40+Club-Making it Work



  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I found a HRM on sale at our sporting goods store. It has all of the information about the watch but doesnt say just exactly where a girl would wear the chest strap. Above or below the.... yea... hehe
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tron, not speaking from experience, just observing my wife....just under the "girls"!! :blushing:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Tron, I got mine a couple of days ago. Yea, they make it so confusing, don't they? I finally just had look up pics on google to figure it out. I put it just under "the girls" under my bra. It worked great and was comfortable. I forgot it was there and I even wore it all day (lol, well, I didn't completely forget as I kept checking the watch part for cals burned all day tee hee).

    Hoamai, I hear you there on the mornings. I have to get up at 5am to workout but this past week I seem to be working out in the evenings. I have heard that working out in the morning is better because it helps to burn calories the rest of the day.

    I'm just glad to get a workout in when I can. Some days are harder than others, thats for sure. I actually burned 700 cals yesterday and was so proud of myself. I'm not even all that sore today where the past couple of weeks have been excruitiating at times.
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Hi Everyone!!! I've missed the group this week. :cry: So happy to be back and read all the great posts. Welcome to all the newbies. It's great to see the group growing.

    Alf - Your new pic is amazing!!! You look great!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Congrats on the one pound but even more congrats on the inches. You're going to have a great time in Vegas!!!!!

    Singfree - Wow, you've got a lot going on. Your so inspiring with your success here and your commitment to family and music. Way to go!!! :bigsmile:

    Erika - way to go at PF Changs. I know you were proud of yourself and felt saw how well you can enjoy eating out without guilt. I know it's hard not to count the pounds but stick with it. figuring out what works for your body doesn't happen over night and your husbands right, that at least you've lost. I hit my first mini goal today, 189.4 pounds. First time I've been under 190 for tooooooo long. It took me 4 weeks and I'm ok with that. One day at a time girl!!! Your awesome and worth it.

    tron - I loved ready about your hike. I hope to make it to Yosemite in the next couple of years. But in the meantime I'll settle for the little bit of hiking we have available here in central Texas.

    Stiring - Your amazing. Counting your calories and your husbands. Cudos to you girl. I barely have time to do my own. I'm sure your hubby greatly appreciates your help!! My husband started watching what he ate in April when I started this website. He's very active and is a pro-master inline skater but had put on about 15 pounds. Well, it's been a month and yes, he's lost all 15. And trust me he eats, a lot. He has to. His metabolism burns food so fast it's unbelievable, so when he cut out the bad food and ate only healthy for a month it all melted away. His down side is that he battles with high blood pressure and cholesterol. I don't, I just battle the bulge, so I think I'm on the winning side. :bigsmile:

    Cardigirl - I prefer morning workouts also but just started breaking my workouts up this week. I'm experimenting to see what works best. I felt like working out 90 minutes was pushing myself to hard I've switched to an hour in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. I'm not as tired, and I'm working out even longer in total so I'll see how it goes.

    I had a great Mother's Day. The family took me to the Oasis. It's a great restaurant (mostly outdoor decks) that overlooks lake Travis. The weather was perfect and the food was great. I love how restaurants are so willing ot accomdate when I ask for an entree to be prepared just a little different. I ordered the tilapia mango salad. I asked for the fish to be broiled instead of fried and the dressing on the side. OMG, it was to die for and no extra calories.

    My eldest daughter moved back from college and told me Sunday she needed to hit the track and didn't want to do it alone so we started the Couch to 5K program to see if I can get back to running. We are doing this at night when she gets home from work and it's working out great for both of us. The interval training is only 20 minutes right now so once we've done that, she makes me walk the bleachers while she's running the bleachers. My calves should really be shaping up when we finish this 9 week program. :bigsmile:

    Last night was interesting, we went to the track early because my younger daughter had a soccer banquet at 7:00 we had to get to. We ran, showerd and made it to the banquet just in time to get in line for BBQ. :grumble: I was almost ready to get out of line when I saw they had smoked turkey. I got to the food and told the server to give me 4 oz of the turkey, a half cup of the beans, no potatoes and a half cup of the slaw. My daughter laughed and said they didn't know how to measure like that. HA!! yes they did. The meat cutter told her he has to measure like that all the time at the restaurant and applauded me for watching my portions. :laugh: The mom behind me that is also trying to lose weight was so encouraged she did the same thing and then came over to thank me for showing her there's no reason to be embarrassed to ask for portions and eat healthy. :happy: :happy: I told her, heck no I'm not embarrassed, I'm going to look so good when I've lost all this weight the over eaters will be embarrassed that they put so much on their plates. :laugh: :laugh:

    Well, I'm getting a new roof put on today, the hail storm we had in March really did number on the house. So I'm off to run errands to get away from all the pounding. I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Thursday.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    Cardigirl - I prefer morning workouts also but just started breaking my workouts up this week. I'm experimenting to see what works best. I felt like working out 90 minutes was pushing myself to hard I've switched to an hour in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. I'm not as tired, and I'm working out even longer in total so I'll see how it goes.

