breastfeeding in public



  • I'm amazed that there are some women admitting that their own kids haven't seen a woman's boob before. What, not even your own? very odd.

    No my son has not seen my boob before (I breast fed but no kid ever remembers that)!! That is sick

    Why is it "sick?" My kids have seen my boobs on occasion. I'm not all like shaking them in their faces or anything, but they live here and I don't like to shut the bathroom door when I'm here alone with them because I need to be able to hear them. So they've seen stuff. Who cares? They're little.

    IMO it is gross, but that is just me! My kids are also a bit older 7 and 9 and I doubt my 7 year old wants to see his moms boob or any other private part. In our family certain body parts are private and they are taught to keep them private!

    Doesn't anyone remember that awkward time where they heard their parents in the bedroom?? I do and wish I'd never experienced it.

    I just think 7 and 9 is too young to be exposed to that type of thing. I would hope that because of this my daughter will keep her body private and not dress provocatively when she is a teenager. Maybe that is why some girls grow up thinking it is okay to have cleavage showing, they are not taught to keep certain body parts private.

    When I was 7, I went on a walk with a friend to complete an errand for her mother. On the way back, it poured rain and I was very cold and wet when I got home. My father was in the bathtub (we didn't have a shower), so my mother had me get out of my cold, wet clothes and stick my feet into the hot bathtub water with my father, who was naked.

    I am not the least bit traumatized by it. It was no big deal. It was NOT sexual (not the same as seeing or hearing your parents having sex). I saw both my parents and even my aunts, uncles and grandparents many times in various states of undress over the years.

    As a teenager, I wore baggy, oversized T-shirts and sweaters all the time because I didn't want to show off my body. Not because I saw naked relatives but because I wasn't comfortable with the attention I got if clothing was too tight or too short. Seeing a breast doesn't cause a girl to dress like a tramp.

    And, by the way, as her MOTHER, you can say no.

    And as her mother I will say NO, however I will hope that because of her being raised to keep her body private age will want to all on her own. When they are old enough in my eyes to discuss those things we will!
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    If we all agree (for the most part) that its okay to breastfeed in public, what about the age of the child? Does that matter at all or does that cause people to put limits on it or change their mind? I only bring it up because of the news stories of some women still breastfeeding their older kids to the age of like 7 and 8 years old.

    6 months to 1 year okay?
    2 year old okay?
    5 year old okay?

    Where would you set the limits?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And as her mother I will say NO, however I will hope that because of her being raised to keep her body private age will want to all on her own. When they are old enough in my eyes to discuss those things we will!

    The point I'm trying to make is that not allowing your children to see naked bodies under innocent circumstances will not prevent them from being immodest in the future. Being overly strict with children or being very obvious about what they can do to make their parents crazy tends to backfire.

    And teaching them that bodies are shameful isn't going to end in the result you're looking for.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    I'm amazed that there are some women admitting that their own kids haven't seen a woman's boob before. What, not even your own? very odd.

    No my son has not seen my boob before (I breast fed but no kid ever remembers that)!! That is sick

    Why is it "sick?" My kids have seen my boobs on occasion. I'm not all like shaking them in their faces or anything, but they live here and I don't like to shut the bathroom door when I'm here alone with them because I need to be able to hear them. So they've seen stuff. Who cares? They're little.

    IMO it is gross, but that is just me! My kids are also a bit older 7 and 9 and I doubt my 7 year old wants to see his moms boob or any other private part. In our family certain body parts are private and they are taught to keep them private!

    Doesn't anyone remember that awkward time where they heard their parents in the bedroom?? I do and wish I'd never experienced it.

    I just think 7 and 9 is too young to be exposed to that type of thing. I would hope that because of this my daughter will keep her body private and not dress provocatively when she is a teenager. Maybe that is why some girls grow up thinking it is okay to have cleavage showing, they are not taught to keep certain body parts private.

    When I was 7, I went on a walk with a friend to complete an errand for her mother. On the way back, it poured rain and I was very cold and wet when I got home. My father was in the bathtub (we didn't have a shower), so my mother had me get out of my cold, wet clothes and stick my feet into the hot bathtub water with my father, who was naked.

