MAY "No Late Night Snacking" Challenge



  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Just wanted to check in let ya know I made it through night 3 last night. I haven't forgotten but I don't have time to read posts and reply lately! :smile:
  • leslier
    leslier Posts: 15
    8 days down!! It is getting a little easier. Now if I could just get on a good workout routine I would be set!=) I have noticed that if I get really hungry (past my cut off time) and if I drink a large glass of water and eat the ice, it helps with the hunger.:smile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Ladies, you are doing great! I love seing everyone starting over whenever they fall. To me, this is what this thread is about. The courage and perseverance to get back on track. I hope you guys all agree, Zaza is truly inspirational in this respect. So hang on in there and be back each time!

    As for me, I'm travelling again. It seems, though, that my pants have gotten looser. Yeppy! :drinker: I was so tired the past days, that I didn't feel like putting things in my mouth, other than drinking plenty of water. I don't get this very often, au contraire - sleeping less usually makes me crave for bad stuff. I think, though, that things are slowly getting back to normal :smile: .

    :flowerforyou: keep up the good work, everyone!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Thank you dewdrop for your very kind words. You are always so sweet and thoughtful. Stay strong on your trip - sounds good so far.
    Good job also to leslier on 8 days! Here's a shout-out to ngwife4life too for 3 days!
    As for me, I finally made it through Day 1. :happy: Sometimes that can be the hardest.
    Wishing you all the fortitude to hang in there this week-end,
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Hello, would you take a mid-month joiner? This looks like something that would really really help me. I am such an emotional eater at night, although I think it's half habit at this point. First it was a treat after I put my son to bed, then I just kept doing it.

    I have read through the posts and love how you can start over if you eat. You all seem very supportive of each other. Even now, I've been on here 3 weeks, and after I put my last entry in the Food diary. There is often more I am not recording. I know I'll be facing the challenge tonight, because I'm feeling cranky today. My son is at his dad's and there's nothing on TV tonight. I eat a ton when my son's not there, because I am lonely (that'd be my guess anyway).

    So, my cut off will be 8:30pm. Thanks, and I hope it's ok to join ;-).
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Absolutely. Welcome sallydeb! i understand yoru struggle. It's daily for me and I have no excuse. I think i am going to march myself upstairs, shower and watch TV in my bedroom w/white strips. I missed several nights and they keep me from eating.
    Good luck.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Mine will be no eating 2 hours prior to my bed time! (Since bed time changes)
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you for the welcome!
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Day 1 starts tonight. I fell off the wagon again. Am I the only one who frequently does that??!!:sad:
    This week I will eat nothing but healthy stuff, because the pool is opening next Sat.!!!!!!!!:noway:
    You guys look like you're doing great! Keep it up!:smile:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    fitgal411, you are not alone. I'm off the wagon much more than I'm on it.:laugh:
    However, I am happy to say that I have met the challenge for 2 days now. It's baby steps. I have to keep trying because my weight loss ticker moves up or down according to my late night snacking.

    So, good luck everyone. How are you doing this month grammymax, phatphanny, kerimcdonald, and all the other regulars (sorry if I didn't mention you - it takes me too long to flip back and forth for all the names)? Keep checking in and let us know. So many of you have been very inspirational.
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    The last two nights I went over the time, and the calories too. I actually ate twice as much as I was "allowed". I feel so horrible.
    Please let me tell you what's going on, I have nobody to really say this and maybe if I do say it, I can work on it, work with it....
    My daughter was born with a brainstem only. She wasn't suppose to survive, but she did, she wronged all doctor's "time line" for her. She is non-mobile, non-verbal, blind, has a shunt, a feeding tube. She's a doll, but lately, she's absolutely, beyond words miserable (or maybe, lets be honest here, again...). All she does is screams, while all the tests show nothing and she can't tell what's wrong. I stay up all night with her, she's in a trans, she sounds like some beast mauling her. I go to work, almost sick from being exhausted. I'm a single parent as my husband of almost 10 years decided this was too much to handle and walked out 2 years ago on his kids : a 9 year old, a 4 year old, and a 3 year old. ("She" is the 4 year old). I can't afford not to go to work; I refuse not to give a real life for the "other two" (so we are in baseball, gymnastics and doing family stuff on the weekends even if all I want is to lay down and let my mind and body shut off).
    As the evening comes, and my daughter's screaming gets even wilder, I often turn to food as if it will make it go away. I'm glad I don't ever turn to drinks, it would be only too easy to block out my own thoughts. I don't even know what should I pray for anymore; I don't understand how can a little innocent girl suffer so much; I'm ashamed to say I don't know how long shall I fight for her life. This is the truth and I hush them with desserts, because if someone has to judge me, I rather be called someone who doesn't know when to stop eating, than a mother who can't help her child and shamefully starting to give up on hope.
    Thank you so much for giving me space to confess.
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    oh My Gosh, Ildi007. What a tough life you are living. You are amazing - where do you get your strength from? I imagine, after so many sleepless nights, that you must be stretched to your limit right now. At the same time, I saw that you are halfway through your weight loss goal, so I'm guessing you are doing well with that. A couple of nights, given your tiredness and distress over your daughter, I'd say you deserve not thinking about one more thing (like how much you are eating). You sound like a wonderful mother, I wish I could do something to help out. Good you were able to vent here. Keep going and keep starting again when you fall of the wagon with this eating thing.

    I'm on day 2 of not eating after 8:30.

  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    I've failed another night. I so hate this. According to th calculator if I'm keep eating like this, not just that I will gain all weight back, but gain another 10 pounds. But when the eve comes I have nothing in my mind, but taking another bite, doesn't even matter what of. I really hate this. Why do I keep doing it??????????????
  • leslier
    leslier Posts: 15
    12 nights down! good job to everyone else doing so good with this!! keep it up!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I think I've made it through 8 nights now? I'm not very good at counting but I know that I'm saying no to late night snacking more often than not, so I'm happy. Great job to the others who are making it and to those who slip up but come back! :flowerforyou:
  • sallydeb
    sallydeb Posts: 65 Member
    I made it 3 nights. Last night was hardest because I was hungry.

    Thank you zaza54, for having this thread up. It helps knowing I am going to be reporting my nights of eating so I don't do it!
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    Last night I finally stopped eating at 8 o'clock. Back on track? Keeping my fingers crossed for tonight.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    ildi007, congrats on making it through a night. :flowerforyou:
    My heart goes out to you. Your previous post brought me to tears - I don't know how you keep going. You are a great mother and I'm glad you can be so honest and vent here. Being a single parent is enormous all but itself, but you have unimaginable burdens beyond that. Keep doing the best you can with the challenge at night. I agree with you that food is probably better than turnign to drinking. Hopefully, knowing that you can come here and chat may help you to stay strong at night and to cope a little better. This is a great bunch of people and you have a very sympathetic ear. Just come to us when it gets to be too much and you are tempted to eat.

    That being said, I've been a disaster and I have no excuse. But, I will keep trying to do better. Reading everyone's posts inspires me always to try harder.

    leslier, congrats on your great progress!!! :flowerforyou:
    Same to you ngwife4life and sallydeb. :flowerforyou:
    Sorry if I missed anyone. I'm still trying to catch up on previous posts since I haven't gotten on in awhile. I fell off the wagon again. I had been doing OK and then it was the week-end and kids home and then celebrating our 31st anniversary. But, tonight is a new night and will be my new Day 1.
    (Hope you're not too sick of hearing my broken record:laugh: )
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    ildi007, you are so wonderful! :flowerforyou:

    Zaza, I for one, am not sick of your resets. But maybe I should get mad at you :angry: , just enough to make you stick to your place once and for all :grumble: . However, I still see you as an example to all those who drop this challenge, just cos they have to restart every too often. It's like saying "hey, people, look at Zaza, she never gives up!". Yet, Zaza, get yourself together! :grumble: :wink:

    As for me, I'm following your example and I think I am ready to hop on (provided after all said above, I'm still accepted in the gang :wink: ). So.... cut-off will be 9p.m. Here we go :smile: .

    I wonder if grammymax dropped because she turned this int oa habbit or if she's doing allright.

    And where are Wanda and Kirsti? (maybe they are here and it was just me who had vanished :blushing: )
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    I made it last night and I was within my calories too, and I'm stopping today as it's 4 minutes away from 8 pm. I did eat about 100 "extra" calories today, but I'm o.k., I'm on the way again...
    Thank you so much for your understanding and kindness. It was so, so helpful to have someone (even if I never met you, and probably never will) be there for me.