    TexasMom, this is interesting, as sometimes I don't have enough time in the mornings to fit everything in. I'll be interested to see how this works for you. Nice to work out with your daughter...some good bonding time there, I imagine! The track time sounds very good!

    And because of your decision to change up your routine, I'm curious as to how much time is a good amount to work out? I see many people on here who do 90 minutes or more on their workout days. I'm good if I get in 60 minutes...how much is too much or overtraining? I see people discuss that as well, and am unfamiliar with that concept. I can understand doing weight training at the gym and then going for a run later in the day, or something like that, just haven't gotten to that point yet, myself.

    Some people talk about having an effective and efficient workout, vs working out longer times...it's all quite confusing to me. I'd be interested in everyone's thoughts on this.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Singfree and annaliza.... Thank you. I dont understand why they dont have some sort of illustration when it comes to that. I cant wait to use it so I can see exactly how many calories I am burning.

    Texasmom... Congratulations on the portion sizes. I actually wouldn't have thought of asking them, I would have just tried to eyeball how much I thought was the right amount. And great for you that your daughter is interested in running with you. It makes it much easier when you have a workout buddy rather than trying to do it yourself. Your gonna be to your goal weight in no time...:happy: :drinker:

    Well I haven't exercised in 2 days because of my calves being SO sore, so I'm gonna make sure I do today. Not gonna push in the legs but I'm gonna get in some push ups, sit ups and some core workouts. I'll see how my legs feel tomorrow before I start up on the stair steps and such. I weighed myself yesterday. Still haven't lost anything but then again this past week I haven't exercised as much as I should have.
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    Hi everyone. It's nice to read everything that is going on with everyone. I have to vent a bit... I'm going downstate with a good friend on Saturday and we're going to see a musical at Circle Theatre. Anyway, she asked what I was wearing. I told her I wasn't sure - that not much fits me. :noway: She got after me, telling me not to be so hard on myself - to be keep in mind, that "we're in our 40's!" :angry: I told her that I wasn't being hard on myself, just honest - that I don't have many dress slacks that fit me (yet). I get this "in our 40's" comment from her whenever the subject of clothes or dieting comes up - or when I'm ordering (carefully) when we eat out. I never make a big deal of any of it. Up to now, I've been rather diplomatic with my response, but one of these days.....:explode: How does "being in our 40's" justify weighing too much? It doesn't!!! GRRRR!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Exactly right, kelligirl! Getting older does not mean that we are doomed to getting fatter. Weight gain is a choice that we make, even though we are mostly unaware of it. The fact is, as we get older, we need to work even HARDER than when we were younger....and we have to work and eat smarter!
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Kelligirl - all I can say is I'm in my 40's and I'm going to feel like I'm in my 20's really soon. Feel so sorry for those that choose to be 40 and feel 60. :cry:

    As soon as she sees your results I've got a feeling a little bit of envy going to kick in. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Kelligirl, I guess I thought your friend was responding to you putting yourself down (as in none of my pants fit me because I'm so big) and in her own way was trying to encourage you not to feel so bad about yourself. Anyway, is there a gentle way to tell her that remarks like hers do not help you in your journey to being fitter? And get her on your side to be fit?

    Whenever someone tells me they're too big, my immediate response is not "Why yes, yes you are huge!" Heh. I usually do what your friend does, and try to help them feel better. I guess I'm going to have to stop doing that.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    And because of your decision to change up your routine, I'm curious as to how much time is a good amount to work out? I see many people on here who do 90 minutes or more on their workout days. I'm good if I get in 60 minutes...how much is too much or overtraining? I see people discuss that as well, and am unfamiliar with that concept. I can understand doing weight training at the gym and then going for a run later in the day, or something like that, just haven't gotten to that point yet, myself.

