

  • mimi7grand
    Just a quick note to my old friends (not really "old" but you know what I mean :wink: ). I'm not able to login with my old ID (Mimi7Grands) but I'm still around. I've contacted Tech Support. I hope they will give my password back (the email option isn't working). In the meantime, I'm Mimi7Grand.

    I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, or other holiday.

  • mimi7grands
    Oh for goodness sake! I guess I AM getting older. I wrote my old password down incorrectly. I took a guess at it and got it right! Yay. So, I still have my history, still have my old friends :smooched: and am back at it.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello Ladies.

    I hope you are all having a relaxed day.

    Robin, I'm glad you are having a vacation now - it will help you deal with your loss. Hugs.

    Mimi - Whatever log-in you use, it's always good to see you posting.

    Hello to all the new ladies - as well as to all the old stalwarts.

    We've been celebrating part two of our Christmas with the rest of my family today. A great time, and even better that we are now home alone! DH and I are going to go out for a walk around the village in a short while. It's just before 9pm in London and we intend to be in bed by 11.

    Tomorrow we are having a day at home with no visitors and no visiting. It is so rare these days that we have a day off together without thing to do. No plans is our only plan for the day!

    Anyway, I need to go and change out of my leopard skin heels and into a pair of walking boots.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    Again, when you ar away for a few days, there are so many newbies!! Welcome one and all.

    I hope despite the problems some were encountering (even myself), I hope you all were able to have a great Christmas.

    My oldest son and DIL was here Christmas Eve with the 2 little ones and for that I was glad. I did hear from my son who had been posted away for the past few months and who my DIL the decided it was more important that they go away to Florida than to spend time with family!! I was glad to hear from him but I could tell from his voice he was not happy being there, he missed Canada and being here, but what could he do, he has to keep his wife happy and I understand that. I thought I was over my snit and I will be when I see them, but I am still bothered about her decision to do that.

    Anyway, I can see from the threads that some of you have been facing your own challenges; Michele - my heart goes out to you, were you able to straighten things out with Denise at all?

    Mimi - so glad to see you are out and about and here!!

    To everyone else, I love reading your threads; you are the inspiriation that I use to keep my sanity at times. I assure you, even when I don't get on here, I am skimming the posts and getting great strength from all of you, every day. I am so glad you are a part of my life!!!

    Take care Everyone. Talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI! Ladies!
    Christmas was nice to see the grand children and family.Too much food and not planning well.
    Beth,I can hear what you are saying.I`m in OA.I had almost 6 months of not overeating.I didn`t plan my meals well.too long before brunch and started eating the sweets,something I haven`t done in a long time.Then once I started,I just kept at it.Had a disagreement with daughter.God child overdosed on Christmas am.Don`t know what led to the eating,but I`m human.I am not perfect.I started beating myself up today.But then I realized,I can just start over.It`s no the end of the world.
    So today I have an eating plan I`m sticking to.MFP is also a help.I can log the food ahead of time and know that`s what I`m eating today.Back on track.
    Everyone have a wonderful day!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I did it
    today I ordered a heart rate monitor. Thank you to all of you who helped me by sharing your own experience and recommendations. I bought a Polar FT7 in red (I love bright colors). I found it on sale at Amazon with free shipping. I had a coupon for Amazon that had been waiting for a long time to be used so the bottom line was very friendly. What I realized is that I have no idea what my heart rate is except for the last time I went to the doctor when the nurse checked my pulse and I wrote the number down. When I walk the dogs I think my heart rate is elevated but since I’m not talking to anyone I can’t tell and I’m too encumbered to check my pulse myself. I’ll let you know how I like it.

    :flowerforyou: I heard a woman on the radio this morning say that she was still so full from eating yesterday that all she brought for lunch was a salad. That is a phenomenon that makes no sense to me. If I ate too much yesterday I’d be wanting more of the same today, rather than less. Clearly, that’s what makes me bodily and different from my fellows, therefore in need of everything I’ve learned on MFP.

