What was your trigger to lose weight?



  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    when my favorite jeans became "almost" to tight to get into. Not given them up!
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    How about you?
    I realized that no girl my age wants to be with someone like me. Considering the school I go to, the prospects of meeting women are minimal, if not already obsolete.
    When I come back home or go into the city and see all of these people who are in shape and then I take a look at myself in the mirror and realize that I've let myself go, I feel bad.

    It all comes back to the opposite sex. Thanks, ladies!
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    A co-worker joined another website WW and being that I had been in a bad marriage and had finally put that aspect of my life behind me, I knew it was time to focus on me. I didn't hesitate and joined also, I was feeling like my old self but it was time I looked like I used to. I lost 63 lbs and was even 20 lbs lighter than when I first met the now ex, wow that's probably the only good thing his ever done without him even knowing.
  • tongatom
    tongatom Posts: 1 Member
    Was dating a girl who worked out with a personal trainer, tried a few sessions and got hooked. Can't go back to being a couch potato anymore!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Sister-in-laws wedding pictures.

    August of this year

    as compared to April of the same year.

    Wasn't really at the weight I wanted to be at in the April photo either, but now I look at it and think, d*mn, I wanna look like that again.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    My trigger was in Sept. 2010 I started a gluten free diet to see if it would improve some of the auto-immune disorders that I have. While on that diet, without even trying, I lost 10 pounds. I added gluten back into my diet after 2 months and there was no change in my symptoms, so gluten was ruled out as a trigger and I went back to a normal diet. I was telling a friend how easy it was to lose those 10 pounds, and that it would be nice to lose about 15 more. She told me about MFP, I joined, and lost another 20 lbs. Then last May I joined a gym to increase the intensity of my workouts and dropped another 23 pounds. I had pretty much given up on losing weight after turning 40 so this was a pleasant, unexpected surprise that the pounds started falling off week after week. Now, at age 42, I weigh what I did as a senior in high school!
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    1. My sex life (sorry for the tmi!) I didnt want to have one anymore because of my body image/ discomfort with myself
    2. Saw a picture of myself from behind and holy hell!
    3. I DO NOT want to look chunky in my wedding pictures!!!!
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I didn't have a trigger -- I just woke up on new year's day 2011 (i never make resolutions) and thought to myself, I think i'm gonna try weight watchers, so I signed up and started that very day..... and here I am almost 100 pounds lighter! :)
  • mrshmiller9
    The fact that of the two pairs of pants I have that fit, one has holes in the inner thigh. It's so depressing to have a closet full of clothes and not a things fits.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    The fact that of the two pairs of pants I have that fit, one has holes in the inner thigh. It's so depressing to have a closet full of clothes and not a things fits.

    I've been there and yes it is depressing. A year later, I had the same dilemma but it was because everything was way too big. You'll get there.
  • adamhaywood
    I got on the scales and was freaked out by the weight that popped up, and said this has got to stop! Then to cap it all off my sister in law posted pitures on facebook from her wedding and all I could see was a big round face and my stomach straining my shirt.

    22lbs down and no going back!!

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  • michelledyan
    michelledyan Posts: 98 Member
    I saw myself sideways in the mirror and it really turned me off!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    When I had almost reached 200 lbs for the second time after a trip to Canada.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    A picture that my ex colleague took and posted on Facebook.. It was so fat that it's embarrassing...
  • indisguise
    Family pics we had done. I knew I was bigger, but seeing those made me sick, and continues to be my inspiration.

    ^ Ditto.
    My husband died of cancer last February and last year family members were taking LOTS of pictures of us. I was horrified at how big I looked in them, even more so at the funeral when his mother shared some photos of us from several years ago. I knew I had gained weight but didn't realize how much bigger I had gotten until I saw them side by side. I looked like a completely different person. So I started going to the gym with my mom (as a guest on her membership).
  • amygee05nb
    I seen what I looked like in my friend's wedding pictures. Plus, I wanted to do something different with my life and improve myself. I figured this was the best way.
  • KourtneyP83
    My insurance ... they were going to switch anyone that was overweight to the 70/30 plan unless you got on a weight loss management plan. So I jumped on board and haven't looked back...and its not even a requirement now!
  • RollinDawg
    RollinDawg Posts: 235 Member
    I use a wheelchair, one day I realized that the reason it wasn't rolling very well was because my *kitten* was rubbing on the wheels. I've lost 36 lbs since, chair moves much better but I want to move like used to on a basketball court.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I bought one of those talking scales and when I stepped on it said "1 at a time please". J/K

    I was put on Blood Pressure Meds, Had a fairly normal EKG and had obstructive sleep apnea. Enough was enough. I want to be around for my kids weddings and to see my grand children.
  • soska88
    My boyfriend, he is that kind of guy that loves me however I look like..
    But I feel like I would look great next to him If I lost those extra kilos. Besides, I hate not finding my size for clothes I like,