The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • fiveferrels
    fiveferrels Posts: 397 Member
    long time ago I was asked if I had ever tried Dexitrim weight loss pill
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    Christmas shopping for a friend in a smaller size store a couple years ago, the male associate came up to me and said "I don't think we have anything here that will fit you" ... needless to say I was dumbfounded but immediately complained to the manager and explained they lost out on a sale.
  • Alexia40
    My aunt complemented me on some trousers I was wearing. Mum said "but look at the size of her backside in them"

    I was age 15 - 5'9" and in a size 12 (8US). And as you can see 25 years on I haven't forgot it!!
  • Shell_7609
    Shell_7609 Posts: 786 Member
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I wasn't.

    I've gotten this before. Also, once I was taking a walk around my neighborhood exercising, and a couple of guys drove past & yelled out the window "Go on a f***ing diet fatso"
  • jnhu72
    jnhu72 Posts: 558 Member
    I used to be a CNA at a nursing home. The men in the home were so rude, and it wasn't like they didn't know what they were saying like some of the patients. One guy I took care of would say good morning fat *kitten* every time I went into his room. Another called me pregnant when ever I took care of him and another would call various farm animals-pig, cow, horse, etc. Every time I eat something that doesn't look like diet food (even if it is) my family will tell me you shouldn't eat that you need to lose weight. My whole family has weight issues and they weigh more then me! My 3 yr old niece pulls my shirt up and tells everyone to look at my fat. Now that I have lost weight my stomach is kinda gross and hangs a little bit and she also makes it a point to ask me why it hangs and tells everyone about it.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    I think what hurt the most is the feeling of being invisible. Like being in a crowd and not one person acknowledging I was there.
  • carilou
    I have been told I have "child bearing hips" by a guy. Nice huh?
  • InStabilityKills
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I wasn't.

  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I have a book of quotes. Here are some for you lol

    * My ex wife used to gag when having sex. And say "get it over with", then run to the toilet and throw up afterward because fat people disgusted her.

    * An ex girlfriend dumped me because she said she "deserved better than a fat guy"

    * Soccer practice at the park, I'm running with my team up front, and a college girl running at the park with her friends/team points at me and says "ew look at that guy's belly"

    * Running at the park I pass up a thin girl running, who is running like she doesn't know how to run. Her meathead athletic boyfriend turns around and sees I'm passing her and runs back to her and screams "You didn't just let that fat **** pass you!! You better get your *kitten* in gear!"

    * Running at the park I pass a guy and his little girl running. She says "Daddy why did you let the fat man pass you?" He replies "shhh honey we don't call people fat, that's rude"

    * Meeting a woman I met online, she I guess thought I was thin because I said I played soccer. I had body shots up and all but ... I guess people will thnk what they think. She walks into the indoor arena to watch my team play, sees me, and her smile disappears immediately and the face she has kind of resembles what she would look like if she saw a cockroach skitter across the floor.

    We talk a bit but I can tell she's hitting the door. She ends up saying "how can you play soccer and run with a belly like that?"

    She ended up emailing me a day later pissed that I "misrepresented myself" and that she has no desire to date "big men".

    I have about 19 quotes in my book from this year alone. The above except the ex wife and gf were from this year alone.

    The comments stopped once I dropped weight. I'm only 15 lbs overweight now and strangely enough I'm not treated as poorly now. Fancy that lol.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I was home from college for Thanksgiving and sitting at the kitchen table, my dad came up to me, poked me in the stomach and said, "Well, now I know why your bank account is so low, you've clearly been eating out too much." Thanks, pops! :frown:

    Also, I was invited at the last minute to go to the Athletic Formal in college, like an hour before, so I was going to borrow a friend's dress, my boyfriend so kindly said, "I doubt she'll even have anything that fits you." He later claimed it was because she was quite a bit bigger than me in the chest so he didn't think that it would fit because of that. Either way, eff you, dude. :grumble:
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    my husband (the skinny man he is) says it doesn't matter how much you way but if you could just get rid of that celulite on your legs that is what matters!!!
  • shazzam05
    I wasn't allowed to be my sisters bridesmaid because as a size 14 alongside the other girls all size 10 I would spoil the photos. Gotta love the mother of the bride. More recently to stay true to form my supportive mother tells me "your sister has put on some weight ..not as much as you"
  • Fitgranny1
    Fitgranny1 Posts: 12 Member
    I saw my ex at a funeral. He made the coment wow you got fat!! I said well your still ugly!! LOL:laugh:
  • DrNicoleRed
    DrNicoleRed Posts: 52 Member
    the worst thing someone said to me was from my mom
    I told her through my whole pregnancy that I would get all 110 lbs off by my son's first birthday (had 2 kids back to back) and that I wanted my jeans back she stole from me and she told me flat out that there was NO WAY I will ever loose the weight and that I am basically setting myself up for disappointment.

    well I lost it all and hit my goal weight a week before my son's first birthday and have lost another 5 after that and she now tells me all the time how she always knew I could do it and how great I look and how proud she is, but it just pisses me off.

    I think she was trying to use some hate tactics to keep those jeans!
  • starshine420
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I wasn't.
    Yep, I got something similar although it was "When are you due?" My response was "I'm not but my son is 4, thank you" and walked away
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Was at a place for my nephews birthday called Pump It Up, like an inflatable indoor play place.
    My brother-in-laws mother always used to make backhanded comments to me and my fiance about our weight...:grumble:
    I slid down the slide and I said "whew, I went fast." She said "that's because you're BIG..."
    Just her tone was so nasty and condescending! UGH!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I had a coworker who was 100 lbs soaking wet and got asked allll the time if she was pregs :( Some people...
    Congratulations on your pregnancy!

    I wasn't.
    Yep, I got something similar although it was "When are you due?" My response was "I'm not but my son is 4, thank you" and walked away
  • Brandirina
    Brandirina Posts: 67 Member
    My aunt once told me - "Honey, if you don't lose weight, you'll never find a man that wants to sleep with you. And you'd be so pretty if you got back down to your high school weight." Then she was confused why I was crying.
  • AussieNikki
    AussieNikki Posts: 168 Member
    My ex treated me like crap when I gained weight. He would say and do awful things. I have never had anything said to me by a stranger. My mum never was rude but she was always at me to do something about it. She is pretty happy now! :lol:
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Many years ago I had bone spurs in my feet (or I believe that is what it was) I went to a Dr. to see about them, at the time I was probably about 50 to 75 lbs. overweight. The Dr. (which was kind of fat himself) did not even look at my feet or do xrays or anything, he just told me to lose about a 100 lbs. I later called back to see if he would refer me to a specialist and was told that I would have to come back in to see him first, and I told the receptionist that I would just find a real Dr. to go to instead of a Quack. (My saying this, made me feel alot better)