breastfeeding in public



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    And as her mother I will say NO, however I will hope that because of her being raised to keep her body private age will want to all on her own. When they are old enough in my eyes to discuss those things we will!

    I guess we have different opinions on when they are "old enough" to discuss these things. My 5-year-old knows what's appropriate for public viewing and what is not. She knows there are bad people out there. She knows that kissing is for grown-ups, and she knows where her private places are and that nobody is allowed to touch them. She knows that one day she will grow breasts, and that one day she will have a period, and that those things happen so that she can have and feed the babies that she will have one day if she wants to have them. She doesn't seem scarred. We talk about things in language that she can understand, and I believe that when she's of teh age to need to talk about sex, it will be good that we've opened this door now because it won't be such a taboo subject. There's none of this "I'll tell you when you're older" business. If she has a question, I answer it as best I can. I don't feel like it's in her best interest to wait until she comes home with her head full of wrong ideas she gleaned from conversations in the school cafeteria. Because those conversations happen. I'd rather she know the truth first so she won't be duped later.

    I have had some of those discussions with her as well, I guess we are just a modest family. My family was not very modest growing up and as a teenager I wish is had more respect for my own body. I have just chosen to do things a little diffrent! You know a learn from your parents mistakes kind of thing.

    My son has seen women breastfeeding covered before, but I have seen women just whip it out for the world to see. I just personally don't want my son to see a strangers breast hanging out while shopping.

    I think breastfeeding is amazing and I did it as well, but I always covered up out of respect for others.

    Do you really think that your lack of respect for your body was just because your family wasn't modest? It's just as likely for a child from a puritanical family to grow up and be promiscuous as it is for a child from a family that runs around naked in the house. The key is communication. I don't think it makes a difference whether or not they see you naked -- if you do'nt talk about it, they'll come up with their own ideas, and those ideas may or may not be what you want for them.

    I do agree with you though that we learn from our parents and we try to correct anything we feel they didn't do right. Which is why I talk to my daughter about these things. Because I grew up feeling shame about my body and how it works, to the point that it took me a long time to be able to talk about my period with a doctor. My parents never talked to me about how babies are made or the changes my body would go through until I'd already gone through them. That was a big problem for me, not being able to ask those questions.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    My child sees me naked every day. HOLLA!
  • pixydoodle
    Just for the record, i breast fed and did it in public - fed both my kids that way til they were 6 months old and cutting teeth
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Although this may be an interesting thread, here's a tip everyone can use:

    Learn to quote the ACTUAL post your responding to, and not the entire history!! Do you guys HAVE to get your response in so quickly that you have no time to delete previous quotes?!

    For those with short-term memories, I apologise. For everyone else, this is annoying!!
    I would like to agree in principle, but that's the road to a "you are pulling me out of context!" claim!
  • RyanDanielle5101
    So, Ryan, I was just thinking -- You have a 9-year-old and you don't want her?? to see breasts?

    I was a C-cup at 9 and had my first period at 11. She may not be developing, but some of her friends are. She's seen and known more than you can imagine, unless you don't allow her friends.

    My daughter and I talk about what is going to happen to her body. She has seen me in a bra and knows that changes will be happening to her body. We are both female though. The comment was more geared to my son, his father will discuss with him what changes will happen. He does not need to see a female breast for educational purposes at 7 not mine or anyone's for that matter.

    I guess my whole point is that I should decide when my daughter or son will be exposed to body parts, not the lady in the store who whips out out for the whole world to see!
  • seehawkmomma

    And as her mother I will say NO, however I will hope that because of her being raised to keep her body private age will want to all on her own. When they are old enough in my eyes to discuss those things we will!