    Some people talk about having an effective and efficient workout, vs working out longer times...it's all quite confusing to me. I'd be interested in everyone's thoughts on this.

    cardigirl, there really is no quick, easy answer to this. Even those responsible for making exercise recommendations--and who study it for a living--can't seem to agree on how much a person should workout in terms of time. You'll see official recommendations from 30 minutes 3-4 days a week, to 60 minutes 5-6 days a week. I have not studied this, but I think some of the variations come from what the intent behind working out is for those doing the studies, etc.

    So there are few rules when it comes to this. I happen to think the absolute best answer to 'how much should I workout' is 'whatever works best for you'. If that means you have 30 minutes a day, workout those 30 minutes a day. You just have to make whatever time you invest into working out works for you.

    I usually workout between 45-90 minutes a day (with the average being 60 minutes) because this is a habit I got in years ago working out with DVDs. Generally speaking, that is the length of the DVDs the instructor I workout with the most (Cathe Friedrich--and I've been using her DVDs now for over 10 years) makes, so that's how long I workout. And I've always managed to work my schedule to allow for that (I'm very fortunate in that regard).

    But I also know that I probably could get as effective of a workout for less time if I pushed the intensity a bit, which goes to your second paragraph up there. So I will give you an example. During a steady state step aerobic workout, my heart rate stays between 130-140 most of the time, and I burn about 300 calories in an hour. However, if I do a bootcamp/drill style workout, my heart rate will fluctuate between 120 and 150 (or more), and I can burn a similar amount of calories in less than 45 minutes. The second workout is a more effective use of time in terms of calorie burn (and there are other benefits to doing that type of workout which I won't go into), but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with doing the 60 minute workout either. I enjoy different things on different days, and, for me, it is important for me to actually like the workouts I'm doing, so I vary my routine (especially with cardio) quite a bit. Days I want to push it, I do drills. Other days, if I'm not all there, a steady state is just better for me.

    As far as overtraining goes, there again, there are no hard and fast rules. One of the things Jillian Michaels has brought up which I found interesting is that if you workout intensely more than 2 hours straight, the body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can actually lead to putting on more weight (especially on the belly). So I think that is a good guideline to follow, and it actually makes sense that the body would respond to intense workouts with a stress hormone.

    There are distinct signs of overtraining, though. One is fatigue in the legs (like you are walking through heavy mud all the time, not muscle soreness caused by the exercise itself). Another is having a higher resting heart rate, but are unable to raise your heart rate during your workouts. Another sign of overtraining is an increase in things like colds. Those are just a few examples. I did double workouts for a number of years, and never had any issues with overtraining.

    But there are a couple of things to watch out for, especially if you are doing any strength training. Don't workout the same body part two days in a row. That's really important. Your muscles need time to recover. So if you workout biceps today (as an example), the next earliest day you'd want to work them out would be Saturday. Another thing to watch out for is to make sure you are varying your cardio routines (for instance, one day the elliptical, the next day the treadmill, the next day a kickboxing class) to prevent overuse injuries and to make sure your body doesn't adjust to whatever workout you are doing. The body can adapt to a workout in about two weeks, so you want to make sure you change things up as much as possible.

    Hope that didn't muddy the waters further for you!! :tongue:

    Good to see you back, TexasMom. Thanks for your kind words. :flowerforyou:

    kelligirl, that's kind of interesting what your friend said to you because I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about this change in lifestyle I'm going through. She is a few years older than me and has, quite honestly, served as a huge inspiration to me even though we now live thousands of miles apart. But she is a very clean eater, and in spending about a year living near each other, she put enough thoughts into my head that it is really her example I'm following in trying to clean up my diet.

    Anyhow, we were talking on the phone the other day about this, and I told her that one of the reasons I feel it is so important for me to take charge of my health/nutrition/fitness right now is BECAUSE I'm in my 40s. It makes me sad that the attitude that being unhealthy or overweight or unfit is expected at this age is so pervasive (and it is). For me, it became paramount to make the change because it was when I hit 40 that I finally began to feel the ill effects of the lifestyle I was living, and I had the ability TO change it still. I certainly wouldn't want to kick this can down the road for another 10-20 years and then have some illnesses/diseases that I might not be able to change.

    So enjoy your night out, but maybe if she ever makes a remark like that again, you can calmly look at her and say 'And that's exactly why I'm trying to create a new lifestyle for me'. It might get her thinking about her own situation. Just a suggestion!

