So why are you fat??



  • thor1god1of1awesome
    Thats easy, all I ever did was eat and never get off the couch lol
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Cupcakes and homecooked meals when I met my now husband in highschool. Then I went from 150 to blooooooooppp.
  • Firebird_Rising
    Firebird_Rising Posts: 15 Member
    Poor food choices (both in types and quantities), sedentary lifestyle, and an apathy for how I looked. Started off as a kid, and just kept right on going through into adulthood. I'm sure I could make excuses if I wanted to. But in the end, it's all on me.

    Until now. :-)
  • melissammundy
    Always was "fit" until I got pregnant at 20 and my now husband got deployed to Iraq shortly after until she was 2 months old. He came home, got married moved outta state. Totally shocked me from going from a "kid" to a parent/wife and away from own parents to a military lifestyle...
    Never left the house or worked out....Got tired of my husband hinting I was "heavy" so I joined a gym and got diagnosed with a mood disorder (meds started).

    A year later I lost 40lbs and my husband left again for Japan (for a year)... Visited him in Japan and was really thin came home and felt good and started to not watch what I ate so much and my meds changed causing the side effect of weight gain. Just couldnt stop the gaining or get back on track.

    I stopped all meds due to weight gain and wanting to get pregnant again. So now I'm dealing with depression and stress again alone with no meds... So the weight comes on and stays on.

    but those are all excuses!! NEVER should of let myself gain back 20 lbs.... it stops now for me...and us all. :)

    Good Luck All and Happy New Year.

    It was the complete opposite for me, i lost weight while my husband was deployed. As soon as he came home i gained about 7lbs. I seem to eat better and workout more while he is underway with his ship.
  • Hambone23
    Hambone23 Posts: 486 Member
    Oh, so many reasons. Most of my family is overweight. My mother was insanely obsessed with food and weight loss. So much so that the fridge was literally off limits. She'd hide food from me, but eat a candy bar in front of me. As I got older and had more control over what I could eat, I'd start to binge because I was never sure what or when my mother would let me eat again.

    Then, when I was about 13, I started caddying at a golf course. There were 7 girls and 275 boys. We had a communal bathroom where all the girls would have to go at once so someone could hold the door shut. But guys would try to catch us dressing, they'd make lurid and suggestive remarks all the time, and even the golfers -- grown men -- would sexually harass us. It got to the point where I didn't want to be looked at like that, so I started to gain weight as a way of disappearing to men.

    My mom forced me on a diet my senior year of high school so I'd start college "thin." I put on the typical college 15, met my ex husband, and kind of let myself go. I was truly fat by the time we got married, and our marriage turned out to be rather unhappy. He neglected me. Never spent time with me. Turned into this completely different person. It felt like being roommates. So the emotional eating started. Then I got a divorce and found a loving, supportive boyfriend. I actually lost some weight then.

    But then, I went to see a psychiatrist for depression, and she put me on Abilify, and I gained 80 lbs. It's taken me a year to get rid of that 80 lbs. I'm now back where I started post-divorce. Every now and then, I still get hit on (go figure), and I'm horribly uncomfortable with it. But I need to get over that. My health is more important, so I'm here now. :ohwell:

    Oh, yeah, and there was the apathy, laziness, and bad food choices too -- like most everyone else.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Because I wanted to be Santa Claus but then realized the job was taken. lol

    In all seriousness just not working out and having a desk job. I would come home after work..have dinner and just lay on the couch. That was it. No physical activity at all
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    wow this topic really made me think about all the reasons i use food as a crutch.

    mom died from colon cancer when i was nine and my weight was fine then although i am bigger physically than most girls, 5'8". sz 10 shoe, 8" wrist
    dad remarried a total effin ***** less than a yr later, on my parents anniversary no less
    effin ***** was fat and told me that i better watch what i was eating cuz i was getting fat as she continued to bring in crap to the house and never bought any fruits or veggies seriously i dont remember eating one piece of fruit when i was little. veggies either, the only thing we ate were potatoes usually scalloped with cheese
    my mothers sister that i spent summers with after mom died also died from breast cancer when i was a sophomore in hs
    then when i was 19 the step mother got throat cancer so i had to watch my dad deal with losing another wife
    then after she died my dad told me he had inoperable lung cancer so i quit school in texas and went back to phx to take care of him as there was no hospice, no family, my brother moved back in with us after that so i could stay with my dad to help with the bills
    i used food to cope all the time and got to an all time high of size 20 at age 21
    dad died then and still used food for comfort
    finally got with the program after i had my first child and didnt want my kids to have to go thru what i did because of health issues in my parents and family that may have been preventable
    still working on finding the balance of how to not use food to cope with emotional eating
    and here i am with all of you wonderful people who support me and tell me how great i am every damn day!
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    Quit smoking nearly 9 years ago (yay me!):smile: but decided to eat as an olympic sport instead and put on about 2 and a half stone (35 lbs) in THREE MONTHS :blushing: I used stopping smoking as an excuse to eat. I then got diagnosed with an underactive thyroid a few years ago and it became even harder to loose weight. However, if I stick to my calorie goal and exercise the weight does and has come off, so I'm not using it as an excuse anymore! I'm a few lbs off my goal weight and I could not have done it without MFP and all my friends here. I love ya all! :heart:
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    I have no excuse. I chose to eat too much food and a lot of unhealthy food. I just stopped caring.

