The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Last summer on vacation at the pool. This guy got mad because my daughter bumped into his kid who was scared of the water (hmmm maybe you shouldn't have had him in the pool). When he grabbed her by the elbow, I naturally needed to know why this stranger was putting his hands on my child. Instead of calmly explaining to me what she had done, he began to verbally assault me and my child. He called her fat, and called me 'Big Mama'. I was devastated!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    In 2003, my now ex husband, on my birthday, told me he was no longer attracted to me and moved out. LMAO Best F'ing thing that ever happened to me, though at the time I was a mess. I was more upset about the "no longer attracted to you comment" then him leaving, since he was cheating on me. :grumble: But hey, everything happens for a reason, and I'm finally happy! :bigsmile:

    I'm just mad that you didn't leave him first! What a jerk!!
  • mskatec22
    mskatec22 Posts: 138 Member
    I had gained 40 lbs with my first pregnancy and had only lost 20lbs by my 6 week check up. My OBGYN got on my case and was asking why I hadn't lost anymore. When I didn't have any answers for her she said, "Well-you just might have to go a little hungry. It won't hurt."

    My husband slipped during an argument-"I didn't mean to call you FAT (instead of THAT.)" Ouch.

    Another annoying, but not necessarily rude comment is the one about how "skinny" my legs are. It reminds me that they probably wouldn't look so skinny if they weren't hanging out of all that fat around my mid-section!!
  • kardowling
    kardowling Posts: 221 Member
    I gained weight after I went back to work at an office job..full time. Was soo active before, super busy with kids, dog,long distance running, weights.....I never sat down. Big adjustment after being SAHM for 10 + years. My metabolism took a big hit and couldn't find time to work out.

    My mom said "Well, you knew that would happen" weight gain. You are just getting older accept it" NO I WILL NOT! In jan im starting to train for a half marathon. I need to run, mentaly and physically.

    I'm going to prove her wrong.

  • NuMe46
    NuMe46 Posts: 128
    Ex-hubby told me I was too fat to go out with him. That is part of why he is EX. But later I found out he had a sweetie on the side. A total jerk. Took me 10 years but it is in the past and will stay that way.
  • DeeAnn2004
    I used to work as a preschool teacher, and one morning one of my little 3 year old students asked me "teacher how'd you get so fat? I just ignored his question and went about serving them breakfast. He just keep on an on saying... "teacher, you are as big as a big huge tree" and of course all of the other children would burst out laughing, because he was so funny. I let it go on a little bit longer, then I went to his side and nelt down beside him an said.. "Matthew you want to know how I got so big? I got so big by eating rude little boy's like you for breakfast!", I then rubbed my tummy and said " I sure am HUNGRY TODAY, so you better be nice or i'll eat you for breakfast!" lol That was the last time he ever said anything about teacher being fat! :smile: :smile:
  • SeattleLove
    "They sure fed you well in the U.S" (told by my friends, right after I returned to Germany from my exchange year in the U.S. -.-)
    "Remember, when you were so skinny people used to make of you. And now look at you" *evil laugh* (also my friends) -.-
  • emdeegan
    emdeegan Posts: 219 Member
    "You just don't look like yourself. You know it is ok to starve yourself for a few months and to go to the bathroom if you feel like you've over eaten"
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    When i was younger i had to go to a wedding as a bridesmaid, i was given a fitted purple dress and black fish net tights which had little flowers embroidered into them.
    It was a really nice outfit, and i felt alright in it.
    But my dad came over to me and said i looked so fat that people would assume i was pregnant and in the fishnets my legs looked like pieces of tightly wrapped like steak or something..
    I was only about 8 aswell... Really got to me.
  • lq022
    lq022 Posts: 232 Member
    No one experience really sticks out for me .. when you've been heavy 60% of your life, you've heard it all. I got made fun of in grade/middle school for my weight obviously ... In highschool im sure ppl were saying *kitten* too .... I've only heard a few to my face .. but i used the defense mechanism of pointing it out first so then if people say anything, at least I'm in on the 'joke' . I tend to focus on the positive --- the compliments and looks that I get when I eat healthy, exercise and feel good are Amazing . My dad is my biggest cheerleader ... I'll walk into the kitchen and he'll ALWAYS make a comment (these days, they're good ... before, they were bad lol) .. like "wow you look like your shaping up .. keep it going!" . I guess the one "good" thing is no one has seen me thin ... so they dont know what I could possibly look like ... I'm not sure if thats a blessing or a curse =\
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    The rudest comment I ever had about my weight was not at my highest, it was at my lowest adult weight so far. I was "the fat girl" in school... about a size 12 around my Sophmore year and then 16 by graduation and then at a steady 18ish before losing 88 pounds when I was about 24. I have never really dated much and have never really had many guys show any interest... After losing the weight, a "friend" was constantly dropping comments about my weight loss... the one that sticks in my head the most was:

    "Could you *imagine* the guys that would have *actually* wanted to date you in high school if you had looked like *this* THEN?!?"
  • shaycg21
    I've had a few people ask me if I'm sick, since i've lost weight. Rude!!

