January-Day by Day Challenge--OPEN TO ALL!!!

When was the last time you joined a challenge and lost interest or focus and stopped half way through? It's not intentional, its just harder to commit to something for weeks or months at a time.

This is a thread where you set daily goals. If you slip up today you get a new 24 hours tomorrow to try again. Post 3 or more goals, fitness related or not, come back tomorrow to recap the day before. Then post 3 more goals for the day.

It's not an exclusive group, all new members are welcome, and people come and go. It's not cut throat, if you do not post daily, we won't kick you out the group. Just post when you can.

When Nicole (PSUgrl921) started this thread late last summer it was designed to serve as a reminder of things she'd like to accomplish each day. Then be proud of herself for meeting little goals and eventually make them habit forming. She opened her doors and allowed us to be apart of her crusade. I bet she didn't think her day by day motto would still be going strong more than 12 months later.

So ask me when was the last time I stayed committed to a challenge for weeks or months? I still am, one day at a time.

If you're new, tell us your name a little about yourself if you like.
If you're returning, introduce yourself and briefly tell what this thread means to you!


  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    My name is Kathy and I am the single mom of 3 grown children. I share a house with my son (the BEST son in the world!), my oldest daughter and her BF and baby (Isaac is 18 months old and a joy to be around!).

    We share to keep expenses down but it does get hard to resist some of the stuff the others bring into the house.

    My youngest daughter lives in Texas and is just out of Dental Assistant school and interviewing for jobs while waiting for an Hygienist class that starts later this year.

    I am currently unemployed and looking for work. I do have a seasonal job that will hopefully still be there in February but with the way things are--who knows? So, I keep looking for another job and hope for the best!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for January 1:

    1. Take down the outside lights!
    2. Stay in my calorie goal with HEALTHY choices!
    3. More liquids--water and tea.

    I would also like to get in a walk but I make no promises for that today. We'll see how the day goes.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hi my name is Christina and I am a wife of 20 years, mother of 4 kids ages 18, 17, 14, and soon to be 13. I have a son in college and a highschool senior who has just applied to college. This challenge is important to me because I am able to set goals for myself and not end up in a corner and worrying about everything I can't change. Thank you Kathy for doing this! You have made me think of me.
  • kazisindahouse
    kazisindahouse Posts: 16 Member
    1st January Goals :smile:

    To keep a TRUE record of everything that passes my lips

    To do one form of exercise a day, even if its getting off the bus a stop earlier on my way to and from work.

    Drink more water.

    Promise not to beat myself up everytime I dont keep to what I set as my goal. I think that's why I've never suceeded with my weight loss in the past.
  • BlonderAZ
    BlonderAZ Posts: 2 Member
    My Name is Lorie and after a good start in the fall, i need to refocus this year, starting TODAY. My goals for today are:

    1) get in a 'welcome' back circuit weight workout and a nice long walk
    2) Wash and fold laundry
    3) Stay in the 40/30/30 zone and log all my calories (not just breakfast to get something on the books....)
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    Great idea for a post! My name is Claire, I'm (reluctantly) single and trying to achieve GW before my 45th birthday (and when I plan to also get a new work contract) in April. I live in the countryside and walk my gorgeous dog, Riley, daily. I need to make the most of my time off and get all those niggling house / d.i.y projects finished so I have less to do when I return to work!

    Monday 2nd Jan goals are...

    (1). 2 x 1 hour dog walks
    (2). Put up curtain pole and curtain behind back door
    (3). Start doing sit-ups / stomach crunches - start with 1 x 12 rep
  • MamaJo150
    MamaJo150 Posts: 8 Member
    I love this challenge! I will be back to join and post my goals!
  • maytanewfie
    Happy New Year!! I'm starting over again after a long and unsuccessful hiatus. Starting with a clean slate today. Goals for today.

    1) Accurate food journal of healthy choices all day.
    2) Drink more water (and less diet soda)
    3)Get the dogs out for a nice walk
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    My name is Kylia. Almost 49, two grown children, 4 grands, newly remarried. Keep popping in! Really trying to get rid of just a few extra pounds! Seems I keep adding and removing same three! Love this group!

    January 1
    1. Finish cleaning up house (already half done)
    2. Water
    3. Wii for 1/2 hour
    4. walk two miles!

    Happy New Year!
  • thisladyboxes
    I love this! It's a great idea! I do something similar in my business -- I have a list that at the top says ... things I can do TODAY to grow my business. Every time I start to falter over the course of the day (theroretically), I can refer to that list, pick one of the small activities, and then start feeling good again!