    I guess we have different opinions on when they are "old enough" to discuss these things. My 5-year-old knows what's appropriate for public viewing and what is not. She knows there are bad people out there. She knows that kissing is for grown-ups, and she knows where her private places are and that nobody is allowed to touch them. She knows that one day she will grow breasts, and that one day she will have a period, and that those things happen so that she can have and feed the babies that she will have one day if she wants to have them. She doesn't seem scarred. We talk about things in language that she can understand, and I believe that when she's of teh age to need to talk about sex, it will be good that we've opened this door now because it won't be such a taboo subject. There's none of this "I'll tell you when you're older" business. If she has a question, I answer it as best I can. I don't feel like it's in her best interest to wait until she comes home with her head full of wrong ideas she gleaned from conversations in the school cafeteria. Because those conversations happen. I'd rather she know the truth first so she won't be duped later.

    I have had some of those discussions with her as well, I guess we are just a modest family. My family was not very modest growing up and as a teenager I wish is had more respect for my own body. I have just chosen to do things a little diffrent! You know a learn from your parents mistakes kind of thing.

    My son has seen women breastfeeding covered before, but I have seen women just whip it out for the world to see. I just personally don't want my son to see a strangers breast hanging out while shopping.

    I think breastfeeding is amazing and I did it as well, but I always covered up out of respect for others.

    Do you really think that your lack of respect for your body was just because your family wasn't modest? It's just as likely for a child from a puritanical family to grow up and be promiscuous as it is for a child from a family that runs around naked in the house. The key is communication. I don't think it makes a difference whether or not they see you naked -- if you do'nt talk about it, they'll come up with their own ideas, and those ideas may or may not be what you want for them.

    I do agree with you though that we learn from our parents and we try to correct anything we feel they didn't do right. Which is why I talk to my daughter about these things. Because I grew up feeling shame about my body and how it works, to the point that it took me a long time to be able to talk about my period with a doctor. My parents never talked to me about how babies are made or the changes my body would go through until I'd already gone through them. That was a big problem for me, not being able to ask those questions.

    So because you felt shame for your body you think showing tolerance to Exposureis acceptable?

    I think dudes these days look like chicks with their tight pants and chicks look way to old because they arent covered up enough.

    There are women out there (tons of women have posted that they have seen this peek over the last 20pages if you need to reference) that they have seen womens breasts. Why is it okay if there is a child attached to it?? that makes zero sense.
  • seehawkmomma
    So, Ryan, I was just thinking -- You have a 9-year-old and you don't want her?? to see breasts?

    I was a C-cup at 9 and had my first period at 11. She may not be developing, but some of her friends are. She's seen and known more than you can imagine, unless you don't allow her friends.

    My daughter and I talk about what is going to happen to her body. She has seen me in a bra and knows that changes will be happening to her body. We are both female though. The comment was more geared to my son, his father will discuss with him what changes will happen. He does not need to see a female breast for educational purposes at 7 not mine or anyone's for that matter.

    I guess my whole point is that I should decide when my daughter or son will be exposed to body parts, not the lady in the store who whips out out for the whole world to see!

    I agree.
  • nyprdiva
    nyprdiva Posts: 76 Member
    Living in NY you see folks in various stages of undress all the time (hello, Naked Cowboy anyone). but to be honest, I have never seen a breastfeeding woman ever just pop out her breast and start having her kid suckle at it. Every woman I've seen breast feeding in public has done it discretely with the little blanket cover her and the baby. I mean what's wrong with that?
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    Do you really think that your lack of respect for your body was just because your family wasn't modest? It's just as likely for a child from a puritanical family to grow up and be promiscuous as it is for a child from a family that runs around naked in the house. The key is communication. I don't think it makes a difference whether or not they see you naked -- if you do'nt talk about it, they'll come up with their own ideas, and those ideas may or may not be what you want for them.

    I do agree with you though that we learn from our parents and we try to correct anything we feel they didn't do right. Which is why I talk to my daughter about these things. Because I grew up feeling shame about my body and how it works, to the point that it took me a long time to be able to talk about my period with a doctor. My parents never talked to me about how babies are made or the changes my body would go through until I'd already gone through them. That was a big problem for me, not being able to ask those questions.

    So because you felt shame for your body you think showing tolerance to Exposureis acceptable?

