How Do You Feel About The Flu Shot?



  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I've never got the shot and haven't had the flu for over 20 years


    To be honest, nor have I. But I don't have children, nor do I have regular contact with immunocompromised populations. But this doesn't mean that the flu shot doesn't have its use. And there are cases where mandating it is appropriate.

    Beware the slippery-slope fallacy.

    Yep, and the slippery slope can slide either way. People can say well I didn't get the flu shot and I never get the flu therefore nobody needs them or say I got the flu shot and it's worked for me so it will work for anybody. They can both be fallacious reasoning. With discernment I've found a huge list of cons and a questionable list of pros. I'm here to convey that .

    You missed the point (as usual). I was referring to this fallacious string of reasoning:
    Your saying it's ok to force people to get a flu shot if they're in the medical profession. Wrong. It's not ok to even peer pressure these people. The reason being is next there will be another profession that should have the shot. Then another profession. Then these people should get the shot. Then those people should get the shot. Then everybody should get the shot

    Textbook slippery-slope fallacy.
  • jcoulter329
    jcoulter329 Posts: 2 Member
    I second this sentiment. I have gotten the flu shot in the past and have never been sicker in my life. I do not feel the need to give my self or my children the flu virus (diluted, dead or any other way) in order to maybe/maybe not catch the actual flu. That being said. I do support vaccinations and those with compromised immune systems or who work in fields where they are more susceptible to catching and/or spreading communicable diseases will probably benefit from it. In the end, I think it should be a choice.
  • dalgirly
    dalgirly Posts: 280 Member
    For me, I should get one (although I haven't this year because I had been gone when they were giving them out at work).

    But I would get the shot more to protect those around me, and not myself. The flu is highly unlikely to actually make me very sick. But it could kill patients I work with. Also, if I had a child with any form of immunocompromising disease, I would get it.

    So if you work or spend time with those who have some form of weakened immune system (or yourself), I would definitely suggest getting it. Otherwise, you probably don't need it.
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    "But this doesn't mean that the flu shot doesn't have its use. And there are cases where mandating it is appropriate."

    And you accuse me of the same exact thing that you are doing. Hypocrite.

    Flu shots are useful so it's appropriate to mandate????? This is a major slippery slope. And this is exactly what is happening, slippery slope is being mandated. It is absolutely disgusting. You cannot out debate me and your weakness only gives me ammunition to fire back. Now, can you explain what does mean that a flu shot has a use? Maybe bring some evidence as to how flu shots are actually useful. Maybe bring some evidence as to how they are actually safe. Answer these three questions with truth and I'll stop debating.

    Slippery slope: A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect, much like an object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way to the bottom.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    "But this doesn't mean that the flu shot doesn't have its use. And there are cases where mandating it is appropriate."

    And you accuse me of the same exact thing that you are doing. Hypocrite.

    Flu shots are useful so it's appropriate to mandate????? This is a major slippery slope. And this is exactly what is happening, slippery slope is being mandated. It is absolutely disgusting. You cannot out debate me and your weakness only gives me ammunition to fire back.


    You're epitomizing the Dunning-Kruger effect.
    Now, can you explain what does mean that a flu shot has a use? Maybe bring some evidence as to how flu shots are actually useful. Maybe bring some evidence as to how they are actually safe. Answer these three questions with truth and I'll stop debating.

    Have you even bothered reading anything that I've written????

    All these questions have already been answered.
    Slippery slope: A slippery slope argument states that a relatively small first step leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant effect, much like an object given a small push over the edge of a slope sliding all the way to the bottom.

    You really don't get it.

    YOU are the one assuming that mandating the flu shot in certain circumstances will inevitably lead to it being mandated for everyone, this is the slippery-slope FALLACY. Get it yet???
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    Thought this was an interesting article.

    Prince George, Maryland State's Attorney Glenn F. Ivy (D) and the county's public health and education officials are bringing the power of the State down on parents who have not gotten their children injected with vaccines for chickenpox and hepatitis B. In a Nov. 13 press release issued by the Prince George's County Public Schools ( ) and at a press conference that day, state officials made it clear they were going to use whatever means they had to use to force the children to get vaccinated. Ivy said he was prepared to throw the parents whose children had not gotten their shots in jail: "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, but it's got to be done. I'm willing to move forward with legal action." The parents of children, who have been kicked out of school for failing to get their shots and are subject to state truancy laws, are being summoned to the Prince George's County Courthouse in Upper Marlboro on Saturday with their children to get them vaccinated on-site or face fines and jail time.