    So.... Things I can do TODAY to help me meet my weight loss/fitness goals:
    1. Drink more water. I'm really bad about this one.
    2. MOVE. Go for a walk, the sun is back out.
    3. Get good things to eat at the grocery store so I am not constantly struggling to find something I can eat that I want to eat.
  • kellweston
    kellweston Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Kelly and I am a 34 year old mom of two very active boys, ages 5 & 8. I am a chemistry teacher and find it a lot easier to stick to a program when I am working. My goals are:
    1. Clean off my desk (and keep it clean!)
    2. Drink more water.
    3. Keep an accurate food log!
  • AbLora
    AbLora Posts: 5
    My name is Abby and I am going to have surgery this year. My doctor wants me to lose weight too.

    I will lose 36 lbs this year.


    1. Work out = 3 times per week

    2. Eat real food as much as possible

    3. Drink mainly water
  • tawnicollier
    tawnicollier Posts: 2 Member
    This is a great idea! I am a wife and the mom of a crazy three year old boy. I had been in fantastic shape my whole life thanks to eight to ten hours of ballet a week most of my life. I started putting on weight when I had to give up dancing due to going to college and working full time. My boyfriend, now husband, at the time didn't help. He is BIG into comfort food and I have yet to see him wear a pair of tennis shoes now over nine years later because he has never exercised. Must be nice to have that metabolism! Last October I joined a bootcamp and got into amazing shape by February. But then the woman running the bootcamp went through a divorce and she had to close her gym. Her gym was amazing. 45 bucks a month for up to nine classes a week and I could bring my son for no extra charge. I could do over 200 situps in a row, 60 full pushups, 20 pullups...like I said, amazing gym! I kept in pretty good shape on my own but I did lose some muscle and gain about five pounds. My husband and I decided it was time to add to our family in June and became pregnant. By week 18 I had gained about 12 pounds. We went in for our ultrasound to find out the sex but were devestated to learn that our baby had passed away sometime in the previous 24 to 48 hours. Giving birth to a non living baby is bad enough. Having to do so during the holidays makes it worse. Finding out your sister in law has decided to schedule her C-section on your would have been due date gives you a nice slap in the face. Needless to say, since Thanksgiving I gained seven pounds instead of losing any. I hate feeling this way again. A year ago I looked great and now I feel like garbage. I refuse to let my weight win! I will get back into my size four jeans!

    Goals for today are:
    Clean up the house and do laundry
    drink at least six glasses of water
    do an hour of Just Dance on the Wii
  • ckish
    ckish Posts: 358 Member
    I'm 49 and want to reclaim my body. I sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the things I need to do but I am committed to changing my life. My goals today are

    Drink 5 16oz glasses of H2O
    Exfoliate my face
    Plan my menu for the week so I can have good food w/o having to think about during the work week
  • AmyinMD
    AmyinMD Posts: 33 Member
    I'm the mom of two grown wonderful daughters. I am disabled w/emphysema and need to lose a bunch of weight to help w/my breathing. I am a true food addict but was doing really well til I fell off the wagon about a week and a half ago. Now I am having a really hard time getting back on track. I've been trying since the day after Christmas but... I'm pretty much staying close to by calorie limit but making bad food choices which only perpetuates the unhealthy urges.
    I like to read about other people in the same boat, get ideas, and most importantly, know that I am not alone! Thanks, Everyone, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

    Goals for January 01, 2012:

    All exercises--yes
    begin new 90 day challenge--no
    stay under calories--no
    take a nap--no

    Goals for Jan 02,2012:

    do all exercises
    stay under calorie goal
    make better food choices

    Have a great day' Y'all and thanks again, p
  • CINDYLOU1966
    CINDYLOU1966 Posts: 31 Member
    hi everyone ... Happy new years!! ok i am new to this .. can u tell me how to join this .. thank you so much hugs
  • Terriberry
    Hi, my name is Terri and i would love to join this challenge! My goals for today are:
    1. Stay under my calorie goal
    2. drink more than one glass of water
    3. Log all my food for today, good or bad.
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member
    Hi !!
    I will post later, I just want to grab the link.

    I've been sick all day with food poisoning & I hope to be back tomorrow feeling better.:sick:

    Night ;-)
  • lilgriffo
    Hi, I'm Caitlin from Australia and I'm 21. I am off on a big holiday in Two weeks and would like to lose another kilo or so before I go! Today's goals are:
    1. 1 hour brisk walk after work
    2. Drink at least 2 llitres of water
    3. Print of all my accommodation papers for my holiday!
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    January 1
    1. Finish cleaning up house (already half done) Two rooms left
    2. Water- no
    3. Wii for 1/2 hour-no
    4. walk two miles!- walked one!

    Ever feel like your spouse is up your butt! That has been mine lately! Anyway, I would get started on something and he would need/want something. Out to stores three times, helped with his projects, didn't work out the way I like my Sundays to. FYI he is legally blind so can't drive. Some days just want to tell him to go by himself-jk. Thank you for allowing me to vent.

    January 2
    1. Water- 10 glasses
    2. Walk- 2 miles
    3. Paper work off desk at home
    4. Mop floors at work

    Have a great day everyone!