    My life struggles or anyone else is not the reason I became this's all on me.
  • missmeg1970
    missmeg1970 Posts: 25 Member
    I eat my feelings....
  • Fuax75
    Fuax75 Posts: 70 Member
    Well my story is a long one but I will try to keep it as short as I can. About 12 years ago when I was a Deputy Sheriff a drunk driver plowed into my patrol car when I was running code to a call at around 1 in the morning. I spent 3 months in intensive care and a year learning how to walk again. I was on massive amounts of pain killers, not to mention the Jack Daniel's that helped me get through all the pain (I will also have to say if it wasn't for my beautiful wife I am not sure I would have made it through at all.) So I sat on my *kitten* and played video games for about 8 years.

    After about 9 years of not doing any real exercise because it always hurt to move and three kids later, I packed on about 90lbs. A year and a half ago my brother in law got me to join a gym with him and i got really strong, I mean really really strong but I never lost any weight. Back in September a good friend introduced me to this site and I actually started loosing weight even through the holidays. I started at 283lbs. I am now 268lbs. I am working my way down to 210lbs i figure it will take me another 6 to 8 months.

    I am still in pain all the time but I manage it differently now (no pills and only a lil JD here and there). I am loosing weight taking the extra pressure off of my frame and it seems to help a lot. I know I did not put the weight on over night so expecting it to come off over night is not realistic, although it would be nice if it would.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    My ex fiance always fed me BK or McD's knowing I hated eating them, and I worked at a desk job with little time to exercise

    If you hated them why did you eat them???
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    Married 31 yrs....while I slept next to him over the years, the *fat cells* from HIS body infiltrated MINE....

    [I'm still not sure this isn't *partially* true....]

    Gluttony. Plain and simple.
    At maintenance now, but a demon I will always battle.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    because I had that attitude while pregnant with my now 2 year old that I could eat whatever I wanted and after giogn almost a year before getting pregnant at only 1000 calories a day my body held on to everything I hate and then I gained 80 lbs with him and then got pregnant again 5 months later and gained another 50 lbs and only lost like 20-25 between them.

    I have now lost all of the baby weight plus some and will NEVER go back to that again (especially since we are done having kids)
  • chelle1a
    chelle1a Posts: 143 Member
    I love food.
  • PrfctGdess
    because. I WAS LAZY.

    hahaha Ditto! Too lazy to cook decent foods instead of processed junk, too lazy to workout... :P

    Fortunately, my kids are learning better habits. :)
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Drugs or better yet quiting drugs.When you go from eating once every three days to eating everyday and throw a pregnancy in the mix next thing you know you are 100 pound heavier
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    The people blaming others for getting fat are in denial, it's your own fault.

    Anyway I got fat because I laid around, didn't go anywhere, slept a lot, ate like I still ran cross country, quit softball and cross country, took a desk job, and hated my life so I didn't care what I looked like. My best friend and I were both emotional eaters and whenever either of us got sad or happy or angry we would both go to dinner and ice cream....we BOTH had a lot of issues!

    So glad I (and my best friend) turned that around before it got even worse....

    Good job to everyone taking control of their lives! =]
  • Ireshgurl
    Change of lifestyle. Before I got married I was going out with my gf's a few nights a week and dancing my *kitten* off. I also had a job that kept me on my feet and moving. Then after I got married, I moved, got a different job where i sat on my *kitten* all day, and never went out dancing. I still ate the same way, but never worked out. Here's the kicker..... I had a free gym right downt the sidewalk from my house (lived on base). So combine no dancing, with a sit on my *kitten* job with laziness and here I am today, about to once again (holidays were extremely hard for me for personal reasons) get back on the wagon and get back on track to losing the weight I gained. Oh, and the hubby and his liking for fast food doesn't help either, lol.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    My ex fiance always fed me BK or McD's knowing I hated eating them, and I worked at a desk job with little time to exercise

    If you hated them why did you eat them???

    My thought exactly.