

  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    :explode: You can tell I've not been on for a while - I've just lost my post agghhhh! :ohwell:

    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    The weather here is not so frosty this morning thank goodness, I must admit that I ache a bit this morning from my fall yesterday. I found out later that my dad fell on the ice walking to his car, so I’ll check on him later.

    Viv x

    hope you are not too achy, and dad's fall was not too bad:flowerforyou:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Just want to say hello, I enjoy reading your posts and sharing a bit of your lives and adventures.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
    Just want to say hello, I enjoy reading your posts and sharing a bit of your lives and adventures.

    welcome, just read your intro and what a great plan for retirement....good luck:flowerforyou:
  • gracevdhart
    Good Morning!
    After one day, I have lost 3#. Now....I have been on enough "plans" to know it is water weight but hey!.....it's a start! I am thankful I stayed well under my calorie limit yesterday and exercised! Today, I have already excersised and am pumped to finish this day strong as well. Have a dinner to go to tonight but I know the menu and will plan beforehand what I will eat. Blessings to you all! Carol
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    So I've been doing much better in my eating since I'm back logging but I've been lax about protein and my scale is actually back up a bit. How frustrating! Though, honestly, I don't care that much. I look great and I feel great. The only thing is my clothes could fit better. Plus I'm sure I'm losing muscle (and gaining fat) since I can't workout yet but I figure that will all be okay eventually when I can start working out.
  • tas57
    tas57 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow o wow you are all so motivated so do I need to ask to join or is there a limit on group cause need to know ASAP!!:):sad: :explode:
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Wow o wow you are all so motivated so do I need to ask to join or is there a limit on group cause need to know ASAP!!:):sad: :explode:

    Welcome welcome:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Jump right in with all these wonderful people here to offer support and share their stories and their lives.

    Good luck!!

  • angelily
    Hello to all ~ I've been away from the board for far too long, but still using the tracker. I especially love the new iPad app and bar code scanner. Finally gave up on WW because I found I was actually starting to gain back the weight I lost in 2008! I see the PP program has been revised for 2012, so I hope it helps those who are still struggling with the plan.

    Just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! I don't normally make resolutions, but this year I plan on becoming a more active participant on this great board!

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello my lovely ladies.

    I've not been on much in the last few days - just mega busy and mega stressed (I won't go into right now, but expect a rant at sometime in the near future!)

    Tonight I decided to clean out the fridge in readiness for my big food shop tomorrow. I got a bit carried away and ended up taking things out of all the kitchen cupboards and cleaning those as well. It's all a bit too much as it's 11:30 pm and I've been up since 4:30 am to look after the grandtwins. Oh, and Teddy has finally started walking! Molly has been walking since she was nearly 11 months, but Teddy has taken his sweet time. Bless him, he's so proud of himself.

    I really need to go to bed - I banged my head on the corner of one of the kitchen cupboard doors and I have now got a bump the size of an egg on my forehead - the bruise should be lovely by Christmas day.

    Before I go I just want to mention my new toy. It's a Tassimo coffee machine, but it makes other drinks too. At 4:30 in the morning it is an absolute life saver. I pop in a pod, press a button and within seconds I have my coffee, it certainly makes a difference, especially when I have to go outside and scrape the ice off the car windscreen!

    Right, bedtime. Take care my friends.

    Amanda x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    kathie - well, we got the popcornh on the tree. Yesterday we put the lights on the tree. We had to put the cats in one of the bedrooms because the lights were just too much for them - they kept playing with them. But we didn't have a problem with the popcorn. I'd strung it in October. This year (the first time in a LOOONNNGGGG time) I had to string more popcorn. Am I ever glad that I decided not to play mahjongg. Vince said that we probably wouldn't put the popcorn on until tonight, but we did it earlier and I had to string extra popcorn.

    Had the board meeting of the Y today. You know, I'm counting down the months until I'm off this board. I really don't agree with what's happening. They find money for new programs which means new equipment and installation of the equipment and training of people to use the equipment, yet things like dividers between bathroom stalls and clocks don't get done. Frustrating! Seems the only thing I'm good for is fundraising, and that's not my strong suit. Exercise and nutrition are, but that's not what they want. All I ever hear about is "children's fund, children's fund". Yes, that's important, but so are the members. They want people to become members, but what do they see when they go to the bathroom? "Oh, you wanted a door to the bathroom? You want everything, don't you". I just don't agree with that.