    I am not the least bit traumatized by it. It was no big deal. It was NOT sexual (not the same as seeing or hearing your parents having sex). I saw both my parents and even my aunts, uncles and grandparents many times in various states of undress over the years.

    As a teenager, I wore baggy, oversized T-shirts and sweaters all the time because I didn't want to show off my body. Not because I saw naked relatives but because I wasn't comfortable with the attention I got if clothing was too tight or too short. Seeing a breast doesn't cause a girl to dress like a tramp.

    And, by the way, as her MOTHER, you can say no.

    Yep. Part of the reason I'm ok with both my son and my daughter seeing me is that I want them to know what a real body looks like. I want my daughter to grow up knowing that most people don't look like models and that's ok. But even though they have seen me naked, in my underwear, etc., I also teach them what is appropriate and what is not. It's ok to be naked around familiy. It's not ok to get naked in the living room when we have guests. My daughter has some favorite leggings and a favorite shirt, and together it's not a good look, and I tell her so and I've told her why. I see no reason you can't teach modesty just because your kids have seen your boobs.

    this. my 4 year old sees us naked, there are no closed doors in our house unless we have guests. my son is not undressed in front of strangers & he knows what boobs, nipples & willys are for. when my bf was b/feeding her baby he asked & was told honestly what she was doing, he said "ok" then moved on. none of it is "sick"
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    And as her mother I will say NO, however I will hope that because of her being raised to keep her body private age will want to all on her own. When they are old enough in my eyes to discuss those things we will!

    I guess we have different opinions on when they are "old enough" to discuss these things. My 5-year-old knows what's appropriate for public viewing and what is not. She knows there are bad people out there. She knows that kissing is for grown-ups, and she knows where her private places are and that nobody is allowed to touch them. She knows that one day she will grow breasts, and that one day she will have a period, and that those things happen so that she can have and feed the babies that she will have one day if she wants to have them. She doesn't seem scarred. We talk about things in language that she can understand, and I believe that when she's of teh age to need to talk about sex, it will be good that we've opened this door now because it won't be such a taboo subject. There's none of this "I'll tell you when you're older" business. If she has a question, I answer it as best I can. I don't feel like it's in her best interest to wait until she comes home with her head full of wrong ideas she gleaned from conversations in the school cafeteria. Because those conversations happen. I'd rather she know the truth first so she won't be duped later.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    So, Ryan, I was just thinking -- You have a 9-year-old and you don't want her?? to see breasts?

    I was a C-cup at 9 and had my first period at 11. She may not be developing, but some of her friends are. She's seen and known more than you can imagine, unless you don't allow her friends.
  • crisnis
    crisnis Posts: 83 Member
    What an interesting thread...

    I think that there are some extremist out there that have ruined this for all of the private and self conscious breastfeeding moms out there. No, I don't need to see your boob and toddler plopped on the table at the McDonald's because it's your right to feed your child! People need to be considerate and tactful - everyone has a right to their opinions. I can attest that breastfeeding in public can be done easily and privately - I breastfed both of my children and was told on more than on occasion by this person or that (in the mall, at a restaurant, or where ever) that they didn't even realize I was breastfeeding. I always did it tactfully and completely covered because regardless of how natural it is - it is my body and everybody doesn't need to see it. Sex is natural too - but I'll be damned if I want people doing that in front of my kids!

    Edited to add: Please don't get the impression that I think breastfeeding is sexual in anyway, I just think the world doesn't need to see your breasts regardless of the reason. That being said both of my kids have witnessed me breastfeeding or someone else and when they questioned it I explained that Mom's can feed their baby's that way and the kids take it in stride - no problem. My kids have both also seen me and their dad naked and don't have emotional scars because of it.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I understand exactly what your saying. And if that was the case I find that different. Discreetly breast feeding I dont have the issue with. Breast feeding is amazing for children. It helps them grow, makes them smarter(according to research), and etc etc etc. I get breast feeding I did Breast Feed myself however I dont think women HAVE to do so in public. If junior needs to eat and you know you'll be shopping why not do so before hand??

