fit and fun sized - those under 5'4" - January 2012

Hello everyone,

First off my apologizes for not posting much the last couple of months. To be honest ever since I got my Ipad, I've ignored my PC, but I can't figure out how to get to the forums with the Ipad app. That is going to change for 2012 as I will go back to using my laptop.

This group is for those of us who are shorter in stature. Losing weight is hard enough, but when you are short, it is even harder. While posting everyday is best, we'd like everyone to at least post weekly.

How did you do in 2011? What are your plans for facing our challenges in 2012?

2011 was the worst year ever since I joined MFP several years ago. It is the first year I putweight back on and kept it on. I am back up to 148 from 138 at the beginning of the year. Besides new co-workers that have high end candy dishes at work, I had completely slacked off on exercising. I had to quit the gym for financial reasons and just couldn't seem to get on an exercise track at home. It should have been easy as I have dogs who need walking and I have other tools at home too.

For 2012 I am getting back to what worked in the past: tracking everything I eat, exercising daily (even if just for a few minutes) and posting.

May 2012 be the year for all of us!



  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I've been slacking lately.......with my Grandma is the hospital I used that as an excuse to not stay on track. I am planning on getting back on that track and finishing what I started. I couldn't see my trainer for 2 weeks and I miss him!! I feel way too lazy and don't like this feeling.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    i put back on 6 of the 15 pounds I lost in 2011 but plan to lose ALL of that in January. Fit and fun size, that's us! :bigsmile:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Count me in! I lost about 10 lbs in 2011, halfway to my goal, but then a crazy work overload threw me off track and between that and the holidays, I gained back about 5 lbs, but I am ready to focus again and get all the way to goal in 2012. Love the idea of a group for us shorties - it's so discoraging on some of the other threads to see taller folks posting these incredible calorie burns - because of my height, I would have to work out 5-6 hours a day to get those kind of numbers :grumble: But, we CAN still lose, even if it takes a little longer!
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    I'm in. I'm a petite 5'0" (maybe shorter as I age). Even an extra few pounds on me looks like 10 lbs on someone else.

    I have been able to at least maintain the 4 lbs I lost. This year, I want to make it to my final goal. I'm ready to do this! :smile:
  • stonea22
    Thanks for the great thread. I am new to MFP, but loving it so far. My 2011 was stressful at work and I had to adjust to a whole new schedule that was not good for my eating or exercising. I am also just getting back to running again after two rounds of physical therapy for a tendon surgery two years ago.

    My goals for 2012: Lose 10 lbs, return to my normal yoga practice, run 3-4 days a week
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I gained it all back... then lost it then gained it back.
    I seem to slack off once I feel like I am making progress.. it sucks.
    I need to get back on and stay on!!!!
  • stonea22
    Hi fitnfun1,
    I am 5'0" also (my husband claims 4'11") . I know how you feel. I am glad we can do this together.
  • saligator
    saligator Posts: 96 Member
    i'm in! i'm *almost* 5 foot 1inch!

    I want to get back to focusng on my running this year - my goals are 10k in April, half marathon in July and full marathon in October. Also gotta include core work and strength training to help improve my running...bring it on!! :-)
  • tiggercub20
    tiggercub20 Posts: 36 Member
    I am happy to say I lost a total of 20 lbs in 2011 and maintained that. I need to lose about 30 more pounds. I need support and would love to give you guys some support. I work nights so I'd be especially good at helping with those late night cravings (mine is ice cream). lol. I have the app on my phone but the best way to reach me instantly is Thank you and good luck to all!! :)
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Hi! I'm Amanda, and I'm barely 5'3". It sucks being short, because even 5 lbs can do such damage to the way your clothes fit. Grr!

    2011 was an awful year for me, diet-wise. LOL I started MFP in May, and didn't stick with it long. Then, I gained some weight, got myself on track, counted calories, and lost about 6 lbs in September. And now I've put that back on, plus a few more. Ugh. But I joined a different gym this month with a variety of classes and machines, and I know I have all the tools needed to be totally successful in 2012. So far, in the last 2 weeks, I've lost about 4 lbs overall.

    My goals for 2012 include losing 20 lbs by the end of the year (hopefully before then). Slow and steady will win the race, and I've never been a fan of fad diets...Healthy eating and hard work at the gym will be my main tools!

    Hoping to stay active in this group and make great friends! Feel free to add me as a friend...I love seeing people's posts on my status updates, letting me know what they've been doing at the gym and how they are feeling! It motivates me more than I can say!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :bigsmile: Jeannie, thanks for getting us started for January :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: my long term goal is live independently and happily for many decades and die peacefully after an active day long after my 100th birthday
    I'm reading "Younger Next Year" and am inspired about living healthy and fit for a long time

    :bigsmile: my more immediate goals are"
    yoga three or more times a week
    daily walking my dogs for two hours every morning
    getting back to my goal weight.

    :bigsmile: I had been maintaining at my goal weight for over a year and then in September I began to get casual about eating things like cornbread, cashews, peanut butter, granola, peanuts, walnuts, raisins and little by little my weight crept up. I was great about avoiding sweets but have little by little discovered a lot of foods that I can't eat in moderation.

