The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    the worst thing someone said to me was from my mom
    I told her through my whole pregnancy that I would get all 110 lbs off by my son's first birthday (had 2 kids back to back) and that I wanted my jeans back she stole from me and she told me flat out that there was NO WAY I will ever loose the weight and that I am basically setting myself up for disappointment.

    well I lost it all and hit my goal weight a week before my son's first birthday and have lost another 5 after that and she now tells me all the time how she always knew I could do it and how great I look and how proud she is, but it just pisses me off.
  • Bubdog1
    A few years ago I had decided to jog/walk to help get rid of the pounds. I had gone about a quarter mile from home when I heard something behind me. It was my husband, driving his truck slowly, head out the window making hog-calling noises, "Suuuu-eee, Suuuu-eee..Come to corn...come to corn." He later said he was just joking, but I was mortified. It still makes me hesitate to even walk in the neighborhood, much less jog.
  • LadyConundra
    LadyConundra Posts: 37 Member
    Before I lost my 100 pounds:
    I was looking through at some clothes at Costco for my S-I-L, and an employee walked up to me and said 'Don't bother looking through those nothing of those will fit you'. WOW! it was such a slap in the face. After getting over my shock, I said, 'I was looking for someone else, but I see my business is not needed here'. I walked out to my car and cried all the way home. I have never brought clothes from Costco again.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    Before I lost my 100 pounds:
    I was looking through at some clothes at Costco for my S-I-L, and an employee walked up to me and said 'Don't bother looking through those nothing of those will fit you'. WOW! it was such a slap in the face. After getting over my shock, I said, 'I was looking for someone else, but I see my business is not needed here'. I walked out to my car and cried all the way home. I have never brought clothes from Costco again.

    That's awful! Employees are always so rude! I can't believe them!
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    It wasn't so much my niece's comment as the way her mother handled it that really upset me.

    A couple years ago, my niece looked over at me and said "Why are you fat?" I had just had my daughter, but is was still a devastating blow to hear from a child, because you know they aren't trying to be mean, they're just being honest. But instead of telling her not to say those things or apologizing, her mother just starts laughing, she thought it was hilarious. She wasn't the thinnest person either, but since she had been given weight loss drugs from her doctor and had lost some weight, she thought it was great to try and pretend like she was doing really well even though she was still eating the same crap she always had been. I wanted to ask her if she would think it was funny when she gained all the weight back and her daughter asked her the same thing and who would be laughing then.

    Skip forward to the present: that same one that laughed at me has now gained back every pound she lost and has gained another probably 20 lbs. on top of that, while I have lost 20 lbs. She looks pregnant and I want to ask her if she is just to be mean because I know she isn't, but I have some sense of decency.

    Ha! That's karma!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    A few years ago I had decided to jog/walk to help get rid of the pounds. I had gone about a quarter mile from home when I heard something behind me. It was my husband, driving his truck slowly, head out the window making hog-calling noises, "Suuuu-eee, Suuuu-eee..Come to corn...come to corn." He later said he was just joking, but I was mortified. It still makes me hesitate to even walk in the neighborhood, much less jog.

    Whoa! Your *husband* did this? Sheesh... if my husband ever did anything like this, I would kill him!
  • leeanndelcourt
    leeanndelcourt Posts: 28 Member
    that is so rude and they obviously have a few issues they need to work out themselves.....holy moly.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    I honestly cannot remember too many, I think when your top weight is 380 you eventually just do not pay attention otherwise you will be sad and upset all of the time, I learned to just ignore those type of folks. But I do remember one incident oddly enough. I think at that time I was around 325 lbs or so and I was 5'10" then (before the shrinkage lol)
    I was in a Mall in Edmonton, Alberta and I was walking toward as store when a small child who was running wild just about ran into me. The mother who was at least 275 and around 5'5" said very loudly so that everyone in the immediate area would hear.....OH SUSIE, GET OUT OF THE HUGHE FAT LADIES WAY !!!
    I really wanted to say somthing to this woman, but I took the high road as folks that this are idiots, rude, ignorant, and never worth your time. But I have remembered it for all of these years and it happened in 2003.

  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    yup, have had that before, i just wanted to cry
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    Actually, during an interview a guy was looking up and down at me and said "There's no way YOU could sit on a plane for 20 hours.".

    The ex-husband, after the split said (among other things).."You are losing too much weight and I'm concerned. Why couldn't you lose weight when we were married." I said, "The stress of being married to you I suppose."
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I forgot about the best one. One of my former sisters-in-law was eating a piece of strawberry pie with whipped cream topping and said, "I can eat this. I'm not fat." I should have realized how much better my life would have been if I had ditched that family at that point, because my ex laughed at that comment while looking at me and looking her up and down.
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    just ONE of the rudest things....This guy asks me out on a date but makes sure he says..."your ALOT bigger than anyone I've ever dated BUT, you seem to have a good spirit....of course I said NO!!!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Ok, some of these comments are below the belt. But many, are people just being honest! Kids will say what they see. Is it wrong for someone to ignore a pregnancy 'just in case' the person is actually fat??

    At the end of the day, these are the comments that have got us here. On MFP. Trying to, and damn well succeeding, in losing weight.

    I wish someone had told me I was fat. Maybe it wouldn't have taken so long for me to see it! Celebrate the honesty...... the truth hurts.... it's motivation
  • Angierae81
    Angierae81 Posts: 28 Member
    I've gotten the "are you preggers" comment tons of time, but the ones that hurt the most are the comments from my mother and father. My dad thinks all women should look like barbie, and my mom in her prim looked like barbie. My parents are divorced and have been for sometime, and i dont have a very good relationship with either of them. I recently saw my mom over Christmas, and she says to me 'oh i can see your face" Was I so fat before that my face got lost in my fat rolls WTF!!! and my dad has given me a hard time my whole life. My dad works out of town and comes home once a year, one year he came to my place of work which at the time was a gas station (full of customers) he came in and ripped me a new one. Saying how he couldnt beleive how fat i had gotten and that i just needed get my fat *kitten* away from the table etc etc etc. With lots of f-bombs included. When I began to cry he started in on that saying how i was such a baby and so on. When he finally left I went in the back room and cried until my shift was over and cried all the way home, hell I'm crying now just remembering this.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I went to an orthopedic doctor for my knee pain. The little man (he was about five inches shorter than my 5'6") said to come back when I was as thin as I could be and then he would look at my knee.

    I got this too! Except he was all, "If they operate, you'll die. You can't fit in an MRI, so I can't even see if you've torn anything. Besides, again, if they operated there's a high chance you might die. Why not try bariatric surgery? Until then, I can't do anything for you."
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    An (ex) boyfriend said, "So and so and his girlfriend asked us out for a meal" "That will be nice" I replied. He then said "But I told them we were busy" "Why?" says I.

    "Because his girlfriend is really slim and attractive and I didn't think you woul be comfortable as you have been complaining you feel ugly because you are so fat"

    He was soooooooo out of there.:mad:

    Oh, that's heart wrenching. My boyfriend didn't invite me to a company outing where they went tubing down the river because he thought I'd be too self-conscious. He's a loving, supportive boyfriend and said /he/ wasn't embarrassed by me, but I was still hurt. I told him next time let me decide what I'm comfortable with.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    The ex-husband, after the split said (among other things).."You are losing too much weight and I'm concerned. Why couldn't you lose weight when we were married." I said, "The stress of being married to you I suppose."

  • RenCara
    RenCara Posts: 300 Member
    When I was in college I had to take a jogging class. (It was the only class still open during registration.) For the final you had to run a set distance in under a set time. After I completed the task the coach running the class said, "Wow, you move pretty good for a fat girl!" right in front of everyone. OUCH!!!!!
  • kneeseebme
    You work out all the time (and I do at least 1 hour a day 6 day's a week), why are you so big? Have you had your thryoid checked. Or when I was growing up and my dad would tell me "you have such a beautiful face, if only you could lose weight and the rest of you could be so beautiful." Yeah that on sucked a lot!
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    I had a severe worker's comp injury to my knee. Someone in the comany had left a piece of equipment sitting where it wasn't supposed to be - right in the middle of an aisle on a blind corner. I don't walk slow - I rounded the corner and **WHAM** cylinder used to lift 200+ pound rolls of paper meets kneecap. Within 15 minutes, I couldn't even stand up.

    Due to the fact that it was workers comp, I had to go to *their* doctor. They sent me to physical therapy. I kept telling them it hurt too bad and my knee should not sound like paper ripping every time I bent it. 4 weeks I went through this. At the same time, every time I sat down at my desk, my knee would swell, causing swelling all the way down my leg and into my foot. My foot would swell so bad, it didn't even look like I had toes.

    The doctor kept saying the injury was due to my weight.

    Finally, a month later they did a scope on it. My lateral tendon was almost severed in half and my kneecap looked like shredded wheat. My lateral tendon had been shoved up under my kneecap and the ripping paper sound that I heard was that tendon being cut.

    Needless to say, I got a lawyer. Oh, and I'm 28% disabled in that knee now. I have so much nerve damage to it, when I kneel, I can't feel anything.

    This was just about 7 years ago.

    That is awful. Darn right you should sue! Wow.