    And if they were so modest and discreet I really dont think there would be anyone against it.

    Have you, personally, ever seen a breastfeeding woman with her boobs in public just hanging out all over the place?

    I'm 35 years old, have witnessed probably a hundred or more women breastfeeding in public and not once have I actually seen even a millimeter of breast on any one of them.

    Yes, I have. More than once.

    I'm sorry, but I have to call bull *kitten* on this. You are 10 years my junior, and I am a BF mom who has gone out in groups of other BF moms; I teach a BF class for WIC and have mom groups through WIC, and I have never even seen a mom just "flop it all out" there for all to see...

    yeah. I just have to call bull *kitten*. sorry. Most moms are freaking terrified to even try to nurse in public because of moronic views like the ones you've read here... and you're saying that you just see people all over the place whipping them out there.... give me a break.
    Frugalmomsrock, I would disagree with your sentiment that moms never "flop it all out." I do think they are rare, though. I think the amount of people who "flop it all out" is probably roughly the same as the amount of people who would have a problem with a mom discreetly nursing in public.

    I BF my 3 children in public all of the time, in a very conservative (either a capital or lower case 'C' is apt there, if you kwim) area of the country and NEVER got even a dirty look. BUT a gal I was friends with at the time ALWAYS got dirty looks. Do you want to know why *I* think that was? SHE thought it was because all those ignorant a-holes couldn't deal with nursing. *I* (who constantly nursed in public with no issues) thought it was because while I was reasonably discreet, she pulled her shirt down under her breast, then picked up her baby, then latched on, then shot dirty looks around the room waiting for someone to complain. I think it was her dream to be in a big news story like this. Some people are just confrontational, or maybe looking to be part of a political firestorm, or who knows what else, KWIM? Look around the world, you can't tell me those people don't exist-- they do in every facet of life, including all the mommy-war issues.

    In fact, a political statement is exactly what a nurse-in is. It's not about needing to feed baby right now, they show up for the express reason of making a political statement.

    The truth is, I'm with them if the statement is "oh, my baby's hungry, I'm going to find a comfortable spot to feed her..." (comfortable spot=a bench somewhere, though I never "covered up" with a blanket, I'd kind of wrap one around, not a bathroom. This topic wasn't about a bathroom though, it was about a changing room, which you CAN'T tell me is worse than the FLOOR of a Target). I'm just not with them when the statement is "I'm going to nurse WHENever & WHEREever, and EFF YOU!!!" which is what these things are about. In my experience, no one (though I'm sure a rare few psychos) has a problem with the former, but very few people appreciate the latter. And I agree. :)

    Feel free to claim to "call bull****" or whatever you want, but having spent the last 7 years solid of my life BFing, I don't think you can pass me off as an anti-BFing person who just doesn't get it.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Oh boy.. this thread reminds me of the crazies over at babycenter. Pretty sure they are going bat sh$t crazy over there over this topic too!!!
  • rukia30
    rukia30 Posts: 81 Member
    I think doing that is ridiculous. I nursed 2 out of three of my children. I did it with dignity and respect. I hate protestors who protest for attention. Who gives a crap if you breastfeed in public or not? Be discreet and have self respect!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Frugalmomsrock, I would disagree with your sentiment that moms never "flop it all out." I do think they are rare, though. I think the amount of people who "flop it all out" is probably roughly the same as the amount of people who would have a problem with a mom discreetly nursing in public.

    I BF my 3 children in public all of the time, in a very conservative (either a capital or lower case 'C' is apt there, if you kwim) area of the country and NEVER got even a dirty look. BUT a gal I was friends with at the time ALWAYS got dirty looks. Do you want to know why *I* think that was? SHE thought it was because all those ignorant a-holes couldn't deal with nursing. *I* (who constantly nursed in public with no issues) thought it was because while I was reasonably discreet, she pulled her shirt down under her breast, then picked up her baby, then latched on, then shot dirty looks around the room waiting for someone to complain. I think it was her dream to be in a big news story like this. Some people are just confrontational, or maybe looking to be part of a political firestorm, or who knows what else, KWIM? Look around the world, you can't tell me those people don't exist-- they do in every facet of life, including all the mommy-war issues.