    :bigsmile: I joined a challenge to do 100 squats a day for 100 days. Squats are great because you don't have to change your clothes, lie down, go somewhere, put on a DVD or anything. You can just do 20 of them, mark that down somewhere so you don't forget and then do 20 more a little later :bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Catherine – I hope your Grandma gets better.

    McDebbie – If we lost it once, we can loose it again. This time we better not leave a trail where it can find us again.

    Srp2011, Fitnfun, Stonea, Tiggercup, Amanda, - Welcome

    Xandi – I do the same thing. I wonder what it is that makes us slack off when we get close to our goal. Welcome

    Saligator – I love the account name! Sounds like there is a story in it.

    Barbie, That sounds like a good challenge. I will have to look it up.

    It sounds like many of us are in the same boat with loosing the same pounds over again for a second or third time. We can do this.

  • mikki3
    mikki3 Posts: 63
    At 5' 3.75" I just squeak in under the limit :bigsmile: Hello everyone!

    2011 was a learning year for me. I had a "hell with it" summer and gained 5 pounds over my start weight in January. Then I came to my senses and have dropped 10 pounds. 10 pounds over a year isn't much, but I have also changed many of the habits that got me to 172 pounds. Of the three goals I had for 2011, I met two: no longer on blood pressure or cholesterol medication. Yay me! My third goal was to run 5K without walking. I'm almost there. Another three weeks should do it!

    I don't like setting weight related goals because if I don't meet them I have a tendency to say "hell with it" and completely go off the wagon. Instead, my goals are to increase my overall health and fitness. My new goals:

    Run 8K (I have signed up for an 8K on March 25 - hoping to run the whole way!)
    Meditate daily
    Take lunch to work 4 days/week

    Happy New Year everyone! Play safe tonight.

    Cheers! :drinker:
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I'm Terry, Im 5'3" and I've been on MFP since November 2010. I had lost all my weight to have just recently gained 10 pounds back. And as we all know 10 pounds on a short person SHOWS!!!
    I have slacked... My usual routine is to walk 2 hours every morning before checking into MFP and it worked great for me. Its time I get back to it. And Also my eating has gone a little haywire.. I need to get back to eating healthier too.

    I thank you for creating this thread.. I'm also looking for some great friends to share my journey with. SO please ADD me :bigsmile:

    Tonight is my 25th wedding anniversary, So I have No intentions of eating right or exercising today.. BUT Tomorrow LADIES I'm coming back strong.
    We Can do this, SHED this weight forever in 2012
    :drinker: BE SAFE & HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!! :drinker:
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    Hi all... I am 5'3 and lost 100lbs last year. My plan is to lose 20 more and to continue to eat healthy and at least maintain what I have lost already as I am having surgery(total hip replacement) in the end of March so will have a bit of down time for the exercise. not much though as I can get back at it within a couple of weeks. Just have to be careful for 3 months.
    Maybe by the end of March I can lose another 10 and then maintain til I am able to exercise again and then the last 10 over the next few months.!! I will be happy with that!

    Good luck to everyone! and remember:

  • Candikickbutt
    Candikickbutt Posts: 97 Member
    Hi everyone!! I'm 5'1 and I've lost 37 lbs this year, since the end of July actually. My plan is another 25-30!! I also need more friends, so feel free to add me.
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    Hi all!!

    Hope you'll let me join in -- I'm 5'4-1/2"..... most of my friends are 5'8" and up, and it's really discouraging when they weigh the same as me but are 2-3 sizes smaller :grumble:

    2011 was the start of my dedicated "life-time change". I managed to lose 52 lbs and 4 dress sizes (yay!!!) and am now comfortably in a size 12, which I haven't worn since I was a freshman in high school (30+ years ago!!) My goal for 2012 is to lose about 20 more lbs, and fit a size 8/10.

  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    Hi! I would love to join cause i need small daily challenges. I'm 5"2' and y'all are right 10lbs shows. I lost 18lbs and gained back 8lbs in 2012. My NYR is to lose 20-25lbs;quit smoking; get back to size 5 or smaller jeans; run 1.5 miles in less than 18:14 for military pt test; finish 30ds :) ; and generally be a healthier, happier person.

    edit: it's really discouraging when I'm doing c25k and run at 3-5 MPH but taller people can easily run 6-8 MPH. I know they're working just as hard but man I feel slow. lol
  • auntie1974
    Hello all!
    I came across this website tonight in hopes to help me lose the weight that I need to lose. I have been checking out the website and it looks great! Easy to use and it is showing the information I want to see and track.
    Starting tomorrow (Jan 1/12) I am on a new adventure and am hoping to look to this community for support and answers to my questions as I go. I am sure I will have some harder days but I have to keep focused.

    I look forward to chatting with everyone!!

    Wish me luck.
  • lacyrae88
    Hi everyone! Its nice to see others that are also vertically challenged. lol I'm standing at 5' 3 1/2" these days, (i somehow managed to shrink an inch.) Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind being short, but I agree that it does make losing weight harder. It's nice to find other people struggling with the same thing. I think with all of us supporting each other, we can do this!!!! Good Luck to everyone!!!! :D