The rudest thing anyone said to you about your weight?



  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I am ashamed to say that I did ask a lady in my office when she was due. I was really young back then and she was so thin apart from a very large pregnant looking belly. I am not talking fat but as in just round like she was 8 months pregnant. I also patted it at the same time. She looked really upset, I am just fat. I was crushed and felt so bad. My whole office thought she was pregnant too.

    To this day, I think of when I was 9 month pregnant and her belly looked exactly like mine and i have not ever since seen someone with such a pregnant looking belly.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I've been told many rude things about my weight, but luckily I don't remember the rudest thing that someone has said about my weight. Comments about my weight always hurt the most when they came from the people I'm closest with.
    That's why we're all here.
    We all know that being fat sucks. It makes us unattractive and the object of ridicule.

    I found myself getting rude with a guy on a flight to Atlanta. He was so fat that his lard drooled over his seat, and he insisted that I raise the divider, and I refused, suggesting that maybe he should have purchased 2 seats.

    Sometimes people just ask for it.
  • Probably my ex husband... after 6 years of marriage and 2 babies...

    "Sorry - I just don't find you as attractive as you used to be -- and you know you felt better when you looked better"
  • revjames
    revjames Posts: 75 Member
    The rudest thing was said by the BMI calculator on MFP - at just over 30 I was in the 'obese' category although of course I'm 'big boned' so it doesnt count! Pleased to be now merely 'overweight at a 26.6 BMI........
  • FTIM2015
    FTIM2015 Posts: 460 Member
    My weight has been up and down the last few years for various reasons, but breaking up with the long term bf towards the end of last year didnt help and i put back on pretty much all that I'd lost. My mother is bigger than me and had the cheek to sit there whilst stuffing her face tonight and tell me (who was having a biccie and a cuppa) that I need to do something about my weight, and to stop eating! Now if it'd been said in a nice way, fine, but it really wasnt :frown:

    The fact that my aim for this coming year is to loose 1lb a week until this time next year, or until I hit my goal weight, whichever comes first, apparently means nothing! :grumble:
  • c_ramey
    c_ramey Posts: 83 Member
    I really haven't had anyone say anything during the fat part of my life, it is now after losing my weight that I get the comments, looks, and snarkiness!!

    I work as a manager at a conveince store in my small town, and today I get this..... Are you on drugs? Meaning like are you on Meth, Crank, or Crack! I am seriously going to punch somebodies face in. I have had this asked to me several times. I have been happily married for almost years, and I also keep getting this-- Are you leaving your husband, you after a new man, you have a boyfriend on the side? etc...!! Customer asks me today-- Hey Sexy you dump your husband? Me- uh no, but I am sure he would be glad to dump you off a cliff!

    People can be so rude!!
  • MFR1974
    MFR1974 Posts: 92
    I had the pregnant comment before too. I'm an apple shape and have never been pregnant. I can remember kids taunting me in school because I couldn't run. I've also been yelled at as I've been walking down the street. Can't believe people can be so insensitive. You are beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    My mother told me when I was younger, about age 14 or 15, "I was not this big when I was your age" most hurtful thing ever!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I was all set up to do the tummy tuck thing but it cost almost $18,000 so instead I decided to walk! I started small , I now walk about 16 miles a week ( 5 on Sat., 5 on Sunday the 2 miles every other day) I just wanted to see if it would work for me. To my shock it did. I no longer need a tummy tuck my belly is flatter than it ever way and I'm 59 years old!
    All I had to do is WALK!
  • slroberts55
    slroberts55 Posts: 14 Member
    My husband said "You're just getting fatter and fatter."
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    "Sorry - I just don't find you as attractive as you used to be ..."
    My wife told me this very thing.

    I didn't blame, snivel or make demands. It's just the truth. Fat makes us unattractive, but to hear it spoken out loud crumbled any kernal of denial that I was - as I like to say, "carrying it well"
    No, I was not carrying anything but a tub of lard that made me loathsome to look upon.

    That's a huge motivator.
    When sexual attraction evaporates, love goes out the window.
    I would not have blamed her had she cheated on me, yet I am thankful she did not. Eventually, she would have divorced me I know. People should not be expected to just accept what is ugly to them.

    Wow, that hurt hearing her say that - so much!
    I felt like dying; however, once past the shock, I got to work.
    And today? It's BACK ON!

