How am I supposed to drink 8 cups of water!



  • Like others have said - carry around a water bottle and sip during the day.

    I used to not drink as much water either, but i was in a class where we did a fitness/nutrition challenge. One of the challenges (for the week) was to just add one glass of water to what you were already drinking (so in your case try for three glasses a day). Once you get used to three (after about a week or so), go to four and do the same thing.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    You don't have to. Get plenty of real foods and you can get about 40% through the foods you eat. That part always seems to get lost in translation.
  • I get in the 8 cups a day easily when I'm planning. I keep a cup at work and fill with ice/water all day long. I also enjoy hot tea and coffee. I struggle more on weekends when I'm out and about or busy at home and forget to drink the water. When I exercise I always drink at least a bottle of water too. If you have a long commute to work, consider a goal of drinking at least a bottle of water each way. I think if you make small changes in your normal routine you will accomplish the 8 cups, if that is what you desire to do.
  • Yes, everyday. I never used to drink water either but I committed to it and now it is routine. I start the morning off with at least an 8 oz. glass of H2O. I have a 30 mile commute to I fill up my water bottle before I leave and drink another 8 oz. during my commute. At work, I have another 32 oz. bottle that I sip on and refill once through the day. I fill up my commuting bottle again for the drive home. Great appetite suppressant and really helps with the dry skin this time of year as well! Oh, and your body does get used to it after a short while to don't let the constant trips to the restroom detour you during the first few weeks. :)
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member



    Everyone should read: Your Body's Many Cries for Water by Dr. F. Batmaghelidj -- a real eye opener!

    I prefer EATING my calories thus limit liquid calories.

    It's good that you don't drink soda - that stuff is plain poison. As far as the juice, you should give it up - it's a waste of calories; it's loaded with hidden chemicals. (See info links above.)

    Drinking 64 ounces of water, daily, is a habit you must develop. It is a forced, concious act. Many years ago, to help remind me to drink my water, I used eight (8) paper clips (clipped to the top of a postcard). When I drank one cup of water*, I would move a paper clip to the bottom of the postcard. You really have to be mindful and not be bothered by the fact that you will be taking more trips to the rest room -- but your body will thank you!

    I started out drinking ice cold water, but now I can easily drink room temperature water.

    *At first, I forced myself to drink, not sip, each cup of water. Eight ounces (one cup) is really notthing. We're so used to drinking from 12oz or 16oz glasses that we forget what 8 ounces looks like.

    Again, see if your local library carries Dr.Batmaghelidj's book: Your Body's Many Cries for Water.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I don't drink nearly enough water yet either, working on it though. I would caution women at least to be cautious about over drinking water. I had a friend who was never without her large water bottle. It went everywhere with her because she had heard drinking water was healthy for you. When she was 50 began having problems with leaking during the day if you know what I mean. She put up with it for many months then finally went to a urologist. He told her that every time he reads the recommendation to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water per day he cringes because in some people it can cause weakening in the bladder. She had to have a surgical procedure and no longer goes everywhere with a water bottle.

    Along the same vein, my urologist said that every time he sees someone eating a huge spinach salad he thinks - kidney stones. So don't overdo the spinach either as in don't eat it every day. Kidney stones = no fun.

    never heard such a thing i have hear to much water no fgood but really that is the biggest bs drinking water can not weaken your bladder sorry

    I'm having a hard time with the spinach - kidney stones thing myself. How can someone possibly know that it's the spinach and not something else in the diet? Did they figure that out by having a large group of people eat nothing but spinach for months on end? That's like my brother saying that his LDL has dropped since he started eating oatmeal every morning (not because he started exercising; because he isn't eating like he used to or as much as he used to - it's the oatmeal and solely the oatmeal).

    Not saying this is completely wrong - there is just no way to tell it's solely the spinach. Spinach is my staple green. I eat TONS of it and have never had issues. But I guess N=1.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member



    Everyone should read: Your Body's Many Cries for Water by Dr. F. Batmaghelidj -- a real eye opener!

    I prefer EATING my calories thus limit liquid calories.

    It's good that you don't drink soda - that stuff is plain poison. As far as the juice, you should give it up - it's a waste of calories; it's loaded with hidden chemicals. (See info links above.)

    Drinking 64 ounces of water, daily, is a habit you must develop. It is a forced, concious act. Many years ago, to help remind me to drink my water, I used eight (8) paper clips (clipped to the top of a postcard). When I drank one cup of water*, I would move a paper clip to the bottom of the postcard. You really have to be mindful and not be bothered by the fact that you will be taking more trips to the rest room -- but your body will thank you!

    I started out drinking ice cold water, but now I can easily drink room temperature water.

    *At first, I forced myself to drink, not sip, each cup of water. Eight ounces (one cup) is really notthing. We're so used to drinking from 12oz or 16oz glasses that we forget what 8 ounces looks like.

    Again, see if your local library carries Dr.Batmaghelidj's book: Your Body's Many Cries for Water.

    You, too? I always say that. I prefer to eat my calories - it so much more enjoyable.
  • You could always do what i just did not even realizing i did it. I had a big cup of water with a straw and i just had a cup of soup that was extremely spicy and as i ate it kept grabbing my drink to try to get rid of some of the spiciness of the food. Even now that my soup is gone my mouth is still burning and i have already drank almost 3 cups of water because of it.
  • Ilovesewing
    Ilovesewing Posts: 10 Member
    I don't/can't get water in either and frankly, I dislike it so much I don't really try. The best I can do in a day is 4 cups... and that is rare. I never never drink it ice cold - gives me a stomach ache as well as bothers my teeth. I don't drink sodas, and do drink about 2-3 cups of tea per day.

