd pee like ALL the time. Some people do need more than others too!
  • tickledpinksoul
    drink 1 glass of water first thing in the morning,
    exercise, drink 1 to 2 glasses,
    eat breakfast, drink one glass,
    eat snack, drink one glass,
    eat lunch, drink one glass,
    another glass after eating my afternoon snack,
    another glass before and 1 glass after dinner.
    total of 8-9 glass a day ^_^
  • lindzmt22
    Lol. I was told by my doctor that I drink TOO much water (upwards of 8 LITERS a day.)

    I can't imagine how anyone can not drink enough.

    Holy CRAP! That's like 34 cups!!! How is that even possible?? Lol not judgin just must drink like 3 cups every hour you're awake or something...and you probably piss every 5 minutes! lol. I bet it has helped you lose lots of weight and feel full though!! I would just be scared to drink that much. I try to get around 10 cups of water per day...I heard that you should drink half your body weight in ounces so I'm trying to drink more, like 11 or 12. It's a process though.