    Big Time!
  • I would have said "Are you sure you can eat that whole salad? Obliviously like I thought he ordered it for himself, then I would have ordered the biggest steak on the menu with potatoes on the side just to show him I didn't give a **** what he thought!". lol. That is SO rude when people who don't know you order your food for you! Or I would have asked for the check right there. What a way to ruin a date!

    i didn't even think about it i was so upset.. :(

    but if that a**hole could see me now!
  • My husband said that my weight made him loose ALL of his desire for me...I cried...I got mad. I said a couple of things and now I am out to set things straight...I am loosing the weight and when I look hot again...I am going to remind him of Bobby Browns song "Can't Touch This" and let him keep the dust I leave behind. :)
  • Lorimichewicz
    Lorimichewicz Posts: 17 Member
    After losing 80 pounds, these are my two favorites:
    You look great....are you sick?
    You look great.....are you getting a divorce?
    I just have to laugh.
  • LaGordita87
    LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member
    Mine was from my own mom, i was about 16 and we were having a conversation about how most of my cousins got pregnant really young(still in high school) and she told me that she was happy i wasn't the kind of girl guys liked. Which was her way of saying she was happy she didn't have to worry about me following in my cousins footsteps and getting pregnant young because i wasn't the type of girls guys wanted to get with.
  • I have always struggled with weight, and when I was pregnant with my first child, (now 9), my sister (always skinny, captain of the cheerleaders) told me that I looked better 9 months pregnant than I did pre-pregnancy. That has stayed with me for years.
    The only thing that has helped, is that I have lost about 40 lbs since September, and the last time I saw her not only was her *kitten* the width of an ax handle, when she stretched to reach something, a huge fat roll fell out of the bottom of her sweatshirt and rested heavily over the waistband of her jeans.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    My husband said that my weight made him loose ALL of his desire for me...I cried...I got mad. I said a couple of things and now I am out to set things straight...I am loosing the weight and when I look hot again...I am going to remind him of Bobby Browns song "Can't Touch This" and let him keep the dust I leave behind. :)

    I'm sorry... But you're husband sounds like an *kitten*. Do this for yourself. For your health. So that you're kids will have a mom around for a long long time... I can't believe he said that to you!!
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    "Sorry - I just don't find you as attractive as you used to be ..."
    My wife told me this very thing.

    I didn't blame, snivel or make demands. It's just the truth. Fat makes us unattractive, but to hear it spoken out loud crumbled any kernal of denial that I was - as I like to say, "carrying it well"
    No, I was not carrying anything but a tub of lard that made me loathsome to look upon.

    That's a huge motivator.
    When sexual attraction evaporates, love goes out the window.
    I would not have blamed her had she cheated on me, yet I am thankful she did not. Eventually, she would have divorced me I know. People should not be expected to just accept what is ugly to them.

    Wow, that hurt hearing her say that - so much!
    I felt like dying; however, once past the shock, I got to work.
    And today? It's BACK ON!

    Big Time!

    I'm trying to gently explain this to my boyfriend. Sex has definitely improved since I have lost weight and so far all I have managed is "Wow! Imagine how awesome sex is going to be when we are both in better shape!" I don't have the heart to tell him that his weight is a problem for me in the bedroom.
  • Nicoleo1
    Nicoleo1 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm a sales rep. and for customers far away I deal withthem over the phone. While at a trade show a man game up to me and introduced himself. He was a customer of mine. He said to me that it's a good thing that I don't visit the store because I wouldn't fit down his aisle. (I was about 220lbs.) What ticked me off the most though was that he must have been about 300.
    I did NOT kick him. I told him "Thank-you for stopping by." and walked away. I wanted to puke; I felt so humiliated.
    My revenge will be that at the next show, if he dares come, he won't recognize me and I can ignore him.
  • "Sorry - I just don't find you as attractive as you used to be ..."
    My wife told me this very thing.

    I didn't blame, snivel or make demands. It's just the truth. Fat makes us unattractive, but to hear it spoken out loud crumbled any kernal of denial that I was - as I like to say, "carrying it well"
    No, I was not carrying anything but a tub of lard that made me loathsome to look upon.

    That's a huge motivator.
    When sexual attraction evaporates, love goes out the window.
    I would not have blamed her had she cheated on me, yet I am thankful she did not. Eventually, she would have divorced me I know. People should not be expected to just accept what is ugly to them.

    Wow, that hurt hearing her say that - so much!
    I felt like dying; however, once past the shock, I got to work.
    And today? It's BACK ON!

    Big Time!

    I'm trying to gently explain this to my boyfriend. Sex has definitely improved since I have lost weight and so far all I have managed is "Wow! Imagine how awesome sex is going to be when we are both in better shape!" I don't have the heart to tell him that his weight is a problem for me in the bedroom.

    Try photography. My husband saw a picture of himself at his heaviest, and was disgusted by his gut and moobs. He joined me at this, and he last lost about 35 lbs too.