    Viv - this Windows 7 is pretty interesting. Thank goodness Vince is here! Actually, he bought me a new computer but then he bought himself one because he knew that I'd have questions and there was no way he could answer them unless he had experienced it himself.b I do like that I can change my wallpaper. It's the little things....lol

    Did an hour of a spinning class today. Tomorrow.....deep water. Then the bowling Christmas party. I'm going to bring shrimp with me. Then the senior bowling. Should be interesting to see how many people are there.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Just checking in,busy and trying to fight off what my daughter has(respitory virus???).
    Had to share a exciting moment with you all.My girlfriend was going thru her clothes and she shows me this nice bottom down blouse.So I try it on,I almost fell on the floor.It was a 14-16.I haven`t seen that size in 40 years.So her going thru her closet has given me a few new duds.What an awesome feeling.I never thought Id see that again.
    Hope you all are doing good and not getting too stressed with the holidays.
    Have a good night!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello, Dear Ladies!

    Yes, it is a busy, crazy time of the year. I have been a bad girl with food and logging recently. House Guests for the long weekend and then off to see my DH;s sisters...no excuse but I just have not been on track! I feel for everyone who is feeling overwhelmed and /or sad.

    To our new members: WELCOME...the more the merrier!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You have found a great place for friendship and support!

    To all my "old" friends here: I am thankful for you and wish you a peaceful holiday season. I appreciate you being here and hope to pop in as much as I can over the next 2 weeks. Family starts arriving Thursday and I still have much to do like all of you. I have to plan and shop for food tomorrow.

    Take care all:heart::heart: :heart: Kackie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: tonight is the first night of Hanukkah, but since Jake is out for the evening with his meditation group, we won't light the first candle until he gets home at 9:30. I won't make latkes until this weekend when we have time for leisurely dinner together. Jake's daughter sent me a recipe for latkes made with mushrooms and celery root. I'll try it and see if we like them that way. I am happy with the traditional ones, but Jake likes mushrooms.

    :bigsmile: today I danced with another line dance group called "Happy Soles". It's the same group that danced at the county fair in August. We danced at a convalescent hospital and had a very large and enthusiastic audience. They liked us so much, that we might go back and dance again sometime during the winter.

    :bigsmile: considering that I am doing no holiday preparations, I'm still busy. Tomorrow we are having a potluck lunch after line dance class----I'm bringing cole slaw and a bowl of walnuts and raisins....then right after lunch I'll meet my friend that I always walk with on Wednesdays so I can walk off the lunch calories.

    :bigsmile: We took all three pets for their yearly exams today and all were declared healthy. Bernie has gained about a pound and a half since he became an indoor cat, but the vet said that Maine Coon cats are naturally large although one of his pounds might be a "vanity pound" that he could lose :laugh:

    :laugh: :bigsmile: we have had dry weather for days so I haven't given any thought to getting some rain pants to stay dry.....Jake offered me his golfing rain pants, so I may try them on the next rainy day before I buy something for myself.....my new toasty warm shoes were very expensive so it's too soon to buy myself another treat.
    at but the one with coconut and chocolate sounds the best

    :flowerforyou: welcome to all of you who are new........we are glad you are here....this is the place to find the supportive friends that we all need along the way on the weight loss journey.

    :bigsmile: Jane, congrats on fitting into smaller clothing and getting so new stuff

    :bigsmile: Amanda, I hope your head feels and looks better in the morning:bigsmile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Busy wrapping the last few presents, I only need to buy a few more things then I am done! I still need to declutter the dining room and for some reason I have a ton of laundry to get washed and dried. I want to get the house looking reasonably decent for when son and daughter in law come over for Christmas Dinner. It's rained non stop for nearly a day now, so of course I am forever cleaning up muddy paw prints - the joys of being a dog owner :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Last night I went to visit a friend who's just moved into a new house - it's gorgeous, almost like a show house - not a thing out of place. Must admit I came home and thought I really need to have a good sort out. Guess what I'll be doing later :bigsmile: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Jane sorry your daughter has a virus, I hope she's better in time for Christmas, and look after yourself too! Well done you, give yourself a pat on the back, all your hard work is paying off.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to the newcomers.

