Why are you fat???

I was just curious about the different reasons some of us are fat...ahem...excuse me...I mean overweight or in my case OBESE (according to BMI).
My reasons are as follow: Over the last 4 years I started a relationship, quit smoking (HOORAY FOR ME but here comes the fat), planned a wedding, went on a honeymoon cruise (they feed you SOOO much), got married, then pregnant (actually the pregnancy came just before the wedding, but who's counting), finished everything my pregnant wife couldn't eat (morning sickness), stop working out altogether (but continued to pay them :huh: ), finished everything my toddler wouldn't eat, and bing eating. WOW!!! So that's why I'm fat. What's your deal???


  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Mostly just being lazy.
  • leahdanbury
    leahdanbury Posts: 132 Member
    when i got pregnant when i was 17. i played basketball almost everyday. once i got pregnant that stopped, i ate whatever i wanted whenever i wanted. after i had her i didn't go back to playing basketball and I didn't realize that maybe i shouldn't continue to eat the same way. when i got pregnant i was 148lbs. at my heaviest i was 210! but i'm happy to say that i'm now 170!
  • clocklady
    clocklady Posts: 111 Member
    Emotional/Stress eating. I have been fighting an autoimmune disease for the last year and become obsessed with fixing myself. Plus my home bases art business did double the sales of last year. Trying to juggle that and two small kids led to a lot of stress. Finally recognized I had a problem and found exercise and MFP. No more binging for me! Good luck to you!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I am fat because I ate too damned much and what I ate was crap!
    In addition, similar to your story, Once I got married and my children were born it took all of my focus and energy to raise my children. This resulted in poor eating and sleeping habits. Along with giving up pretty much all forms of exercise.
    When my youngest started her last year of high school, I could not mow the lawn without being exhausted for the balance of the day, nor could I walk up 2 flights of stairs to get to my office when the elevator was not working without being out of breath and sweating profusely!
    Very glad that I am working to put those days behind me!
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I am fat for a lot of reasons. I have a hormonal imbalance with an insulin resistance, so I get hungry faster after eating, I crave carbohydrates and the weight all centers in my center. I also eat too much. I love food. I love pretty much all food. I have not come across any food that I do not like. Works in my favor with veggies, not so much with pastas and cakes. I am also kinda lazy. I do housework, work work, and mommy work, but dont take the time for work out work.
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    I got fat because I did alot of drinking, mostly beer, between the ages of 30 and 50. I still drink on most weekends but I try not to overdo it.
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    I always tell people that this is the way I have always seen myself. To be honest I used to be rail thin! I had such low self esteem that when I started letting myself go I didn't realize it. I am now almost twice the person I was. I could blame everything for my weight gain, but the truth is that I put on the weight because I was to lazy and undisciplined to put down the fatty foods and go to the gym. I am on my way to changing that. Good luck with your weight loss!! :)
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    Having no knowledge and completely skewed views of food and the effects. I think I'm being healthy and I'm eating way too much.
    Emotional/stress eating.
    Feeling the need to prove that I can eat as much as others who are bigger/taller than me (maybe compensating for being teased by family and friends that I'm the short one....I'm only 5'4" but the shortest in family)
    Being lazy and not liking to exercise
    2nds, 3rds, and the lack of knowledge about what a true serving size is.
    3 pregnancies (2 live births......gained 10lbs the first month the first time and never lost it due to depression over losing the baby)
    Bored eating
    The desire not to "diet" or restrict food because of all the fad diets and restricted calories in an unhealthy way that my mom subjected me to in high school (900 calories in a day when I was in sports and swimming!?!?! I mean, come on!!!!)
  • kitkat40
    kitkat40 Posts: 49 Member
    I know I'm over weight from the last round of pregnancies ~ i have 6 !
    After teenagers i lost the weight and I started working in Boston; met an amazing guy married him; then he wanted more children.
    Had three more but the last two are twins and i was stuck in bed or the hospital so much that i packed on 65lbs!
    So, I'm here to lose, lose, lose and i'm getting there 1 lb a day and happy about it.
  • likeaphoenix28
    This is a really good question. I'm fat because I went really overboard with binge eating after getting dumped lasy year by my SO of 7 years. I'm definitely an emotional eater and whenever I'm anxious I want to eat. Also, l'd rather be lazy than do what I need to do, like work out. Being depressed and on meds doesn't help with any of this.
  • BrandiLynn8064
    Kind of the same. Got married, have a two year old who doesn't eat so I eat what he doesn't. My husband's a big guy too who doesn't want to get healthy so he still orders pizza and that messes me up because I have no will power. But, I'm not making excuses. I'm extremely lazy too. I've mostly become this way since I had a kid because I always feel tired. And the bad food and laziness makes me more tired I'm sure so it's a vicious cycle:( But, now I'm on a good path to leaving those days behind:)
  • shazzam05
    got a car...stopped walking........ DIDN'T change my eating habits
    had my gall bladder removed........ DIDN'T change my eating habits
    quit smoking.................... using lollipops
    had a car accident and couldnt walk for months and .....DIDN'T change my eating habits
    went to uni and ate junk while studying, assingment writing, before exams and after exams
    had complications after surgery and could'nt walk for months again and still DIDN'T change my eating habits
    so thought for 2012............... I WILL change my eating habits and develop an exercise habit.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Because it's not socially acceptable to sew my mouth shut. :sad:

