


  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    I've heard that there is a wide range of competencies between different CrossFit owners/trainers. Can you comment? I want to try it out but need to make sure I am working with a knowlegable trainer that can work with me so I get strong and not damaged. Any advice? I live in Georgia and there is a box within walking distance of my home.

    Just a small checklist of things to look for from my own opinion:

    -Some sort of beginners courses. I know this was mentioned, but I cannot stress this enough! I would strongly advise against going to a box that just throws you into the regular workouts. I had to go through 3 weeks and 10 classes that were each an hour and a half. Of course you can't learn everything in three weeks, but you can really get the basics.

    -I would also advise to find a box with coaches that have MORE than only the crossfit certification as far as credentials go (this will be the case at the majority of good boxes!) Look for various degrees or other certifications involving weightlifting or other activities.

    -The atmosphere of the gym. I personally would be miserable in a gym that was overly-competitive. Friendly competition is fun of course, but ultimately the box should make it about you the individual member and your own personal growth. I would hate to work out some place that coaches just yelled a time at me. I need positive encouragement! Speed and weight should never, ever be emphasized over form. EVER.

    -Quality coaching. Even if you don't know what the correct form is yet, you can spot quality coaching by observing. Coaches should always go over every lift used in the workout that day and have members practice it with only the bar or what is light weight for them. They should make corrections before the workout begins (and if a member just can't get it they should be substituting!) They should also continue to make comments as necessary DURING the workout. Our coaches give us friendly reminders that they will personally come and take the plates off of our bar if they see us using poor form.

    This is just a small list - but a good place to start.

    Prices vary. Shop around. I pay $6.25 per hour session, which I deem as quite reasonable for personal training in a group setting but I understand and respect we all have different financial situations :)

    Check it out and see what you think. Don't sign anything or commit until you can check it out and make an informed decision. If you find a quality box and you think it's for you, give it a go! It's the most positive community I've ever been a part of. I've never belonged to any workout facility where I walk in and see friends who know my name :)

    (For reference, here is my history of workouts/facilities: Zumba, yoga (still do), hip-hop dance classes, boot camp classes, abs classes, college rec center, YMCA (3 times in 2 countries), personal training at Y (during 2 memberships; once in each country I belonged), globo-gym in my city, team sports in high school, intramural leagues in Chicago (still do), ballet modern and jazz dancing, running on my own (still do)... all that I can think of off the top of my head.)
  • anouje
    anouje Posts: 14
    Wow, small world... I just happened to come across this thread by accident, and had a major deja-vu - Just an FYI, the member "Rachelsno" is everywhere on this site, usually posting about things "she" doesn't agree with, which is many apparently. Always with a handy list of links and info about why you shouldn't be doing what you are doing to get in shape/lose weight. My advice to everyone is to ignore. It's sad this person has SO much time to be able to incessantly post and comment and reply and make it a mission to be negative about everyone elses choices. PLEASE, get a life whoever you are.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    Wow, small world... I just happened to come across this thread by accident, and had a major deja-vu - Just an FYI, the member "Rachelsno" is everywhere on this site, usually posting about things "she" doesn't agree with, which is many apparently. Always with a handy list of links and info about why you shouldn't be doing what you are doing to get in shape/lose weight. My advice to everyone is to ignore. It's sad this person has SO much time to be able to incessantly post and comment and reply and make it a mission to be negative about everyone elses choices. PLEASE, get a life whoever you are.

    You know what, Anouje, I DO have a life! And for you to post that I, or anyone else "always" writes posts about things I don't agree with, or "always" does anything is an untrue statement.

    There is nothing wrong with backing up one's opinion with links from websites where people can get more information.

    BTW, Anouje are you one of those people that is crying over the fact that the FDA is taking action against those snake oil salesmen that promote the dangerous 500 calorie a day HCG diet scam? Is that why you are telling people not to pay attention to anything I post?
  • chrissyv1024
    chrissyv1024 Posts: 97 Member
    CrossFit rocks!!! Jus' Say'n! I have done P90X (man aerobics to CF-Lol) & Zumba and I love participating in a multitude of sports & activities... Different strokes for different folks. Some people run, others bike, swim, lift weights, rock climb, scuba dive, ski, wake board, etc. We're all different, that's what makes it interesting! Anyone can get hurt doing any kind of activity, some sports are more dangerous than others; that's life! I say do whatever makes you happy & don't knock the other guy just because they like something different than you do! :happy:

    well said!
  • LisaCFSF
    LisaCFSF Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks chrissyv1024!!!
  • BKR1977
    BKR1977 Posts: 43 Member
    I don't think I mind Crossfit as much as I mind the people who Crossfit.
    With that said, if someone is doing something that benefits their body I'm not going to bash them.
    But why do 90% of Crossfitters wear calf tights? I would understand the recovery factor if it were an endurance sport.
    I live in the largest military region. Tons of the people I know Crossfit. I personally can't see paying that much to go to a gym when the military already provides so many gym facilities (where they can do their WODs at). I guess it's to be around other guys wearing calve socks, that aren't really socks.