    In fact, a political statement is exactly what a nurse-in is. It's not about needing to feed baby right now, they show up for the express reason of making a political statement.

    The truth is, I'm with them if the statement is "oh, my baby's hungry, I'm going to find a comfortable spot to feed her..." (comfortable spot=a bench somewhere, though I never "covered up" with a blanket, I'd kind of wrap one around, not a bathroom. This topic wasn't about a bathroom though, it was about a changing room, which you CAN'T tell me is worse than the FLOOR of a Target). I'm just not with them when the statement is "I'm going to nurse WHENever & WHEREever, and EFF YOU!!!" which is what these things are about. In my experience, no one (though I'm sure a rare few psychos) has a problem with the former, but very few people appreciate the latter. And I agree. :)

    Feel free to claim to "call bull****" or whatever you want, but having spent the last 7 years solid of my life BFing, I don't think you can pass me off as an anti-BFing person who just doesn't get it.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    What an interesting thread...

    I think that there are some extremist out there that have ruined this for all of the private and self conscious breastfeeding moms out there. No, I don't need to see your boob and toddler plopped on the table at the McDonald's because it's your right to feed your child! People need to be considerate and tactful - everyone has a right to their opinions. I can attest that breastfeeding in public can be done easily and privately - I breastfed both of my children and was told on more than on occasion by this person or that (in the mall, at a restaurant, or where ever) that they didn't even realize I was breastfeeding. I always did it tactfully and completely covered because regardless of how natural it is - it is my body and everybody doesn't need to see it. Sex is natural too - but I'll be damned if I want people doing that in front of my kids!

    I'm going to keep saying this everytime someone makes the comparison. Because apparently it needs to be said.

    Breastfeeding is not sex. It's not sexual. It's feeding a newborn.

    If there are any more questions feel free to ask. Once again, just to clarify, breastfeeding is not a sexual act. Thank you.
  • .

    I'm sorry, but I have to call bull *kitten* on this. You are 10 years my junior, and I am a BF mom who has gone out in groups of other BF moms; I teach a BF class for WIC and have mom groups through WIC, and I have never even seen a mom just "flop it all out" there for all to see...

    yeah. I just have to call bull *kitten*. sorry. Most moms are freaking terrified to even try to nurse in public because of moronic views like the ones you've read here... and you're saying that you just see people all over the place whipping them out there.... give me a break.

    So because you are 10yrs older than me that means you've seen it all? Thats really ignorant for you to even imply.

    And I didnt say "all over the place" but since I was a child I've seen women breast feed in public. Having a mother who is practically a hippy always tried to teach me to be tolerant of it. I understand women CAN be discreet. But if all the women were I dont think this would be an issue.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    Frugalmomsrock, I would disagree with your sentiment that moms never "flop it all out." I do think they are rare, though. I think the amount of people who "flop it all out" is probably roughly the same as the amount of people who would have a problem with a mom discreetly nursing in public.

    I BF my 3 children in public all of the time, in a very conservative (either a capital or lower case 'C' is apt there, if you kwim) area of the country and NEVER got even a dirty look. BUT a gal I was friends with at the time ALWAYS got dirty looks. Do you want to know why *I* think that was? SHE thought it was because all those ignorant a-holes couldn't deal with nursing. *I* (who constantly nursed in public with no issues) thought it was because while I was reasonably discreet, she pulled her shirt down under her breast, then picked up her baby, then latched on, then shot dirty looks around the room waiting for someone to complain. I think it was her dream to be in a big news story like this. Some people are just confrontational, or maybe looking to be part of a political firestorm, or who knows what else, KWIM? Look around the world, you can't tell me those people don't exist-- they do in every facet of life, including all the mommy-war issues.