    :flowerforyou: The holiday eating is behind me until Friday when I go to the 15th birthday party for my friend’s dog. LOL I am doing an Isagenix cleanse today to help me get back on track. The dogs have been walked for two hours, yoga and 100 squats are done, and now I’m watching a movie with Jake.

    :flowerforyou: I’m glad to hear how many of you are getting back on track today…….someone said that it’s not what you eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas that will get you, it’s what you eat from Christmas to Thanksgiving. So let’s all start our healthy eating and exercise and be at our goals by the holidays in 2012.
    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    December goals:
    *keep walking the dogs for at least an hour every morning no matter how cold, wet, or snowy.
    * do yoga five days a week

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member

    :flowerforyou: I’m glad to hear how many of you are getting back on track today…….someone said that it’s not what you eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas that will get you, it’s what you eat from Christmas to Thanksgiving. So let’s all start our healthy eating and exercise and be at our goals by the holidays in 2012.
    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    thank you.....this is SO true!!!!
  • 1960lisa
    1960lisa Posts: 193
    Hi everyone....welcome all the newcomers!:flowerforyou:

    I've just been reading all the lovely christmas posts and trying to catch up.

    Like Kathie I am in Australia too.... after a month of terrible summer weather we actually had a glorious sunny and warm day for christmas.... we also have a cold lunch but all the traditional ham, pork, turkey, lots of salads, prawns, instead of hot plum pudding I make an ice cream pudding with loads of berries and cinnamon and nutmeg.... delicious! We had a lovely day.... we were expecting a very quiet one with only one son and his girlfriend but then my other son didn't have to work afterall and my brother and nephew also arrived unexpectedly as well as stray i invited in... a lovely old woman I have only ever said hi to a few times while walking around the neighbourhood.... when I spoke to her on the 23rd she told me that she had had a falling out with her daughter and when she said she would be alone I asked her to join us.... she turned out to be a delight and entertained us with her stories of her life ...she is 82 and was a dancing teacher for many years and even danced in a movie with Marilyn Monroe.... dinner saw my brother in law and wife and toddler and number 2 sons girlfriend join us as well..... so a lovely day, lots of laughs, some swimming in the pool, too much food and too much wine...so after my being a bit melancholy leading up to christmas I ended up having a great day!!

    Boxing day was a day of recovery but still an indulgent one food wise.... the lovely shortbread my brother made, too many of the Lindt balls that seem to have taken over my house, left over turkey, more champagne.... and left over ice cream pudding.... I only ever make the pudding for christmas to make it a special treat so I justified having a second bowl! and I did go for a long walk on the beach to try to make room for dinner!:drinker: :drinker:

    So now it is the 27th and I went to the gym when it opened.... it was the busiest I've ever seen it....all trying to work off too much christmas cheer:bigsmile:

    I have been losing weight ever so slowly but I really do feel good about it..... I am being far more accountable than ever before ... I am still persevering with my running though after very quick improvements to begin with I seem to have hit a bit of a plateau... I can run for 20 minutes but struggle to go over that.... I have been up to 25/26 minutes only a few times but then seem to drop back and have even had to walk after 12 minutes on occasion..... I have been on another thread for the C25K but most of the other runners were much younger than me and it was hard keeping up with them.... if anyone here has been a late starting runner I would love to here your thoughts.... i would really love to try to run for longer and would love to get my time down for 5k but I can't seem to get under 45 minutes walking/running.

    Sorry for the long post.... love all your stories.... feel for those recovering from relationship breakups, loss of pets, family issues.

    Glad you're all here to join me in my efforts to become a healthier, better me!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    As much as that "voice" kept saying "oh, worry about exercising tomorrow", I did a Jari Love DVD that I got for Christmas. Admitted, there were times when I had to go to lighter weights, but I consider it a success because I at least did it. That'll just help get me back in the groove. Silly as this may sound, I feel so much better eating wise. We had a veggie tray and I saved that to nibble on today. My pants are feeling a little tighter, but I know that that will go away. Got up early, did the DVD. Maybe one reason why I had to go to lighter weights was because I didn't have any breakfast. That was about the only time I could fit in exercise.