    Sorry this is so long. :blushing: Hope everybody is enjoying their day.
  • robin1964
    robin1964 Posts: 7
    Alf, I am on medication, without it I seriously can not move my arms because of the pain.
    My daughter has rubber bands for pilates so I will try those, and you are certainly right no push ups.
    Thanks for your suggestions I will try them.
  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    The comments and info on workout timing and efficiency was on my mind too - useful information. I workout at least 40 minutes 5 x a week with one day "rest" - and I do try to switch things around on a regular basis (also because it is just boring doing the same thing every day). I've thought about taking some tennis classes this summer - I haven't played for years - and am looking forward to getting out the badminton set in the back yard when back home.
    In terms of age and fitness - I think it is even more important to stay in shape the older you are - I see people my age (in 50s) who have no energy, but working out & eating healthy really makes me feel energetic and able to keep up with my hectic life. There is a woman in one of the circuit training classes I take at the "y" who is probably in her mid to late 70s - and she keeps up and looks great!
    Chao :glasses:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Friday all! For those who are new to this club, Friday is our reporting day. Just tell us how you've been doing with diet & exercise (and anything else) during the past week.

    This past week has been good and bad for me. I really try to eat well, but I always end up having some cheat treats here and there. I also need to curb having red wine and a few pretzels in the evening. So, until the end of the month (when I go to Calif.), I will up my protein and lower my carbs a bit. I will substitute the wine/ pretzels with a protein smoothie and some almonds in the evening.

    My workouts are going well. Strength training 5 days per week. My cardio is mostly biking. I'm trying to do 100 miles per week, depending on the weather.

    Alf, have a great time in LV!!!! Win big so we can all go to Garmisch to celebrate!!! :drinker:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    goodmorning to all here :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good Morning Everyone!

    StiringWendel, WOW! Thanks so much for the information. I've read your post a couple of times already and will probably read it some more. Your answer to cardigirl's question enlightened me. Thanks for the question, Cardigirl and for the answer StiringWendel. I think I've experienced some muscle fatigue.

    Kelligirl, youre right. Why should I settle for less just because I'm in my 40's? When did 40 become old? Don't listen to her - she's just using that as a justification.

    Singfree, I read your question to Banks...thanks so much! I've learned a lot through listening to you and your experience.

    Texasmom, I am so jealous!! I wish I could get my daughters into working out with me. One lives to far away, but I have one still living at home while she's in college. She's overweight and needs to get healthy but no matter what I say or do, she won't get off the couch! It's frustrating. My little ones try to copy me and it's really cute. Maybe that's where I went wrong with the older ones. When I was young, I didn't think much about nutrition and exercise (I was young and had a great metabolism). Now it's a big concern of mine and my little ones are benefiting from it.

    I've been doing great with my workouts this week. I've ran twice this week so far and am going to try to run again today and sunday. I've done my strength training, which is about 5-6 days a week. My eating has been good though I am wondering if I need to up my calorie intake. I've been eating healthy but my weightloss has been really slow. I wore a HRM for an entire day and burned 3000 cals just working and chasing the kids...not to mention the 700 cals I burned that day working out. (and that doesnt count my sleep cals). So, average sleep cals 600, would equal 3600 cals just on a normal day, plus 700 cals working out (that happened to be one of my running days). 4300 cals. I ate 2000 cals (1200+700=1900 of what MFP gave me and I went 100 cals over -which I usually don't do, but I took in an extra protien shake that day). Am I doing what I'm supposed to be doing to lose weight? I'm 5'4", 187 pds, 41 yrs old. I thought I had a sedentary lifestyle, but I guess living in the mountains, at a work place with tons of stairs (I never take the elevator) and having 2 kids in diapers - maybe my lifestyle is lightly active rather than the sedentary that I set up on my account? Not to mention, since I started working out, I find myself moving every chance I get.

    Sorry to unload this on you guys :blushing: Singfree's and StiringWendels recent posts got me wondering.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    annaliza, that's really a high calorie burn for a day. I would definitely say you don't lead a sedentary life. I've not worn my HRM for an entire day, but I did wear it for about 7 hours yesterday, including my workouts. And in that 7 hour period of time, I burned only about 800 calories, so I would estimate my average daily burn to be somewhere in the mid 2000s at most (to compensate for the time I'm sleeping, where I would obviously burn less) if relying on my HRM.