    :flowerforyou: Michele my dad is fine thanks, he aches a bit but no lasting damage thank goodness.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda a black eye for christmas was not on your list:bigsmile: take it steady. I have a dolce gusto coffee machine and at first didn't think I'd use it much, but it's grown on me and I love it. My grandson always asks for a hot chocolate when he visits. It was a Christmas Present from work last year. This year we got a large tin of Quality Street! :huh: :bigsmile:

    Well the house isn't going to tidy itself (that's where I've been going wrong:tongue: ) so I'd better make a start. See how much I can do before I get distracted with something.

    Have a good day - chat again soon

    Viv x
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Wanted to wish Robin and all other cebrants a warm safe and happy Solstice this evening.:flowerforyou:
    Will be back this weekend and catchup on the posts then. Office parties :drinker: and dance class potlucks :ohwell: had taken their toll, was up to my first pre-WW weight, the one before I bounded UP 20 lbs. This morning, miraculously down to within a pound of my ticker weight. Thankful for the much needed encouragement to get out there and get moving! Must dash now and prep some veggies for the last appetizer potluck tonight.:wink:

    Hugs to ALL,

    Barbara, who WILL be size 10 one day
    December 2011: dance more, bark less, hit that protein goal, HoliDAY not HoliWEEKEND and CHECK IN!!! :
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    thank you Barbara:wink:

    I was looking at this glorious cresent moon this morning and It made me very happy. (its usually cloudy so I don't get to see the moon much)

    Its all about new beginnings tonight. A fresh start and I think I will carry that attitude for a while.

    Happy Solstice!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My skating club is having their annual holiday party today and it's a potluck. So I made some cake pops. I made 8 reindeer brownie pops and then 1 Rudolf pop (red nose instead of brown) and 1 Santa pop. I had them displayed in a block of Styrofoam. Santa was a bit creepy (I'd do him differently if I make more Santa pops.) but the rest were cute as a button all lined up with Rudolf in front with his red noes.

    So on the way to work today, they are in the back seat and I had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a line of (inexplicably) stopped cars and I heard the sound of stuff flying in the back and then a CRASH that sound suspiciously like pretzels breaking. I had to get gas so I stop and look in the back seat and sure enough reindeer pops are EVERYWHERE. But the worst part? All their pretzel antlers had broken off! Every single reindeer had no or 1 antler left.

    The only way to repair them is to melt some chocolate and "glue" the pieces back on. I can't put in new pretzels because the chocolate on the pops is hard and the old antler stubs are still embedded there anyway. Even that I'm not 100% sure would work.

    I wanted to cry.

    I thought about running out at lunch to get some melting chocolate and repairing them here before I go to the party but I'm not sure it would work and I'm thinking about not going to the party anyway. I do have 10 other generic "holiday" pops so I do have something to bring to the potluck but I am worried about my head. If I can get through the work day without a headache, there is no way I should go to a party because that will definitely give me a headache. I'd been having "I want to go. I don't want to go." thoughts for a while now and my reindeer breaking seems to have shifted me firmly over to the "don't want to" position.
  • westernjoy
    westernjoy Posts: 175 Member
    Have finally got through all the post . Can't believe all the newcomers,welcome to the greatest group of women. I have maintain so tar that is good. I have tried so hard to be good. Just 12 days to go and the holidays are over. And back to the regular eating
    So to everyone stick with it. The new year is all most here. Happy holidays to all of you and best wishes in the coming year.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I am siting here sobbing. Kiera laid down her head and died. She was great at the vet yesterday for her checkup and not so good today and then she just died. I can't stop cryiing. I will miss the crotchety ol b1tch.
  • angelily
    OMG, I'm so sorry to hear about Kiera's passing. Since I am fairly new to this board, I have missed previous posts about her condition. Was she sick or did this just happen suddenly with no warning? Just yesterday when I posted, I was admiring how beautiful a dog she was. Losing a beloved pet is extremely difficult and my heart goes out to you...