    Jess went to the eye MD. As expected, they're closed. I think she's planning to go back today and she says that she had another spare pair of contacts in VA. In a sense, I wish she and Zac and Denise would just call off work for one day, but I'm going to have to keep that to myself.

    cathy - Denise left here today. I don't know if you know the background, so I'll try to give you a short synopsis. She's living with this guy who, when we were living in PA, I was afraid to be in the house alone with him. His uncle told us (how true this is, I don't know) that he's bipolar and doesn't take his meds. Denise's counselor at the time met him and told us that he, too, felt that there was something "not right" with this guy. We're 99.99% sure that he's the one who abused Lexi, to the point that the SPCA seized her from Denise, we adopted her but to this day Denise won't admit that Lexi was abused. We know he verbally abused her when we were in PA and I prayed it wouldn't escalate to physical abuse. God didn't see fit to answer my prayers the way I wanted them answered. His mother cosigned for an apt when we moved, they moved out of the apt leaving the mother oweing $2,000. She cosigned for another apt for them. Denise is of the opinion that we should be welcoming him with open arms, because in her eyes we welcome Jess's bf. Vince explained that Jess' bf's all pay their own way, live on their own, own their own car (he drove Denise to VA, then back to PA, picked Denise up in VA, now they're back to PA). We feel it was his influence that caused her to drop out of college not once but twice. So we probably won't see her again until next Christmas. Oh, she's so thin. Jess told us that she weighs 99lbs. She says it's because she working so much.

    Jane - what a christmas you had. I fully understand stress eating.

    Oh, today Vince and I went bowling. the first time he went since his surgery. Didn't do badly, but he's sore now. Just not used to it. One of the managers is leaving Jan 3 so I talked to one of the ladies and told her that I was thinking of making a cake for her. She usually comes in on thurs so if I take it there Wed. it should be OK. So I was making the cake today and tomorrow I'll make the icing and ice it.

    Now for the good news -- I wanted to try to make room in the refrig so I portioned out the veges and put them in snack bags. Of course, there was 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup or even 1/8 cup of some veges so I had them with the dinner. The veges I have portioned out I can just grab for a snack. Anyway, I feel so much better today having lots of veges. Had one of the crab cakes that was leftover.

    Tomorrow I think I'll do Jillian Michael's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD. Not sure if they're going to be playing mahjongg, I need to ice that cake anyway and the floors really need to be vacuumed, so even if they are playing, I just may skip it.

    Here's hoping everyong has a great evening.

  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Beth - one consideration about having your diary public -- there are morons on this board who think it's a good idea to police other people's diaries and send them PMs scolding them for what is in there. Mine was public until that happened to me. I blocked the guy and set my diary to private and have been fine ever since.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Merry Christmas everyone - sorry it's a bit late, had computer problems :frown:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all newcomers - glad you have found us.

    :flowerforyou: Good to hear from you again Mimi.

    :smile: We had a good Christmas, can't say it was perfect, my poor mum developed Shingles a few days before and has been in a lot of pain, I'm full of cold and poor grandson was ill after his Christmas Dinner ( no it wasn't my cooking honest!!) :bigsmile: So all my plans for playing games in the afternoon went out of the window. But it was lovely to sit down as a family and eat together.

    :flowerforyou: I have eaten a few highly calorific things, but not too much, because of my coldI haven't felt like eating a lot, but I have nibbled at things. Today I am going to eat small healthy meals and no alcohol :noway: :noway: I don't drink a lot, but at Christmas I do enjoy a glass (or 2) of sparkling wine :wink:

    The weather here was mild for Christmas, especially as a few days before we had icy conditions, but it was good to hear how you celebrate it in Austrailia. Like Barbie, I can't imagine it being hot and sunny at Christmas time.

    I have the rest of the week off work, then back to it on 3rd January. Do many of you celebrate the New Year? We used to when we were younger, but now prefer to see the New Year in at home. A lot of English people make it a big celebration and the Scottish have their hogmany parties which are very popular.

    Best go and see why DD is not up yet, we need to get the dogs walked before 7am and I can't hear her yet. It's okay for me, but she is going to work today.

    Hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and have a happy and healthy New Year. Here's looking forward to healthy choices in 2012!.
  • beth535
    beth535 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Just love reading everyone's posts! One of the things I really like is that so many of you make comments directly to the others who've posted. That''s SO supportive.

    I'm back on track in terms of logging everything that went into my mouth today. I was still over goal, but I was honest about everything. It's a step in the right direction.

    I should have written down your names, but didn't. To the woman in OA: yes, the good thing is that we can start over at any time. One of the things I'm trying to learn and practice is that just because I have a "slip" doesn't mean that's a good reason to continue to eat badly. I'm human. Besides, I know that being completely restrictive just doesn't work for me.

    However, I definitely overdid it on the cookies and sweets at the AA meeting tonight. I was wondering what people were thinking about the fact that I had multiple cookies, since I was the chairperson, and I'd brought the cookies. Now, seriously, how many people really care about how many cookies I had? That's MY voice (or maybe my mother's??) in my head saying "Look at that fat woman, stuffing herself with cookies. She certainly doesn't need them!" How many of you have "committees" of voices in your head like that? LOL! At least today I can laugh at myself about it, instead of beating myself with a stick!

    Long past bedtime and work tomorrow. A four-day week, followed by another one. A great way to end the year!

  • imcountingcalories
    Bump for later...time for bed! :yawn:
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    good morning all, its 9;30 and i,m starting out slow this morning i like to wish everyone a late merry chistmas and hope everyone will have a nice new year,'';'/l,oikiikmu7yhn okiuhnyytr
  • debiann58
    debiann58 Posts: 14 Member
    good morning all, its 9;30 and i,m starting out slow this morning i like to wish everyone a late merry chistmas and hope everyone will have a nice new year,'';'/l,oikiikmu7yhn okiuhnyytr
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all. I recognize myself in some of your posts, I too took a "vacation" from tracking food closely between Christmas eve and this morning. My weight's up, of course, but I know it will come off quickly. I didn't get any workout gifts, but I think I'll order myself the heart rate monitor. Back to the gym today, back to the routine today. Buster (our miniature poodle) will like my January goal, he's going to get a 1/2 hour walk every day. That might not sound like much to those of you who walk your dogs for hours, but honestly, he's a poodle....:wink: and I don't think he can take much more that that!

    I am teacher so don't have to go back to work (formally) until Jan 3. I'll spend a day in the classroom getting organized, but that's a fun time. My grown-up daughter (25, grad school) is here with us for a few more days. She and her dad are having a great time, they played guitar and sang together until 3 am this morning! I will not see them out of bed for a few hours yet. Our son is 14, he got a longed-for video game for Christmas and I'm letting him have his fill. He's been on the computer pretty much non-stop for the last 24 hours. He'll come to the gym with me though!

    Wishing you all a lovely, loving, relaxed week of rest as we wind up the year.

  • mimi7grands
    I had my first good eating day in a while yesterday. :happy: Even got in 20 minutes on the stationary bike. Every bit of me wants to get back on track.

    This week will still have its temptations with New Year’s Eve and Day coming up. I’m thinking about what Barbie has said about strategizing. It’s so easy to go with the flow and, dang it, that gets me into trouble every time. I “think” I’ll take just a day or a meal off but it doesn’t work out that way. :noway:

    The person who has been doing the construction on my place is an alcoholic. He’s in his late 50’s and his drinking has had a huge negative impact on every aspect of his life – his work, his marriage, even his memory and moods.

    I started out thinking about what I could say to him that might be helpful. He’s about as much in denial as it gets. Then I started thinking about the parallels with my own overeating. I’ve told myself in the past that overeating and being overweight, unlike alcoholism, hurt only myself. That is such a bunch of baloney. They’ve affected my mood, my ability to keep up physically with sisters/kids/grandkids, my job, and even (especially) my kids’ feelings about how their mom looked.

    I don’t know why I’m made this way, but I am. There are a whole lot worse afflictions I could be dealing with. But this is mine. (P.S. I’m not going to say ANYTHING to the person who is working on my place. I can’t think of a thing I could say that he doesn’t already know. I don’t know what makes the difference in being ready, but there’s something and nobody else can do it for you.)