    That being said, I'm actually not sure how much I trust the HRM to accurately assess what my body is burning when I'm not in an aerobic state. My resting heart rate is relatively low (between 40-50 beats per minute), and I do believe it is based on heart rate that the HRM is assessing how many calories are burned. In other words, it can't possibly take into account things like metabolism or body composition, which have alot to do with how many calories the body burns (for instance, if you are more muscular, chances are you are burning more calories at rest than somebody who isn't muscular).

    My recommendation to you is to play with your calories a bit. If you feel like you are eating plenty, you may actually want to decrease your calories some to see if your body responds because, again, there is no guarantee that your HRM is actually totally accurate. But if you feel like you aren't eating enough (you are tired all the time, having difficulty completing your workouts, feel weak and light headed, etc), then you might want to up your calories. But listen to your body first because I know I have found that my body pretty much tells me exactly what it needs if I'm willing to listen to it. I just have to remind myself that the cravings for carrot cake are coming from my emotions and NOT my body :happy: when I'm doing that!!

    I'm holding steady at 109.7 this week. Body measurements are pretty much the same (down a little in my waist but not much). I upped my calories to 1500 last Saturday. I'm going to increase them another 100 a day (to 1600) starting tomorrow and see how my body responds to that. I'm hoping that holding the weight steady this week at 1500 calories isn't a sign that 1500 is where I need to be sitting to maintain. I don't think it is because I was able to lose weight so easily eating 1400. So I'm going to keep increasing (slowly) until I start gaining weight right now.

    Had a great week working out. One more week in the second cycle of STS and then I move on to heavy weights. Yay! :drinker: Today I'm going to do a combination of step aerobics and lower body conditioning for about 80 minutes.

    Hope everybody has a good weekend. :flowerforyou:
  • TexasMom
    TexasMom Posts: 70
    Happy Friday Everyone!!

    Alf - have a great time in Vegas!!! You've worked hard for your success so don't feel guilty about having fun. :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Singfree - you've done great considering the schedule you've had these past couple of weeks. Way to go!!! Most of the smoke from Mexico is out of here so I'm hoping to get back on the bike next week. I can't wait!!

    Annaliza - Thanks for the encouragement. We've gotta love those daughters on the good days and the bad. :laugh: :laugh: Both of mine have always been in athletics (basketball, soccer, volleyball, track) which helps but my older one did get very heavy from 4th - 7th grade. My divorce did number on her and she ballooned. I wish I could take credit for her weight loss success but it was all God. She came home from church one Sunday and told me she wasn't honoring God with her body and that was that. She stopped eating the junk, dropped the weight over a 2 year span and by her sophmore year of high school I wanted to hide her in a closet. :noway: :noway: Now at almost 20 she mostly makes good food choices and loves to workout. This morning she splurged and got a tall latte from Starbucks and a cinnamon bagel w/butter from Einsteins. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    My week has been really good and changing up my workouts has made a big difference. I'm now sure I'm the kind of person that needs to breakup the excercise into 2 daily sessions. I was just pushing to hard for a solid 90 minutes. Now I'm actually working out about 50 minutes in the morning and 50 in the evening and I feel so much better. So much more energy!!!! I love it. And my 16 year old told me this morning that I'm really looking thinner. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I came across an article I thought I'd share with everyone. Some of you already know all of these things but some don't and it's got a great suggestion for tracking actual calorie burn based on your personal style and size. Don't let the title fool you, it's not just for runners. :happy: :happy: http://www.active.com/nutrition/Articles/Maintain-Your-Lean_-Mean-Racing-Machine.htm

    If you don't make it to the threads this weekend I wish all of you a wonderful and blessed weekend.

    Many Many Blessings,
  • phetzgetfit
    phetzgetfit Posts: 89
    hi robin,

    don't know if it would work for everyone but i had terrible trouble with a shoulder (two years of therapy and only minor improvement) and arthritis in my knees and hands until i discovered bikram yoga (done in a very heated room). I'm pretty much pain free now. good luck.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    StiringWendel, thanks for the advice! You are so wise.

    I have been getting a little dizzy during my workouts but it's usually when I stand up or sit up too fast. It's kind of scarey to play with your calories, thats for sure! Especially since I haven't been doing too bad with losing weight, but I just feel that I could do better. I know that 1200 cals make me hungry - I find myself working out so that I have more cals to eat. I think that is counter productive though - kind of like using food as a reward for exercising.

    Texasmom - mmmmnnnn, sounds delicious! I haven't had Starbucks in forever (or a cinnamon bagel, either)!