    I work at a school where I share the bathroom with students - not something I want to do all day long so I drink sporatically while at work. I drink it more on my days off. I drink it more in the summer when I'm thirsty....very little this time of year. So yeah, I understand! It's tasteless and definitely not my beverage of choice!
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Yes, I actually drink 10-15 8 oz cups of water per day. It will be hard at first, start off doubling your intake and double it every day until you are there. I bet once you have at 8 cups per day, you will notice a difference in a. how you feel, b. how your skin looks and c. how much quicker the weight comes off.

    On the rare weeks that I don't drink my water like I should, I lose an average of 0-1 lbs, on the weeks when I do drink it every day I lose 3-5 lbs.
  • midwifekelley2350
    midwifekelley2350 Posts: 337 Member
    i have always been a heavy drinker :blushing:

    drink a lot with meals, keep water bottle on my desk and drink all day long. i don't give it much thought...until i don't drink much in a day, then i get a headache. i don't really keep track of how many glasses each day because i usually hit the recommended "8" before the end of my work day. i prefer not to drink my calories...unless they are alcoholic!
  • I have a VERY hard time drinking water..may sound silly to people but the taste of water actually makes me sick... :( I used to LOVE water, I'd drink 10 water bottles a day ATLEAST.. until I got pregnant 3 years ago and it made me sick and to this day the taste of plain water is not a fav. of mine... I actually found a water supplement if you'd call it.. it is called H30 and you put a scoop of powder (available in 2 different flavors) and with one 16 oz glass of water it allows your body to consume 3x the amount of water your body would with just a typical 16 oz glass. The best part is that it taste amazing and it has your electrolytes for cellular rehydration, carbs for energy, potassium and sodium.... Here is some of my weight loss coaching information that I thought was interesting and I just thought I'd share with everyone :)

    By the way there is a new “All natural” diet aid that actually reduces fat deposits in the body. It helps the kidneys function properly so the liver is freed up to metabolize bigger amounts of stored fat which in turn, supplies energy to the body. It stops the body from retaining water to cure swollen hands and feet so there is less stress on the heart. It maintains proper muscle tone and prevents dehydration which in turn stops sagging skin that usually follows fat loss – it plumps up skin cells causing a more youthful appearance. (How many would like your skin cells plumped up?) This liquid diet aid enables the body to flush waste for eliminating constipation. And it kills hunger pains.
    Now the key to getting it to work is the dosage. This is a mathematical equation so does everyone have a pen and paper to write this down. (stop and wait)
    Write down your body weight__________divide by 2 = ___________. That is how many oz. you need to drink daily.
  • victoria1957
    victoria1957 Posts: 44 Member
    The more you drink water, the more you want to. I keep my Britta water bottle with me all the time. I did not used to like it but now it is just second nature.
  • simber79
    simber79 Posts: 7 Member
    me too! I don't like drinking water. I like apples juice and orange juice...I prefer juices over sodas. I also drink tea, but won't drink anything unless I am eating. I can't just pour a glass of anything and only drink that...
  • Everyone should do this. I'm not fond of water either. Mainly since the water were I live taste like the Gulf of Mexico! But it is a must & you'll be amazed at the pound you can drop from having it in your body! Add crystal light for flavor & if the water were you live is hard by bottled or invest in a dispenser.
  • MelKut
    MelKut Posts: 167 Member
    My water at home tastes great lol I drink sooooooooooo much water per day. I just got used to drinking it I guess.... once I read that sometimes when you are feeling hungry you are actually just thirsty, so whenever I would feel hungry, I would drink a big glass of water. Now I drink a big glass before my meal and after my meal (not during, for some reason haha).

    If you have to, FORCE yourself. Make a schedule. 8 am- 8 oz water, 10 am- 8 oz water, 12 am- 8 oz water, etc.... Get in the habit because you NEED enough water, it is a huge help to your body's ability to run efficiently.
  • Yes there are people who actually drink 8 cups of water a day. There was a time when I only drank water when I felt thirsty or when I was taking medication. To increase my water intake to 8 cups a day I started out drinking herbal teas. I would fill a 32 oz water bottle with cold water, then add a few tea bags and Splenda (don't do Splenda anymore and don't recommend it for others I use Truvia). Once the bottle was empty I would refill it with more water.

    Another thing that promoted the habit of drinking water came from information I read about the body's signal for nutrition. The only signal our body gives us to indicate it needs nutrition is what we call hunger pangs. However, when we feel those pangs it is not always a signal for food, sometimes it is a signal for hydration. How to tell the difference? I don't know but what I started doing was for each time I feel hunger pangs I eat a piece of fruit and drink a cup of water. Once the pangs start to come more frequent and become more intense I treat this as an indication for a meal.

    I also thought about how things were when Adam and Eve where in the Garden. During this time early man was always located near a body of water. So water was always there when it was needed. Recently I started keeping a 16 oz Brita water bottle near me at all times.

    Keep in mind the Earth is 75% water and our bodies are 75% fluid. This shows just how important staying hydrated is.

    Oh I also read that instead of 8 cups of water we should be taking in 1/2 our body weight in ounces a day. For me that would mean I should be drinking 13 cups of water a day. However, instead of stressing myself out about not reaching that goal, I set a daily goal for drinking as much as I can. Since I don't drink sodas and only drink fresh juice that I juiced there are days when water is my only beverage.

    Hope this was helpful.
  • I used to barely drink any water, then I started buying 2L bottles of Evian in bulk and now I pretty much drink 3/4L a day.
  • I drink about 16-24oz on the way to the gym
    24-48oz while doing cardio
    then take my water bottle with me everywhere I go for the rest of the day.
    I used to be soda addicted until I found SweetLeaf Liquid Stevia.
    Now I add 5-10 drops of that to a 24oz bottle of water and am perfectly happy.
    The Vanilla Creme is like Creme Soda and they have a root beer one too.