    I’m thankful to all of you for your support. :love: You’re awesome. You welcome me (and everyone else) back when we’ve been off wandering in the wilderness for a while. I’m thankful to MFP too for making our connection possible and for the food and exercise log.

    It’s not quite the end of the year yet but I’ve decided to get the candy and other crap food out of my life. :bigsmile: That makes it a good time for me for reflecting on the last year. I’ve managed to maintain my weight loss, with a few ups and downs, all year long. That’s a turnaround from anytime else in the last 40 years. (Yikes. Am I that old??)

    I have the tools now to stay on track and get back to losing (now that I have a kitchen!) And I have new friends. This year hasn’t been as exciting as the previous year when I lost weight almost every week, but I’m happy to be where I am and to know that, one day at a time, I can keep it up.

    Okay, enough philosophizing!

    Lisa, sounds as though you had a wonderful Christmas. How nice of you to invite your neighbor to join you. :flowerforyou:

    Michele, my heart goes out to you. It’s hard to see your kids making mistakes, especially when it puts them in danger. :brokenheart:

    Good for you for portioning out the veggies. You are so organized! :flowerforyou:

    Viv, thanks for the welcome. It is good to be back. I’m glad to see your smiling face too. :heart:

    Beth, logging is huge. For me, logging when the news isn’t so good is the hardest part of this. Probably the most important too. Good for you! :flowerforyou:

    Nancy, a half-hour walk with Buster sounds like a wonderful plan – for him and for you.:flowerforyou:

    Here’s to healthy, happy choices for us all! :drinker:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Beth - one consideration about having your diary public -- there are morons on this board who think it's a good idea to police other people's diaries and send them PMs scolding them for what is in there. Mine was public until that happened to me. I blocked the guy and set my diary to private and have been fine ever since.

    MacMadame, I'd love to see your food diary. I know you keep protein high and generally eat healthy.:bigsmile: I'd heard that there were people who criticized peoples' diaries and I sorry it happened to you. I've read a few diaries of my friends when their friend feed said they were under their calorie goal and found that the day was 900-1000 calories for the whole day mostly from cookies fast foods but I keep my opinion to myself.

    Mimi, alcoholism is a disease that tells the person who has it that there's nothing wrong......there are many parallels between alcoholism and whatever it is that causes me to eat the whole bag of M&M's and until I was ready to recognize that I had a problem and that there was a solution, nothing anyone said could have an effect on me.:noway: :noway: :noway: The reason I stay away from New Year's Resolutions is that it's too easy to mess up and then do nothing for the rest of the year.....each moment is a time when I can decide to make a big change in my life, and if I mess up, then I can start over immediately.

    :bigsmile: Nancy, my poodles are standard poodles and need a lot of exercise. We don't have a fenced yard, so our walks are their exercise. At first I walked them for 20 minutes and have gradually added time until now I take each one out individually when we get up so they can "do business" then I eat my breakfast and then I take both of them for a two hour walk. I didn't have poodles back when I was teaching in public school and had to be at work at 7:30:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I was at a meeting last night and the man who brought the cookies who is diabetic, brought bowls so people could take a lot of cookies to the table for themselves and he filled his bowl fuller than anyone. I don't eat cookies because I know how to eat no cookies and I know how to heat too many, but I don't eat them in moderation.

    :flowerforyou: Lisa, do Christmas cards in Australia show warm sunny scenes or do they have snow and snowmen other cold weather stuff like the ones in the Northern Hemisphere? I am realized that I grew up with idea that Christmas and Hanukkah fell in December because it was the coldest and darkest time of the year when all the lights and candles and festivities were most welcome......that sure doesn't apply to half the world
  • debloves2ride
    hi everyone!
    i just found this thread - yay! I'm kinda in a funk, trying to loose the weight, having another knee replacement done, my Mom is slipping, just a bad time of year. So glad to find a group with similar issues - but also sharing successes. I look forward to the discussions!

    Wishing one and all a great new year!