    In fact, a political statement is exactly what a nurse-in is. It's not about needing to feed baby right now, they show up for the express reason of making a political statement.

    The truth is, I'm with them if the statement is "oh, my baby's hungry, I'm going to find a comfortable spot to feed her..." (comfortable spot=a bench somewhere, though I never "covered up" with a blanket, I'd kind of wrap one around, not a bathroom. This topic wasn't about a bathroom though, it was about a changing room, which you CAN'T tell me is worse than the FLOOR of a Target). I'm just not with them when the statement is "I'm going to nurse WHENever & WHEREever, and EFF YOU!!!" which is what these things are about. In my experience, no one (though I'm sure a rare few psychos) has a problem with the former, but very few people appreciate the latter. And I agree. :)

    Feel free to claim to "call bull****" or whatever you want, but having spent the last 7 years solid of my life BFing, I don't think you can pass me off as an anti-BFing person who just doesn't get it.

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Here's a fun story. I wore my babies in a wrap when they were little. When they were in there, you couldn't see much of them besides their feet. I could nurse them in there and walk around and it was great. I once was in the grocery store and my son got hungry, so I latched him on and continued about my business. You literally COULD NOT see anything. This woman came up to me and said hello to my daughter, and asked to see the baby. I tried to be polite and just told her he was sleeping, trying to save myself the explanation, but she grabbed the edge of the wrap and lifted it back so she could see him. She saw that he was nursing, and looked at me like I was disgusting. SHE invaded MY personal space, and then was offended that I was nursing in public. Bet you ten bucks she went home and talked about this gross lady in the grocery store who just whipped it out right there in the store for everyone to see, even though she wouldn't have seen a thing if she'd respected my personal space.

    This is the problem. Too many times people get offended just because they're looking for a reason to be offended. This is why women hold nurse-ins. It's to break the taboo. Would I participate? No. But I get it.

  • And as her mother I will say NO, however I will hope that because of her being raised to keep her body private age will want to all on her own. When they are old enough in my eyes to discuss those things we will!

    I guess we have different opinions on when they are "old enough" to discuss these things. My 5-year-old knows what's appropriate for public viewing and what is not. She knows there are bad people out there. She knows that kissing is for grown-ups, and she knows where her private places are and that nobody is allowed to touch them. She knows that one day she will grow breasts, and that one day she will have a period, and that those things happen so that she can have and feed the babies that she will have one day if she wants to have them. She doesn't seem scarred. We talk about things in language that she can understand, and I believe that when she's of teh age to need to talk about sex, it will be good that we've opened this door now because it won't be such a taboo subject. There's none of this "I'll tell you when you're older" business. If she has a question, I answer it as best I can. I don't feel like it's in her best interest to wait until she comes home with her head full of wrong ideas she gleaned from conversations in the school cafeteria. Because those conversations happen. I'd rather she know the truth first so she won't be duped later.

    I have had some of those discussions with her as well, I guess we are just a modest family. My family was not very modest growing up and as a teenager I wish is had more respect for my own body. I have just chosen to do things a little diffrent! You know a learn from your parents mistakes kind of thing.

    My son has seen women breastfeeding covered before, but I have seen women just whip it out for the world to see. I just personally don't want my son to see a strangers breast hanging out while shopping.

    I think breastfeeding is amazing and I did it as well, but I always covered up out of respect for others.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Don't forget that it's protests that can lead to the passing of new laws, the enforcement of ones in existence, or the refocus on ones in danger of being chipped away at. I'm not saying all protests are done in the best way to accomplish what people want, but it's good to remember that if it weren't for many women protesting in the past, we wouldn't enjoy the rights we have today. It's important to protect those rights, as they haven't been around all that long and are not ingrained in our society to the point where we can be completely complacent.
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Although this may be an interesting thread, here's a tip everyone can use:

    Learn to quote the ACTUAL post your responding to, and not the entire history!! Do you guys HAVE to get your response in so quickly that you have no time to delete previous quotes?!

    For those with short-term memories, I apologise. For everyone else, this is annoying!!