P90X Grouop to Finish the Year Strong



  • abellone7289
    abellone7289 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey there. I know I am a little late to the party, having just started the lean program today. I made through round one a few months ago but had difficulties finding time to with working and moving and such, so now I am starting over. Come January 1st, I will be re-starting with the classic edition with my boyfriend.

    I like having a group to work with. It keeps me motivated and on track, especially since I had a really hard time with the Core Synergistics today. It was kind of discouraging, not being able to do things I used to be able to do, even the very first time I did this program, but I am going to keep with it. I may just need a little bit of help.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Today was cardio X for me! I feel good and energized and ready to take on my Christmas baking today!
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member
    I would really like to get into this with yu but I am not fully equiped yet with all the supplies.

    How are people doing the chin ups at home?

    Can someone recommend a HRM - not too pricy?

    I am new to the workout scene - but really hoping to make it a part of my daily routine, these videos seem really advance, is it to advance for a beginner?
  • abellone7289
    abellone7289 Posts: 70 Member
    Cardio X today. It was a great workout, although I did hit myself in the face doing an uppercut haha. Yesterday I was practically on the verge of tears because I was so exhausted after working out, but today I feel super energized. I forgot how much I love this video. I think It is one of my favorites next to Kenpo. =)
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 26 - Core Synergistics

    The in laws were upstairs sleeping still, so I tried to do this workout cutely. Luckily it's not a loud workout like Plyo or Legs and Back where I am yelling at Tony during Wall Squats. I still need to make some worksheets since I would like to keep track of weights and reps so I know what I did and if I can exceed it. Yoga tomorrow will be good as I will need the stress relief with all the family here.

    Dinner is my BBQ assortment. I've had an 11 lb pork butt on the smoker since midnight. Ribs go on in a couple hours and chicken will hit the grill after that. My BBQ sauce gets made soon. Lots of stuff to do and tracking the eating will be tough. But, I've done a workout and am making it from scratch, so I know what is in everything.

    mstormth - I have a pull up station/power tower that I use for pull ups. There is no doorway near my workout room that I can use for a regular pull-up bar. As far as an HRM goes, low budget means low performance. You can get a Polar FT4 for around $6-$70 and an FT7 for $80-$100. There is a Timex Ironman that gets good reviews for $50 or so. I like the Polar the best. The chest strap is very soft and works with my wife's sports bra better than the other ones. The videos will be tough, but you will adapt and only get better at them. Don't get frustrated if you can't keep up with the people on the screen. They've been doing it a lot longer.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Day 11 & 12 complete didn't get to post yesterday 45min of Yoga X and all of Legs and Back looking forward to finishing up the week with Kenpo X later today!!

    Am I the only one that struggle with Yoga X seem to be my issue any suggestions?
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Hey everyone! Just looking to join a P90X group for motivation and support. I'm not new to P90X. I'm actually doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. I'm currently on Day 58 so only 32 days to go!
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    Day 11 & 12 complete didn't get to post yesterday 45min of Yoga X and all of Legs and Back looking forward to finishing up the week with Kenpo X later today!!

    Am I the only one that struggle with Yoga X seem to be my issue any suggestions?

    I hate Yoga X! As a matter of fact, I don't do it all :embarassed: . I know, I know, I shouldn't be skipping any workouts but I tried really hard to get into it but just couldn't. So now I do something else on the days that I have Yoga X.
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 29 - Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, ARX

    This is the second toughest week on the P90X Schedule. You will be seeing a lot of new and tough moves with Chest, Shoulders and Triceps and the Back and Biceps workouts. Do not be afraid to watch the first time around and be prepared to hit pause and adjust your weights if needed. I got quite frustrated with it first time I hit these workouts. You can get through it. If I can do it, anyone can!

    It's been a very hectic holiday. The in laws are visiting and Gran[pa had to go to the local hospital for heart issues. So, we've had to make trips there every four hours for visits while still trying to squeeze in holiday dinners, presents, etc. It's been tough. It felt really good to workout this morning. I didn't get ARX in because I had to drive the morning crew to the hospital for the 9:00 visit. I did get to make my post workout shake and breakfast consists of Greenberry Shakeology and some frozen fruit. With all the food I've eaten the past couple days, I could use it.

    I did 13 plyo pushups today. That is a great feeling to knock those out. The pushups in today's workout are just tough. Slow motion pushups are the Dark Side of the Force. It had been almost two months since I last did this workout, yet I felt pretty good about my reps. I matched all my old numbers. That means I should exceed them next week.
  • Gabluv
    Gabluv Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! Just looking to join a P90X group for motivation and support. I'm not new to P90X. I'm actually doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. I'm currently on Day 58 so only 32 days to go!