    Yesterday, in two televised debates on CNN with longtime national vaccine policymaker William Shaffner, M.D. of Vanderbilt, and on MSNBC with Prince George's County Health Officer Donald Shell, M.D., I made the following points:

    1) Terrorizing and threatening parents with jail time for not getting their children a chickenpox shot is not the way to handle the situation;

    2) Some of the children may have had serious reactions to previous vaccinations and their parents are only trying to protect them from harm;

    3) Even though it is unclear why all of the parents have not complied with the new vaccine requirements, when government officials use threats and intimidation to force parents to do what they want them to do, parents will fear and mistrust government officials;

    4) There are many new vaccines being developed that will be added to the childhood schedule and what has happened in Maryland brings up the question that many parents are asking: How many more vaccines are children going to be forced to get to be able to get a public education? Many parents think too many vaccines are already required;

    5) Chickenpox is not smallpox and hepatitis B is not polio. Hepatitis B is not an infection that can be transmitted in the school setting and chickenpox is mild for most children. These diseases do not fit the model of highly contagious diseases with a high rate of complications leading to permanent injury and death that have led to state vaccine requirements in the past;

    6) Although Maryland and other states may allow medical and religious exemptions, they are very difficult for parents to obtain. Doctors cannot easily write medical exemptions that are not second- guessed by public health officials, who require strict adherence to narrow contraindications blessed by the CDC. Often parents, who attempt to file religious exemptions, are thrown into rooms and grilled about the sincerity of the religious beliefs;

    7) Parents are wondering why every vaccine that industry produces is always automatically recommended for universal use by the CDC and then mandated;

    8) The vaccine safety and informed consent debate is becoming more intense because more parents are reporting that their children are regressing into poor health after receiving many vaccines. Vaccines carry risks of seizures, brain inflammation and even death and often high risk children are not screened out of the program;

    9) It is time for the people to take back the power - through their elected representatives - to decide which vaccines their children should have to take to go to school. In the past few decades, legislatures have given up their power to vote on which new vaccines will be mandated and have handed that power over to public health officials who have never met a vaccine they did not want to mandate;

    10) The ethical principle of informed consent that applies to every other medical procedure that carries risks should also be applied to vaccination. Everyone should have the right to make an informed, voluntary vaccination choice.

    There are many reasons why children do not receive vaccines. Some parents want to vaccinate their children but do not have access to public health clinics that are open during times that are convenient for parents. There may be cost and affordability issues. Others want to exempt their children from certain vaccines for reasons of religious belief or conscience but, as is the case in Maryland, cannot file a religious exemption unless they refuse all vaccines. Some may have children who have regressed into poor health after previous vaccinations and believe their children are genetically or otherwise at high risk for suffering vaccine reactions but can't find a doctor to write a medical exemption and do not have religious beliefs that qualify them for a religious exemption. Others are opposed to all vaccine use because they have determined that vaccines are not necessary, safe or effective.

    Whatever the reasons for parents not vaccinating their children with all state mandated vaccines, it is inappropriate for state officials to threaten parents with jail time. Reportedly, there are about 6,000 truant students in the state of Maryland. Are the parents of the other 4,000 students who are missing from school also being given deadlines and facing jail time their truant children?

    Or could this military action by what some parents are referring to as "The Vaccine Police" be simply a case of an eager State's Attorney looking for a political platform teaming up with over-zealous health and education officials to achieve a 100 percent vaccination rate with all state-mandated vaccines in Maryland?

    Whatever the case, hopefully the several thousand children showing up with their parents at the courthouse tomorrow to get vaccinated will be carefully screened for pre-existing health conditions that could put them at high risk for suffering severe reactions and their parents will be fully informed about how to monitor their children for symptoms of vaccine reactions. In the zeal to implement public policy, what health and education officials often forget is that individual responses to pharmaceutical products vary. The one-size-fits-all approach increases the risk of side effects for those genetically and otherwise biologically at higher risk and that is just one of many good reasons why the right to informed consent to vaccination is a human right.

    If you live in a state which does not have philosophical or conscientious belief exemption and are interested in educating your elected state representatives about vaccination and the need for informed consent protections in vaccine laws in your state, please contact NVIC at

    Maryland Vaccine Exemption Form:

    New Chickenpox and Hepatitis B Vaccine Requirements in Maryland:

    Total Vaccine Requirements for children living in Maryland:

    November 13, 2007 Press Release from Prince George, MD Public School System

    School, Health Department Working Together to Immunize All School Children County Schools, Government Go to Court to Provide Children's Immunizations

    Putting the educational and health needs of children first, Prince George's County Public Schools (PGCPS) and the County Health Department announced today that parents have been ordered to appear in court so their children can become compliant with State immunization requirements.

    "Children should not be deprived of an education when our County offers free immunizations. This is a public health and children's rights issue that we are determined to correct," said Board of Education Chair R. Owen Johnson, Jr., who made the announcement today outside the Circuit Court of Prince George's County. "Children need to be in school to learn. Every day they are not permitted to attend school because they have not received their vaccinations is a missed opportunity."

    On Saturday, November 17, 2007, the first of a series of hearings will be held in the Circuit Court of Prince George's County, 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro. Parents will appear with 1,671 children, who will receive needed vaccinations administered by the Prince George's County Health Department's licensed health care professionals.