    You know I have thought about this and if I don't like the person I may just look at them and say yes and turn around and walk off. Ok, I know I wouldn't really do it but it makes me mad.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    When i was younger i had to go to a wedding as a bridesmaid, i was given a fitted purple dress and black fish net tights which had little flowers embroidered into them.
    It was a really nice outfit, and i felt alright in it.
    But my dad came over to me and said i looked so fat that people would assume i was pregnant and in the fishnets my legs looked like pieces of tightly wrapped like steak or something..
    I was only about 8 aswell... Really got to me.

    OH MY GOSH! What is with these horrible fathers!?!?! My dad passed when I was 3, but I know he would have never said something like that to me. Just based on what I was told. I could be wrong, but it really makes me think that there is some truth in that expression "Only the good die young." I am so sorry to you and anyone else who's father/mother treated them that way. That is absolutely horrible!!
  • jeankh
    jeankh Posts: 68
    this Christmas one of my aunts noticed that I lost weight and was complementing me about it. She pointed out to my other aunt who snared and went, "Oh really? how much? 2lbs?". In reality it was closer to 30...

    There was the time an overweight friend of mine told I didnt have to worry about creepy guys hitting on me because no guy would ever want to.
  • Felecia95
    Felecia95 Posts: 2 Member
    I work in a Assisted Living Facility and my residents are brutally honest. As their activities director, I conduct a morning exercise program for them all done sitting in a chair. Last January, I recorded myself doing the exercises so that I could go on vacation and they would not miss their class. I have lost 25 pounds through this year. This year, when I went on vacation, they watched the DVD while I was gone. When I returned, one resident said to me, "You need to redo that DVD. You were FAT! I mean REALLY FAT!" Nice! I have also had the Are you expecting a good surprise comment as well. I also answer, Nope, just fat.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    this Christmas one of my aunts noticed that I lost weight and was complementing me about it. She pointed out to my other aunt who snared and went, "Oh really? how much? 2lbs?". In reality it was closer to 30...

    There was the time an overweight friend of mine told I didnt have to worry about creepy guys hitting on me because no guy would ever want to.

    I have to stop reading this thread! It is making me very angry!! :mad:
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    my grandparents, all through my teenage years: "you are getting fat! you are going to be a fat Maine Girl!"
    literally, two days later: "you are too thin! here, have some pie". GRRRR! really? My grandmother about a year ago said "Amy, you are getting more fat! You need to lose weight. Look at me, i didnt do anything and i lost all kinds of weight, now i only weigh 125lbs" As she shook her cane at me. What i wanted to say was "yes gram, you lost weight because you are 85 years old and have NO muscle tone!!" but i said something about still being fairly healthy and that i was focusing on my son...sort of mumbling and walking away.

    5 years or so ago, i lost about 35 lbs and was just about to my goal weight. I saw some friends at a bridal shower that i hadnt seen in awhile. One asked how much weight i lost, i said 35lbs. The other said "from where? your boobs?" i was really irritated. My boobs went from a DD to D cup, but my belly was flat(ish) for the first time since like 5th grade.
    Cant really consider this rude since it came from my 3 year old daughter...but she liked to climb in our old huge clawfoot bathtub with me and one night as I sat down in the tub with her she looked astonished and said WHERE DID YOUR BELLYBUTTON GO???? HOW DID YOU DO THAT??? That was the moment that I realized WHY some species eat their young!!!! :laugh:
  • FionaNiConnor
    FionaNiConnor Posts: 90 Member
    This probably isn't the rudest thing ever said to me about my weight, but it was recent and from a very dear uncle.

    Christmas Eve, at an aunt's house having dinner after Mass. We have a huge family, so when we do family meals we just put everything in warming trays and go for a buffet-style serving plan.

    I was getting myself some roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a little bit of gravy. (Last year, I would have piled about triple the amounts onto my plate.) I reached for a slice of bread and bumped into my uncle, who said "hey! everybody get in here before Angela eats everything!" I know he was joking, but it's visible now that I've lost some weight and that comment really, really hurt.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    The most awful crap was said in high school

    "The only thing Murano's faster than is his *kitten*" (while in PE/Gym class)
    "Hey Murano, when you look down, do you see your d***?"

    and so on.

    When I went to France to visit relatives one of the old ladies said "You've gained weight". This old *kitten* hadn't seen me since I was 5! I was 27 when she said that to me! I took it on the chin and shut up. Later my cousin, Celene, told me that she was furious with the old *kitten* for what she said. I told her that it's just how old people are. They're like kids: they lose their politeness and just say what they think. It's a little endearing sometimes.

    My mum is funny like that too. She once told my friend "You fat now!" (she has a thick French accent and doesn't speak English that well). My friend couldn't stop laughing at how balls-out-brave my mum is to say crap like that.

    It's weird, though, mum never says stuff like that to me even when I nudge on my heaviest weights. She's adamant that I'm fine the way I am. Rose coloured glasses I guess