How am I supposed to drink 8 cups of water!



  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I was the same way, couldn't imagine how I could get all that water in. Well I get normally at least 12-14 sometimes 17 cups in a day. Once you start drinking it you want it.
    But even before I started drinking it I was always having to have something to drink, constantly had to have a drink with me so I dont know if that helped or not. Good luck with it.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Do you exercise? I start my workout with a 20oz bottle of carbonated water, which I drink in between sets and finish while getting showered dressed. I refill the bottle with water from my Brita pitcher, and usually drink another 10+ ounces driving to work. A large glass with lunch and another at dinner, and I'm pretty close to 64 ounces for the day.
  • Oh yeah! I love drinking water and you will to once you get use to it. The colder the better! It helps to flush the toxins and the fat out of your body. It's also good for your skin. It keeps you hydrated and you feel better. Give it a try.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    I drink 10-24 glasses a day but I live in AZ so I stay thirsty. Try drinking a glass with meals, drink a bottle of water when you exercise, when you want to snack, etc..... I gave up soda so this is got a lot easier.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    So it says to drink 8cups of water... i dont drink tea or coffee or carbinated drinks. Maybe some juice or powerade but very rarely will i have more than one cup of water in a day! To take my medication in morning and night its only one or two sips, not a whole cup. I cant go to sleep within 30mins of drinking water.
    How am i supposed to fit in 8 cups of water a day? Does anyone actually do this?

    It blows my mind people ask this question.. Really, you don't know how to drink water? Here is a picture..that depicts are way to drink water.


    As for how to meet the daily water goal, you just do it. Grab some water and slam it down your throat. You want to lose weight and you want to be healthy, then you just do it. If you can't show the willpower to drink water then you aren't ready to lose the weight, you'll never stick to it. People can think I'm being pretty mean here but, its the truth. If something as simple as drinking water is causing you to get hanged up, how do you expect to keep to a lifestyle change.
  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    pretend its beer
  • I guzzle down two 8oz glasses of water before I'm allowed my meals-this seams to fill me up a bit..
  • i found it hard at first, and had to run to the bathroom way too frequently, but it becomes a habit, and your bladder gets used to it. i love water now, its all i drink, and i usually go beyond the 8 glasses.
  • Effief21
    Effief21 Posts: 36 Member
    I was looking this up last night, because I hardly drink any water either.

    According to 'netdoctor' ( - you don't need the full 8 cups, just 2.5 pints because there's a lot of water in certain foods, obviously depending on how active you are etc. (This is just what I read, whether it's true or not I don't know)

    I try to keep a bottle of squash with me at all times (I don't like the taste of water), as when I have a drink with me, I'll drink it. It works, I just need to try and do it all the time.

    Hope that helped a bit :)
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I hate it when I struggle to drink water....

  • i bring a water bottle with me to work that gets refilled at least 2x before i leave (we have an office 5 gal jug for refills) my bottle holds nearly 24 ounces, so make sure i get 2 bottles gone and usually half a bottle before i leave work and drink from the same water bottle the rest of the day- usually 2 or 3 more refills at home because my kids tend to drink from my bottle!

    when i was first starting out with water (big soda drinker) i made myself finish at least one cup before 8 am, then 1 cup before 12pm, and so forth and when that got to be habit, i changed it to 1 cup every 2 hours at least during my work day- now its like nearly a cup an hour until 12 (i start work at 5 am) and then around lunch i'll have a diet coke instead and the water drinking slows down!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I hate it when I struggle to drink water....

    Looks like she has a drinking problem.
  • Absolutely! I drink a minimum of 4 litres a day. I have a 1 litre water bottle that I have a time frame that I finish it by.

    Bottle one I drink between 9am and 12noon.
    Bottle two I drink between 12noon and 3pm
    Bottle three I drink between 3pm and 6pm
    Bottle four I drink between 6pm and bed time

    On gym days I drink an extra litre while there.
  • onatutu
    onatutu Posts: 1 Member
    I am first gonna try to drink small glass of water when wake up, and before each meal and when I go to bed...Hope I remember...Ha.Ha.:drinker:
  • I used to be the same way ... I still can't stand plain water.. but I learned to give up 10 cals / per 16oz bottle of water and started using Crystal Light flavored powders ... now I average about 12 cups of water / day ... always have extras made up so I won't drink soda. Good Luck !!
  • kflynn28147
    kflynn28147 Posts: 37 Member
    What about the Propel water and the powder little sticks you can add to your water, that may help.:flowerforyou:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I find that using a re-usable cup with a straw helps me get 8-10 cups of water per day:bigsmile: and the fact that water is mostly the only beverage of choice for me.

    I have a 32 ounce plastic cup with straw, keep it at my desk. Drink 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon. That is (8) 8 ounce glasses. Extra fitness walking to the bathroom more.
  • AEcklar813
    AEcklar813 Posts: 184 Member
    On average I drink 8 cups a day. I buy the flavored water from walmart, clear american. It's 32 oz a bottle. I refill them a few times and then get new ones. So I know if I drink 2 of those bottles a day it's my 8 cups.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    what do you drink?? I just keep water with me all the time and end up drinking 12-15 cups a day on average. it really helps with a lot - weight loss, hydration (also, I rarely have to use lotion on my skin because I'm super hydrated).....

    They say if you wait until you're thirsty to drink something, you're already getting dehydrated.... so best thing is to just keep water with you and drink it all the time.... it's not a hard habit to develop, just like anything else.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    I have been through this twice. The first time through, I drank no less than 120 oz of water per day. I was always in a panic over it. This is my second time losing 25 lbs,, and I'm not drinking nearly as much as I used to, and I am still losing weight at a normal rate of speed.

    The general rule of thumb is you should drink enough water to pee clear 2x a day. Whatever that amount is. I'm at about 66 oz per day.