Senior Golden Sneakers Club For May



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    I am the chatty one this week, because I am not home able to do my regular stuff. :laugh:

    Marie, in reading back on your posts I think I misunderstood the surgery you are talking about as I think others did. It sounds like you are testing to have your legs operated on and not your heart.. Some where along the line I thought you were talking about a stress test for open heart surgery. Now that I read back I know that I am wrong. You were so nonchalant about surgery and hoping it would improve your legs and ankle that I knew I must have been wrong. :tongue: Only goes to show that we have to read slow to soak in what we are reading. :blushing: So what is your next test?

    Today being our last full day before the boys parents get home tonight, will be a cleaning day and if all goes well a movie and maybe dinner. :drinker:

    It wasn't as bad as I made it sound it the beginning, once they understood my rules they seemed to listen much better. I love them dearly but will be happy to get home to my husband. :heart:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Sandy,, get to come home soon. great to get back into your routine.And get way from that fast food

    Hi to the rest of you. Will get back later we are off to the store now.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Friday all!

    Sandy - i'm happy for you that the week turned out not as bad as the first day seemed like it could be. I'm glad the boys settled down once they understood your rules! I'm also glad you got to spend some time with them and their older sister as well! They're all lucky to have you! And your daughter and her husband - boy are THEY lucky! I hope someday i'm able to do the same kinds of things for my kids - watch their children so they can go on vacations. Of course, they have to HAVE these imaginary children first!:happy: I know my Soldier/son and his wife want to start working on a family as soon as he gets home - sometime in Aug!!!!!! I'm sure hubby will be SO happy to have you home as well. I have the feeling you lost weight this week - even with the fast food........

    Marie - when is your surgery??? We need to know so we will all be sending healing thoughts down there to Mesquite! Thanks for the encouragement too.

    Ellen - good job for walking in the mall!!!!! I've been doing a quick walk/jog in the mornings with the dogs before work, but if the weather is crappy i just don't it's windy and cold plus it rained last night so too muddy!

    Today they are finishing the insulation on my house! Now i can hardly wait 'till winter to see what kind of a difference it will make in both warmth and propane bills!!!!!!!

    Have a happy Friday everyone! :heart: elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli, I am to be at the hospital at 9:00 a m Wednesdar May 13.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: :laugh: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    we have arrived safely in Vacaville, CA

    We're using the computer in the RV park office

    Will read and write more in a few days

    Barbie and Jake :love:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening Everyone!

    Sorry I have been lax in my postings. I have been busy! I have laying a retaining wall, actually 3 of them for my landscape client! LOL I have not missed a workout and I will come back to that! I have been working hard with my wife this week in her training and she has lost 2 pounds! The garden is in and I have done a little more transplanting. I have had a couple of bites on a job but the so far the pay is far too low. I may have to settle later but not right now. The kids are good and Sam will be home tomorrow. I have really taken the workouts to a new level that I did not know I had. I am really down again in weight but I am not going to post it until I am sure it is not just all water. And I have not forgotten the pics but I have been working on the landscaping job while the weather is good. I should be done in about 3 more days and I am working all day tomorrow.

    Marie- I still have all my "too big" clothes. 40 shirts, 22 suits, 15 pairs of shorts, 15 sweaters, 35 pairs of slacks. Really! I am a clothes horse! I have virtually nothing left! LOL I will shop when I go back to work. I still have one suit that is wearable. I hope all goes well with your hospital visit. I will be thinking of you!

    Barbie & Jake- Glad you have arrived safely.

    Sandy- rest is not far off!

    Elli- You are gaining on it! Keep a going!

    Pheobe- Hi there!

    Gayla- Please get a little rest!

    Ellen- Keep after it!

    BG- You doing okj?

    Beth- Whats with the hoop now?

    Sorry if I missed anyone! Have a great weekend! And........


  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - is the surgery out patient or will you be in the hospital for awhile?