    "One of the most important things parents can do to protect their children from vaccine-preventable diseases is to make sure their children receive all their immunizations," said Donald Shell, M.D, M.A, Health Officer "Working in partnership with our county's schools, our goal is to provide immunizations to all children in need. With immunization of children, parents must partner with Health Department to authorize the delivery of services to their child."

    The School System and Health Department have given parents of more than 2,300 students currently out of compliance with State school immunization requirements ample notice of the impending court dates. The following steps have been taken to notify parents of the severity of non-compliance:

    1. Letters were sent to the homes of students not in compliance stating the deadline to acquire immunizations. These letters first mentioned the possibility of being summoned to Court.

    2. Letters were sent to Physicians on April 24, 2006 to inform them of the new state immunization requirements that went into effect on September 1, 2006.

    3. Additional immunization clinics were scheduled on Saturdays, evenings, and at additional sites.

    The following steps will be taken if parents/guardians fail to respond:

    1. Their name will be forwarded to the Court Liaison for referral to Circuit Court.

    2. Parents will receive a letter from the Circuit Court Judge commanding their appearance in Court.

    3. When parents appear in Court, the Judge will issue a verbal reprimand and direct them to have their children immunized on site.

    4. The Health Department will be on-site to immunize non-compliant students.

    5. Students will return to school as soon as they receive their required immunizations.

    If a parent refuses to attend the Court hearing and/or allow their child to be immunized at Court, a Pupil Personnel Worker will prepare a packet that will facilitate parental referral to Court for further action
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I don't think I've had one in years...I also don't think I have ever had the flu through my 21 years of life. At least I can't remember ever having it.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    80 years ago the flu killed my 25 year old Grandfather and 2 months ago the flu killed my 56 year old brother-in-law.

  • kstw
    kstw Posts: 52 Member
    I get one every year. For a long time I was my mother's caregiver. She had ovarian cancer and I refused to get near her without it. I'd had flu in previous years and knew it would not be in her best interest to take the chance on NOT getting it ..then possibly spreading flu. Anyone near patients or those with low immunity should get one not only for themselves but for their patients' well being. From then on to the present I have continued to get the flu shots each year. Personally, I'd rather endure a vaccination than a week or two of out and out flu. True, sometimes the shots aren't for all strains out there but I've read it at the very least makes symptoms less severe.
  • haldeman5
    haldeman5 Posts: 121 Member
    had the flu last year and I will NEVER go without getting the shaot again!!!!! I have never bbeen so sick:-(
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    If I were you, I would go get my religious exemption form signed and not get it. I'm not sure where you are from, but here you can either claim religious exemption or get a note from your doctor if you can dream up a medical reason you don't want it. I have no desire to have Thimerosal or any other magical chemical injected in me...I would much rather have the flu. :) Shame on your work for forcing employees to make that choice!
  • robinxhope
    robinxhope Posts: 125 Member
    In the event it actually helps the EXTREMELY vulnerable population I work with; I'm willing to get it.
  • latinahada
    I'm a nurse but no flu shots for this family!! Long story short...2 years ago my daughter ended up seriously ill after getting the flu shot, had surgery and a chest tube placed and was hospitalized for 5 days. All of that being said, that all took place after her being sick for 2 weeks, me taking her to 2 ER's & 2 clinic visits and FINALLY someone figured out what was wrong with her. They believe the flu is what caused all of the problems she experienced. I give both of my kids vitamins & probiotics daily, have taught them good hand hygiene, keep Clorox anywhere spray and Lysol all around the house...I have no faith in the flu shot, period.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    My company offered it free and I took it every year for 12 years, never had flu. Might have been just lucky but no ill effects either way.
  • luckyinlife
    luckyinlife Posts: 81 Member
    It is HORRIBLE FOR YOU!!! Health does NOT come from a needle!!!!!!!!!
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    I know someone who has not vaccinated their child. At all.
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I work in a hospital and was required to take the flu shot as well, or I would lose my job. Since I NEED the job, I did whatever I had to in order to keep it. Thankfully they offered it free. I had no side effects from the shot at all--never got sick or had any soreness or anything. By the time I went from having the shot to walking to my car, I didn't even feel like I had had one. My day nor my life had been interrupted in any way.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    i have never gotten the shot and never will. My children haven't either, the mercury levels have me concerned. Not to start trouble, but I really think its just a money making scheme. Fortunately, we are all very healthy. We have never had the flu hit our household. My 13 yr old has NEVER missed a day of school. Good genes?
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It is HORRIBLE FOR YOU!!! Health does NOT come from a needle!!!!!!!!!

    Tell that to smallpox and polio.
  • paladeac
    paladeac Posts: 81 Member
    I never get the flu.

    Until this year.

    I spent all last week in bed and am dragging this week.

    I wish I'd gotten the shot.