    I think dudes these days look like chicks with their tight pants and chicks look way to old because they arent covered up enough.

    There are women out there (tons of women have posted that they have seen this peek over the last 20pages if you need to reference) that they have seen womens breasts. Why is it okay if there is a child attached to it?? that makes zero sense.

    Exposure in public, no. Exposure around the house, yes. We're at home and we're family. Breastfeeding in public does not constitute "exposure." It's feeding a baby. You put it away when you're done with it.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    So, Ryan, I was just thinking -- You have a 9-year-old and you don't want her?? to see breasts?

    I was a C-cup at 9 and had my first period at 11. She may not be developing, but some of her friends are. She's seen and known more than you can imagine, unless you don't allow her friends.

    My daughter and I talk about what is going to happen to her body. She has seen me in a bra and knows that changes will be happening to her body. We are both female though. The comment was more geared to my son, his father will discuss with him what changes will happen. He does not need to see a female breast for educational purposes at 7 not mine or anyone's for that matter.

    I guess my whole point is that I should decide when my daughter or son will be exposed to body parts, not the lady in the store who whips out out for the whole world to see!

    And again we come back to the question: how many women have you really seen "whip it out for the whole world to see?" As many nursing moms as I've been around, I can honestly say I've never seen that, with the exception of my sister when I was with her in her own home, so that doesn't count. Most nursing moms are discreet. And if you happen to see one who isn't, and your child asks, you can simply tell them, "She's just feeding her baby. I fed you the same way." Easy peasy. Because any other answer makes it look like you think breastfeeding is gross, which clearly isn't the case since you did it yourself. So it's your job to clarify that for your kids.

    Clearly if they're 9 and 7 (I think that's what you said) and they haven't seen it yet, it must not happen too often, so I don't know why you're so worried about it.
  • nyprdiva
    nyprdiva Posts: 76 Member
    So, Ryan, I was just thinking -- You have a 9-year-old and you don't want her?? to see breasts?

    I was a C-cup at 9 and had my first period at 11. She may not be developing, but some of her friends are. She's seen and known more than you can imagine, unless you don't allow her friends.

    My daughter and I talk about what is going to happen to her body. She has seen me in a bra and knows that changes will be happening to her body. We are both female though. The comment was more geared to my son, his father will discuss with him what changes will happen. He does not need to see a female breast for educational purposes at 7 not mine or anyone's for that matter.

    I guess my whole point is that I should decide when my daughter or son will be exposed to body parts, not the lady in the store who whips out out for the whole world to see!

    lol. I agree. I remember when I was in the Girl Scouts, my troop went to the pool as one of our field trips and this old woman decided it was ok to walk around completely naked and try to have conversations with us with everything out there. Our troop leaders politely guided us away but even now going to the gym I feel uncomfortable with women coming up to me having conversations while completely nude. Is that really necessary? what's wrong with a towel?
  • Mama_CAEI

    No my son has not seen my boob before (I breast fed but no kid ever remembers that)!! That is sick

    I beg to differ. When my now 6 year old was 4, she started a conversation out of the blue. She said to me, "Remember when you used to give me milk?" She weaned at 2 1/2, but 1 1/2 years later, she still remembered nursing. I asked her if she remembered what it was like. She said, "It tasted like 'I love you.'" Does that sound sick to you??

    I am nursing my youngest and I have no problem with my 3 older children seeing it. In fact, I think it will help them understand what breasts are for and hopefully demystify them! Those who think breastfeeding (in public, in front of children, etc.) is sick or sexual are influenced by society/the media. Breasts are for feeding babies. Period.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I asked her if she remembered what it was like. She said, "It tasted like 'I love you.'" Does that sound sick to you??

    That is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. :)
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I asked her if she remembered what it was like. She said, "It tasted like 'I love you.'" Does that sound sick to you??

    That is one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. :)
    agreed :) almost brought tears to my eyes <3
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    So, Ryan, I was just thinking -- You have a 9-year-old and you don't want her?? to see breasts?