    Jeffrey - i don't know how you ever had TIME to work! :wink: You do so much! Good Grief - i can't even imagine YOU taking workouts to a new level...........I haven't been making it to yoga for awhile - i miss it, but it may have to wait 'till after the house is done. It involves a minimum of 3 hours becuase the studio is a half hour away from where i live.

    Tomorrow i'm going to have a mellow day! I'll work out in the morning, then work in the house - i'd like to do some mowing but it's supposed to rain.......I have people coming at 100 to look at floors, walls and electric.....I'm happy to not have a whole work crew coming for 10 hours!!!!!! Today the rest of the insulation got blown in! I'm pretty happy about that!!!!!!

    Have a great friday night everybody! ttys!
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Nice to get outdoors again today. Calories in check.
    sounds like everyone here is doing pretty well today too.
    Mother's Day is a day I'll have to watch it. Barbecue at the lake with a bunch of family members, and loads of food of course.
    Strategy - Take a small plate, have lots of salad and veggies, eat slowly, just taste the cake.
    What do you think? Will that do it? Combined with extra exercise too maybe
    Talk to you all tomorrow.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sounds great Ellen. Make your plans and stick to it.

    I got my STRAWBERRIES And were they ever good. so sweet an juicy.
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273

    I cleaned out my pantry today...and filled two bags to put out for the letter carrier in the I am sure you know it is......STAMP OUT HUNGER FOOD DRIVE....

    It is the perfect time to get rid of some of the things you are trying not to eat any longer....I tossed in canned foods that are high in sodium...also some cookies I bought when great granddaughter was visiting...and we did not open I put them in there....

    I hope you all have a wonderful MOTHER'S DAY.....I am going to an early dinner tomorrow (Saturday) with my son and two of my grandsons....We are going to a steak house...I have not had a steak in several years....I do not go out to eat....I am so looking forward to it.....

    Have a wonderful weekend.....:flowerforyou:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone!
    We had snow in Saskatchewan last night!! Thankfully, most of it is gone now and promises of warmer days are on the horizon. I am glad the conference is over. By this afternoon I had a headache. I dozed on the couch most of this evening (not a good idea, I know). I think I will wake Neil up soon so that we can both go to bed. Oh, he just woke up and says he is going to bed. I will go fix his toe up with some ointment and then I think we will both hit the hay!
    While at the conference the wheels fell off my diet bus in a big way. I am happy that it didn't turn me back to snacking, so happy about that, frustrated with myself about the other. However, it is behind me and I will jump back on that rickety bus.
    Marie-- I hope your surgery goes well, will keep you in my prayers.
    I better attend to Neil so will say good night to all. Have a great weekend.
    Gayla :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Another 2 lb lost that makes 15 lb lost so far.

    I did real good eating out last night. We went to Joe's Crab Shack. I had grilled salmon and steam brocolli. No bread no nothing else. Did have a nice bowl of fresh strawberries when I got home. Well done if i don't say so.

    Glad you got your conference all done with Gayla. Do they have a section on low carbs on Zarr's if so send me the link. So I can go right to it I am having a lot of problems with this computors. I lost my Bookmarks. Alice will be out and try to find it for me tomrrow.. You had snow and it is so hot and muggy here. Surpose to be cooler today. Seems like we just skipped spring.

    Hope you all have a very nice weekend.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Good Morning!!!

    My daughter is back, they had a great time and this afternoon I am going home. :bigsmile:
    My daughter asked me how I liked her world, so I guess their behavior is no surprise. :noway:

    Marie, congrats on the 2 more pounds, the weight is starting to melt off of you. :wink: You will also be in my prayers for your surgery. :flowerforyou:

    Bgamma, sounds like a great Mother's Day for you. :love: And how charitable of you donating food for the food drive. :heart:

    Gayla, we all slip, but keep moving forward. I love your discription of the diet bus, how fun is that? :laugh:

    Everyone is still sleeping here, so I am enjoying my coffee in silence. The next time I chat with you, I will probably be home. :bigsmile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks Sandy. I could never had the will to stay on this plan without your kindness. I hope after the surgery I can do more exercise than what I am doing now. I have been walking twice a day. and doing osome If the dvd.