    I just found message boards on this site and plan to contribute because I think I do a good job of sticking to a meal plan. If I can help motivate someone to maintain the course, even better!

    My current situation is similar to yours JamaicanLady. I have completed two rounds of Insanity and am currently in week 11 Day 3 of a P90X/Insanity hybrid. Following this program, I intend to do two weeks of CrossFit (thanks to an awesome Groupon) and then begin my next exciting adventure, P90X2!!! I'm really exicted.

    I read through the P90X two nutrition guide and found it not as simple as I would like. I will say that I'm happy that they allow for some carbs. The book doens't say much about sodium, but I'm sure it's almost assumed that natural foods will keep levels at the point that is allowed.

    I have decided to follow the 2,400 Standard Energy Boost Plan. If one were to look at my current eating habits on my tracker, they would find a lot of fruit and no carbs. Moving foward, my fruit will be reduced to a level allowed by the plan and my carbs will be upped a bit to fuel the workouts. I have been seeing a bit of a plateau in my workouts so I'm looking to bring more energy to the workout room and tear those muscle fibers a little more often.

    If anyone has had any experience with the new P90X2 meal plan already, please say something so we can chat about it.

  • First week of phase 2! I missed one workout this weekend (on Christmas day), so at some point I will do a double day. I'll feel better, and it was a workout I like (core synergistics). I did chest, shoulders, and tris for the first time yesterday evening. Usually it takes me 24 hours to feel sore, but my ribs already hurt. I don't think I've ever felt sore on my ribs before! The one armed push ups were a joke. I was on my knees, but could barely bend each arm. And plyo push ups just weren't going to happen. I tried those (on my knees again), but just ended up sliding off my yoga mat (which I had folded several times to give my knees some padding), and skidding my knees on my hardwood floor. Ow. I agree that this is a good workout to watch before doing, or at least have the pause button nearby.

    Today is Insanity plyo. I'm scared!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! It's been pretty busy! I have completed week 9 and started week 10 with back and biceps/ab ripper X. Today was tough figuring out what weights to use because it's the first time doing this one but now that everything is written down next time should be better!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 31 - Back and Biceps, ARX

    I forget how tired my arms get after this workout. Back to back bicep moves are murder. There are a lot of them in this video. It is the shortest at only 51 minutes, but it feels longer to me. The Strip Set Curls at the end are tough. I looked at the thermometer on the wall of the room and it read 66.6 degrees when I started Strip Set Curls. I'm really sure that was a sign.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Cardio X for me today!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Chest, shoulders and triceps/ab ripper X today! I think I did well today, I either did better or matched my numbers on everything!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    I knocked out Plyo this morning. It felt really good to get the workout in. I thought about doing Plyocide from P90X2, but figured it would be smarter to preview it first so I know what to expect. I gained three pounds over the holidays, so I adjusted my calories back to a larger deficit.
  • I've been sick. I haven't worked out since last Thursday (when I really wanted to bail out of the workout several times, but was proud I stuck through it- I think the heavy breathing helped clear me out). Once I thought I could handle exercising again (I feel sick one day, better the next, and then sick again, so annoying! I'd rather get all the sick done at once!), I woke up with a horrible kink in my back/shoulder/neck. It seems to be getting better, slowly. Perhaps tomorrow I can do something. For those who have been knocked off track from illness/injury, how did you get back in? Did you just jump in where you left off? If I feel up to it, I may try the treadmill tonight. I think my back/shoulder/neck can handle running arm swings. Ahh CHOO!
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Sorry for not posting for a few days again.... I have finished week 10 and started week 11 with chest and back and ab ripper x. I'm about ready to be finished with the program. These last few weeks are tough!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Day 38 - Back and Biceps, ARX

    I forget that I have a Love/Hate relationship with this workout. I love the moves and how much work I get, but Katie just gets on my nerves to no end. Her voice is the main thing. Plus, I think they all took some wacky pills before filming. Poor Bobby can't even get his workout in with Tony trying to make him laugh, then asking him why he's stopped. Plus, Bobby's hair looks like it was modeled off a little Lego dude.

    My pull ups went up today and that was a pleasant surprise. I even increased the weight on a couple curls. There is only one more week of the workout before recovery week and then the crazy Phase Three.
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I did my last shoulder and arms workout today! It was AWESOME! I was really happy with my numbers compared to week 1! I have little biceps starting to show! This is HUGE for me because I have always had really wimpy arms!
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