    Edit: I can't quit putting crap in my mouth, even the good stuff I go overboard on. The ONLY, and I mean ONLY good thing that has come out of changing WHAT I eat, is that my good cholesterol has improved by eating avocados. But that's it.

    I seriously don't know what my problem is, and neither does the doctor, I just don't have the moola to push further on fixing it.
  • sambod1
    i quit smoking. i am also going back to college to finish up my education degree and i am a study snacker. late night snacking, not eating right and not exercising has resulted in the heaviest i have been since i was pregnant 14 years ago.
  • melruiz5
    melruiz5 Posts: 134 Member
    I lost about 60 pounds and then got pregnant, guess that where it ALL starts LOL ..... went to the worst doctor in the WORLD and they told me I could not to ANY physical activity. Being my 1st pregnancy, I listened. I gained weight fast. Hubby had the mightnight cravings and weird cravings. I ate chinese food and salads and veggies and fruits... that's what baby wanted. Had the baby, lost about 10 lbs instantly. . . but once I went throug Post Pardum Depression, I gained alot of it back and then just gave up because I had NO energy. . . my daughter turned 2 and i told myself i was going to lose the weight. . . . well, some tramatic things happen during her 2nd year and I didn't lose ANY weight. . . . In October, while planning for her 3rd bday party that took place here in December, I realized she was turning 3 and i was still BIG! (not as big as I originally was, but I sure wasn't at my pre-baby weight) So i started REALLY cracking down on working out and counting calories and NOT cheating .. . . I've lost 20 pounds since and feel so much better.... I look back to before October of this year and ask myself. . . WHY did I wait so long? Better now then never though:happy:
    I know that was a long story, i'm a woman, what can i say lol :wink:
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    posting the same topic in more then one forum is frowned upon.
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    Hey if I ever need an excuse I know which topic to come to :)

    Your overweight because you consumed to much and burned to little!
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I am fat because...................

    I went through menopause at 40 and it all started then, but I also never exercised, drank daily and lived to eat bread, butter and anything fried. Portion control? WTH is that?? I got up to darn near 200 lbs - which is 55 lbs more than when I met my husband 10 years ago.

    I've finally realized that I can't diet, I have to change my life! Now I'm exercising, not drinking as much (not ready to give it up completely, but stick to the weekends now), eating much better foods in appropriate portions!
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    Its always been that way.
  • shazzam05
    Thank you Captain Obvious,Totally true.. but women like to dig deeper into the reasons and motivations for that.: especially when we all know what the result will be.
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