What are you looking forward to most when you reach your go



  • bonnynblithe04
    bonnynblithe04 Posts: 123 Member
    Treating myself to a designer bag that I have had my eye on for years. I didn't get it the first time I made goal because I started regaining almost immediately.
  • inaspaceship
    inaspaceship Posts: 5 Member
    I weighed 250 lbs by the time I was in jr high and 300 lbs by the time I was in high school. I've never spent a single day of my entire life as anything other than fat.

    What I'm looking forward to most - is not being a fat person for the first time ...ever.

    This exactly. I was well over 200 by the time I was a teenager and gained about 100 in my senior year of high school due to depression and the ****ty family drama that exacerbated it. Actually, I was overweight by the time I was three years old. I literally don't remember what it's like to be healthy. And for the rest of my list:

    - I want to look at my body and actually like it. I've lost significant amounts of weight before (about thirty pounds, before something happened and I gave up, back when I was in the low 200 range) and I've noticed that I have the kind of hourglass figure that I'm actually attracted to in other women. I have pretty eyes and great cheekbones and a nice neck, but it's all covered in fat right now. And my arms are so big that my hands look small and the chub on my fingers just makes that whole area look ... unfortunate.
    - My girlfriend and I want to get married. I don't want to be a fat bride, and I want to wear a pretty dress without having any major alterations or looking like a muu muu.
    - I want to have a baby. I want to keep up with my kid and set a good example for him or her, instead of showing them the unhealthy relationship with food that I have right now.
    - I'm friends with a lot of actors---a lot of TEENAGE actors at that! They're all leggy and skinny and have energy for days. I'd like not to feel like the lame fatass around them. I'm only 21! I could've gone to high school with some of them!
    - I want to actually look 21. People have always thought I'm older and I'm pretty sure that's because I'm tall AND fat.
    - I want to be able to pick up my girlfriend, and vice versa. I want to be able to hug her without leaning over and, screw it, I want to have better/more energetic/less cumbersome sex. We're both overweight and it really limits how we can show physical affection.
    - I live in New England and my dad is in Las Vegas. I want to be able to get on a plane for seven hours without feeling like I'm crammed into a sardine can. I went back in July and my big butt not only meant I BARELY fit in the seat, but that I was set so far forward that my knees jammed against the seat in front of me, and I had to ask for seatbelt extenders. It's embarrassing, sure, but I also had bruises when I got off the plane! And on that note I want to fit better in theater seats; I saw a show in one of the older Broadway theaters and got to see Cirque in Vegas, and both times I barely fit and my knees were shoved against the seat in front of me.
    - I want my boobs to be smaller and less obtrusive so I drop less food on the "boob shelf".
    - I want my back and knees to hurt less.
    - Sleeping better. When I eat badly and don't exercise I'm exhausted all the time and then can't sleep at night.
    - My mother's been on my *kitten* since I was a toddler to lose weight and is basically my worst weight enemy. Now we don't even speak (for unrelated reasons, but the weight problem definitely factors in). I imagine we'll make up eventually, and when that happens I want to be thin and just as fit as she is, so she knows that I did it on my own DESPITE her being a fat-shaming nag for almost twenty years. I'm easily the heaviest on my mother's side of the family right now and if I ever go back to see them I want to be healthy and pretty.
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    To not worry how my clothes fit me, and to weigh significantly less than my husband.

    To feel safe getting on a see-saw with my guy! (do they still have them in the playgrounds these days???)
  • racha2424
    racha2424 Posts: 58 Member
    Mine would be fitting into clothes that I never thought I would again! I have a ways to go but I'm gonna work hard and get there :bigsmile:
  • Gorgeous222
    Gorgeous222 Posts: 19 Member
    To feel comfortable in clothes!! I have clothes in my closet that are currently too tight, so everytime I get dressed, I have to worry if something is going to fit right. It would be nice if everything in my closet was fair game!
  • Wearing shorts again!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I kid you not, part of the reason I want to lose weight is to fit into this specific shirt again. LOL
    It's just sitting in my closet waiting to be worn again.

  • Cheaper Cloths that do not look like crap. The thing of it is honestly. Finding stuff that matches and looks good is easier when you are smaller. I know I will end up still being in the XL or L frame but its so much better then haveing little choices at XXXL or even XXXXL which i seem to hid my belly better in.
  • Reaching in my closet and grabbing any pair of pants and not worrying about them being too tight!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    My thighs not rubbing together.
    Long distance running and playing tennis for hours on end.
    Not having to wear a bra if I don't feel like it.
  • Ladydrake12
    Ladydrake12 Posts: 45 Member
    My husband and I love hiking with our 2 pups and I want to be able to just pick a hike that sounds amazing, rather than worrying whether or not I will die on the way up. He also has to carry most of the gear, which isn't fair, so it is time for me to step up my game! I am really looking forward to strapping that pack on my back and keeping up with him. :)
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Some of the answers I never thought about but I really like having a fit photo shoot, never being being a fat person, and the striptease for the girfriend. I really like those. For me, I have lost weight in the past but gained it back but what I really look forward to is the feeling of being proud of myself and feeling accomplished. BUT my skin glowing was a big plus too.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    NOT looking at my lovehandles in tight jeans and NOT having to pick a flowy shirt to go with it to hide them.

    Not having to lay completely flat on a lawn chair while wearing a bikini so my stomach is flat.

    Wearing short shirts with skinny jeans

    No more cellulite

    No more ruined jeans because of my chub rub (thighs)

    Buying good quality clothes instead of scowering clearance racks :]
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Acceptance from my loved ones...
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Acceptance from my loved ones...

    Acceptance. Isn't that what we all need?
  • CaptainGordo
    CaptainGordo Posts: 4,437 Member
    Acceptance from my loved ones...

    Acceptance. Isn't that what we all need?
    Yes. Yes, it is. :cry:
  • I'll be prettier when my face isn't chubby any more.

    Feeling comfortable in my own skin.

    Not having to sit with my purse in my lap to cover my fat rolls.

    Being able to wear my own clothes again. 90% of my closet is going to waste.

    Looking good in almost any clothes I try on instead of only 1 out of every 15 things.

    Looking good at parties, Halloween, and other special occasions.

    Feeling comfortable in a bathing suit. (Not a bikini, just any bathing suit!)

    Being confident in the bedroom.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Acceptance from my loved ones...

    Acceptance. Isn't that what we all need?
    Yes. Yes, it is. :cry:

    Poor guy. Has someone been mean to you today or something? Because I'm in a beating people up mood if you would like to sic a fat lady on whoever it was! :bigsmile:
  • jkleeh
    jkleeh Posts: 108 Member
    A day to treat myself!! When I reach my goal I am going to treat myself to a spray tan, get my nails did, and a new outfit!!
  • I am looking forward to LOSING the social anxiety I feel now about my appearance.

    I also can't wait to surprise my husband by showing up somewhere in JUST a coat, boots and some sexy undergarments... I did this once when we were dating and even now years later, he still talks about it!