
  • zee1957
    zee1957 Posts: 159 Member
    As every Monday weigh-in, today I've lost 2.5lbs..............I kept up my exercise. I ate about 98% healthy foods. I ate 1 tamale and ate 3 chocolate drip oatmeal cookies......:smokin: :smokin: :drinker: :glasses:
    ahhhh Tamales I ate so many of them lost count. I only have during Christmas holidays .
  • i dont even want to step on the scales, they might shout at me lol xxx
  • I joined this site yesterday and I added 9lbs onto my real weight so I could enjoy Christmas and start afresh today, and Ive fufilled my 9lbs gain lol.. . . but dont worry people, the weight you gain over christmas will be lost quicker as its excess on to your regular weight :) hope you all had a fab day
  • wow, you guys that lose only one pound must have will power over chocolate:smile:

    i have no will power when there is chocolate around, yet when i dont have it in the house i can go weeks without it
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I was shocked this morning to see that I didn't gain any weight over the past week, with the parties and dinners. Basically I skipped a lot of lunches and breakfasts and ate a good sized dinner on those days.
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Relax people, the majority of your gain is probably water weight! :smile:

    Yes. Over Thanksgiving I gained 4 was gone again in 4 days. Same for Christmas. I gained 4 pounds and I am not worried. I'm sure it'll be gone again by the end of the week.
  • mrschappet
    mrschappet Posts: 488 Member
    I gained 3 pounds according to my scale on Saturday but I weighed again this morning and now it it 2 pounds :-) 2 pounds that were well worth it hehehehe
  • I was to scared to look!!! lol
  • I stayed under my goal every day except Christmas day itself. Had a day off and ate like a pig, and drank too much too. Put on 6 lbs over night. Shouldn't be possible, should it? Back on with it today (Boxing Day) although very down about it all! I'm hoping some of that gain is water from eating too much sugar which I don't normally, so might come off quickly. I hope!
  • I have gained over the holidays as well and it is so hard to see that a months worth of hard work can be gone in a week! However, I have always found that a really good week( eating right, a lot of water, and logging), after eating too much too often, usually results in a higher weight loss that usual. But regardless, it is no time to give up or beat yourself up. Let's use it as MOTIVATION! We can do this :)
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    I registered a loss this week so I am feeling good about that. I won't toture myself by weighing before normal weigh in day, next Sunday so I don't know how yesterday went but I was under goal. Had to do a whole bunch of exercise to make it under though.
    All in all I feel pretty good about indulging and still not gaining.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Weekly weigh in was Christmas morning and I was down 1.2 pounds! It felt wonderful.:wink:
  • Gshepmix83
    Gshepmix83 Posts: 99 Member
    I felt like I gained a million pounds (exaggerating myself a tad) but shockingly I really didn't eat as much on xmas eve and day. I was mostly snacking a lot of potato chips, cheese puffs, chocolate candy, and cookies.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I've been on maintenance since September but I lost 5 pounds in the weeks before Christmas due to being stressed and busy and not eating enough. This week I gained all 5 pounds back, so I'm right back at my goal weight. Some of my weight gain is water, so in a week or so I'll be back to being a little under goal. I ate like a pig for an entire week but also exercised every day.
  • deut32_47
    deut32_47 Posts: 11 Member
    I stepped on my scale on Christmas Eve and was so happy to see that I had not gained any weight in a week and a half ( I am 25 weeks pregnant and have been gaining weight like crazy). Then on Christmas morning I stepped on the scale and had gained 3 lbs. I was so discouraged...but then talked with a friend at church who reminded me it was probably water retention and too much sodium.

    Now...I will continue to work at meeting my weekly exercise goals...for me that is the key!!!
  • prwthomas
    prwthomas Posts: 43 Member
    Gained, of course. It's the busyness combined with special treats around the house. Plus the wine. *sigh*
  • I gained about 5 pounds. It is totally my own fault because I have little will power against cookies and sweets. Plus I have the problem of eating what I see. I walk into the kitchen, see something, decide I want it and then eat it. It is usually bad for me. I need to not keep these things in my house. It is not easy cuz I have little ones. I don't want to deprive them, yet I don't want them getting my bad eatting habits.
  • I gained about 5 pounds. It is totally my own fault because I have little will power against cookies and sweets. Plus I have the problem of eating what I see. I walk into the kitchen, see something, decide I want it and then eat it. It is usually bad for me. I need to not keep these things in my house. It is not easy cuz I have little ones. I don't want to deprive them, yet I don't want them getting my bad eatting habits.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Gained 2 lbs and was glad it wasnt more. Yes, I record my weight weekly even when it goes up. Is motivation for me.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Ooooooh, I was 4lbs up today :(

    I'm not going to stress about it though, I knew I'd gain over the holiday so I'm going to enjoy the rest of today and get back on track tomorrow.

    How easy it is though, to fall back into old habits...........:noway: