The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    When i was younger i had to go to a wedding as a bridesmaid, i was given a fitted purple dress and black fish net tights which had little flowers embroidered into them.
    It was a really nice outfit, and i felt alright in it.
    But my dad came over to me and said i looked so fat that people would assume i was pregnant and in the fishnets my legs looked like pieces of tightly wrapped like steak or something..
    I was only about 8 aswell... Really got to me.

    OH MY GOSH! What is with these horrible fathers!?!?! My dad passed when I was 3, but I know he would have never said something like that to me. Just based on what I was told. I could be wrong, but it really makes me think that there is some truth in that expression "Only the good die young." I am so sorry to you and anyone else who's father/mother treated them that way. That is absolutely horrible!!

    My mum was always a bit of a one that had a niggle - she actually said something a bit off today when I had my grandaughter over too.
    I remember once being a young kid (I was never fat until I was 27) and her dishing up breakfast and saying 'do you want a big spoon or a little spoon?' - I felt the need to think carefully about it and I thought to myself 'if I say a big spoon she'll call me a pig' (note also I am a VERY small eater even today and always have been) so I said 'I'll have a small spoon please' and she said "what is that so you can get more mouthfuls in?' - I could never understand her attitude to me. I think I understand now - it is still confusing tho.
  • chavahw
    I've gotten the pregnant question a few times. And when I was pregnant with my 3rd in 2 years strangers couldn't believe I was so far from my due date when in reality I hadn't gained a single pound yet; my stomach just wasn't as taut as the first time around.

    It's not me, but shortly after my husband and I married I went to a harvest party and saw an elderly lady I hadn't seen in a while. My husband was across the yard, but I pointed him out to her since she'd never met him. The first and only thing that comes out of her mouth is "you feed him well, don't you?" I was speechless. My mom always told us kids if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all. That's good advice.
  • hedwighigh
    I was always made fun of off and on until about Jr. High but the most hurtful thing happened about a year ago.

    I was maybe 20 pounds heavier than I am now and I showed my stomach to my boyfriend at the time. I had told him how I was self-conscious but he convinced me to show him because he didn't believe me when I told him I had an odd stomach shape (loose skin). He told me later that it was as bad as I thought it was and tried to break up with me. He was heavier than me then too and wasn't the most attractive thing without a shirt on either. Everyone since him has told me that my stomach isn't as big as a deal as I think it is but he made me feel so much worse about it.

    Thank goodness my present boyfriend won't care (and he's a stick).
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    I used to work as a preschool teacher, and one morning one of my little 3 year old students asked me "teacher how'd you get so fat? I just ignored his question and went about serving them breakfast. He just keep on an on saying... "teacher, you are as big as a big huge tree" and of course all of the other children would burst out laughing, because he was so funny. I let it go on a little bit longer, then I went to his side and nelt down beside him an said.. "Matthew you want to know how I got so big? I got so big by eating rude little boy's like you for breakfast!", I then rubbed my tummy and said " I sure am HUNGRY TODAY, so you better be nice or i'll eat you for breakfast!" lol That was the last time he ever said anything about teacher being fat! :smile: :smile:

    :laugh: That is an awesome comeback! I used to sub during college and this one kid (middle school aged) forgot my name so he just yelled out: "Hey fat lady!"

    Here's more from throughout the years (that I can remember):

    -10 years old: My grandmother counting out my belly fat rolls in front of everyone when I sat down, and loudly announcing to the family that I was "getting fatter by the minute" whenever I ate

    -13 years old: Getting called "a fat, chunky, roly poly" in front of my whole science class in seventh grade after I dared to say something the obnoxious popular guy didn't like

    -22 years old: Going out on a few "dates" (ok, they were booty calls) with a guy 4 years ago and only hanging out after dark at his house. He later told me that he didn't want to take me out in public and had found a girl he really liked. He then told me that I had a pretty face and would attract more guys if i lost weight. I met my now boyfriend one month later and he happened to think I was hot (and still does). :flowerforyou:
  • freezee2010
    freezee2010 Posts: 16 Member
    (my uncle, seeing me for the first time, I was two months postpartum)
    My gosh girl you're HUGE!!!
    Broke my heart, how does one respond to that without crying?
  • karmaticgeek
    Hmm, there have been lots of comments but I suppose one of the most hurtful was when my grandma said "well, you're not going to get any least not bigger in height" and pointedly looked at my waist. Thanks, grandma.

    Oh, and there was the guy who said "do you know the ground shakes when you walk?" Assface.
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    My ex dumped me because I'm fat. You can imagine how it could break one's confidence and self esteem. It was the most painful one for me.

    Are you serious?? what an AssH**e!!!

    Yup, But it kinda jump started my weightloss journey. I dropped nearly half the amount of weight I want to and I ran into him recently. His reaction?? His jaws hit the floor and he said "You look really pretty". He's been texting and I is the best dish served!

    hahah i was actually going to ask you if you have ever ran into him.. ahahaha !! must feel great that now hes trying to get your attention while you just giving him Kiss my A attitude.. :)
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I used to go to a yoga class all the time, and one morning I went to an earlier class with a different instructor. We had to do stretches with a partner, and while I think it was intended as a compliment, an older lady told me, "Wow! You're pretty flexible... for someone your, ahh, size." Now I laugh about and think, "Damn right I am, lady," but when it happened I went home and cried.

    Oh! And when I was recovering from my eating disorder, I went out for lunch with my parents. I ate everything on my plate, and had just finished convincing myself that it was okay, and that I would have a light dinner to make up for it, the waitress came to take my plate, looked me up and down, and said, "Well, someone was hungry." I immediately excused myself and went to the bathroom to throw up. It still makes me angry to think about it.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Oh! And when I was recovering from my eating disorder, I went out for lunch with my parents. I ate everything on my plate, and had just finished convincing myself that it was okay, and that I would have a light dinner to make up for it, the waitress came to take my plate, looked me up and down, and said, "Well, someone was hungry." I immediately excused myself and went to the bathroom to throw up. It still makes me angry to think about it.

    Hugs for you!! :flowerforyou:
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Getting changed in the changing rooms at a shop with my son:-

    Josh 'whys your belly so fat and squidgy?'
    Me 'When you were a baby you used to live in there'
    quiet pause whilst he thinks this comment through
    Josh 'How many babies have you got in there now?'

    All I could hear was chuckles from other changing rooms.

    I had to laugh but inside I was crying!!

    I have to admit that I laughed too ...I'm sorry!
  • Kicktush
    My husband and I were waiting at the airport for a flight (on our way to our wedding in fact) and I was wearing what I thought was a cute, figure flattering, a-line sundress. I tried to order a glass of wine at a bar and the waitress looked at me, glared at my stomach, and then said, "do you really think you should be drinking that?"
  • Bteacher05
    When I go into special athletic stores and they look at you as if what are you doing in here,,
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Ahhh, yes the rudeness..... That would be when my ex-husband told me that I looked like a full dressed Harley. (motorcycle with saddlebags) I was 20, 5'5" and maybe 125/130 pounds. Yah, he was a real keeper!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I think one of the worst I had was due to it being strangers (these tardy little turds that cruise around in cars being a general menance to society)
    I was out riding my bike (so it wasn't like I was laying on the couch!!!) and they came past in a rowdy car speeding etc (just the sort of people I want to see locked up and car crushed) and one of them yelled out of the car window "someone could do with a salad".

    Thats like what happened to me recently! Which is sad, because I was running when it happened and I'd already lost 20lbs.

    I work downtown Portland and I had just made a delivery to a nearby location from my food cart. I was running down the street and as I approached a crosswalk an SUV drove by with the driver yelling to me saying... I quote (drunkard). "STOP RUNNING FATSO!"... wait a minute. LOL so I am a fatso, running? Isn't that a good thing!?

    Another event, a rude homeless guy called me "porky".

    A friend of mine (yes, lol a friend sadly) was describing somebody to me. Apparently this woman was very heavy, and he tried explaining how big she was with hand motions then resorted to saying... "She is Bigger than you!". Well, that makes me feel great! This tiny little 5 foot guy... well we're all big to him right?!
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    I just remembered another one that I actually find quite funny. I tell everyone about it when the subject of weight comes up.

    When I lived in south Florida I had a Cuban doctor who was soooooo hot, and young, well my age at the time, maybe a few years older. Anyway, I was always getting flustered around him, so we had been talking about my weight and I had just had a thyroid test done, and he said the results were in the normal range and I said, half kidding, "well can we do it again to make sure", and he said "no, just face it, you're fat". LMAO With the thick Cuban accent coming from this gorgeous doctor, well I couldn't stop laughing, though I was a bit down that I knew I didn't have a shot with him! LOL
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    I never got comments from strangers when I was heavy, only family members. What stung was seeing a copy of a report in my chart at an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor that described me as a "40 year old, moderately overweight female." It was true, but seeing it in writing really hit home. No one at that office had ever weighed me, they could just tell by looking at me. Now that I'm at a healthy weight, co-workers tell me I'm too thin, some have asked if I'm sick and some have gently hinted that I have some sort of eating disorder. One lady asked in a concerned tone "Are you eating? You've gotten awfully thin." (and she's thinner than I am!)
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    At my heaviest my wedding and engagement ring wouldn't fit. I went into a jewellers to buy a cheap band to wear as a replacement and the assistant pulled out a huge gold band. Now even when I'm big i have freakishly small fingers (I now wear a size I/J after a 70lbs loss) so was probably after a size M when I was shopping. She said " Oh you have small fingers, I'll just get one thats a NORMAL size"

    Cheeky cow!

    I have had this happen. I wear a 4.5 - 5 ring and bought a ring (it was a 6) I said I needed to get it resized. So they pull out the little tool to see what size you should be, pulled out the 10, it was too big for my thumb, he said "Im sorry, I just assumed because the rest of you was big that your fingers would be too" I told him that he could keep the ring, I would spend $600 at a jewelry shop that doesn't "assume" and actually LOOKS at my FINGERS before checking sizes.
  • helena260
    helena260 Posts: 83 Member
    People are rude when you are overweight and after you lose the weight!! The list is so long where do I start? Family is the worst, I can remember growing up being called:
    1. Big Mama
    2. Baby Elephant
    3. I was even told no one is going to want to take you to the prom!!
    4. Fatty
    5. You dress nice for your size
    6. Although you are big you have a pretty face
    7. You are bigger than your mother!!

    Now that I've lost the weight, I hear stuff like:
    1. Which weight loss surgery did you have?
    2. How much more weight are you going to lose? You don;t want to look funny!!
    3. Are you sick?
    4. You need to stop with the weight loss because you are not going to look right!!
    5. My God what size are you now a 8 or 10!! Girl the wind is going to blow you away!!

    :laugh: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :tongue: :wink:
  • madubil
    madubil Posts: 131 Member
    Holy crap- I am so sorry to hear these stories- Its heartbreaking to hear the things people have said to you all.

    I'm very lucky- bc to my knowledge no one has said anything nasty to me about my weight. Or let me rephrase that- the person who might have thought something but didnt say it- is very lucky- as I would have knocked their lights out. I cant imagine how people can be so cruel.

    Ive never had a guy tell me to lose weight- bc the fastest way for me to lose that weight would be to dump his *kitten*.

    My friends are all gorgeous in their own way- and we all see each other as beaufitul gorgeous women- and arent affraid to tell each other that.

    I'd never beat on someone for their weight- we need to suport each other- especially as women- we shouldnt be on opposite sides of each other. Ever.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    At my heaviest my wedding and engagement ring wouldn't fit. I went into a jewellers to buy a cheap band to wear as a replacement and the assistant pulled out a huge gold band. Now even when I'm big i have freakishly small fingers (I now wear a size I/J after a 70lbs loss) so was probably after a size M when I was shopping. She said " Oh you have small fingers, I'll just get one thats a NORMAL size"

    Cheeky cow!

    I have had this happen. I wear a 4.5 - 5 ring and bought a ring (it was a 6) I said I needed to get it resized. So they pull out the little tool to see what size you should be, pulled out the 10, it was too big for my thumb, he said "Im sorry, I just assumed because the rest of you was big that your fingers would be too" I told him that he could keep the ring, I would spend $600 at a jewelry shop that doesn't "assume" and actually LOOKS at my FINGERS before checking sizes.

    I've never had anyone be this blatantly rude, but when I was heavy and would tell people that I wore a size 4 ring, I would either get a look like "Yeah, sure you are honey." or get asked "Are you sure? That's awfully small." lol