    I'm a regular at a rock gym and dudebags come in all the time with their Crossfit 757 Tees on. They're looking pretty ripped, but then they get on the rock and owned by the sissy routes that the college barbie girls do. This is no exaggeration. (Just a note, Vibrams are NOT climbing shoes, they do the opposite of what actual climbing shoes do, and they smell.)
    I recently ran a half marathon in atlanta on thanksgiving day. I was pacing my brother to pull in at the finish under 2hrs to set his PR at age 39. Half a mile into it a guy in his early 20s I'd say goes past us at a pretty good clip with his Local Crossfit Pride tee and calve tights with Vibrams (not going into the Vibrams and Crocs issues right now). Long story short at the 8.5 mile water station we passed him as he was grabbing his side and walking. We crossed at 1:57.xx, never saw him again.
    I have been forced to do some Crossfit workouts by actual certified trainers in the military. They were good workouts. The funny thing was is that they told me I was doing the pull-ups wrong because I wasn't swinging my legs and that I was doing "traditional Pull-ups". My response was "I don't cheat on my workouts, I can handle 20 pull-ups straight."

    I think Crossfitters just want rights as a special interest group so that can't be discriminated against, like gays and lesbians. (not saying crossfitters are or are not, I have no problems with anyone who is gay).

    To each their own but don't try to push your beliefs on me.

    Regardless of the workout you do it's all about the effort you put in.

    Running has never injured me. Completed a 50k last weekend.

    Have a Merry Christmas.

  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I have never done it but would love to try. My gym doesn't offer that though :(
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    I wish I didn't have knee problems...the only problem precluding me from the awesomeness of crossfit.
  • live4turns
    live4turns Posts: 314 Member
    I don't think I mind Crossfit as much as I mind the people who Crossfit.
    With that said, if someone is doing something that benefits their body I'm not going to bash them.
    But why do 90% of Crossfitters wear calf tights? I would understand the recovery factor if it were an endurance sport.
    I live in the largest military region. Tons of the people I know Crossfit. I personally can't see paying that much to go to a gym when the military already provides so many gym facilities (where they can do their WODs at). I guess it's to be around other guys wearing calve socks, that aren't really socks.

    I'm a regular at a rock gym and dudebags come in all the time with their Crossfit 757 Tees on. They're looking pretty ripped, but then they get on the rock and owned by the sissy routes that the college barbie girls do. This is no exaggeration. (Just a note, Vibrams are NOT climbing shoes, they do the opposite of what actual climbing shoes do, and they smell.)
    I recently ran a half marathon in atlanta on thanksgiving day. I was pacing my brother to pull in at the finish under 2hrs to set his PR at age 39. Half a mile into it a guy in his early 20s I'd say goes past us at a pretty good clip with his Local Crossfit Pride tee and calve tights with Vibrams (not going into the Vibrams and Crocs issues right now). Long story short at the 8.5 mile water station we passed him as he was grabbing his side and walking. We crossed at 1:57.xx, never saw him again.
    I have been forced to do some Crossfit workouts by actual certified trainers in the military. They were good workouts. The funny thing was is that they told me I was doing the pull-ups wrong because I wasn't swinging my legs and that I was doing "traditional Pull-ups". My response was "I don't cheat on my workouts, I can handle 20 pull-ups straight."

    I think Crossfitters just want rights as a special interest group so that can't be discriminated against, like gays and lesbians. (not saying crossfitters are or are not, I have no problems with anyone who is gay).

    To each their own but don't try to push your beliefs on me.

    Regardless of the workout you do it's all about the effort you put in.

    Running has never injured me. Completed a 50k last weekend.

    Have a Merry Christmas.


    i found this amusing.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member

    You know what, Anouje, I DO have a life! And for you to post that I, or anyone else "always" writes posts about things I don't agree with, or "always" does anything is an untrue statement.

    There is nothing wrong with backing up one's opinion with links from websites where people can get more information.

    BTW, Anouje are you one of those people that is crying over the fact that the FDA is taking action against those snake oil salesmen that promote the dangerous 500 calorie a day HCG diet scam? Is that why you are telling people not to pay attention to anything I post?