    I was a C-cup at 9 and had my first period at 11. She may not be developing, but some of her friends are. She's seen and known more than you can imagine, unless you don't allow her friends.

    My daughter and I talk about what is going to happen to her body. She has seen me in a bra and knows that changes will be happening to her body. We are both female though. The comment was more geared to my son, his father will discuss with him what changes will happen. He does not need to see a female breast for educational purposes at 7 not mine or anyone's for that matter.

    I guess my whole point is that I should decide when my daughter or son will be exposed to body parts, not the lady in the store who whips out out for the whole world to see!

    lol. I agree. I remember when I was in the Girl Scouts, my troop went to the pool as one of our field trips and this old woman decided it was ok to walk around completely naked and try to have conversations with us with everything out there. Our troop leaders politely guided us away but even now going to the gym I feel uncomfortable with women coming up to me having conversations while completely nude. Is that really necessary? what's wrong with a towel?

    That is entirely different from nursing in public. Nobody's talking about running around naked. We're talking about feeding a baby. There is, in fact, a big difference between the two.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Sheltering kids never works anyway. They're smarter than you give them credit for. They know what boobs are. And yet miraculously they seem to cope without having their little heads blow right off...
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Breasts are for feeding babies. Period.
    I do think that if thise were true, this topic wouldn't be heated.

    In one sense, the breasts of mammals exist for feeding young, of course. In another sense-- look around the mammilian world. Humans have breasts that swell at maturity, and stay large our whole adult life, while other mammals have breasts that only swell when they are full of milk. Our breasts are large BECAUSE they were sexually selected to, as a sexual attractant. There's really no denying that, as convenient as it seems to say that they are only for milk.
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Cheers to all the nursing moms!

    I nursed my three babies, often in public. Breastfeeding babies do not follow a strict schedule like bottle-fed babies often do. It is harder to predict when and where they will need to eat. Sometimes it's when you are in a restaurant, even if they just ate 30 minutes ago. It just happens. Be kind to the nursing moms!

    I almost always used a nursing cover or blanket. But every once in a while, I had to feed the baby without one. It's still possible to stay pretty well covered up. Truthfully, I was more worried that someone would see my back/side fat than my breast, lol.

    Also, babies sometimes get to a point where they won't leave the blanket there. It also can make it harder to get the baby in the right position, which causes stress, which leads to less milk, which leads to a crying, frustrated baby. You learn to do what you have to do to get the baby calm and fed.

    I was never met with anything other than support and smiles from folks who happened to notice that I was nursing a baby. Please help to keep things this way for all the nursing moms, what they are doing isn't always easy!
  • KaseyLynn410
    I dont think theres anything wroung with breast feeding in public im only 18 but out of every person ive ever noticed breast feeding there very discret about it and most the time you dont notice, at least i havent like women will do it and i wont notice, no one is ever like just having it hang out, either way dont men always have there shirts offf? no one says anything about that. if a women needs to feed her child then let her. dont look if you have a problem with it just continue with your day
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Breasts are for feeding babies. Period.
    I do think that if thise were true, this topic wouldn't be heated.

    In one sense, the breasts of mammals exist for feeding young, of course. In another sense-- look around the mammilian world. Humans have breasts that swell at maturity, and stay large our whole adult life, while other mammals have breasts that only swell when they are full of milk. Our breasts are large BECAUSE they were sexually selected to, as a sexual attractant. There's really no denying that, as convenient as it seems to say that they are only for milk.

    You're absolutely right. However, I think the problem is that people can't separate the sexual function from the biological one. Most women have no issue with a gynecologist looking at her vagina because that's not a sexual touch, it's a medical one to keep her safe. I think most of us would agree it's ok to show a doctor your vagina when it's appropriate to do so. Yet breastfeeding is somehow "gross" because we can't remove the sexual stigma from the breast, even when it's being used in a completely non-sexual way. That's a problem.