    Thanks also Jeffrey, Elli, Barbiecat, Jake,Beth, Gayla, Phoebe, BigG, And Ellen, Just love chatting with you guys.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    I am home and loving it!! Finally got unpacked and organized but need to catch up on some TV.
    Will chat in the morning. Happy Mother's Day to all the ladies in our group whether a mother to a child, grandchild or animal. :laugh: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi Everyone!

    Marie! Congratulations on your weight loss, that's AWESOME! I'm so proud of you! AND i'm amazed that you could eat at Joe's Crab Shack and not eat something decadent!!!!! I LOVE that place. First time i ever ate there was when my son was stationed at Ft. Sam Houston in San Antonio. yum!

    Sandy - Welcome home! I'm sure you're SO happy to be there! hoo-ray!

    Big Gramma - ENJOY you're meal out tomorrow and don't worry too much about calories! You deserve it!

    Gayla - no worries, you're right back on track. All of our wheels fall off from time to time right gang??????

    Hey Beth - how's it going over there? My son is back from Baghdad now so that makes me happy. I got a beautiful mother's day bouquet from him - he's pretty good at buying online.:smile: Makes me so happy every time i look at it. I'm wondering if your waist is whittling away?????

    I had the BEST day today! Went to the gym first thing in the morning - i wish i could do that EVERY day. I worked out HARD and burned over 500 calories! woo hoooooo! I'm also hoping for sore abs tomorrow! Then i got to talk to my son online, meet with some people about the house, walk the dogs, pick asparagus, wash the sheets and hang 'em on the line, bathe my little dashchund, and go to town to buy a doornob 'cause when i left the little house where i'm staying it sort of fell off in my hand!!!! We'll see how handy i've become tomorrow morning when i try and install it myself:tongue:

    Tomorrow meeting up with my dil down in denver for a little shopping and lunch! I'm LOVING this weekend!!!!!!

    Happy Mother's Day tomorrow to all the wonderful mom's on here - i agree with Sandy - be you a mom to kids, grandkids or pets!!!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Happy Mom's Day to all the Mom's out there. Rest, put up your feet and enjoy a long, tall drink if you are so inclined! Alcohol and my meds do not mix well but I always look longingly at the drink menu and those fancy new drinks. My husband says just order one and if you only drink half of it so what! I just may do that one of these days.

    Marie -- Way to go on the lost pounds, you are doing great! How is Alice doing? Glad you were able to get to the recipes I forwarded. There are so many it was hard to choose but I thought some of these would suit your taste. If you go to Zaar and click on cookbooks, then just enter low carb and they will pop uo. However, I don't mind forwarding them to you if you prefer that.

    Sandy -- Home sweet home. Enjoy the peace and quiet.

    Elli -- Glad your son is home! It will be a great Mother's Day for you.

    BG -- Enjoy your day out.

    Phoebe -- Are you on the road this weekend. Travel safe.

    I expect you are all enjoying the weekend. Take time to think of your Mom's. Gayla :smile:
    BIGGRAMMA Posts: 2,273
    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY:heart::flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I lost a pound while staying with the boys in Minnesota!! Yeah!! Not sure that will last but posted it anyway because I am excited. I am going to a brunch at the Country Club with my husband and my two boys and one girlfriend. :heart: I will probably over eat today but I am giving myself compensation. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day and I hope it is a day filled with love and happiness for all of you.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers.
    Good for you Sandy, eating fast food, stress and all!
    And congrats to you Caliecat.
    I went over the calorie quota last night so will really have to watch it today.
    Have a great day everyone, Mothers, bask in the limelight. Or if you are like so many Moms, you'll be serving the family as usual too.