    Let's see...146 forum posts, no pic, no ticker, closed diary...yeah /ignore.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I don't think I mind Crossfit as much as I mind the people who Crossfit.

    To be honest, I think this is the issue for me, too. That and the major issue of horrendous form.

    That said, criticising it because of money isn't really relevant - the WODs are posted on the site for free and most can be done at home by anyone with a barbell/dumbbells and some lifting experience.

    But yes, I think it's the attitude of the people who do it that annoys me. I actually have a very similar training philosophy to crossfitters - even though my main activity is biking, I like to be fit across the board (after spending too much time lifting weights bodybuilding-style and getting big but easily-winded). Now I do one day of bodybuilding-style weights, a day of yoga, a day of running, two days of cycling or spinning, a day of heavy circuit training, and I'll throw in time in the pool or on the ergo/elliptical whenever I feel like it. But it's the whole "We're elite athetes" and "You're doing it wrong" thing that gets on my nerves. That and the semi-culty vibe I get from it.

    Still, each to their own. If people do it and it works for them, then more power to them.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Hey all! I just had to say--- no matter WHERE you go there are good and bad people.... and even my affiliate owner acknowledges that there are great crossfit gyms and some that are filled with jerks. It's all about finding the right gym. My gym is VERY welcoming to all people of all abilities and has probably the most supportive atmosphere I have ever been in. On top of that it has completely changed my life.

    While I am a person that is GREAT when it comes to generalizing other people (I tend to do it to Christians because of my experiences with them even though I KNOW there are some AMAAAAZING people who are Christian)--- I just ask that you remember that not all Xfitters are *kitten*. i am happy with anyone getting in shape in any way they want. Crossfit works for me because it is the ONLY gym or physical activity that has gotten me to go 6 times a week and LOVE it. I am a horrible athsmatic-- born with it--- I can now run 3 miles (after being morbidly obese) non-stop just for a work out when I feel like it.

    Crossfit is a great culture! It just depends on where you go (like everything else).

    Have a great Christmas.
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member

    those are axle or FAT BAR clean and jerks, and unless you've ever done them, don't knock their form. Lifting with a fat bar is very different then lifting with a regular O-Bar.

    I actually asked my Crossfit Coaches about this video. Their first thought was the same as most... Horrendous... it's actually not technically a CF move--- it is a Strongman move. Our crossfit would never use that way of lifting-- just doesnt fit how we run. The only thing is that it is a crossfit gym who is doing it. Also--- even for strongman the form is actually pretty terrible from what I have been told by the powers that be (the coaches at my gym), and even though they were "under the supervision" of strongman coaches that doesn't mean ANYTHING.
  • jsuaccounting
    jsuaccounting Posts: 189 Member
    I've heard that there is a wide range of competencies between different CrossFit owners/trainers. Can you comment? I want to try it out but need to make sure I am working with a knowlegable trainer that can work with me so I get strong and not damaged. Any advice? I live in Georgia and there is a box within walking distance of my home.

    Just a small checklist of things to look for from my own opinion:

    Thank you for the advice!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    I have found the culture of Crossfitters I know to be elitist and cultish.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    rachelSNO is going to pretty embaressed when the zombie apocolypse comes, and the rest of us are jumping over barricades, and she's lagging behind, wishing she had done some box jumps.
  • I think RachelSNO needs to drink some CrossFit Kool Aid and put some rum in it while you are at it! But beware, you could fall off your chair and break your neck.

    This lady is all over the boards with her gloom and doom. Hee! Hee!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 715 Member
    The above 2 comments just go to prove my point about many Crossfitters being elitist, believing and trying to convince anyone that will listen that Crossfit it better than any other exercise system.

    Crossfit is just another overpriced gym franchise, and nothing more.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I don't crossfit. I do some of the work outs occasionally, but I'm not a member of a box or anything. But please feel free to just lump all people together based on a few individuals.
  • I am 61-years-old. I don't Cross Fit, dear RachelSNO, but I sure would try it if I were younger. I am beginning to believe that you are not this healthy athlete you portray yourself as. Why no picture? Why no friends? Why so much negativity about Cross Fit and pushing YMCA? Why only negative and argumentative posts trying to correct others because their views are different than yours? Let's see YOUR stats, YOUR goals, YOUR successes. You really protest too much about something you have never tried. I think you might be very "curvy" and wish you could give it a try, perhaps? It is okay if you are fat ... this is a site where you can get help.

    Lighten up and have that Kool Aid. It is Christmas!